@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@
import {mapState} from 'vuex'
+ import PubSub from 'pubsub-js'
import {getStaticFile} from "../../utils/tools"
+ import {OPEN_WINDOWS} from "../../utils/constant"
export default {
data() {
@@ -76,79 +78,9 @@
// 3.切换界面
- // 上一次点击的按钮(同一组的情况)
- const preBtn = this.preBtns.filter(a => a.ButtonType === 1 && a.GroupNumber === e.GroupNumber)
- console.log(preBtn)
- if(preBtn.length){
- // 3.1 切换按钮
- this.buttonJson.forEach(item => {
- // 先隐藏
- if(preBtn[0].MouseDownActionList.length){
- for(const btn of preBtn[0].MouseDownActionList){
- if(btn.SourceID === item.WindowID){
- item.IsVisibility = false
- }
- }
- }
- // 后显示
- if(e.MouseDownActionList.length){
- for(const btn of e.MouseDownActionList){
- if(btn.SourceID === item.WindowID){
- item.IsVisibility = true
- }
- }
- }
- })
- // 3.2 切换label
- this.$store.state.labelJson.forEach(item => {
- if(preBtn[0].MouseDownActionList.length){
- for(const btn of preBtn[0].MouseDownActionList){
- if(btn.SourceID === item.WindowID){
- item.IsVisibility = false
- }
- }
- }
- if(e.MouseDownActionList.length){
- for(const btn of e.MouseDownActionList){
- if(btn.SourceID === item.WindowID){
- item.IsVisibility = true
- }
- }
- }
- })
- // 替换上一次点击的按钮
- const btnArr = this.preBtns.filter(b => b.ID !== preBtn[0].ID)
- this.preBtns = [...btnArr,e]
- }else {
- // 不同组的情况
- // 1.显示按钮
- this.buttonJson.forEach(item => {
- if(e.MouseDownActionList.length){
- for(const btn of e.MouseDownActionList){
- if(btn.SourceID === item.WindowID){
- item.IsVisibility = true
- }
- }
- }
- })
- // 2.显示label
- this.$store.state.labelJson.forEach(item => {
- if(e.MouseDownActionList.length){
- for(const btn of e.MouseDownActionList){
- if(btn.SourceID === item.WindowID){
- item.IsVisibility = true
- }
- }
- }
- })
- // 增加到上一次点击的按钮数组中
- const btnArr = this.preBtns
- this.preBtns = [...btnArr,e]
- }
+ let windowIds = e.MouseDownActionList.map(item => item.SourceID)
+ // 发布消息控制窗口显示
+ PubSub.publish(OPEN_WINDOWS,windowIds)
// 音频菜单控制