var env = require("./env"); var _fourPointsTransform = require("./fourPointsTransform"); var buildTransformer = _fourPointsTransform.buildTransformer; var EVENT_SAVED_PROP = '___zrEVENTSAVED'; var _calcOut = []; /** * Transform "local coord" from `elFrom` to `elTarget`. * "local coord": the coord based on the input `el`. The origin point is at * the position of "left: 0; top: 0;" in the `el`. * * Support when CSS transform is used. * * Having the `out` (that is, `[outX, outY]`), we can create an DOM element * and set the CSS style as "left: outX; top: outY;" and append it to `elTarge` * to locate the element. * * For example, this code below positions a child of `document.body` on the event * point, no matter whether `body` has `margin`/`paddin`/`transfrom`/... : * ```js * transformLocalCoord(out, container, document.body, event.offsetX, event.offsetY); * if (!eqNaN(out[0])) { * // Then locate the tip element on the event point. * var tipEl = document.createElement('div'); * = 'position: absolute; left:' + out[0] + ';top:' + out[1] + ';'; * document.body.appendChild(tipEl); * } * ``` * * Notice: In some env this method is not supported. If called, `out` will be `[NaN, NaN]`. * * @param {Array.} out [inX: number, inY: number] The output.. * If can not transform, `out` will not be modified but return `false`. * @param {HTMLElement} elFrom The `[inX, inY]` is based on elFrom. * @param {HTMLElement} elTarget The `out` is based on elTarget. * @param {number} inX * @param {number} inY * @return {boolean} Whether transform successfully. */ function transformLocalCoord(out, elFrom, elTarget, inX, inY) { return transformCoordWithViewport(_calcOut, elFrom, inX, inY, true) && transformCoordWithViewport(out, elTarget, _calcOut[0], _calcOut[1]); } /** * Transform between a "viewport coord" and a "local coord". * "viewport coord": the coord based on the left-top corner of the viewport * of the browser. * "local coord": the coord based on the input `el`. The origin point is at * the position of "left: 0; top: 0;" in the `el`. * * Support the case when CSS transform is used on el. * * @param {Array.} out [inX: number, inY: number] The output. If `inverse: false`, * it represents "local coord", otherwise "vireport coord". * If can not transform, `out` will not be modified but return `false`. * @param {HTMLElement} el The "local coord" is based on the `el`, see comment above. * @param {number} inX If `inverse: false`, * it represents "vireport coord", otherwise "local coord". * @param {number} inY If `inverse: false`, * it represents "vireport coord", otherwise "local coord". * @param {boolean} [inverse=false] * `true`: from "viewport coord" to "local coord". * `false`: from "local coord" to "viewport coord". * @return {boolean} Whether transform successfully. */ function transformCoordWithViewport(out, el, inX, inY, inverse) { if (el.getBoundingClientRect && env.domSupported && !isCanvasEl(el)) { var saved = el[EVENT_SAVED_PROP] || (el[EVENT_SAVED_PROP] = {}); var markers = prepareCoordMarkers(el, saved); var transformer = preparePointerTransformer(markers, saved, inverse); if (transformer) { transformer(out, inX, inY); return true; } } return false; } function prepareCoordMarkers(el, saved) { var markers = saved.markers; if (markers) { return markers; } markers = saved.markers = []; var propLR = ['left', 'right']; var propTB = ['top', 'bottom']; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var marker = document.createElement('div'); var stl =; var idxLR = i % 2; var idxTB = (i >> 1) % 2; stl.cssText = ['position: absolute', 'visibility: hidden', 'padding: 0', 'margin: 0', 'border-width: 0', 'user-select: none', 'width:0', 'height:0', // 'width: 5px', // 'height: 5px', propLR[idxLR] + ':0', propTB[idxTB] + ':0', propLR[1 - idxLR] + ':auto', propTB[1 - idxTB] + ':auto', ''].join('!important;'); el.appendChild(marker); markers.push(marker); } return markers; } function preparePointerTransformer(markers, saved, inverse) { var transformerName = inverse ? 'invTrans' : 'trans'; var transformer = saved[transformerName]; var oldSrcCoords = saved.srcCoords; var oldCoordTheSame = true; var srcCoords = []; var destCoords = []; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var rect = markers[i].getBoundingClientRect(); var ii = 2 * i; var x = rect.left; var y =; srcCoords.push(x, y); oldCoordTheSame = oldCoordTheSame && oldSrcCoords && x === oldSrcCoords[ii] && y === oldSrcCoords[ii + 1]; destCoords.push(markers[i].offsetLeft, markers[i].offsetTop); } // Cache to avoid time consuming of `buildTransformer`. return oldCoordTheSame && transformer ? transformer : (saved.srcCoords = srcCoords, saved[transformerName] = inverse ? buildTransformer(destCoords, srcCoords) : buildTransformer(srcCoords, destCoords)); } function isCanvasEl(el) { return el.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'CANVAS'; } exports.transformLocalCoord = transformLocalCoord; exports.transformCoordWithViewport = transformCoordWithViewport; exports.isCanvasEl = isCanvasEl;