"use strict"; /** @typedef {import("@jridgewell/trace-mapping").SourceMapInput} SourceMapInput */ /** @typedef {import("terser").FormatOptions} TerserFormatOptions */ /** @typedef {import("terser").MinifyOptions} TerserOptions */ /** @typedef {import("terser").CompressOptions} TerserCompressOptions */ /** @typedef {import("terser").ECMA} TerserECMA */ /** @typedef {import("./index.js").ExtractCommentsOptions} ExtractCommentsOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./index.js").ExtractCommentsFunction} ExtractCommentsFunction */ /** @typedef {import("./index.js").ExtractCommentsCondition} ExtractCommentsCondition */ /** @typedef {import("./index.js").Input} Input */ /** @typedef {import("./index.js").MinimizedResult} MinimizedResult */ /** @typedef {import("./index.js").PredefinedOptions} PredefinedOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./index.js").CustomOptions} CustomOptions */ /** * @typedef {Array<string>} ExtractedComments */ const notSettled = Symbol(`not-settled`); /** * @template T * @typedef {() => Promise<T>} Task */ /** * Run tasks with limited concurrency. * @template T * @param {number} limit - Limit of tasks that run at once. * @param {Task<T>[]} tasks - List of tasks to run. * @returns {Promise<T[]>} A promise that fulfills to an array of the results */ function throttleAll(limit, tasks) { if (!Number.isInteger(limit) || limit < 1) { throw new TypeError(`Expected \`limit\` to be a finite number > 0, got \`${limit}\` (${typeof limit})`); } if (!Array.isArray(tasks) || !tasks.every(task => typeof task === `function`)) { throw new TypeError(`Expected \`tasks\` to be a list of functions returning a promise`); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const result = Array(tasks.length).fill(notSettled); const entries = tasks.entries(); const next = () => { const { done, value } = entries.next(); if (done) { const isLast = !result.includes(notSettled); if (isLast) resolve( /** @type{T[]} **/result); return; } const [index, task] = value; /** * @param {T} x */ const onFulfilled = x => { result[index] = x; next(); }; task().then(onFulfilled, reject); }; Array(limit).fill(0).forEach(next); }); } /* istanbul ignore next */ /** * @param {Input} input * @param {SourceMapInput | undefined} sourceMap * @param {PredefinedOptions & CustomOptions} minimizerOptions * @param {ExtractCommentsOptions | undefined} extractComments * @return {Promise<MinimizedResult>} */ async function terserMinify(input, sourceMap, minimizerOptions, extractComments) { /** * @param {any} value * @returns {boolean} */ const isObject = value => { const type = typeof value; return value != null && (type === "object" || type === "function"); }; /** * @param {TerserOptions & { sourceMap: undefined } & ({ output: TerserFormatOptions & { beautify: boolean } } | { format: TerserFormatOptions & { beautify: boolean } })} terserOptions * @param {ExtractedComments} extractedComments * @returns {ExtractCommentsFunction} */ const buildComments = (terserOptions, extractedComments) => { /** @type {{ [index: string]: ExtractCommentsCondition }} */ const condition = {}; let comments; if (terserOptions.format) { ({ comments } = terserOptions.format); } else if (terserOptions.output) { ({ comments } = terserOptions.output); } condition.preserve = typeof comments !== "undefined" ? comments : false; if (typeof extractComments === "boolean" && extractComments) { condition.extract = "some"; } else if (typeof extractComments === "string" || extractComments instanceof RegExp) { condition.extract = extractComments; } else if (typeof extractComments === "function") { condition.extract = extractComments; } else if (extractComments && isObject(extractComments)) { condition.extract = typeof extractComments.condition === "boolean" && extractComments.condition ? "some" : typeof extractComments.condition !== "undefined" ? extractComments.condition : "some"; } else { // No extract // Preserve using "commentsOpts" or "some" condition.preserve = typeof comments !== "undefined" ? comments : "some"; condition.extract = false; } // Ensure that both conditions are functions ["preserve", "extract"].forEach(key => { /** @type {undefined | string} */ let regexStr; /** @type {undefined | RegExp} */ let regex; switch (typeof condition[key]) { case "boolean": condition[key] = condition[key] ? () => true : () => false; break; case "function": break; case "string": if (condition[key] === "all") { condition[key] = () => true; break; } if (condition[key] === "some") { condition[key] = /** @type {ExtractCommentsFunction} */ (astNode, comment) => (comment.type === "comment2" || comment.type === "comment1") && /@preserve|@lic|@cc_on|^\**!/i.test(comment.value); break; } regexStr = /** @type {string} */condition[key]; condition[key] = /** @type {ExtractCommentsFunction} */ (astNode, comment) => new RegExp( /** @type {string} */regexStr).test(comment.value); break; default: regex = /** @type {RegExp} */condition[key]; condition[key] = /** @type {ExtractCommentsFunction} */ (astNode, comment) => /** @type {RegExp} */regex.test(comment.value); } }); // Redefine the comments function to extract and preserve // comments according to the two conditions return (astNode, comment) => { if ( /** @type {{ extract: ExtractCommentsFunction }} */ condition.extract(astNode, comment)) { const commentText = comment.type === "comment2" ? `/*${comment.value}*/` : `//${comment.value}`; // Don't include duplicate comments if (!extractedComments.includes(commentText)) { extractedComments.push(commentText); } } return /** @type {{ preserve: ExtractCommentsFunction }} */condition.preserve(astNode, comment); }; }; /** * @param {PredefinedOptions & TerserOptions} [terserOptions={}] * @returns {TerserOptions & { sourceMap: undefined } & { compress: TerserCompressOptions } & ({ output: TerserFormatOptions & { beautify: boolean } } | { format: TerserFormatOptions & { beautify: boolean } })} */ const buildTerserOptions = (terserOptions = {}) => { // Need deep copy objects to avoid https://github.com/terser/terser/issues/366 return { ...terserOptions, compress: typeof terserOptions.compress === "boolean" ? terserOptions.compress ? {} : false : { ...terserOptions.compress }, // ecma: terserOptions.ecma, // ie8: terserOptions.ie8, // keep_classnames: terserOptions.keep_classnames, // keep_fnames: terserOptions.keep_fnames, mangle: terserOptions.mangle == null ? true : typeof terserOptions.mangle === "boolean" ? terserOptions.mangle : { ...terserOptions.mangle }, // module: terserOptions.module, // nameCache: { ...terserOptions.toplevel }, // the `output` option is deprecated ...(terserOptions.format ? { format: { beautify: false, ...terserOptions.format } } : { output: { beautify: false, ...terserOptions.output } }), parse: { ...terserOptions.parse }, // safari10: terserOptions.safari10, // Ignoring sourceMap from options // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined sourceMap: undefined // toplevel: terserOptions.toplevel }; }; // eslint-disable-next-line global-require const { minify } = require("terser"); // Copy `terser` options const terserOptions = buildTerserOptions(minimizerOptions); // Let terser generate a SourceMap if (sourceMap) { // @ts-ignore terserOptions.sourceMap = { asObject: true }; } /** @type {ExtractedComments} */ const extractedComments = []; if (terserOptions.output) { terserOptions.output.comments = buildComments(terserOptions, extractedComments); } else if (terserOptions.format) { terserOptions.format.comments = buildComments(terserOptions, extractedComments); } if (terserOptions.compress) { // More optimizations if (typeof terserOptions.compress.ecma === "undefined") { terserOptions.compress.ecma = terserOptions.ecma; } // https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/16135 if (terserOptions.ecma === 5 && typeof terserOptions.compress.arrows === "undefined") { terserOptions.compress.arrows = false; } } const [[filename, code]] = Object.entries(input); const result = await minify({ [filename]: code }, terserOptions); return { code: ( /** @type {string} **/result.code), // @ts-ignore // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined map: result.map ? ( /** @type {SourceMapInput} **/result.map) : undefined, extractedComments }; } /** * @returns {string | undefined} */ terserMinify.getMinimizerVersion = () => { let packageJson; try { // eslint-disable-next-line global-require packageJson = require("terser/package.json"); } catch (error) { // Ignore } return packageJson && packageJson.version; }; /* istanbul ignore next */ /** * @param {Input} input * @param {SourceMapInput | undefined} sourceMap * @param {PredefinedOptions & CustomOptions} minimizerOptions * @param {ExtractCommentsOptions | undefined} extractComments * @return {Promise<MinimizedResult>} */ async function uglifyJsMinify(input, sourceMap, minimizerOptions, extractComments) { /** * @param {any} value * @returns {boolean} */ const isObject = value => { const type = typeof value; return value != null && (type === "object" || type === "function"); }; /** * @param {import("uglify-js").MinifyOptions & { sourceMap: undefined } & { output: import("uglify-js").OutputOptions & { beautify: boolean }}} uglifyJsOptions * @param {ExtractedComments} extractedComments * @returns {ExtractCommentsFunction} */ const buildComments = (uglifyJsOptions, extractedComments) => { /** @type {{ [index: string]: ExtractCommentsCondition }} */ const condition = {}; const { comments } = uglifyJsOptions.output; condition.preserve = typeof comments !== "undefined" ? comments : false; if (typeof extractComments === "boolean" && extractComments) { condition.extract = "some"; } else if (typeof extractComments === "string" || extractComments instanceof RegExp) { condition.extract = extractComments; } else if (typeof extractComments === "function") { condition.extract = extractComments; } else if (extractComments && isObject(extractComments)) { condition.extract = typeof extractComments.condition === "boolean" && extractComments.condition ? "some" : typeof extractComments.condition !== "undefined" ? extractComments.condition : "some"; } else { // No extract // Preserve using "commentsOpts" or "some" condition.preserve = typeof comments !== "undefined" ? comments : "some"; condition.extract = false; } // Ensure that both conditions are functions ["preserve", "extract"].forEach(key => { /** @type {undefined | string} */ let regexStr; /** @type {undefined | RegExp} */ let regex; switch (typeof condition[key]) { case "boolean": condition[key] = condition[key] ? () => true : () => false; break; case "function": break; case "string": if (condition[key] === "all") { condition[key] = () => true; break; } if (condition[key] === "some") { condition[key] = /** @type {ExtractCommentsFunction} */ (astNode, comment) => (comment.type === "comment2" || comment.type === "comment1") && /@preserve|@lic|@cc_on|^\**!/i.test(comment.value); break; } regexStr = /** @type {string} */condition[key]; condition[key] = /** @type {ExtractCommentsFunction} */ (astNode, comment) => new RegExp( /** @type {string} */regexStr).test(comment.value); break; default: regex = /** @type {RegExp} */condition[key]; condition[key] = /** @type {ExtractCommentsFunction} */ (astNode, comment) => /** @type {RegExp} */regex.test(comment.value); } }); // Redefine the comments function to extract and preserve // comments according to the two conditions return (astNode, comment) => { if ( /** @type {{ extract: ExtractCommentsFunction }} */ condition.extract(astNode, comment)) { const commentText = comment.type === "comment2" ? `/*${comment.value}*/` : `//${comment.value}`; // Don't include duplicate comments if (!extractedComments.includes(commentText)) { extractedComments.push(commentText); } } return /** @type {{ preserve: ExtractCommentsFunction }} */condition.preserve(astNode, comment); }; }; /** * @param {PredefinedOptions & import("uglify-js").MinifyOptions} [uglifyJsOptions={}] * @returns {import("uglify-js").MinifyOptions & { sourceMap: undefined } & { output: import("uglify-js").OutputOptions & { beautify: boolean }}} */ const buildUglifyJsOptions = (uglifyJsOptions = {}) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign delete minimizerOptions.ecma; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign delete minimizerOptions.module; // Need deep copy objects to avoid https://github.com/terser/terser/issues/366 return { ...uglifyJsOptions, // warnings: uglifyJsOptions.warnings, parse: { ...uglifyJsOptions.parse }, compress: typeof uglifyJsOptions.compress === "boolean" ? uglifyJsOptions.compress : { ...uglifyJsOptions.compress }, mangle: uglifyJsOptions.mangle == null ? true : typeof uglifyJsOptions.mangle === "boolean" ? uglifyJsOptions.mangle : { ...uglifyJsOptions.mangle }, output: { beautify: false, ...uglifyJsOptions.output }, // Ignoring sourceMap from options // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined sourceMap: undefined // toplevel: uglifyJsOptions.toplevel // nameCache: { ...uglifyJsOptions.toplevel }, // ie8: uglifyJsOptions.ie8, // keep_fnames: uglifyJsOptions.keep_fnames, }; }; // eslint-disable-next-line global-require, import/no-extraneous-dependencies const { minify } = require("uglify-js"); // Copy `uglify-js` options const uglifyJsOptions = buildUglifyJsOptions(minimizerOptions); // Let terser generate a SourceMap if (sourceMap) { // @ts-ignore uglifyJsOptions.sourceMap = true; } /** @type {ExtractedComments} */ const extractedComments = []; // @ts-ignore uglifyJsOptions.output.comments = buildComments(uglifyJsOptions, extractedComments); const [[filename, code]] = Object.entries(input); const result = await minify({ [filename]: code }, uglifyJsOptions); return { code: result.code, // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined map: result.map ? JSON.parse(result.map) : undefined, errors: result.error ? [result.error] : [], warnings: result.warnings || [], extractedComments }; } /** * @returns {string | undefined} */ uglifyJsMinify.getMinimizerVersion = () => { let packageJson; try { // eslint-disable-next-line global-require, import/no-extraneous-dependencies packageJson = require("uglify-js/package.json"); } catch (error) { // Ignore } return packageJson && packageJson.version; }; /* istanbul ignore next */ /** * @param {Input} input * @param {SourceMapInput | undefined} sourceMap * @param {PredefinedOptions & CustomOptions} minimizerOptions * @return {Promise<MinimizedResult>} */ async function swcMinify(input, sourceMap, minimizerOptions) { /** * @param {PredefinedOptions & import("@swc/core").JsMinifyOptions} [swcOptions={}] * @returns {import("@swc/core").JsMinifyOptions & { sourceMap: undefined } & { compress: import("@swc/core").TerserCompressOptions }} */ const buildSwcOptions = (swcOptions = {}) => { // Need deep copy objects to avoid https://github.com/terser/terser/issues/366 return { ...swcOptions, compress: typeof swcOptions.compress === "boolean" ? swcOptions.compress ? {} : false : { ...swcOptions.compress }, mangle: swcOptions.mangle == null ? true : typeof swcOptions.mangle === "boolean" ? swcOptions.mangle : { ...swcOptions.mangle }, // ecma: swcOptions.ecma, // keep_classnames: swcOptions.keep_classnames, // keep_fnames: swcOptions.keep_fnames, // module: swcOptions.module, // safari10: swcOptions.safari10, // toplevel: swcOptions.toplevel // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined sourceMap: undefined }; }; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies, global-require const swc = require("@swc/core"); // Copy `swc` options const swcOptions = buildSwcOptions(minimizerOptions); // Let `swc` generate a SourceMap if (sourceMap) { // @ts-ignore swcOptions.sourceMap = true; } if (swcOptions.compress) { // More optimizations if (typeof swcOptions.compress.ecma === "undefined") { swcOptions.compress.ecma = swcOptions.ecma; } // https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/16135 if (swcOptions.ecma === 5 && typeof swcOptions.compress.arrows === "undefined") { swcOptions.compress.arrows = false; } } const [[filename, code]] = Object.entries(input); const result = await swc.minify(code, swcOptions); let map; if (result.map) { map = JSON.parse(result.map); // TODO workaround for swc because `filename` is not preset as in `swc` signature as for `terser` map.sources = [filename]; delete map.sourcesContent; } return { code: result.code, map }; } /** * @returns {string | undefined} */ swcMinify.getMinimizerVersion = () => { let packageJson; try { // eslint-disable-next-line global-require, import/no-extraneous-dependencies packageJson = require("@swc/core/package.json"); } catch (error) { // Ignore } return packageJson && packageJson.version; }; /* istanbul ignore next */ /** * @param {Input} input * @param {SourceMapInput | undefined} sourceMap * @param {PredefinedOptions & CustomOptions} minimizerOptions * @return {Promise<MinimizedResult>} */ async function esbuildMinify(input, sourceMap, minimizerOptions) { /** * @param {PredefinedOptions & import("esbuild").TransformOptions} [esbuildOptions={}] * @returns {import("esbuild").TransformOptions} */ const buildEsbuildOptions = (esbuildOptions = {}) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign delete esbuildOptions.ecma; if (esbuildOptions.module) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign esbuildOptions.format = "esm"; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign delete esbuildOptions.module; // Need deep copy objects to avoid https://github.com/terser/terser/issues/366 return { minify: true, legalComments: "inline", ...esbuildOptions, sourcemap: false }; }; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies, global-require const esbuild = require("esbuild"); // Copy `esbuild` options const esbuildOptions = buildEsbuildOptions(minimizerOptions); // Let `esbuild` generate a SourceMap if (sourceMap) { esbuildOptions.sourcemap = true; esbuildOptions.sourcesContent = false; } const [[filename, code]] = Object.entries(input); esbuildOptions.sourcefile = filename; const result = await esbuild.transform(code, esbuildOptions); return { code: result.code, // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined map: result.map ? JSON.parse(result.map) : undefined, warnings: result.warnings.length > 0 ? result.warnings.map(item => { const plugin = item.pluginName ? `\nPlugin Name: ${item.pluginName}` : ""; const location = item.location ? `\n\n${item.location.file}:${item.location.line}:${item.location.column}:\n ${item.location.line} | ${item.location.lineText}\n\nSuggestion: ${item.location.suggestion}` : ""; const notes = item.notes.length > 0 ? `\n\nNotes:\n${item.notes.map(note => `${note.location ? `[${note.location.file}:${note.location.line}:${note.location.column}] ` : ""}${note.text}${note.location ? `\nSuggestion: ${note.location.suggestion}` : ""}${note.location ? `\nLine text:\n${note.location.lineText}\n` : ""}`).join("\n")}` : ""; return `${item.text} [${item.id}]${plugin}${location}${item.detail ? `\nDetails:\n${item.detail}` : ""}${notes}`; }) : [] }; } /** * @returns {string | undefined} */ esbuildMinify.getMinimizerVersion = () => { let packageJson; try { // eslint-disable-next-line global-require, import/no-extraneous-dependencies packageJson = require("esbuild/package.json"); } catch (error) { // Ignore } return packageJson && packageJson.version; }; /** * @template T * @param fn {(function(): any) | undefined} * @returns {function(): T} */ function memoize(fn) { let cache = false; /** @type {T} */ let result; return () => { if (cache) { return result; } result = /** @type {function(): any} */fn(); cache = true; // Allow to clean up memory for fn // and all dependent resources // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined, no-param-reassign fn = undefined; return result; }; } module.exports = { throttleAll, memoize, terserMinify, uglifyJsMinify, swcMinify, esbuildMinify };