@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
import {mapState} from 'vuex'
import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import VueDragResize from 'vue-drag-resize'
+ import PubSub from 'pubsub-js'
import '../assets/less/splitscreen.less'
import {elePosition, getElementLeft, getElementTop, getStaticFile, guId} from "../../utils/tools"
@@ -92,53 +93,8 @@
- async beforeCreate() {
- // 加载大屏json文件
- const bigScreenJson = await getStaticFile('EnityBigScreen.Data')
- // 过滤出显示的大屏
- this.currentBigshow = bigScreenJson.filter(item => item.WindowID === this.window.ID)
- if(this.currentBigshow.length){
- // 给大屏对象进行初始化显示
- const obj = {}
- this.currentBigshow.forEach(item => {
- obj[item.ID] = {
- bindList:[],
- splitStatus:0,
- signalArr:[],
- width:item.Width,
- height:item.Height
- }
- const num = item.BindList.filter(item => item.DeviceID).length
- // 拼接屏数量
- for(let i=0;i<num;i++){
- obj[item.ID].bindList.push(i+1)
- }
- // 根据拼接屏数量得到分屏状态
- obj[item.ID].splitStatus = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(num)-1)
- })
- this.$store.dispatch('updateBigscreenObj',obj)
- // 获取视频播放的配置对象
- const preSingleList = await reqPreviewSourceList()
- const videoPlayObj = {}
- for(const item of preSingleList){
- videoPlayObj[item.sourceId] = {
- sources: [
- {
- "src": item.previewUrl,
- "type": "rtmp/flv"
- }
- ],
- techOrder: ['flash'],
- autoplay: true,
- controls: false,
- fluid:true,
- preload: 'auto',
- notSupportedMessage: '此视频暂无法播放,请稍后再试',
- }
- }
- this.videoPlayObj = videoPlayObj
- }
+ created() {
+ this.initBigScreen()
updated() {
@@ -151,6 +107,10 @@
+ beforeDestroy() {
+ PubSub.unsubscribe(this.update_screenobj)
+ },
methods: {
// 大屏开窗接口提交
@@ -223,6 +183,56 @@
return `transform-origin: 0px 0px;transform:scaleY(${(itemV.height-videoHeight)/videoHeight+1})`
+ // 大屏初始化
+ async initBigScreen() {
+ // 加载大屏json文件
+ const bigScreenJson = await getStaticFile('EnityBigScreen.Data')
+ // 过滤出显示的大屏
+ this.currentBigshow = bigScreenJson.filter(item => item.WindowID === this.window.ID)
+ if(this.currentBigshow.length){
+ // 给大屏对象进行初始化显示
+ const obj = {}
+ bigScreenJson.forEach(item => {
+ obj[item.ID] = {
+ bindList:[],
+ splitStatus:0,
+ signalArr:[],
+ width:item.Width,
+ height:item.Height
+ }
+ const num = item.BindList.filter(item => item.DeviceID).length
+ // 拼接屏数量
+ for(let i=0;i<num;i++){
+ obj[item.ID].bindList.push(i+1)
+ }
+ // 根据拼接屏数量得到分屏状态
+ obj[item.ID].splitStatus = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(num)-1)
+ })
+ this.$store.dispatch('updateBigscreenObj',obj)
+ // 获取视频播放的配置对象
+ const preSingleList = await reqPreviewSourceList()
+ const videoPlayObj = {}
+ for(const item of preSingleList){
+ videoPlayObj[item.sourceId] = {
+ sources: [
+ {
+ "src": item.previewUrl,
+ "type": "rtmp/flv"
+ }
+ ],
+ techOrder: ['flash'],
+ autoplay: true,
+ controls: false,
+ fluid:true,
+ preload: 'auto',
+ notSupportedMessage: '此视频暂无法播放,请稍后再试',
+ }
+ }
+ this.videoPlayObj = videoPlayObj
+ }
+ }
computed: {
@@ -240,6 +250,8 @@
const bigScreenObj = this.$store.state.bigScreenObj
const bigScale = this.$store.state.bigScale
const positionNum = this.$store.state.positionNum
+ console.log(bigscreenId,bigScreenObj)
const arr2 = []
arr.forEach(item => {
@@ -250,16 +262,18 @@
const otherSignals = arr2.filter(item => item.Id)
newObj[0].Id = guId()
newObj[0].bigscreenId = bigscreenId
- newObj[0].splitScreenStatus = bigScreenObj[bigscreenId].splitStatus + 1
- newObj[0].width = bigScreenObj[bigscreenId].width * bigScale / newObj[0].splitScreenStatus
- newObj[0].height = bigScreenObj[bigscreenId].height * bigScale / newObj[0].splitScreenStatus
- newObj[0].widthScale = newObj[0].width / (bigScreenObj[bigscreenId].width * bigScale)
- newObj[0].heightScale = newObj[0].height / (bigScreenObj[bigscreenId].height * bigScale)
- const positionInfo = elePosition(newObj[0].width,newObj[0].height,positionNum,this.screenPosition[bigscreenId].top,this.screenPosition[bigscreenId].left,bigScreenObj[bigscreenId].splitStatus+1)
- newObj[0].top = positionInfo.top - this.screenPosition[bigscreenId].top
- newObj[0].left = positionInfo.left - this.screenPosition[bigscreenId].left
- bigScreenObj[bigscreenId].signalArr = [...otherSignals,...newObj]
- this.refreshBigScreen(bigScreenObj,bigscreenId)
+ if(bigScreenObj[bigscreenId]){
+ newObj[0].splitScreenStatus = bigScreenObj[bigscreenId].splitStatus + 1
+ newObj[0].width = bigScreenObj[bigscreenId].width * bigScale / newObj[0].splitScreenStatus
+ newObj[0].height = bigScreenObj[bigscreenId].height * bigScale / newObj[0].splitScreenStatus
+ newObj[0].widthScale = newObj[0].width / (bigScreenObj[bigscreenId].width * bigScale)
+ newObj[0].heightScale = newObj[0].height / (bigScreenObj[bigscreenId].height * bigScale)
+ const positionInfo = elePosition(newObj[0].width,newObj[0].height,positionNum,this.screenPosition[bigscreenId].top,this.screenPosition[bigscreenId].left,bigScreenObj[bigscreenId].splitStatus+1)
+ newObj[0].top = positionInfo.top - this.screenPosition[bigscreenId].top
+ newObj[0].left = positionInfo.left - this.screenPosition[bigscreenId].left
+ bigScreenObj[bigscreenId].signalArr = [...otherSignals,...newObj]
+ this.refreshBigScreen(bigScreenObj,bigscreenId)
+ }
@@ -289,5 +303,36 @@
return this.$refs.videoPlayer.player
+ watch: {
+ window: {
+ handler (newV, oldV) {
+ if(newV.ID !== oldV){
+ // 更新大屏对象
+ this.initBigScreen()
+ }
+ },
+ deep:true
+ }
+ }