import Transformable, { TRANSFORMABLE_PROPS } from './core/Transformable.js'; import Animator, { cloneValue } from './animation/Animator.js'; import BoundingRect from './core/BoundingRect.js'; import Eventful from './core/Eventful.js'; import { calculateTextPosition, parsePercent } from './contain/text.js'; import { guid, isObject, keys, extend, indexOf, logError, mixin, isArrayLike, isTypedArray, isGradientObject, filter, reduce } from './core/util.js'; import { LIGHT_LABEL_COLOR, DARK_LABEL_COLOR } from './config.js'; import { parse, stringify } from './tool/color.js'; import { REDRAW_BIT } from './graphic/constants.js'; export var PRESERVED_NORMAL_STATE = '__zr_normal__'; var PRIMARY_STATES_KEYS = TRANSFORMABLE_PROPS.concat(['ignore']); var DEFAULT_ANIMATABLE_MAP = reduce(TRANSFORMABLE_PROPS, function (obj, key) { obj[key] = true; return obj; }, { ignore: false }); var tmpTextPosCalcRes = {}; var tmpBoundingRect = new BoundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0); var Element = (function () { function Element(props) { = guid(); this.animators = []; this.currentStates = []; this.states = {}; this._init(props); } Element.prototype._init = function (props) { this.attr(props); }; Element.prototype.drift = function (dx, dy, e) { switch (this.draggable) { case 'horizontal': dy = 0; break; case 'vertical': dx = 0; break; } var m = this.transform; if (!m) { m = this.transform = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; } m[4] += dx; m[5] += dy; this.decomposeTransform(); this.markRedraw(); }; Element.prototype.beforeUpdate = function () { }; Element.prototype.afterUpdate = function () { }; Element.prototype.update = function () { this.updateTransform(); if (this.__dirty) { this.updateInnerText(); } }; Element.prototype.updateInnerText = function (forceUpdate) { var textEl = this._textContent; if (textEl && (!textEl.ignore || forceUpdate)) { if (!this.textConfig) { this.textConfig = {}; } var textConfig = this.textConfig; var isLocal = textConfig.local; var innerTransformable = textEl.innerTransformable; var textAlign = void 0; var textVerticalAlign = void 0; var textStyleChanged = false; innerTransformable.parent = isLocal ? this : null; var innerOrigin = false; innerTransformable.copyTransform(textEl); if (textConfig.position != null) { var layoutRect = tmpBoundingRect; if (textConfig.layoutRect) { layoutRect.copy(textConfig.layoutRect); } else { layoutRect.copy(this.getBoundingRect()); } if (!isLocal) { layoutRect.applyTransform(this.transform); } if (this.calculateTextPosition) { this.calculateTextPosition(tmpTextPosCalcRes, textConfig, layoutRect); } else { calculateTextPosition(tmpTextPosCalcRes, textConfig, layoutRect); } innerTransformable.x = tmpTextPosCalcRes.x; innerTransformable.y = tmpTextPosCalcRes.y; textAlign = tmpTextPosCalcRes.align; textVerticalAlign = tmpTextPosCalcRes.verticalAlign; var textOrigin = textConfig.origin; if (textOrigin && textConfig.rotation != null) { var relOriginX = void 0; var relOriginY = void 0; if (textOrigin === 'center') { relOriginX = layoutRect.width * 0.5; relOriginY = layoutRect.height * 0.5; } else { relOriginX = parsePercent(textOrigin[0], layoutRect.width); relOriginY = parsePercent(textOrigin[1], layoutRect.height); } innerOrigin = true; innerTransformable.originX = -innerTransformable.x + relOriginX + (isLocal ? 0 : layoutRect.x); innerTransformable.originY = -innerTransformable.y + relOriginY + (isLocal ? 0 : layoutRect.y); } } if (textConfig.rotation != null) { innerTransformable.rotation = textConfig.rotation; } var textOffset = textConfig.offset; if (textOffset) { innerTransformable.x += textOffset[0]; innerTransformable.y += textOffset[1]; if (!innerOrigin) { innerTransformable.originX = -textOffset[0]; innerTransformable.originY = -textOffset[1]; } } var isInside = textConfig.inside == null ? (typeof textConfig.position === 'string' && textConfig.position.indexOf('inside') >= 0) : textConfig.inside; var innerTextDefaultStyle = this._innerTextDefaultStyle || (this._innerTextDefaultStyle = {}); var textFill = void 0; var textStroke = void 0; var autoStroke = void 0; if (isInside && this.canBeInsideText()) { textFill = textConfig.insideFill; textStroke = textConfig.insideStroke; if (textFill == null || textFill === 'auto') { textFill = this.getInsideTextFill(); } if (textStroke == null || textStroke === 'auto') { textStroke = this.getInsideTextStroke(textFill); autoStroke = true; } } else { textFill = textConfig.outsideFill; textStroke = textConfig.outsideStroke; if (textFill == null || textFill === 'auto') { textFill = this.getOutsideFill(); } if (textStroke == null || textStroke === 'auto') { textStroke = this.getOutsideStroke(textFill); autoStroke = true; } } textFill = textFill || '#000'; if (textFill !== innerTextDefaultStyle.fill || textStroke !== innerTextDefaultStyle.stroke || autoStroke !== innerTextDefaultStyle.autoStroke || textAlign !== innerTextDefaultStyle.align || textVerticalAlign !== innerTextDefaultStyle.verticalAlign) { textStyleChanged = true; innerTextDefaultStyle.fill = textFill; innerTextDefaultStyle.stroke = textStroke; innerTextDefaultStyle.autoStroke = autoStroke; innerTextDefaultStyle.align = textAlign; innerTextDefaultStyle.verticalAlign = textVerticalAlign; textEl.setDefaultTextStyle(innerTextDefaultStyle); } textEl.__dirty |= REDRAW_BIT; if (textStyleChanged) { textEl.dirtyStyle(true); } } }; Element.prototype.canBeInsideText = function () { return true; }; Element.prototype.getInsideTextFill = function () { return '#fff'; }; Element.prototype.getInsideTextStroke = function (textFill) { return '#000'; }; Element.prototype.getOutsideFill = function () { return this.__zr && this.__zr.isDarkMode() ? LIGHT_LABEL_COLOR : DARK_LABEL_COLOR; }; Element.prototype.getOutsideStroke = function (textFill) { var backgroundColor = this.__zr && this.__zr.getBackgroundColor(); var colorArr = typeof backgroundColor === 'string' && parse(backgroundColor); if (!colorArr) { colorArr = [255, 255, 255, 1]; } var alpha = colorArr[3]; var isDark = this.__zr.isDarkMode(); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { colorArr[i] = colorArr[i] * alpha + (isDark ? 0 : 255) * (1 - alpha); } colorArr[3] = 1; return stringify(colorArr, 'rgba'); }; Element.prototype.traverse = function (cb, context) { }; Element.prototype.attrKV = function (key, value) { if (key === 'textConfig') { this.setTextConfig(value); } else if (key === 'textContent') { this.setTextContent(value); } else if (key === 'clipPath') { this.setClipPath(value); } else if (key === 'extra') { this.extra = this.extra || {}; extend(this.extra, value); } else { this[key] = value; } }; Element.prototype.hide = function () { this.ignore = true; this.markRedraw(); }; = function () { this.ignore = false; this.markRedraw(); }; Element.prototype.attr = function (keyOrObj, value) { if (typeof keyOrObj === 'string') { this.attrKV(keyOrObj, value); } else if (isObject(keyOrObj)) { var obj = keyOrObj; var keysArr = keys(obj); for (var i = 0; i < keysArr.length; i++) { var key = keysArr[i]; this.attrKV(key, keyOrObj[key]); } } this.markRedraw(); return this; }; Element.prototype.saveCurrentToNormalState = function (toState) { this._innerSaveToNormal(toState); var normalState = this._normalState; for (var i = 0; i < this.animators.length; i++) { var animator = this.animators[i]; var fromStateTransition = animator.__fromStateTransition; if (animator.getLoop() || fromStateTransition && fromStateTransition !== PRESERVED_NORMAL_STATE) { continue; } var targetName = animator.targetName; var target = targetName ? normalState[targetName] : normalState; animator.saveTo(target); } }; Element.prototype._innerSaveToNormal = function (toState) { var normalState = this._normalState; if (!normalState) { normalState = this._normalState = {}; } if (toState.textConfig && !normalState.textConfig) { normalState.textConfig = this.textConfig; } this._savePrimaryToNormal(toState, normalState, PRIMARY_STATES_KEYS); }; Element.prototype._savePrimaryToNormal = function (toState, normalState, primaryKeys) { for (var i = 0; i < primaryKeys.length; i++) { var key = primaryKeys[i]; if (toState[key] != null && !(key in normalState)) { normalState[key] = this[key]; } } }; Element.prototype.hasState = function () { return this.currentStates.length > 0; }; Element.prototype.getState = function (name) { return this.states[name]; }; Element.prototype.ensureState = function (name) { var states = this.states; if (!states[name]) { states[name] = {}; } return states[name]; }; Element.prototype.clearStates = function (noAnimation) { this.useState(PRESERVED_NORMAL_STATE, false, noAnimation); }; Element.prototype.useState = function (stateName, keepCurrentStates, noAnimation, forceUseHoverLayer) { var toNormalState = stateName === PRESERVED_NORMAL_STATE; var hasStates = this.hasState(); if (!hasStates && toNormalState) { return; } var currentStates = this.currentStates; var animationCfg = this.stateTransition; if (indexOf(currentStates, stateName) >= 0 && (keepCurrentStates || currentStates.length === 1)) { return; } var state; if (this.stateProxy && !toNormalState) { state = this.stateProxy(stateName); } if (!state) { state = (this.states && this.states[stateName]); } if (!state && !toNormalState) { logError("State " + stateName + " not exists."); return; } if (!toNormalState) { this.saveCurrentToNormalState(state); } var useHoverLayer = !!((state && state.hoverLayer) || forceUseHoverLayer); if (useHoverLayer) { this._toggleHoverLayerFlag(true); } this._applyStateObj(stateName, state, this._normalState, keepCurrentStates, !noAnimation && !this.__inHover && animationCfg && animationCfg.duration > 0, animationCfg); var textContent = this._textContent; var textGuide = this._textGuide; if (textContent) { textContent.useState(stateName, keepCurrentStates, noAnimation, useHoverLayer); } if (textGuide) { textGuide.useState(stateName, keepCurrentStates, noAnimation, useHoverLayer); } if (toNormalState) { this.currentStates = []; this._normalState = {}; } else { if (!keepCurrentStates) { this.currentStates = [stateName]; } else { this.currentStates.push(stateName); } } this._updateAnimationTargets(); this.markRedraw(); if (!useHoverLayer && this.__inHover) { this._toggleHoverLayerFlag(false); this.__dirty &= ~REDRAW_BIT; } return state; }; Element.prototype.useStates = function (states, noAnimation, forceUseHoverLayer) { if (!states.length) { this.clearStates(); } else { var stateObjects = []; var currentStates = this.currentStates; var len = states.length; var notChange = len === currentStates.length; if (notChange) { for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (states[i] !== currentStates[i]) { notChange = false; break; } } } if (notChange) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var stateName = states[i]; var stateObj = void 0; if (this.stateProxy) { stateObj = this.stateProxy(stateName, states); } if (!stateObj) { stateObj = this.states[stateName]; } if (stateObj) { stateObjects.push(stateObj); } } var lastStateObj = stateObjects[len - 1]; var useHoverLayer = !!((lastStateObj && lastStateObj.hoverLayer) || forceUseHoverLayer); if (useHoverLayer) { this._toggleHoverLayerFlag(true); } var mergedState = this._mergeStates(stateObjects); var animationCfg = this.stateTransition; this.saveCurrentToNormalState(mergedState); this._applyStateObj(states.join(','), mergedState, this._normalState, false, !noAnimation && !this.__inHover && animationCfg && animationCfg.duration > 0, animationCfg); var textContent = this._textContent; var textGuide = this._textGuide; if (textContent) { textContent.useStates(states, noAnimation, useHoverLayer); } if (textGuide) { textGuide.useStates(states, noAnimation, useHoverLayer); } this._updateAnimationTargets(); this.currentStates = states.slice(); this.markRedraw(); if (!useHoverLayer && this.__inHover) { this._toggleHoverLayerFlag(false); this.__dirty &= ~REDRAW_BIT; } } }; Element.prototype._updateAnimationTargets = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.animators.length; i++) { var animator = this.animators[i]; if (animator.targetName) { animator.changeTarget(this[animator.targetName]); } } }; Element.prototype.removeState = function (state) { var idx = indexOf(this.currentStates, state); if (idx >= 0) { var currentStates = this.currentStates.slice(); currentStates.splice(idx, 1); this.useStates(currentStates); } }; Element.prototype.replaceState = function (oldState, newState, forceAdd) { var currentStates = this.currentStates.slice(); var idx = indexOf(currentStates, oldState); var newStateExists = indexOf(currentStates, newState) >= 0; if (idx >= 0) { if (!newStateExists) { currentStates[idx] = newState; } else { currentStates.splice(idx, 1); } } else if (forceAdd && !newStateExists) { currentStates.push(newState); } this.useStates(currentStates); }; Element.prototype.toggleState = function (state, enable) { if (enable) { this.useState(state, true); } else { this.removeState(state); } }; Element.prototype._mergeStates = function (states) { var mergedState = {}; var mergedTextConfig; for (var i = 0; i < states.length; i++) { var state = states[i]; extend(mergedState, state); if (state.textConfig) { mergedTextConfig = mergedTextConfig || {}; extend(mergedTextConfig, state.textConfig); } } if (mergedTextConfig) { mergedState.textConfig = mergedTextConfig; } return mergedState; }; Element.prototype._applyStateObj = function (stateName, state, normalState, keepCurrentStates, transition, animationCfg) { var needsRestoreToNormal = !(state && keepCurrentStates); if (state && state.textConfig) { this.textConfig = extend({}, keepCurrentStates ? this.textConfig : normalState.textConfig); extend(this.textConfig, state.textConfig); } else if (needsRestoreToNormal) { if (normalState.textConfig) { this.textConfig = normalState.textConfig; } } var transitionTarget = {}; var hasTransition = false; for (var i = 0; i < PRIMARY_STATES_KEYS.length; i++) { var key = PRIMARY_STATES_KEYS[i]; var propNeedsTransition = transition && DEFAULT_ANIMATABLE_MAP[key]; if (state && state[key] != null) { if (propNeedsTransition) { hasTransition = true; transitionTarget[key] = state[key]; } else { this[key] = state[key]; } } else if (needsRestoreToNormal) { if (normalState[key] != null) { if (propNeedsTransition) { hasTransition = true; transitionTarget[key] = normalState[key]; } else { this[key] = normalState[key]; } } } } if (!transition) { for (var i = 0; i < this.animators.length; i++) { var animator = this.animators[i]; var targetName = animator.targetName; if (!animator.getLoop()) { animator.__changeFinalValue(targetName ? (state || normalState)[targetName] : (state || normalState)); } } } if (hasTransition) { this._transitionState(stateName, transitionTarget, animationCfg); } }; Element.prototype._attachComponent = function (componentEl) { if (componentEl.__zr && !componentEl.__hostTarget) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { throw new Error('Text element has been added to zrender.'); } return; } if (componentEl === this) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { throw new Error('Recursive component attachment.'); } return; } var zr = this.__zr; if (zr) { componentEl.addSelfToZr(zr); } componentEl.__zr = zr; componentEl.__hostTarget = this; }; Element.prototype._detachComponent = function (componentEl) { if (componentEl.__zr) { componentEl.removeSelfFromZr(componentEl.__zr); } componentEl.__zr = null; componentEl.__hostTarget = null; }; Element.prototype.getClipPath = function () { return this._clipPath; }; Element.prototype.setClipPath = function (clipPath) { if (this._clipPath && this._clipPath !== clipPath) { this.removeClipPath(); } this._attachComponent(clipPath); this._clipPath = clipPath; this.markRedraw(); }; Element.prototype.removeClipPath = function () { var clipPath = this._clipPath; if (clipPath) { this._detachComponent(clipPath); this._clipPath = null; this.markRedraw(); } }; Element.prototype.getTextContent = function () { return this._textContent; }; Element.prototype.setTextContent = function (textEl) { var previousTextContent = this._textContent; if (previousTextContent === textEl) { return; } if (previousTextContent && previousTextContent !== textEl) { this.removeTextContent(); } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { if (textEl.__zr && !textEl.__hostTarget) { throw new Error('Text element has been added to zrender.'); } } textEl.innerTransformable = new Transformable(); this._attachComponent(textEl); this._textContent = textEl; this.markRedraw(); }; Element.prototype.setTextConfig = function (cfg) { if (!this.textConfig) { this.textConfig = {}; } extend(this.textConfig, cfg); this.markRedraw(); }; Element.prototype.removeTextConfig = function () { this.textConfig = null; this.markRedraw(); }; Element.prototype.removeTextContent = function () { var textEl = this._textContent; if (textEl) { textEl.innerTransformable = null; this._detachComponent(textEl); this._textContent = null; this._innerTextDefaultStyle = null; this.markRedraw(); } }; Element.prototype.getTextGuideLine = function () { return this._textGuide; }; Element.prototype.setTextGuideLine = function (guideLine) { if (this._textGuide && this._textGuide !== guideLine) { this.removeTextGuideLine(); } this._attachComponent(guideLine); this._textGuide = guideLine; this.markRedraw(); }; Element.prototype.removeTextGuideLine = function () { var textGuide = this._textGuide; if (textGuide) { this._detachComponent(textGuide); this._textGuide = null; this.markRedraw(); } }; Element.prototype.markRedraw = function () { this.__dirty |= REDRAW_BIT; var zr = this.__zr; if (zr) { if (this.__inHover) { zr.refreshHover(); } else { zr.refresh(); } } if (this.__hostTarget) { this.__hostTarget.markRedraw(); } }; Element.prototype.dirty = function () { this.markRedraw(); }; Element.prototype._toggleHoverLayerFlag = function (inHover) { this.__inHover = inHover; var textContent = this._textContent; var textGuide = this._textGuide; if (textContent) { textContent.__inHover = inHover; } if (textGuide) { textGuide.__inHover = inHover; } }; Element.prototype.addSelfToZr = function (zr) { if (this.__zr === zr) { return; } this.__zr = zr; var animators = this.animators; if (animators) { for (var i = 0; i < animators.length; i++) { zr.animation.addAnimator(animators[i]); } } if (this._clipPath) { this._clipPath.addSelfToZr(zr); } if (this._textContent) { this._textContent.addSelfToZr(zr); } if (this._textGuide) { this._textGuide.addSelfToZr(zr); } }; Element.prototype.removeSelfFromZr = function (zr) { if (!this.__zr) { return; } this.__zr = null; var animators = this.animators; if (animators) { for (var i = 0; i < animators.length; i++) { zr.animation.removeAnimator(animators[i]); } } if (this._clipPath) { this._clipPath.removeSelfFromZr(zr); } if (this._textContent) { this._textContent.removeSelfFromZr(zr); } if (this._textGuide) { this._textGuide.removeSelfFromZr(zr); } }; Element.prototype.animate = function (key, loop, allowDiscreteAnimation) { var target = key ? this[key] : this; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { if (!target) { logError('Property "' + key + '" is not existed in element ' +; return; } } var animator = new Animator(target, loop, allowDiscreteAnimation); key && (animator.targetName = key); this.addAnimator(animator, key); return animator; }; Element.prototype.addAnimator = function (animator, key) { var zr = this.__zr; var el = this; animator.during(function () { el.updateDuringAnimation(key); }).done(function () { var animators = el.animators; var idx = indexOf(animators, animator); if (idx >= 0) { animators.splice(idx, 1); } }); this.animators.push(animator); if (zr) { zr.animation.addAnimator(animator); } zr && zr.wakeUp(); }; Element.prototype.updateDuringAnimation = function (key) { this.markRedraw(); }; Element.prototype.stopAnimation = function (scope, forwardToLast) { var animators = this.animators; var len = animators.length; var leftAnimators = []; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var animator = animators[i]; if (!scope || scope === animator.scope) { animator.stop(forwardToLast); } else { leftAnimators.push(animator); } } this.animators = leftAnimators; return this; }; Element.prototype.animateTo = function (target, cfg, animationProps) { animateTo(this, target, cfg, animationProps); }; Element.prototype.animateFrom = function (target, cfg, animationProps) { animateTo(this, target, cfg, animationProps, true); }; Element.prototype._transitionState = function (stateName, target, cfg, animationProps) { var animators = animateTo(this, target, cfg, animationProps); for (var i = 0; i < animators.length; i++) { animators[i].__fromStateTransition = stateName; } }; Element.prototype.getBoundingRect = function () { return null; }; Element.prototype.getPaintRect = function () { return null; }; Element.initDefaultProps = (function () { var elProto = Element.prototype; elProto.type = 'element'; = ''; elProto.ignore = elProto.silent = elProto.isGroup = elProto.draggable = elProto.dragging = elProto.ignoreClip = elProto.__inHover = false; elProto.__dirty = REDRAW_BIT; var logs = {}; function logDeprecatedError(key, xKey, yKey) { if (!logs[key + xKey + yKey]) { console.warn("DEPRECATED: '" + key + "' has been deprecated. use '" + xKey + "', '" + yKey + "' instead"); logs[key + xKey + yKey] = true; } } function createLegacyProperty(key, privateKey, xKey, yKey) { Object.defineProperty(elProto, key, { get: function () { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { logDeprecatedError(key, xKey, yKey); } if (!this[privateKey]) { var pos = this[privateKey] = []; enhanceArray(this, pos); } return this[privateKey]; }, set: function (pos) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { logDeprecatedError(key, xKey, yKey); } this[xKey] = pos[0]; this[yKey] = pos[1]; this[privateKey] = pos; enhanceArray(this, pos); } }); function enhanceArray(self, pos) { Object.defineProperty(pos, 0, { get: function () { return self[xKey]; }, set: function (val) { self[xKey] = val; } }); Object.defineProperty(pos, 1, { get: function () { return self[yKey]; }, set: function (val) { self[yKey] = val; } }); } } if (Object.defineProperty) { createLegacyProperty('position', '_legacyPos', 'x', 'y'); createLegacyProperty('scale', '_legacyScale', 'scaleX', 'scaleY'); createLegacyProperty('origin', '_legacyOrigin', 'originX', 'originY'); } })(); return Element; }()); mixin(Element, Eventful); mixin(Element, Transformable); function animateTo(animatable, target, cfg, animationProps, reverse) { cfg = cfg || {}; var animators = []; animateToShallow(animatable, '', animatable, target, cfg, animationProps, animators, reverse); var finishCount = animators.length; var doneHappened = false; var cfgDone = cfg.done; var cfgAborted = cfg.aborted; var doneCb = function () { doneHappened = true; finishCount--; if (finishCount <= 0) { doneHappened ? (cfgDone && cfgDone()) : (cfgAborted && cfgAborted()); } }; var abortedCb = function () { finishCount--; if (finishCount <= 0) { doneHappened ? (cfgDone && cfgDone()) : (cfgAborted && cfgAborted()); } }; if (!finishCount) { cfgDone && cfgDone(); } if (animators.length > 0 && cfg.during) { animators[0].during(function (target, percent) { cfg.during(percent); }); } for (var i = 0; i < animators.length; i++) { var animator = animators[i]; if (doneCb) { animator.done(doneCb); } if (abortedCb) { animator.aborted(abortedCb); } if (cfg.force) { animator.duration(cfg.duration); } animator.start(cfg.easing); } return animators; } function copyArrShallow(source, target, len) { for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { source[i] = target[i]; } } function is2DArray(value) { return isArrayLike(value[0]); } function copyValue(target, source, key) { if (isArrayLike(source[key])) { if (!isArrayLike(target[key])) { target[key] = []; } if (isTypedArray(source[key])) { var len = source[key].length; if (target[key].length !== len) { target[key] = new (source[key].constructor)(len); copyArrShallow(target[key], source[key], len); } } else { var sourceArr = source[key]; var targetArr = target[key]; var len0 = sourceArr.length; if (is2DArray(sourceArr)) { var len1 = sourceArr[0].length; for (var i = 0; i < len0; i++) { if (!targetArr[i]) { targetArr[i] =[i]); } else { copyArrShallow(targetArr[i], sourceArr[i], len1); } } } else { copyArrShallow(targetArr, sourceArr, len0); } targetArr.length = sourceArr.length; } } else { target[key] = source[key]; } } function isValueSame(val1, val2) { return val1 === val2 || isArrayLike(val1) && isArrayLike(val2) && is1DArraySame(val1, val2); } function is1DArraySame(arr0, arr1) { var len = arr0.length; if (len !== arr1.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (arr0[i] !== arr1[i]) { return false; } } return true; } function animateToShallow(animatable, topKey, animateObj, target, cfg, animationProps, animators, reverse) { var targetKeys = keys(target); var duration = cfg.duration; var delay = cfg.delay; var additive = cfg.additive; var setToFinal = cfg.setToFinal; var animateAll = !isObject(animationProps); var existsAnimators = animatable.animators; var animationKeys = []; for (var k = 0; k < targetKeys.length; k++) { var innerKey = targetKeys[k]; var targetVal = target[innerKey]; if (targetVal != null && animateObj[innerKey] != null && (animateAll || animationProps[innerKey])) { if (isObject(targetVal) && !isArrayLike(targetVal) && !isGradientObject(targetVal)) { if (topKey) { if (!reverse) { animateObj[innerKey] = targetVal; animatable.updateDuringAnimation(topKey); } continue; } animateToShallow(animatable, innerKey, animateObj[innerKey], targetVal, cfg, animationProps && animationProps[innerKey], animators, reverse); } else { animationKeys.push(innerKey); } } else if (!reverse) { animateObj[innerKey] = targetVal; animatable.updateDuringAnimation(topKey); animationKeys.push(innerKey); } } var keyLen = animationKeys.length; if (!additive && keyLen) { for (var i = 0; i < existsAnimators.length; i++) { var animator = existsAnimators[i]; if (animator.targetName === topKey) { var allAborted = animator.stopTracks(animationKeys); if (allAborted) { var idx = indexOf(existsAnimators, animator); existsAnimators.splice(idx, 1); } } } } if (!cfg.force) { animationKeys = filter(animationKeys, function (key) { return !isValueSame(target[key], animateObj[key]); }); keyLen = animationKeys.length; } if (keyLen > 0 || (cfg.force && !animators.length)) { var revertedSource = void 0; var reversedTarget = void 0; var sourceClone = void 0; if (reverse) { reversedTarget = {}; if (setToFinal) { revertedSource = {}; } for (var i = 0; i < keyLen; i++) { var innerKey = animationKeys[i]; reversedTarget[innerKey] = animateObj[innerKey]; if (setToFinal) { revertedSource[innerKey] = target[innerKey]; } else { animateObj[innerKey] = target[innerKey]; } } } else if (setToFinal) { sourceClone = {}; for (var i = 0; i < keyLen; i++) { var innerKey = animationKeys[i]; sourceClone[innerKey] = cloneValue(animateObj[innerKey]); copyValue(animateObj, target, innerKey); } } var animator = new Animator(animateObj, false, false, additive ? filter(existsAnimators, function (animator) { return animator.targetName === topKey; }) : null); animator.targetName = topKey; if (cfg.scope) { animator.scope = cfg.scope; } if (setToFinal && revertedSource) { animator.whenWithKeys(0, revertedSource, animationKeys); } if (sourceClone) { animator.whenWithKeys(0, sourceClone, animationKeys); } animator.whenWithKeys(duration == null ? 500 : duration, reverse ? reversedTarget : target, animationKeys).delay(delay || 0); animatable.addAnimator(animator, topKey); animators.push(animator); } } export default Element;