var Eventful = require("../mixin/Eventful"); exports.Dispatcher = Eventful; var env = require("./env"); var _dom = require("./dom"); var isCanvasEl = _dom.isCanvasEl; var transformCoordWithViewport = _dom.transformCoordWithViewport; /** * Utilities for mouse or touch events. */ var isDomLevel2 = typeof window !== 'undefined' && !!window.addEventListener; var MOUSE_EVENT_REG = /^(?:mouse|pointer|contextmenu|drag|drop)|click/; var _calcOut = []; /** * Get the `zrX` and `zrY`, which are relative to the top-left of * the input `el`. * CSS transform (2D & 3D) is supported. * * The strategy to fetch the coords: * + If `calculate` is not set as `true`, users of this method should * ensure that `el` is the same or the same size & location as ``. * Otherwise the result coords are probably not expected. Because we * firstly try to get coords from e.offsetX/e.offsetY. * + If `calculate` is set as `true`, the input `el` can be any element * and we force to calculate the coords based on `el`. * + The input `el` should be positionable (not position:static). * * The force `calculate` can be used in case like: * When mousemove event triggered on ec tooltip, `` is not `el`(zr painter.dom). * * @param {HTMLElement} el DOM element. * @param {Event} e Mouse event or touch event. * @param {Object} out Get `out.zrX` and `out.zrY` as the result. * @param {boolean} [calculate=false] Whether to force calculate * the coordinates but not use ones provided by browser. */ function clientToLocal(el, e, out, calculate) { out = out || {}; // According to the W3C Working Draft, offsetX and offsetY should be relative // to the padding edge of the target element. The only browser using this convention // is IE. Webkit uses the border edge, Opera uses the content edge, and FireFox does // not support the properties. // (see // In zr painter.dom, padding edge equals to border edge. if (calculate || !env.canvasSupported) { calculateZrXY(el, e, out); } // Caution: In FireFox, layerX/layerY Mouse position relative to the closest positioned // ancestor element, so we should make sure el is positioned (e.g., not position:static). // BTW1, Webkit don't return the same results as FF in non-simple cases (like add // zoom-factor, overflow / opacity layers, transforms ...) // BTW2, (ev.offsetY || ev.pageY - $( is not correct in preserve-3d. // // BTW3, In ff, offsetX/offsetY is always 0. else if (env.browser.firefox && e.layerX != null && e.layerX !== e.offsetX) { out.zrX = e.layerX; out.zrY = e.layerY; } // For IE6+, chrome, safari, opera. (When will ff support offsetX?) else if (e.offsetX != null) { out.zrX = e.offsetX; out.zrY = e.offsetY; } // For some other device, e.g., IOS safari. else { calculateZrXY(el, e, out); } return out; } function calculateZrXY(el, e, out) { // BlackBerry 5, iOS 3 (original iPhone) don't have getBoundingRect. if (env.domSupported && el.getBoundingClientRect) { var ex = e.clientX; var ey = e.clientY; if (isCanvasEl(el)) { // Original approach, which do not support CSS transform. // marker can not be locationed in a canvas container // (getBoundingClientRect is always 0). We do not support // that input a pre-created canvas to zr while using css // transform in iOS. var box = el.getBoundingClientRect(); out.zrX = ex - box.left; out.zrY = ey -; return; } else { if (transformCoordWithViewport(_calcOut, el, ex, ey)) { out.zrX = _calcOut[0]; out.zrY = _calcOut[1]; return; } } } out.zrX = out.zrY = 0; } /** * Find native event compat for legency IE. * Should be called at the begining of a native event listener. * * @param {Event} [e] Mouse event or touch event or pointer event. * For lagency IE, we use `window.event` is used. * @return {Event} The native event. */ function getNativeEvent(e) { return e || window.event; } /** * Normalize the coordinates of the input event. * * Get the `e.zrX` and `e.zrY`, which are relative to the top-left of * the input `el`. * Get `e.zrDelta` if using mouse wheel. * Get `e.which`, see the comment inside this function. * * Do not calculate repeatly if `zrX` and `zrY` already exist. * * Notice: see comments in `clientToLocal`. check the relationship * between the result coords and the parameters `el` and `calculate`. * * @param {HTMLElement} el DOM element. * @param {Event} [e] See `getNativeEvent`. * @param {boolean} [calculate=false] Whether to force calculate * the coordinates but not use ones provided by browser. * @return {UIEvent} The normalized native UIEvent. */ function normalizeEvent(el, e, calculate) { e = getNativeEvent(e); if (e.zrX != null) { return e; } var eventType = e.type; var isTouch = eventType && eventType.indexOf('touch') >= 0; if (!isTouch) { clientToLocal(el, e, e, calculate); e.zrDelta = e.wheelDelta ? e.wheelDelta / 120 : -(e.detail || 0) / 3; } else { var touch = eventType !== 'touchend' ? e.targetTouches[0] : e.changedTouches[0]; touch && clientToLocal(el, touch, e, calculate); } // Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right; otherwise: 0; // See jQuery: // If e.which has been defined, it may be readonly, // see: var button = e.button; if (e.which == null && button !== undefined && MOUSE_EVENT_REG.test(e.type)) { e.which = button & 1 ? 1 : button & 2 ? 3 : button & 4 ? 2 : 0; } // [Caution]: `e.which` from browser is not always reliable. For example, // when press left button and `mousemove (pointermove)` in Edge, the `e.which` // is 65536 and the `e.button` is -1. But the `mouseup (pointerup)` and // `mousedown (pointerdown)` is the same as Chrome does. return e; } /** * @param {HTMLElement} el * @param {string} name * @param {Function} handler * @param {Object|boolean} opt If boolean, means `opt.capture` * @param {boolean} [opt.capture=false] * @param {boolean} [opt.passive=false] */ function addEventListener(el, name, handler, opt) { if (isDomLevel2) { // Reproduct the console warning: // [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking event. // Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive. // Just set console log level: verbose in chrome dev tool. // then the warning log will be printed when addEventListener called. // See // We have not yet found a neat way to using passive. Because in zrender the dom event // listener delegate all of the upper events of element. Some of those events need // to prevent default. For example, the feature `preventDefaultMouseMove` of echarts. // Before passive can be adopted, these issues should be considered: // (1) Whether and how a zrender user specifies an event listener passive. And by default, // passive or not. // (2) How to tread that some zrender event listener is passive, and some is not. If // we use other way but not preventDefault of mousewheel and touchmove, browser // compatibility should be handled. // var opts = (env.passiveSupported && name === 'mousewheel') // ? {passive: true} // // By default, the third param of el.addEventListener is `capture: false`. // : void 0; // el.addEventListener(name, handler /* , opts */); el.addEventListener(name, handler, opt); } else { // For simplicity, do not implement `setCapture` for IE9-. el.attachEvent('on' + name, handler); } } /** * Parameter are the same as `addEventListener`. * * Notice that if a listener is registered twice, one with capture and one without, * remove each one separately. Removal of a capturing listener does not affect a * non-capturing version of the same listener, and vice versa. */ function removeEventListener(el, name, handler, opt) { if (isDomLevel2) { el.removeEventListener(name, handler, opt); } else { el.detachEvent('on' + name, handler); } } /** * preventDefault and stopPropagation. * Notice: do not use this method in zrender. It can only be * used by upper applications if necessary. * * @param {Event} e A mouse or touch event. */ var stop = isDomLevel2 ? function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.cancelBubble = true; } : function (e) { e.returnValue = false; e.cancelBubble = true; }; /** * This method only works for mouseup and mousedown. The functionality is restricted * for fault tolerance, See the `e.which` compatibility above. * * @param {MouseEvent} e * @return {boolean} */ function isMiddleOrRightButtonOnMouseUpDown(e) { return e.which === 2 || e.which === 3; } /** * To be removed. * @deprecated */ function notLeftMouse(e) { // If e.which is undefined, considered as left mouse event. return e.which > 1; } // For backward compatibility exports.clientToLocal = clientToLocal; exports.getNativeEvent = getNativeEvent; exports.normalizeEvent = normalizeEvent; exports.addEventListener = addEventListener; exports.removeEventListener = removeEventListener; exports.stop = stop; exports.isMiddleOrRightButtonOnMouseUpDown = isMiddleOrRightButtonOnMouseUpDown; exports.notLeftMouse = notLeftMouse;