/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Sergey Melyukov @smelukov */ "use strict"; const { UsageState } = require("../ExportsInfo"); /** @typedef {import("estree").Node} AnyNode */ /** @typedef {import("../Dependency")} Dependency */ /** @typedef {import("../Module")} Module */ /** @typedef {import("../ModuleGraph")} ModuleGraph */ /** @typedef {import("../ModuleGraphConnection")} ModuleGraphConnection */ /** @typedef {import("../ModuleGraphConnection").ConnectionState} ConnectionState */ /** @typedef {import("../Parser").ParserState} ParserState */ /** @typedef {import("../javascript/JavascriptParser")} JavascriptParser */ /** @typedef {import("../util/runtime").RuntimeSpec} RuntimeSpec */ /** @typedef {Map | true | undefined>} InnerGraph */ /** @typedef {function(boolean | Set | undefined): void} UsageCallback */ /** * @typedef {object} StateObject * @property {InnerGraph} innerGraph * @property {TopLevelSymbol=} currentTopLevelSymbol * @property {Map>} usageCallbackMap */ /** @typedef {false|StateObject} State */ /** @type {WeakMap} */ const parserStateMap = new WeakMap(); const topLevelSymbolTag = Symbol("top level symbol"); /** * @param {ParserState} parserState parser state * @returns {State | undefined} state */ function getState(parserState) { return parserStateMap.get(parserState); } /** * @param {ParserState} parserState parser state * @returns {void} */ exports.bailout = parserState => { parserStateMap.set(parserState, false); }; /** * @param {ParserState} parserState parser state * @returns {void} */ exports.enable = parserState => { const state = parserStateMap.get(parserState); if (state === false) { return; } parserStateMap.set(parserState, { innerGraph: new Map(), currentTopLevelSymbol: undefined, usageCallbackMap: new Map() }); }; /** * @param {ParserState} parserState parser state * @returns {boolean} true, when enabled */ exports.isEnabled = parserState => { const state = parserStateMap.get(parserState); return !!state; }; /** * @param {ParserState} state parser state * @param {TopLevelSymbol | null} symbol the symbol, or null for all symbols * @param {string | TopLevelSymbol | true} usage usage data * @returns {void} */ exports.addUsage = (state, symbol, usage) => { const innerGraphState = getState(state); if (innerGraphState) { const { innerGraph } = innerGraphState; const info = innerGraph.get(symbol); if (usage === true) { innerGraph.set(symbol, true); } else if (info === undefined) { innerGraph.set(symbol, new Set([usage])); } else if (info !== true) { info.add(usage); } } }; /** * @param {JavascriptParser} parser the parser * @param {string} name name of variable * @param {string | TopLevelSymbol | true} usage usage data * @returns {void} */ exports.addVariableUsage = (parser, name, usage) => { const symbol = /** @type {TopLevelSymbol} */ ( parser.getTagData(name, topLevelSymbolTag) ) || exports.tagTopLevelSymbol(parser, name); if (symbol) { exports.addUsage(parser.state, symbol, usage); } }; /** * @param {ParserState} state parser state * @returns {void} */ exports.inferDependencyUsage = state => { const innerGraphState = getState(state); if (!innerGraphState) { return; } const { innerGraph, usageCallbackMap } = innerGraphState; const processed = new Map(); // flatten graph to terminal nodes (string, undefined or true) const nonTerminal = new Set(innerGraph.keys()); while (nonTerminal.size > 0) { for (const key of nonTerminal) { /** @type {Set | true} */ let newSet = new Set(); let isTerminal = true; const value = innerGraph.get(key); let alreadyProcessed = processed.get(key); if (alreadyProcessed === undefined) { alreadyProcessed = new Set(); processed.set(key, alreadyProcessed); } if (value !== true && value !== undefined) { for (const item of value) { alreadyProcessed.add(item); } for (const item of value) { if (typeof item === "string") { newSet.add(item); } else { const itemValue = innerGraph.get(item); if (itemValue === true) { newSet = true; break; } if (itemValue !== undefined) { for (const i of itemValue) { if (i === key) continue; if (alreadyProcessed.has(i)) continue; newSet.add(i); if (typeof i !== "string") { isTerminal = false; } } } } } if (newSet === true) { innerGraph.set(key, true); } else if (newSet.size === 0) { innerGraph.set(key, undefined); } else { innerGraph.set(key, newSet); } } if (isTerminal) { nonTerminal.delete(key); // For the global key, merge with all other keys if (key === null) { const globalValue = innerGraph.get(null); if (globalValue) { for (const [key, value] of innerGraph) { if (key !== null && value !== true) { if (globalValue === true) { innerGraph.set(key, true); } else { const newSet = new Set(value); for (const item of globalValue) { newSet.add(item); } innerGraph.set(key, newSet); } } } } } } } } /** @type {Map>} */ for (const [symbol, callbacks] of usageCallbackMap) { const usage = /** @type {true | Set | undefined} */ ( innerGraph.get(symbol) ); for (const callback of callbacks) { callback(usage === undefined ? false : usage); } } }; /** * @param {ParserState} state parser state * @param {UsageCallback} onUsageCallback on usage callback */ exports.onUsage = (state, onUsageCallback) => { const innerGraphState = getState(state); if (innerGraphState) { const { usageCallbackMap, currentTopLevelSymbol } = innerGraphState; if (currentTopLevelSymbol) { let callbacks = usageCallbackMap.get(currentTopLevelSymbol); if (callbacks === undefined) { callbacks = new Set(); usageCallbackMap.set(currentTopLevelSymbol, callbacks); } callbacks.add(onUsageCallback); } else { onUsageCallback(true); } } else { onUsageCallback(undefined); } }; /** * @param {ParserState} state parser state * @param {TopLevelSymbol | undefined} symbol the symbol */ exports.setTopLevelSymbol = (state, symbol) => { const innerGraphState = getState(state); if (innerGraphState) { innerGraphState.currentTopLevelSymbol = symbol; } }; /** * @param {ParserState} state parser state * @returns {TopLevelSymbol|void} usage data */ exports.getTopLevelSymbol = state => { const innerGraphState = getState(state); if (innerGraphState) { return innerGraphState.currentTopLevelSymbol; } }; /** * @param {JavascriptParser} parser parser * @param {string} name name of variable * @returns {TopLevelSymbol | undefined} symbol */ exports.tagTopLevelSymbol = (parser, name) => { const innerGraphState = getState(parser.state); if (!innerGraphState) return; parser.defineVariable(name); const existingTag = /** @type {TopLevelSymbol} */ ( parser.getTagData(name, topLevelSymbolTag) ); if (existingTag) { return existingTag; } const fn = new TopLevelSymbol(name); parser.tagVariable(name, topLevelSymbolTag, fn); return fn; }; /** * @param {Dependency} dependency the dependency * @param {Set | boolean} usedByExports usedByExports info * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph moduleGraph * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime runtime * @returns {boolean} false, when unused. Otherwise true */ exports.isDependencyUsedByExports = ( dependency, usedByExports, moduleGraph, runtime ) => { if (usedByExports === false) return false; if (usedByExports !== true && usedByExports !== undefined) { const selfModule = /** @type {Module} */ (moduleGraph.getParentModule(dependency)); const exportsInfo = moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(selfModule); let used = false; for (const exportName of usedByExports) { if (exportsInfo.getUsed(exportName, runtime) !== UsageState.Unused) used = true; } if (!used) return false; } return true; }; /** * @param {Dependency} dependency the dependency * @param {Set | boolean | undefined} usedByExports usedByExports info * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph moduleGraph * @returns {null | false | function(ModuleGraphConnection, RuntimeSpec): ConnectionState} function to determine if the connection is active */ exports.getDependencyUsedByExportsCondition = ( dependency, usedByExports, moduleGraph ) => { if (usedByExports === false) return false; if (usedByExports !== true && usedByExports !== undefined) { const selfModule = /** @type {Module} */ (moduleGraph.getParentModule(dependency)); const exportsInfo = moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(selfModule); return (connections, runtime) => { for (const exportName of usedByExports) { if (exportsInfo.getUsed(exportName, runtime) !== UsageState.Unused) return true; } return false; }; } return null; }; class TopLevelSymbol { /** * @param {string} name name of the variable */ constructor(name) { this.name = name; } } exports.TopLevelSymbol = TopLevelSymbol; exports.topLevelSymbolTag = topLevelSymbolTag;