/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ "use strict"; const memoize = require("../util/memoize"); const SerializerMiddleware = require("./SerializerMiddleware"); /** @typedef {import("./types").BufferSerializableType} BufferSerializableType */ /** @typedef {import("./types").PrimitiveSerializableType} PrimitiveSerializableType */ /* Format: File -> Section* Section -> NullsSection | BooleansSection | F64NumbersSection | I32NumbersSection | I8NumbersSection | ShortStringSection | BigIntSection | I32BigIntSection | I8BigIntSection StringSection | BufferSection | NopSection NullsSection -> NullHeaderByte | Null2HeaderByte | Null3HeaderByte | Nulls8HeaderByte 0xnn (n:count - 4) | Nulls32HeaderByte n:ui32 (n:count - 260) | BooleansSection -> TrueHeaderByte | FalseHeaderByte | BooleansSectionHeaderByte BooleansCountAndBitsByte F64NumbersSection -> F64NumbersSectionHeaderByte f64* I32NumbersSection -> I32NumbersSectionHeaderByte i32* I8NumbersSection -> I8NumbersSectionHeaderByte i8* ShortStringSection -> ShortStringSectionHeaderByte ascii-byte* StringSection -> StringSectionHeaderByte i32:length utf8-byte* BufferSection -> BufferSectionHeaderByte i32:length byte* NopSection --> NopSectionHeaderByte BigIntSection -> BigIntSectionHeaderByte i32:length ascii-byte* I32BigIntSection -> I32BigIntSectionHeaderByte i32 I8BigIntSection -> I8BigIntSectionHeaderByte i8 ShortStringSectionHeaderByte -> 0b1nnn_nnnn (n:length) F64NumbersSectionHeaderByte -> 0b001n_nnnn (n:count - 1) I32NumbersSectionHeaderByte -> 0b010n_nnnn (n:count - 1) I8NumbersSectionHeaderByte -> 0b011n_nnnn (n:count - 1) NullsSectionHeaderByte -> 0b0001_nnnn (n:count - 1) BooleansCountAndBitsByte -> 0b0000_1xxx (count = 3) | 0b0001_xxxx (count = 4) | 0b001x_xxxx (count = 5) | 0b01xx_xxxx (count = 6) | 0b1nnn_nnnn (n:count - 7, 7 <= count <= 133) 0xff n:ui32 (n:count, 134 <= count < 2^32) StringSectionHeaderByte -> 0b0000_1110 BufferSectionHeaderByte -> 0b0000_1111 NopSectionHeaderByte -> 0b0000_1011 BigIntSectionHeaderByte -> 0b0001_1010 I32BigIntSectionHeaderByte -> 0b0001_1100 I8BigIntSectionHeaderByte -> 0b0001_1011 FalseHeaderByte -> 0b0000_1100 TrueHeaderByte -> 0b0000_1101 RawNumber -> n (n <= 10) */ const LAZY_HEADER = 0x0b; const TRUE_HEADER = 0x0c; const FALSE_HEADER = 0x0d; const BOOLEANS_HEADER = 0x0e; const NULL_HEADER = 0x10; const NULL2_HEADER = 0x11; const NULL3_HEADER = 0x12; const NULLS8_HEADER = 0x13; const NULLS32_HEADER = 0x14; const NULL_AND_I8_HEADER = 0x15; const NULL_AND_I32_HEADER = 0x16; const NULL_AND_TRUE_HEADER = 0x17; const NULL_AND_FALSE_HEADER = 0x18; const BIGINT_HEADER = 0x1a; const BIGINT_I8_HEADER = 0x1b; const BIGINT_I32_HEADER = 0x1c; const STRING_HEADER = 0x1e; const BUFFER_HEADER = 0x1f; const I8_HEADER = 0x60; const I32_HEADER = 0x40; const F64_HEADER = 0x20; const SHORT_STRING_HEADER = 0x80; /** Uplift high-order bits */ const NUMBERS_HEADER_MASK = 0xe0; // 0b1010_0000 const NUMBERS_COUNT_MASK = 0x1f; // 0b0001_1111 const SHORT_STRING_LENGTH_MASK = 0x7f; // 0b0111_1111 const HEADER_SIZE = 1; const I8_SIZE = 1; const I32_SIZE = 4; const F64_SIZE = 8; const MEASURE_START_OPERATION = Symbol("MEASURE_START_OPERATION"); const MEASURE_END_OPERATION = Symbol("MEASURE_END_OPERATION"); /** @typedef {typeof MEASURE_START_OPERATION} MEASURE_START_OPERATION_TYPE */ /** @typedef {typeof MEASURE_END_OPERATION} MEASURE_END_OPERATION_TYPE */ /** * @param {number} n number * @returns {0 | 1 | 2} type of number for serialization */ const identifyNumber = n => { if (n === (n | 0)) { if (n <= 127 && n >= -128) return 0; if (n <= 2147483647 && n >= -2147483648) return 1; } return 2; }; /** * @param {bigint} n bigint * @returns {0 | 1 | 2} type of bigint for serialization */ const identifyBigInt = n => { if (n <= BigInt(127) && n >= BigInt(-128)) return 0; if (n <= BigInt(2147483647) && n >= BigInt(-2147483648)) return 1; return 2; }; /** * @typedef {PrimitiveSerializableType[]} DeserializedType * @typedef {BufferSerializableType[]} SerializedType * @extends {SerializerMiddleware} */ class BinaryMiddleware extends SerializerMiddleware { /** * @param {DeserializedType} data data * @param {object} context context object * @returns {SerializedType|Promise} serialized data */ serialize(data, context) { return this._serialize(data, context); } _serializeLazy(fn, context) { return SerializerMiddleware.serializeLazy(fn, data => this._serialize(data, context) ); } /** * @param {DeserializedType} data data * @param {object} context context object * @param {{ leftOverBuffer: Buffer | null, allocationSize: number, increaseCounter: number }} allocationScope allocation scope * @returns {SerializedType} serialized data */ _serialize( data, context, allocationScope = { allocationSize: 1024, increaseCounter: 0, leftOverBuffer: null } ) { /** @type {Buffer} */ let leftOverBuffer = null; /** @type {BufferSerializableType[]} */ let buffers = []; /** @type {Buffer} */ let currentBuffer = allocationScope ? allocationScope.leftOverBuffer : null; allocationScope.leftOverBuffer = null; let currentPosition = 0; if (currentBuffer === null) { currentBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(allocationScope.allocationSize); } const allocate = bytesNeeded => { if (currentBuffer !== null) { if (currentBuffer.length - currentPosition >= bytesNeeded) return; flush(); } if (leftOverBuffer && leftOverBuffer.length >= bytesNeeded) { currentBuffer = leftOverBuffer; leftOverBuffer = null; } else { currentBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe( Math.max(bytesNeeded, allocationScope.allocationSize) ); if ( !(allocationScope.increaseCounter = (allocationScope.increaseCounter + 1) % 4) && allocationScope.allocationSize < 16777216 ) { allocationScope.allocationSize = allocationScope.allocationSize << 1; } } }; const flush = () => { if (currentBuffer !== null) { if (currentPosition > 0) { buffers.push( Buffer.from( currentBuffer.buffer, currentBuffer.byteOffset, currentPosition ) ); } if ( !leftOverBuffer || leftOverBuffer.length < currentBuffer.length - currentPosition ) { leftOverBuffer = Buffer.from( currentBuffer.buffer, currentBuffer.byteOffset + currentPosition, currentBuffer.byteLength - currentPosition ); } currentBuffer = null; currentPosition = 0; } }; /** * @param {number} byte byte */ const writeU8 = byte => { currentBuffer.writeUInt8(byte, currentPosition++); }; /** * @param {number} ui32 ui32 */ const writeU32 = ui32 => { currentBuffer.writeUInt32LE(ui32, currentPosition); currentPosition += 4; }; /** @type {number[]} */ const measureStack = []; const measureStart = () => { measureStack.push(buffers.length, currentPosition); }; /** * @returns {number} size */ const measureEnd = () => { const oldPos = measureStack.pop(); const buffersIndex = measureStack.pop(); let size = currentPosition - oldPos; for (let i = buffersIndex; i < buffers.length; i++) { size += buffers[i].length; } return size; }; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { const thing = data[i]; switch (typeof thing) { case "function": { if (!SerializerMiddleware.isLazy(thing)) throw new Error("Unexpected function " + thing); /** @type {SerializedType | (() => SerializedType)} */ let serializedData = SerializerMiddleware.getLazySerializedValue(thing); if (serializedData === undefined) { if (SerializerMiddleware.isLazy(thing, this)) { flush(); allocationScope.leftOverBuffer = leftOverBuffer; const result = /** @type {(Exclude>)[]} */ ( thing() ); const data = this._serialize(result, context, allocationScope); leftOverBuffer = allocationScope.leftOverBuffer; allocationScope.leftOverBuffer = null; SerializerMiddleware.setLazySerializedValue(thing, data); serializedData = data; } else { serializedData = this._serializeLazy(thing, context); flush(); buffers.push(serializedData); break; } } else { if (typeof serializedData === "function") { flush(); buffers.push(serializedData); break; } } /** @type {number[]} */ const lengths = []; for (const item of serializedData) { let last; if (typeof item === "function") { lengths.push(0); } else if (item.length === 0) { // ignore } else if ( lengths.length > 0 && (last = lengths[lengths.length - 1]) !== 0 ) { const remaining = 0xffffffff - last; if (remaining >= item.length) { lengths[lengths.length - 1] += item.length; } else { lengths.push(item.length - remaining); lengths[lengths.length - 2] = 0xffffffff; } } else { lengths.push(item.length); } } allocate(5 + lengths.length * 4); writeU8(LAZY_HEADER); writeU32(lengths.length); for (const l of lengths) { writeU32(l); } flush(); for (const item of serializedData) { buffers.push(item); } break; } case "string": { const len = Buffer.byteLength(thing); if (len >= 128 || len !== thing.length) { allocate(len + HEADER_SIZE + I32_SIZE); writeU8(STRING_HEADER); writeU32(len); currentBuffer.write(thing, currentPosition); currentPosition += len; } else if (len >= 70) { allocate(len + HEADER_SIZE); writeU8(SHORT_STRING_HEADER | len); currentBuffer.write(thing, currentPosition, "latin1"); currentPosition += len; } else { allocate(len + HEADER_SIZE); writeU8(SHORT_STRING_HEADER | len); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { currentBuffer[currentPosition++] = thing.charCodeAt(i); } } break; } case "bigint": { const type = identifyBigInt(thing); if (type === 0 && thing >= 0 && thing <= BigInt(10)) { // shortcut for very small bigints allocate(HEADER_SIZE + I8_SIZE); writeU8(BIGINT_I8_HEADER); writeU8(Number(thing)); break; } switch (type) { case 0: { let n = 1; allocate(HEADER_SIZE + I8_SIZE * n); writeU8(BIGINT_I8_HEADER | (n - 1)); while (n > 0) { currentBuffer.writeInt8( Number(/** @type {bigint} */ (data[i])), currentPosition ); currentPosition += I8_SIZE; n--; i++; } i--; break; } case 1: { let n = 1; allocate(HEADER_SIZE + I32_SIZE * n); writeU8(BIGINT_I32_HEADER | (n - 1)); while (n > 0) { currentBuffer.writeInt32LE( Number(/** @type {bigint} */ (data[i])), currentPosition ); currentPosition += I32_SIZE; n--; i++; } i--; break; } default: { const value = thing.toString(); const len = Buffer.byteLength(value); allocate(len + HEADER_SIZE + I32_SIZE); writeU8(BIGINT_HEADER); writeU32(len); currentBuffer.write(value, currentPosition); currentPosition += len; break; } } break; } case "number": { const type = identifyNumber(thing); if (type === 0 && thing >= 0 && thing <= 10) { // shortcut for very small numbers allocate(I8_SIZE); writeU8(thing); break; } /** * amount of numbers to write * @type {number} */ let n = 1; for (; n < 32 && i + n < data.length; n++) { const item = data[i + n]; if (typeof item !== "number") break; if (identifyNumber(item) !== type) break; } switch (type) { case 0: allocate(HEADER_SIZE + I8_SIZE * n); writeU8(I8_HEADER | (n - 1)); while (n > 0) { currentBuffer.writeInt8( /** @type {number} */ (data[i]), currentPosition ); currentPosition += I8_SIZE; n--; i++; } break; case 1: allocate(HEADER_SIZE + I32_SIZE * n); writeU8(I32_HEADER | (n - 1)); while (n > 0) { currentBuffer.writeInt32LE( /** @type {number} */ (data[i]), currentPosition ); currentPosition += I32_SIZE; n--; i++; } break; case 2: allocate(HEADER_SIZE + F64_SIZE * n); writeU8(F64_HEADER | (n - 1)); while (n > 0) { currentBuffer.writeDoubleLE( /** @type {number} */ (data[i]), currentPosition ); currentPosition += F64_SIZE; n--; i++; } break; } i--; break; } case "boolean": { let lastByte = thing === true ? 1 : 0; const bytes = []; let count = 1; let n; for (n = 1; n < 0xffffffff && i + n < data.length; n++) { const item = data[i + n]; if (typeof item !== "boolean") break; const pos = count & 0x7; if (pos === 0) { bytes.push(lastByte); lastByte = item === true ? 1 : 0; } else if (item === true) { lastByte |= 1 << pos; } count++; } i += count - 1; if (count === 1) { allocate(HEADER_SIZE); writeU8(lastByte === 1 ? TRUE_HEADER : FALSE_HEADER); } else if (count === 2) { allocate(HEADER_SIZE * 2); writeU8(lastByte & 1 ? TRUE_HEADER : FALSE_HEADER); writeU8(lastByte & 2 ? TRUE_HEADER : FALSE_HEADER); } else if (count <= 6) { allocate(HEADER_SIZE + I8_SIZE); writeU8(BOOLEANS_HEADER); writeU8((1 << count) | lastByte); } else if (count <= 133) { allocate(HEADER_SIZE + I8_SIZE + I8_SIZE * bytes.length + I8_SIZE); writeU8(BOOLEANS_HEADER); writeU8(0x80 | (count - 7)); for (const byte of bytes) writeU8(byte); writeU8(lastByte); } else { allocate( HEADER_SIZE + I8_SIZE + I32_SIZE + I8_SIZE * bytes.length + I8_SIZE ); writeU8(BOOLEANS_HEADER); writeU8(0xff); writeU32(count); for (const byte of bytes) writeU8(byte); writeU8(lastByte); } break; } case "object": { if (thing === null) { let n; for (n = 1; n < 0x100000104 && i + n < data.length; n++) { const item = data[i + n]; if (item !== null) break; } i += n - 1; if (n === 1) { if (i + 1 < data.length) { const next = data[i + 1]; if (next === true) { allocate(HEADER_SIZE); writeU8(NULL_AND_TRUE_HEADER); i++; } else if (next === false) { allocate(HEADER_SIZE); writeU8(NULL_AND_FALSE_HEADER); i++; } else if (typeof next === "number") { const type = identifyNumber(next); if (type === 0) { allocate(HEADER_SIZE + I8_SIZE); writeU8(NULL_AND_I8_HEADER); currentBuffer.writeInt8(next, currentPosition); currentPosition += I8_SIZE; i++; } else if (type === 1) { allocate(HEADER_SIZE + I32_SIZE); writeU8(NULL_AND_I32_HEADER); currentBuffer.writeInt32LE(next, currentPosition); currentPosition += I32_SIZE; i++; } else { allocate(HEADER_SIZE); writeU8(NULL_HEADER); } } else { allocate(HEADER_SIZE); writeU8(NULL_HEADER); } } else { allocate(HEADER_SIZE); writeU8(NULL_HEADER); } } else if (n === 2) { allocate(HEADER_SIZE); writeU8(NULL2_HEADER); } else if (n === 3) { allocate(HEADER_SIZE); writeU8(NULL3_HEADER); } else if (n < 260) { allocate(HEADER_SIZE + I8_SIZE); writeU8(NULLS8_HEADER); writeU8(n - 4); } else { allocate(HEADER_SIZE + I32_SIZE); writeU8(NULLS32_HEADER); writeU32(n - 260); } } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(thing)) { if (thing.length < 8192) { allocate(HEADER_SIZE + I32_SIZE + thing.length); writeU8(BUFFER_HEADER); writeU32(thing.length); thing.copy(currentBuffer, currentPosition); currentPosition += thing.length; } else { allocate(HEADER_SIZE + I32_SIZE); writeU8(BUFFER_HEADER); writeU32(thing.length); flush(); buffers.push(thing); } } break; } case "symbol": { if (thing === MEASURE_START_OPERATION) { measureStart(); } else if (thing === MEASURE_END_OPERATION) { const size = measureEnd(); allocate(HEADER_SIZE + I32_SIZE); writeU8(I32_HEADER); currentBuffer.writeInt32LE(size, currentPosition); currentPosition += I32_SIZE; } break; } } } flush(); allocationScope.leftOverBuffer = leftOverBuffer; // avoid leaking memory currentBuffer = null; leftOverBuffer = null; allocationScope = undefined; const _buffers = buffers; buffers = undefined; return _buffers; } /** * @param {SerializedType} data data * @param {object} context context object * @returns {DeserializedType|Promise} deserialized data */ deserialize(data, context) { return this._deserialize(data, context); } _createLazyDeserialized(content, context) { return SerializerMiddleware.createLazy( memoize(() => this._deserialize(content, context)), this, undefined, content ); } _deserializeLazy(fn, context) { return SerializerMiddleware.deserializeLazy(fn, data => this._deserialize(data, context) ); } /** * @param {SerializedType} data data * @param {object} context context object * @returns {DeserializedType} deserialized data */ _deserialize(data, context) { let currentDataItem = 0; let currentBuffer = data[0]; let currentIsBuffer = Buffer.isBuffer(currentBuffer); let currentPosition = 0; const retainedBuffer = context.retainedBuffer || (x => x); const checkOverflow = () => { if (currentPosition >= currentBuffer.length) { currentPosition = 0; currentDataItem++; currentBuffer = currentDataItem < data.length ? data[currentDataItem] : null; currentIsBuffer = Buffer.isBuffer(currentBuffer); } }; const isInCurrentBuffer = n => { return currentIsBuffer && n + currentPosition <= currentBuffer.length; }; const ensureBuffer = () => { if (!currentIsBuffer) { throw new Error( currentBuffer === null ? "Unexpected end of stream" : "Unexpected lazy element in stream" ); } }; /** * Reads n bytes * @param {number} n amount of bytes to read * @returns {Buffer} buffer with bytes */ const read = n => { ensureBuffer(); const rem = currentBuffer.length - currentPosition; if (rem < n) { const buffers = [read(rem)]; n -= rem; ensureBuffer(); while (currentBuffer.length < n) { const b = /** @type {Buffer} */ (currentBuffer); buffers.push(b); n -= b.length; currentDataItem++; currentBuffer = currentDataItem < data.length ? data[currentDataItem] : null; currentIsBuffer = Buffer.isBuffer(currentBuffer); ensureBuffer(); } buffers.push(read(n)); return Buffer.concat(buffers); } const b = /** @type {Buffer} */ (currentBuffer); const res = Buffer.from(b.buffer, b.byteOffset + currentPosition, n); currentPosition += n; checkOverflow(); return res; }; /** * Reads up to n bytes * @param {number} n amount of bytes to read * @returns {Buffer} buffer with bytes */ const readUpTo = n => { ensureBuffer(); const rem = currentBuffer.length - currentPosition; if (rem < n) { n = rem; } const b = /** @type {Buffer} */ (currentBuffer); const res = Buffer.from(b.buffer, b.byteOffset + currentPosition, n); currentPosition += n; checkOverflow(); return res; }; /** * @returns {number} U8 */ const readU8 = () => { ensureBuffer(); /** * There is no need to check remaining buffer size here * since {@link checkOverflow} guarantees at least one byte remaining */ const byte = /** @type {Buffer} */ (currentBuffer).readUInt8( currentPosition ); currentPosition += I8_SIZE; checkOverflow(); return byte; }; /** * @returns {number} U32 */ const readU32 = () => { return read(I32_SIZE).readUInt32LE(0); }; const readBits = (data, n) => { let mask = 1; while (n !== 0) { result.push((data & mask) !== 0); mask = mask << 1; n--; } }; const dispatchTable = Array.from({ length: 256 }).map((_, header) => { switch (header) { case LAZY_HEADER: return () => { const count = readU32(); const lengths = Array.from({ length: count }).map(() => readU32()); const content = []; for (let l of lengths) { if (l === 0) { if (typeof currentBuffer !== "function") { throw new Error("Unexpected non-lazy element in stream"); } content.push(currentBuffer); currentDataItem++; currentBuffer = currentDataItem < data.length ? data[currentDataItem] : null; currentIsBuffer = Buffer.isBuffer(currentBuffer); } else { do { const buf = readUpTo(l); l -= buf.length; content.push(retainedBuffer(buf)); } while (l > 0); } } result.push(this._createLazyDeserialized(content, context)); }; case BUFFER_HEADER: return () => { const len = readU32(); result.push(retainedBuffer(read(len))); }; case TRUE_HEADER: return () => result.push(true); case FALSE_HEADER: return () => result.push(false); case NULL3_HEADER: return () => result.push(null, null, null); case NULL2_HEADER: return () => result.push(null, null); case NULL_HEADER: return () => result.push(null); case NULL_AND_TRUE_HEADER: return () => result.push(null, true); case NULL_AND_FALSE_HEADER: return () => result.push(null, false); case NULL_AND_I8_HEADER: return () => { if (currentIsBuffer) { result.push( null, /** @type {Buffer} */ (currentBuffer).readInt8(currentPosition) ); currentPosition += I8_SIZE; checkOverflow(); } else { result.push(null, read(I8_SIZE).readInt8(0)); } }; case NULL_AND_I32_HEADER: return () => { result.push(null); if (isInCurrentBuffer(I32_SIZE)) { result.push( /** @type {Buffer} */ (currentBuffer).readInt32LE( currentPosition ) ); currentPosition += I32_SIZE; checkOverflow(); } else { result.push(read(I32_SIZE).readInt32LE(0)); } }; case NULLS8_HEADER: return () => { const len = readU8() + 4; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { result.push(null); } }; case NULLS32_HEADER: return () => { const len = readU32() + 260; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { result.push(null); } }; case BOOLEANS_HEADER: return () => { const innerHeader = readU8(); if ((innerHeader & 0xf0) === 0) { readBits(innerHeader, 3); } else if ((innerHeader & 0xe0) === 0) { readBits(innerHeader, 4); } else if ((innerHeader & 0xc0) === 0) { readBits(innerHeader, 5); } else if ((innerHeader & 0x80) === 0) { readBits(innerHeader, 6); } else if (innerHeader !== 0xff) { let count = (innerHeader & 0x7f) + 7; while (count > 8) { readBits(readU8(), 8); count -= 8; } readBits(readU8(), count); } else { let count = readU32(); while (count > 8) { readBits(readU8(), 8); count -= 8; } readBits(readU8(), count); } }; case STRING_HEADER: return () => { const len = readU32(); if (isInCurrentBuffer(len) && currentPosition + len < 0x7fffffff) { result.push( currentBuffer.toString( undefined, currentPosition, currentPosition + len ) ); currentPosition += len; checkOverflow(); } else { result.push(read(len).toString()); } }; case SHORT_STRING_HEADER: return () => result.push(""); case SHORT_STRING_HEADER | 1: return () => { if (currentIsBuffer && currentPosition < 0x7ffffffe) { result.push( currentBuffer.toString( "latin1", currentPosition, currentPosition + 1 ) ); currentPosition++; checkOverflow(); } else { result.push(read(1).toString("latin1")); } }; case I8_HEADER: return () => { if (currentIsBuffer) { result.push( /** @type {Buffer} */ (currentBuffer).readInt8(currentPosition) ); currentPosition++; checkOverflow(); } else { result.push(read(1).readInt8(0)); } }; case BIGINT_I8_HEADER: { const len = 1; return () => { const need = I8_SIZE * len; if (isInCurrentBuffer(need)) { for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const value = /** @type {Buffer} */ (currentBuffer).readInt8(currentPosition); result.push(BigInt(value)); currentPosition += I8_SIZE; } checkOverflow(); } else { const buf = read(need); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const value = buf.readInt8(i * I8_SIZE); result.push(BigInt(value)); } } }; } case BIGINT_I32_HEADER: { const len = 1; return () => { const need = I32_SIZE * len; if (isInCurrentBuffer(need)) { for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const value = /** @type {Buffer} */ (currentBuffer).readInt32LE( currentPosition ); result.push(BigInt(value)); currentPosition += I32_SIZE; } checkOverflow(); } else { const buf = read(need); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const value = buf.readInt32LE(i * I32_SIZE); result.push(BigInt(value)); } } }; } case BIGINT_HEADER: { return () => { const len = readU32(); if (isInCurrentBuffer(len) && currentPosition + len < 0x7fffffff) { const value = currentBuffer.toString( undefined, currentPosition, currentPosition + len ); result.push(BigInt(value)); currentPosition += len; checkOverflow(); } else { const value = read(len).toString(); result.push(BigInt(value)); } }; } default: if (header <= 10) { return () => result.push(header); } else if ((header & SHORT_STRING_HEADER) === SHORT_STRING_HEADER) { const len = header & SHORT_STRING_LENGTH_MASK; return () => { if ( isInCurrentBuffer(len) && currentPosition + len < 0x7fffffff ) { result.push( currentBuffer.toString( "latin1", currentPosition, currentPosition + len ) ); currentPosition += len; checkOverflow(); } else { result.push(read(len).toString("latin1")); } }; } else if ((header & NUMBERS_HEADER_MASK) === F64_HEADER) { const len = (header & NUMBERS_COUNT_MASK) + 1; return () => { const need = F64_SIZE * len; if (isInCurrentBuffer(need)) { for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { result.push( /** @type {Buffer} */ (currentBuffer).readDoubleLE( currentPosition ) ); currentPosition += F64_SIZE; } checkOverflow(); } else { const buf = read(need); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { result.push(buf.readDoubleLE(i * F64_SIZE)); } } }; } else if ((header & NUMBERS_HEADER_MASK) === I32_HEADER) { const len = (header & NUMBERS_COUNT_MASK) + 1; return () => { const need = I32_SIZE * len; if (isInCurrentBuffer(need)) { for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { result.push( /** @type {Buffer} */ (currentBuffer).readInt32LE( currentPosition ) ); currentPosition += I32_SIZE; } checkOverflow(); } else { const buf = read(need); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { result.push(buf.readInt32LE(i * I32_SIZE)); } } }; } else if ((header & NUMBERS_HEADER_MASK) === I8_HEADER) { const len = (header & NUMBERS_COUNT_MASK) + 1; return () => { const need = I8_SIZE * len; if (isInCurrentBuffer(need)) { for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { result.push( /** @type {Buffer} */ (currentBuffer).readInt8( currentPosition ) ); currentPosition += I8_SIZE; } checkOverflow(); } else { const buf = read(need); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { result.push(buf.readInt8(i * I8_SIZE)); } } }; } else { return () => { throw new Error( `Unexpected header byte 0x${header.toString(16)}` ); }; } } }); /** @type {DeserializedType} */ let result = []; while (currentBuffer !== null) { if (typeof currentBuffer === "function") { result.push(this._deserializeLazy(currentBuffer, context)); currentDataItem++; currentBuffer = currentDataItem < data.length ? data[currentDataItem] : null; currentIsBuffer = Buffer.isBuffer(currentBuffer); } else { const header = readU8(); dispatchTable[header](); } } // avoid leaking memory in context let _result = result; result = undefined; return _result; } } module.exports = BinaryMiddleware; module.exports.MEASURE_START_OPERATION = MEASURE_START_OPERATION; module.exports.MEASURE_END_OPERATION = MEASURE_END_OPERATION;