Found a bug? Have a problem with AOS? Please check past issues, maybe someone already had that problem. If you don't find similar issue create new, but remember to add accurate informations so that I can dig into it straight away. If it's possible add CodePen example that presents called issue.
AOS is built using webpack.
npm install
npm run dev
This will run local webpack-dev-server and build AOS automatically.
Now you are ready to play with AOS. Browser should reload automatically as you change code in src
Before you create Pull Request make sure all tests are passing.
In order to do so run:
npm test
If all tests are passing then you're good to go. Commit your changes, but remember to not commit dist
Create well described Pull Request with as many informations as possible and wait for my answer :) I'd be happy to make a code review and put some thougths.