/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /** * AUTO-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MODIFY. */ /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import { __extends } from "tslib"; import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/lib/core/util.js'; import { parse, stringify } from 'zrender/lib/tool/color.js'; import * as graphic from '../../util/graphic.js'; import { enableHoverEmphasis } from '../../util/states.js'; import { setLabelStyle, createTextStyle } from '../../label/labelStyle.js'; import { makeBackground } from '../helper/listComponent.js'; import * as layoutUtil from '../../util/layout.js'; import ComponentView from '../../view/Component.js'; import { createSymbol } from '../../util/symbol.js'; import { createOrUpdatePatternFromDecal } from '../../util/decal.js'; var curry = zrUtil.curry; var each = zrUtil.each; var Group = graphic.Group; var LegendView = /** @class */ function (_super) { __extends(LegendView, _super); function LegendView() { var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; _this.type = LegendView.type; _this.newlineDisabled = false; return _this; } LegendView.prototype.init = function () { this.group.add(this._contentGroup = new Group()); this.group.add(this._selectorGroup = new Group()); this._isFirstRender = true; }; /** * @protected */ LegendView.prototype.getContentGroup = function () { return this._contentGroup; }; /** * @protected */ LegendView.prototype.getSelectorGroup = function () { return this._selectorGroup; }; /** * @override */ LegendView.prototype.render = function (legendModel, ecModel, api) { var isFirstRender = this._isFirstRender; this._isFirstRender = false; this.resetInner(); if (!legendModel.get('show', true)) { return; } var itemAlign = legendModel.get('align'); var orient = legendModel.get('orient'); if (!itemAlign || itemAlign === 'auto') { itemAlign = legendModel.get('left') === 'right' && orient === 'vertical' ? 'right' : 'left'; } // selector has been normalized to an array in model var selector = legendModel.get('selector', true); var selectorPosition = legendModel.get('selectorPosition', true); if (selector && (!selectorPosition || selectorPosition === 'auto')) { selectorPosition = orient === 'horizontal' ? 'end' : 'start'; } this.renderInner(itemAlign, legendModel, ecModel, api, selector, orient, selectorPosition); // Perform layout. var positionInfo = legendModel.getBoxLayoutParams(); var viewportSize = { width: api.getWidth(), height: api.getHeight() }; var padding = legendModel.get('padding'); var maxSize = layoutUtil.getLayoutRect(positionInfo, viewportSize, padding); var mainRect = this.layoutInner(legendModel, itemAlign, maxSize, isFirstRender, selector, selectorPosition); // Place mainGroup, based on the calculated `mainRect`. var layoutRect = layoutUtil.getLayoutRect(zrUtil.defaults({ width: mainRect.width, height: mainRect.height }, positionInfo), viewportSize, padding); this.group.x = layoutRect.x - mainRect.x; this.group.y = layoutRect.y - mainRect.y; this.group.markRedraw(); // Render background after group is layout. this.group.add(this._backgroundEl = makeBackground(mainRect, legendModel)); }; LegendView.prototype.resetInner = function () { this.getContentGroup().removeAll(); this._backgroundEl && this.group.remove(this._backgroundEl); this.getSelectorGroup().removeAll(); }; LegendView.prototype.renderInner = function (itemAlign, legendModel, ecModel, api, selector, orient, selectorPosition) { var contentGroup = this.getContentGroup(); var legendDrawnMap = zrUtil.createHashMap(); var selectMode = legendModel.get('selectedMode'); var excludeSeriesId = []; ecModel.eachRawSeries(function (seriesModel) { !seriesModel.get('legendHoverLink') && excludeSeriesId.push(seriesModel.id); }); each(legendModel.getData(), function (legendItemModel, dataIndex) { var name = legendItemModel.get('name'); // Use empty string or \n as a newline string if (!this.newlineDisabled && (name === '' || name === '\n')) { var g = new Group(); // @ts-ignore g.newline = true; contentGroup.add(g); return; } // Representitive series. var seriesModel = ecModel.getSeriesByName(name)[0]; if (legendDrawnMap.get(name)) { // Have been drawn return; } // Legend to control series. if (seriesModel) { var data = seriesModel.getData(); var lineVisualStyle = data.getVisual('legendLineStyle') || {}; var legendIcon = data.getVisual('legendIcon'); /** * `data.getVisual('style')` may be the color from the register * in series. For example, for line series, */ var style = data.getVisual('style'); var itemGroup = this._createItem(seriesModel, name, dataIndex, legendItemModel, legendModel, itemAlign, lineVisualStyle, style, legendIcon, selectMode, api); itemGroup.on('click', curry(dispatchSelectAction, name, null, api, excludeSeriesId)).on('mouseover', curry(dispatchHighlightAction, seriesModel.name, null, api, excludeSeriesId)).on('mouseout', curry(dispatchDownplayAction, seriesModel.name, null, api, excludeSeriesId)); legendDrawnMap.set(name, true); } else { // Legend to control data. In pie and funnel. ecModel.eachRawSeries(function (seriesModel) { // In case multiple series has same data name if (legendDrawnMap.get(name)) { return; } if (seriesModel.legendVisualProvider) { var provider = seriesModel.legendVisualProvider; if (!provider.containName(name)) { return; } var idx = provider.indexOfName(name); var style = provider.getItemVisual(idx, 'style'); var legendIcon = provider.getItemVisual(idx, 'legendIcon'); var colorArr = parse(style.fill); // Color may be set to transparent in visualMap when data is out of range. // Do not show nothing. if (colorArr && colorArr[3] === 0) { colorArr[3] = 0.2; // TODO color is set to 0, 0, 0, 0. Should show correct RGBA style = zrUtil.extend(zrUtil.extend({}, style), { fill: stringify(colorArr, 'rgba') }); } var itemGroup = this._createItem(seriesModel, name, dataIndex, legendItemModel, legendModel, itemAlign, {}, style, legendIcon, selectMode, api); // FIXME: consider different series has items with the same name. itemGroup.on('click', curry(dispatchSelectAction, null, name, api, excludeSeriesId)) // Should not specify the series name, consider legend controls // more than one pie series. .on('mouseover', curry(dispatchHighlightAction, null, name, api, excludeSeriesId)).on('mouseout', curry(dispatchDownplayAction, null, name, api, excludeSeriesId)); legendDrawnMap.set(name, true); } }, this); } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { if (!legendDrawnMap.get(name)) { console.warn(name + ' series not exists. Legend data should be same with series name or data name.'); } } }, this); if (selector) { this._createSelector(selector, legendModel, api, orient, selectorPosition); } }; LegendView.prototype._createSelector = function (selector, legendModel, api, orient, selectorPosition) { var selectorGroup = this.getSelectorGroup(); each(selector, function createSelectorButton(selectorItem) { var type = selectorItem.type; var labelText = new graphic.Text({ style: { x: 0, y: 0, align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'middle' }, onclick: function () { api.dispatchAction({ type: type === 'all' ? 'legendAllSelect' : 'legendInverseSelect' }); } }); selectorGroup.add(labelText); var labelModel = legendModel.getModel('selectorLabel'); var emphasisLabelModel = legendModel.getModel(['emphasis', 'selectorLabel']); setLabelStyle(labelText, { normal: labelModel, emphasis: emphasisLabelModel }, { defaultText: selectorItem.title }); enableHoverEmphasis(labelText); }); }; LegendView.prototype._createItem = function (seriesModel, name, dataIndex, legendItemModel, legendModel, itemAlign, lineVisualStyle, itemVisualStyle, legendIcon, selectMode, api) { var drawType = seriesModel.visualDrawType; var itemWidth = legendModel.get('itemWidth'); var itemHeight = legendModel.get('itemHeight'); var isSelected = legendModel.isSelected(name); var iconRotate = legendItemModel.get('symbolRotate'); var symbolKeepAspect = legendItemModel.get('symbolKeepAspect'); var legendIconType = legendItemModel.get('icon'); legendIcon = legendIconType || legendIcon || 'roundRect'; var style = getLegendStyle(legendIcon, legendItemModel, lineVisualStyle, itemVisualStyle, drawType, isSelected, api); var itemGroup = new Group(); var textStyleModel = legendItemModel.getModel('textStyle'); if (zrUtil.isFunction(seriesModel.getLegendIcon) && (!legendIconType || legendIconType === 'inherit')) { // Series has specific way to define legend icon itemGroup.add(seriesModel.getLegendIcon({ itemWidth: itemWidth, itemHeight: itemHeight, icon: legendIcon, iconRotate: iconRotate, itemStyle: style.itemStyle, lineStyle: style.lineStyle, symbolKeepAspect: symbolKeepAspect })); } else { // Use default legend icon policy for most series var rotate = legendIconType === 'inherit' && seriesModel.getData().getVisual('symbol') ? iconRotate === 'inherit' ? seriesModel.getData().getVisual('symbolRotate') : iconRotate : 0; // No rotation for no icon itemGroup.add(getDefaultLegendIcon({ itemWidth: itemWidth, itemHeight: itemHeight, icon: legendIcon, iconRotate: rotate, itemStyle: style.itemStyle, lineStyle: style.lineStyle, symbolKeepAspect: symbolKeepAspect })); } var textX = itemAlign === 'left' ? itemWidth + 5 : -5; var textAlign = itemAlign; var formatter = legendModel.get('formatter'); var content = name; if (zrUtil.isString(formatter) && formatter) { content = formatter.replace('{name}', name != null ? name : ''); } else if (zrUtil.isFunction(formatter)) { content = formatter(name); } var inactiveColor = legendItemModel.get('inactiveColor'); itemGroup.add(new graphic.Text({ style: createTextStyle(textStyleModel, { text: content, x: textX, y: itemHeight / 2, fill: isSelected ? textStyleModel.getTextColor() : inactiveColor, align: textAlign, verticalAlign: 'middle' }) })); // Add a invisible rect to increase the area of mouse hover var hitRect = new graphic.Rect({ shape: itemGroup.getBoundingRect(), invisible: true }); var tooltipModel = legendItemModel.getModel('tooltip'); if (tooltipModel.get('show')) { graphic.setTooltipConfig({ el: hitRect, componentModel: legendModel, itemName: name, itemTooltipOption: tooltipModel.option }); } itemGroup.add(hitRect); itemGroup.eachChild(function (child) { child.silent = true; }); hitRect.silent = !selectMode; this.getContentGroup().add(itemGroup); enableHoverEmphasis(itemGroup); // @ts-ignore itemGroup.__legendDataIndex = dataIndex; return itemGroup; }; LegendView.prototype.layoutInner = function (legendModel, itemAlign, maxSize, isFirstRender, selector, selectorPosition) { var contentGroup = this.getContentGroup(); var selectorGroup = this.getSelectorGroup(); // Place items in contentGroup. layoutUtil.box(legendModel.get('orient'), contentGroup, legendModel.get('itemGap'), maxSize.width, maxSize.height); var contentRect = contentGroup.getBoundingRect(); var contentPos = [-contentRect.x, -contentRect.y]; selectorGroup.markRedraw(); contentGroup.markRedraw(); if (selector) { // Place buttons in selectorGroup layoutUtil.box( // Buttons in selectorGroup always layout horizontally 'horizontal', selectorGroup, legendModel.get('selectorItemGap', true)); var selectorRect = selectorGroup.getBoundingRect(); var selectorPos = [-selectorRect.x, -selectorRect.y]; var selectorButtonGap = legendModel.get('selectorButtonGap', true); var orientIdx = legendModel.getOrient().index; var wh = orientIdx === 0 ? 'width' : 'height'; var hw = orientIdx === 0 ? 'height' : 'width'; var yx = orientIdx === 0 ? 'y' : 'x'; if (selectorPosition === 'end') { selectorPos[orientIdx] += contentRect[wh] + selectorButtonGap; } else { contentPos[orientIdx] += selectorRect[wh] + selectorButtonGap; } // Always align selector to content as 'middle' selectorPos[1 - orientIdx] += contentRect[hw] / 2 - selectorRect[hw] / 2; selectorGroup.x = selectorPos[0]; selectorGroup.y = selectorPos[1]; contentGroup.x = contentPos[0]; contentGroup.y = contentPos[1]; var mainRect = { x: 0, y: 0 }; mainRect[wh] = contentRect[wh] + selectorButtonGap + selectorRect[wh]; mainRect[hw] = Math.max(contentRect[hw], selectorRect[hw]); mainRect[yx] = Math.min(0, selectorRect[yx] + selectorPos[1 - orientIdx]); return mainRect; } else { contentGroup.x = contentPos[0]; contentGroup.y = contentPos[1]; return this.group.getBoundingRect(); } }; /** * @protected */ LegendView.prototype.remove = function () { this.getContentGroup().removeAll(); this._isFirstRender = true; }; LegendView.type = 'legend.plain'; return LegendView; }(ComponentView); function getLegendStyle(iconType, legendItemModel, lineVisualStyle, itemVisualStyle, drawType, isSelected, api) { /** * Use series style if is inherit; * elsewise, use legend style */ function handleCommonProps(style, visualStyle) { // If lineStyle.width is 'auto', it is set to be 2 if series has border if (style.lineWidth === 'auto') { style.lineWidth = visualStyle.lineWidth > 0 ? 2 : 0; } each(style, function (propVal, propName) { style[propName] === 'inherit' && (style[propName] = visualStyle[propName]); }); } // itemStyle var itemStyleModel = legendItemModel.getModel('itemStyle'); var itemStyle = itemStyleModel.getItemStyle(); var iconBrushType = iconType.lastIndexOf('empty', 0) === 0 ? 'fill' : 'stroke'; var decalStyle = itemStyleModel.getShallow('decal'); itemStyle.decal = !decalStyle || decalStyle === 'inherit' ? itemVisualStyle.decal : createOrUpdatePatternFromDecal(decalStyle, api); if (itemStyle.fill === 'inherit') { /** * Series with visualDrawType as 'stroke' should have * series stroke as legend fill */ itemStyle.fill = itemVisualStyle[drawType]; } if (itemStyle.stroke === 'inherit') { /** * icon type with "emptyXXX" should use fill color * in visual style */ itemStyle.stroke = itemVisualStyle[iconBrushType]; } if (itemStyle.opacity === 'inherit') { /** * Use lineStyle.opacity if drawType is stroke */ itemStyle.opacity = (drawType === 'fill' ? itemVisualStyle : lineVisualStyle).opacity; } handleCommonProps(itemStyle, itemVisualStyle); // lineStyle var legendLineModel = legendItemModel.getModel('lineStyle'); var lineStyle = legendLineModel.getLineStyle(); handleCommonProps(lineStyle, lineVisualStyle); // Fix auto color to real color itemStyle.fill === 'auto' && (itemStyle.fill = itemVisualStyle.fill); itemStyle.stroke === 'auto' && (itemStyle.stroke = itemVisualStyle.fill); lineStyle.stroke === 'auto' && (lineStyle.stroke = itemVisualStyle.fill); if (!isSelected) { var borderWidth = legendItemModel.get('inactiveBorderWidth'); /** * Since stroke is set to be inactiveBorderColor, it may occur that * there is no border in series but border in legend, so we need to * use border only when series has border if is set to be auto */ var visualHasBorder = itemStyle[iconBrushType]; itemStyle.lineWidth = borderWidth === 'auto' ? itemVisualStyle.lineWidth > 0 && visualHasBorder ? 2 : 0 : itemStyle.lineWidth; itemStyle.fill = legendItemModel.get('inactiveColor'); itemStyle.stroke = legendItemModel.get('inactiveBorderColor'); lineStyle.stroke = legendLineModel.get('inactiveColor'); lineStyle.lineWidth = legendLineModel.get('inactiveWidth'); } return { itemStyle: itemStyle, lineStyle: lineStyle }; } function getDefaultLegendIcon(opt) { var symboType = opt.icon || 'roundRect'; var icon = createSymbol(symboType, 0, 0, opt.itemWidth, opt.itemHeight, opt.itemStyle.fill, opt.symbolKeepAspect); icon.setStyle(opt.itemStyle); icon.rotation = (opt.iconRotate || 0) * Math.PI / 180; icon.setOrigin([opt.itemWidth / 2, opt.itemHeight / 2]); if (symboType.indexOf('empty') > -1) { icon.style.stroke = icon.style.fill; icon.style.fill = '#fff'; icon.style.lineWidth = 2; } return icon; } function dispatchSelectAction(seriesName, dataName, api, excludeSeriesId) { // downplay before unselect dispatchDownplayAction(seriesName, dataName, api, excludeSeriesId); api.dispatchAction({ type: 'legendToggleSelect', name: seriesName != null ? seriesName : dataName }); // highlight after select // TODO highlight immediately may cause animation loss. dispatchHighlightAction(seriesName, dataName, api, excludeSeriesId); } function isUseHoverLayer(api) { var list = api.getZr().storage.getDisplayList(); var emphasisState; var i = 0; var len = list.length; while (i < len && !(emphasisState = list[i].states.emphasis)) { i++; } return emphasisState && emphasisState.hoverLayer; } function dispatchHighlightAction(seriesName, dataName, api, excludeSeriesId) { // If element hover will move to a hoverLayer. if (!isUseHoverLayer(api)) { api.dispatchAction({ type: 'highlight', seriesName: seriesName, name: dataName, excludeSeriesId: excludeSeriesId }); } } function dispatchDownplayAction(seriesName, dataName, api, excludeSeriesId) { // If element hover will move to a hoverLayer. if (!isUseHoverLayer(api)) { api.dispatchAction({ type: 'downplay', seriesName: seriesName, name: dataName, excludeSeriesId: excludeSeriesId }); } } export default LegendView;