/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const { JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_AUTO, JSON_MODULE_TYPE, WEBASSEMBLY_MODULE_TYPE_ASYNC, JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_ESM, JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_DYNAMIC, WEBASSEMBLY_MODULE_TYPE_SYNC, ASSET_MODULE_TYPE, CSS_MODULE_TYPE_AUTO, CSS_MODULE_TYPE, CSS_MODULE_TYPE_MODULE } = require("../ModuleTypeConstants"); const Template = require("../Template"); const { cleverMerge } = require("../util/cleverMerge"); const { getTargetsProperties, getTargetProperties, getDefaultTarget } = require("./target"); /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").CacheOptions} CacheOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").CacheOptionsNormalized} CacheOptionsNormalized */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").Context} Context */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").CssGeneratorOptions} CssGeneratorOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").CssParserOptions} CssParserOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").EntryDescription} EntryDescription */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").EntryNormalized} Entry */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").EntryStaticNormalized} EntryStaticNormalized */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").Environment} Environment */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").Experiments} Experiments */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").ExperimentsNormalized} ExperimentsNormalized */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").ExternalsPresets} ExternalsPresets */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").ExternalsType} ExternalsType */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").FileCacheOptions} FileCacheOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").GeneratorOptionsByModuleTypeKnown} GeneratorOptionsByModuleTypeKnown */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").InfrastructureLogging} InfrastructureLogging */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").JavascriptParserOptions} JavascriptParserOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").Library} Library */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").LibraryName} LibraryName */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").LibraryOptions} LibraryOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").LibraryType} LibraryType */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").Loader} Loader */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").Mode} Mode */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").ModuleOptionsNormalized} ModuleOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").Node} WebpackNode */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").Optimization} Optimization */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").OptimizationSplitChunksOptions} OptimizationSplitChunksOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").OutputNormalized} Output */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").ParserOptionsByModuleTypeKnown} ParserOptionsByModuleTypeKnown */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").Performance} Performance */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").ResolveOptions} ResolveOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").RuleSetRules} RuleSetRules */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").SnapshotOptions} SnapshotOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").Target} Target */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").WebpackOptions} WebpackOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").WebpackOptionsNormalized} WebpackOptionsNormalized */ /** @typedef {import("../Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("../Module")} Module */ /** @typedef {import("./target").PlatformTargetProperties} PlatformTargetProperties */ /** @typedef {import("./target").TargetProperties} TargetProperties */ /** * @typedef {object} ResolvedOptions * @property {PlatformTargetProperties | false} platform - platform target properties */ const NODE_MODULES_REGEXP = /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/i; const DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME = "default"; /** * Sets a constant default value when undefined * @template T * @template {keyof T} P * @param {T} obj an object * @param {P} prop a property of this object * @param {T[P]} value a default value of the property * @returns {void} */ const D = (obj, prop, value) => { if (obj[prop] === undefined) { obj[prop] = value; } }; /** * Sets a dynamic default value when undefined, by calling the factory function * @template T * @template {keyof T} P * @param {T} obj an object * @param {P} prop a property of this object * @param {function(): T[P]} factory a default value factory for the property * @returns {void} */ const F = (obj, prop, factory) => { if (obj[prop] === undefined) { obj[prop] = factory(); } }; /** * Sets a dynamic default value when undefined, by calling the factory function. * factory must return an array or undefined * When the current value is already an array an contains "..." it's replaced with * the result of the factory function * @template T * @template {keyof T} P * @param {T} obj an object * @param {P} prop a property of this object * @param {function(): T[P]} factory a default value factory for the property * @returns {void} */ const A = (obj, prop, factory) => { const value = obj[prop]; if (value === undefined) { obj[prop] = factory(); } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { /** @type {any[] | undefined} */ let newArray = undefined; for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { const item = value[i]; if (item === "...") { if (newArray === undefined) { newArray = value.slice(0, i); obj[prop] = /** @type {T[P]} */ (/** @type {unknown} */ (newArray)); } const items = /** @type {any[]} */ (/** @type {unknown} */ (factory())); if (items !== undefined) { for (const item of items) { newArray.push(item); } } } else if (newArray !== undefined) { newArray.push(item); } } } }; /** * @param {WebpackOptionsNormalized} options options to be modified * @returns {void} */ const applyWebpackOptionsBaseDefaults = options => { F(options, "context", () => process.cwd()); applyInfrastructureLoggingDefaults(options.infrastructureLogging); }; /** * @param {WebpackOptionsNormalized} options options to be modified * @param {number} [compilerIndex] index of compiler * @returns {ResolvedOptions} Resolved options after apply defaults */ const applyWebpackOptionsDefaults = (options, compilerIndex) => { F(options, "context", () => process.cwd()); F(options, "target", () => { return getDefaultTarget(/** @type {string} */ (options.context)); }); const { mode, name, target } = options; let targetProperties = target === false ? /** @type {false} */ (false) : typeof target === "string" ? getTargetProperties(target, /** @type {Context} */ (options.context)) : getTargetsProperties( /** @type {string[]} */ (target), /** @type {Context} */ (options.context) ); const development = mode === "development"; const production = mode === "production" || !mode; if (typeof options.entry !== "function") { for (const key of Object.keys(options.entry)) { F( options.entry[key], "import", () => /** @type {[string]} */ (["./src"]) ); } } F(options, "devtool", () => (development ? "eval" : false)); D(options, "watch", false); D(options, "profile", false); D(options, "parallelism", 100); D(options, "recordsInputPath", false); D(options, "recordsOutputPath", false); applyExperimentsDefaults(options.experiments, { production, development, targetProperties }); const futureDefaults = /** @type {NonNullable} */ (options.experiments.futureDefaults); F(options, "cache", () => development ? { type: /** @type {"memory"} */ ("memory") } : false ); applyCacheDefaults(options.cache, { name: name || DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME, mode: mode || "production", development, cacheUnaffected: options.experiments.cacheUnaffected, compilerIndex }); const cache = !!options.cache; applySnapshotDefaults(options.snapshot, { production, futureDefaults }); applyModuleDefaults(options.module, { cache, syncWebAssembly: /** @type {NonNullable} */ (options.experiments.syncWebAssembly), asyncWebAssembly: /** @type {NonNullable} */ (options.experiments.asyncWebAssembly), css: /** @type {NonNullable} */ (options.experiments.css), futureDefaults, isNode: targetProperties && targetProperties.node === true, targetProperties }); applyOutputDefaults(options.output, { context: /** @type {Context} */ (options.context), targetProperties, isAffectedByBrowserslist: target === undefined || (typeof target === "string" && target.startsWith("browserslist")) || (Array.isArray(target) && target.some(target => target.startsWith("browserslist"))), outputModule: /** @type {NonNullable} */ (options.experiments.outputModule), development, entry: options.entry, futureDefaults }); applyExternalsPresetsDefaults(options.externalsPresets, { targetProperties, buildHttp: !!options.experiments.buildHttp }); applyLoaderDefaults( /** @type {NonNullable} */ ( options.loader ), { targetProperties, environment: options.output.environment } ); F(options, "externalsType", () => { const validExternalTypes = require("../../schemas/WebpackOptions.json") .definitions.ExternalsType.enum; return options.output.library && validExternalTypes.includes(options.output.library.type) ? /** @type {ExternalsType} */ (options.output.library.type) : options.output.module ? "module" : "var"; }); applyNodeDefaults(options.node, { futureDefaults: /** @type {NonNullable} */ (options.experiments.futureDefaults), outputModule: options.output.module, targetProperties }); F(options, "performance", () => production && targetProperties && (targetProperties.browser || targetProperties.browser === null) ? {} : false ); applyPerformanceDefaults( /** @type {NonNullable} */ (options.performance), { production } ); applyOptimizationDefaults(options.optimization, { development, production, css: /** @type {NonNullable} */ (options.experiments.css), records: !!(options.recordsInputPath || options.recordsOutputPath) }); options.resolve = cleverMerge( getResolveDefaults({ cache, context: /** @type {Context} */ (options.context), targetProperties, mode: /** @type {Mode} */ (options.mode), css: /** @type {NonNullable} */ (options.experiments.css) }), options.resolve ); options.resolveLoader = cleverMerge( getResolveLoaderDefaults({ cache }), options.resolveLoader ); return { platform: targetProperties === false ? targetProperties : { web: targetProperties.web, browser: targetProperties.browser, webworker: targetProperties.webworker, node: targetProperties.node, nwjs: targetProperties.nwjs, electron: targetProperties.electron } }; }; /** * @param {ExperimentsNormalized} experiments options * @param {object} options options * @param {boolean} options.production is production * @param {boolean} options.development is development mode * @param {TargetProperties | false} options.targetProperties target properties * @returns {void} */ const applyExperimentsDefaults = ( experiments, { production, development, targetProperties } ) => { D(experiments, "futureDefaults", false); D(experiments, "backCompat", !experiments.futureDefaults); D(experiments, "syncWebAssembly", false); D(experiments, "asyncWebAssembly", experiments.futureDefaults); D(experiments, "outputModule", false); D(experiments, "layers", false); D(experiments, "lazyCompilation", undefined); D(experiments, "buildHttp", undefined); D(experiments, "cacheUnaffected", experiments.futureDefaults); F(experiments, "css", () => (experiments.futureDefaults ? true : undefined)); // TODO webpack 6: remove this. topLevelAwait should be enabled by default let shouldEnableTopLevelAwait = true; if (typeof experiments.topLevelAwait === "boolean") { shouldEnableTopLevelAwait = experiments.topLevelAwait; } D(experiments, "topLevelAwait", shouldEnableTopLevelAwait); if (typeof experiments.buildHttp === "object") { D(experiments.buildHttp, "frozen", production); D(experiments.buildHttp, "upgrade", false); } }; /** * @param {CacheOptionsNormalized} cache options * @param {object} options options * @param {string} options.name name * @param {Mode} options.mode mode * @param {boolean} options.development is development mode * @param {number} [options.compilerIndex] index of compiler * @param {Experiments["cacheUnaffected"]} options.cacheUnaffected the cacheUnaffected experiment is enabled * @returns {void} */ const applyCacheDefaults = ( cache, { name, mode, development, cacheUnaffected, compilerIndex } ) => { if (cache === false) return; switch (cache.type) { case "filesystem": F(cache, "name", () => compilerIndex !== undefined ? `${name + "-" + mode}__compiler${compilerIndex + 1}__` : name + "-" + mode ); D(cache, "version", ""); F(cache, "cacheDirectory", () => { const cwd = process.cwd(); /** @type {string | undefined} */ let dir = cwd; for (;;) { try { if (fs.statSync(path.join(dir, "package.json")).isFile()) break; // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty } catch (e) {} const parent = path.dirname(dir); if (dir === parent) { dir = undefined; break; } dir = parent; } if (!dir) { return path.resolve(cwd, ".cache/webpack"); } else if (process.versions.pnp === "1") { return path.resolve(dir, ".pnp/.cache/webpack"); } else if (process.versions.pnp === "3") { return path.resolve(dir, ".yarn/.cache/webpack"); } else { return path.resolve(dir, "node_modules/.cache/webpack"); } }); F(cache, "cacheLocation", () => path.resolve( /** @type {NonNullable} */ (cache.cacheDirectory), /** @type {NonNullable} */ (cache.name) ) ); D(cache, "hashAlgorithm", "md4"); D(cache, "store", "pack"); D(cache, "compression", false); D(cache, "profile", false); D(cache, "idleTimeout", 60000); D(cache, "idleTimeoutForInitialStore", 5000); D(cache, "idleTimeoutAfterLargeChanges", 1000); D(cache, "maxMemoryGenerations", development ? 5 : Infinity); D(cache, "maxAge", 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 60); // 1 month D(cache, "allowCollectingMemory", development); D(cache, "memoryCacheUnaffected", development && cacheUnaffected); D(cache, "readonly", false); D( /** @type {NonNullable} */ (cache.buildDependencies), "defaultWebpack", [path.resolve(__dirname, "..") + path.sep] ); break; case "memory": D(cache, "maxGenerations", Infinity); D(cache, "cacheUnaffected", development && cacheUnaffected); break; } }; /** * @param {SnapshotOptions} snapshot options * @param {object} options options * @param {boolean} options.production is production * @param {boolean} options.futureDefaults is future defaults enabled * @returns {void} */ const applySnapshotDefaults = (snapshot, { production, futureDefaults }) => { if (futureDefaults) { F(snapshot, "managedPaths", () => process.versions.pnp === "3" ? [ /^(.+?(?:[\\/]\.yarn[\\/]unplugged[\\/][^\\/]+)?[\\/]node_modules[\\/])/ ] : [/^(.+?[\\/]node_modules[\\/])/] ); F(snapshot, "immutablePaths", () => process.versions.pnp === "3" ? [/^(.+?[\\/]cache[\\/][^\\/]+\.zip[\\/]node_modules[\\/])/] : [] ); } else { A(snapshot, "managedPaths", () => { if (process.versions.pnp === "3") { const match = /^(.+?)[\\/]cache[\\/]watchpack-npm-[^\\/]+\.zip[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/.exec( require.resolve("watchpack") ); if (match) { return [path.resolve(match[1], "unplugged")]; } } else { const match = /^(.+?[\\/]node_modules[\\/])/.exec( require.resolve("watchpack") ); if (match) { return [match[1]]; } } return []; }); A(snapshot, "immutablePaths", () => { if (process.versions.pnp === "1") { const match = /^(.+?[\\/]v4)[\\/]npm-watchpack-[^\\/]+-[\da-f]{40}[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/.exec( require.resolve("watchpack") ); if (match) { return [match[1]]; } } else if (process.versions.pnp === "3") { const match = /^(.+?)[\\/]watchpack-npm-[^\\/]+\.zip[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/.exec( require.resolve("watchpack") ); if (match) { return [match[1]]; } } return []; }); } F(snapshot, "unmanagedPaths", () => []); F(snapshot, "resolveBuildDependencies", () => ({ timestamp: true, hash: true })); F(snapshot, "buildDependencies", () => ({ timestamp: true, hash: true })); F(snapshot, "module", () => production ? { timestamp: true, hash: true } : { timestamp: true } ); F(snapshot, "resolve", () => production ? { timestamp: true, hash: true } : { timestamp: true } ); }; /** * @param {JavascriptParserOptions} parserOptions parser options * @param {object} options options * @param {boolean} options.futureDefaults is future defaults enabled * @param {boolean} options.isNode is node target platform * @returns {void} */ const applyJavascriptParserOptionsDefaults = ( parserOptions, { futureDefaults, isNode } ) => { D(parserOptions, "unknownContextRequest", "."); D(parserOptions, "unknownContextRegExp", false); D(parserOptions, "unknownContextRecursive", true); D(parserOptions, "unknownContextCritical", true); D(parserOptions, "exprContextRequest", "."); D(parserOptions, "exprContextRegExp", false); D(parserOptions, "exprContextRecursive", true); D(parserOptions, "exprContextCritical", true); D(parserOptions, "wrappedContextRegExp", /.*/); D(parserOptions, "wrappedContextRecursive", true); D(parserOptions, "wrappedContextCritical", false); D(parserOptions, "strictThisContextOnImports", false); D(parserOptions, "importMeta", true); D(parserOptions, "dynamicImportMode", "lazy"); D(parserOptions, "dynamicImportPrefetch", false); D(parserOptions, "dynamicImportPreload", false); D(parserOptions, "dynamicImportFetchPriority", false); D(parserOptions, "createRequire", isNode); if (futureDefaults) D(parserOptions, "exportsPresence", "error"); }; /** * @param {CssGeneratorOptions} generatorOptions generator options * @param {object} options options * @param {TargetProperties | false} options.targetProperties target properties * @returns {void} */ const applyCssGeneratorOptionsDefaults = ( generatorOptions, { targetProperties } ) => { D( generatorOptions, "exportsOnly", !targetProperties || !targetProperties.document ); D(generatorOptions, "esModule", true); }; /** * @param {ModuleOptions} module options * @param {object} options options * @param {boolean} options.cache is caching enabled * @param {boolean} options.syncWebAssembly is syncWebAssembly enabled * @param {boolean} options.asyncWebAssembly is asyncWebAssembly enabled * @param {boolean} options.css is css enabled * @param {boolean} options.futureDefaults is future defaults enabled * @param {boolean} options.isNode is node target platform * @param {TargetProperties | false} options.targetProperties target properties * @returns {void} */ const applyModuleDefaults = ( module, { cache, syncWebAssembly, asyncWebAssembly, css, futureDefaults, isNode, targetProperties } ) => { if (cache) { D( module, "unsafeCache", /** * @param {Module} module module * @returns {boolean | null | string} true, if we want to cache the module */ module => { const name = module.nameForCondition(); return name && NODE_MODULES_REGEXP.test(name); } ); } else { D(module, "unsafeCache", false); } F(module.parser, ASSET_MODULE_TYPE, () => ({})); F( /** @type {NonNullable} */ (module.parser.asset), "dataUrlCondition", () => ({}) ); if ( typeof ( /** @type {NonNullable} */ (module.parser.asset).dataUrlCondition ) === "object" ) { D( /** @type {NonNullable} */ (module.parser.asset).dataUrlCondition, "maxSize", 8096 ); } F(module.parser, "javascript", () => ({})); applyJavascriptParserOptionsDefaults( /** @type {NonNullable} */ (module.parser.javascript), { futureDefaults, isNode } ); if (css) { F(module.parser, "css", () => ({})); D(module.parser.css, "namedExports", true); F(module.generator, "css", () => ({})); applyCssGeneratorOptionsDefaults( /** @type {NonNullable} */ (module.generator.css), { targetProperties } ); F(module.generator, "css/auto", () => ({})); D( module.generator["css/auto"], "localIdentName", "[uniqueName]-[id]-[local]" ); D(module.generator["css/auto"], "exportsConvention", "as-is"); F(module.generator, "css/module", () => ({})); D( module.generator["css/module"], "localIdentName", "[uniqueName]-[id]-[local]" ); D(module.generator["css/module"], "exportsConvention", "as-is"); F(module.generator, "css/global", () => ({})); D( module.generator["css/global"], "localIdentName", "[uniqueName]-[id]-[local]" ); D(module.generator["css/global"], "exportsConvention", "as-is"); } A(module, "defaultRules", () => { const esm = { type: JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_ESM, resolve: { byDependency: { esm: { fullySpecified: true } } } }; const commonjs = { type: JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_DYNAMIC }; /** @type {RuleSetRules} */ const rules = [ { mimetype: "application/node", type: JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_AUTO }, { test: /\.json$/i, type: JSON_MODULE_TYPE }, { mimetype: "application/json", type: JSON_MODULE_TYPE }, { test: /\.mjs$/i, ...esm }, { test: /\.js$/i, descriptionData: { type: "module" }, ...esm }, { test: /\.cjs$/i, ...commonjs }, { test: /\.js$/i, descriptionData: { type: "commonjs" }, ...commonjs }, { mimetype: { or: ["text/javascript", "application/javascript"] }, ...esm } ]; if (asyncWebAssembly) { const wasm = { type: WEBASSEMBLY_MODULE_TYPE_ASYNC, rules: [ { descriptionData: { type: "module" }, resolve: { fullySpecified: true } } ] }; rules.push({ test: /\.wasm$/i, ...wasm }); rules.push({ mimetype: "application/wasm", ...wasm }); } else if (syncWebAssembly) { const wasm = { type: WEBASSEMBLY_MODULE_TYPE_SYNC, rules: [ { descriptionData: { type: "module" }, resolve: { fullySpecified: true } } ] }; rules.push({ test: /\.wasm$/i, ...wasm }); rules.push({ mimetype: "application/wasm", ...wasm }); } if (css) { const resolve = { fullySpecified: true, preferRelative: true }; rules.push({ test: /\.css$/i, type: CSS_MODULE_TYPE_AUTO, resolve }); rules.push({ mimetype: "text/css+module", type: CSS_MODULE_TYPE_MODULE, resolve }); rules.push({ mimetype: "text/css", type: CSS_MODULE_TYPE, resolve }); } rules.push( { dependency: "url", oneOf: [ { scheme: /^data$/, type: "asset/inline" }, { type: "asset/resource" } ] }, { assert: { type: "json" }, type: JSON_MODULE_TYPE }, { with: { type: "json" }, type: JSON_MODULE_TYPE } ); return rules; }); }; /** * @param {Output} output options * @param {object} options options * @param {string} options.context context * @param {TargetProperties | false} options.targetProperties target properties * @param {boolean} options.isAffectedByBrowserslist is affected by browserslist * @param {boolean} options.outputModule is outputModule experiment enabled * @param {boolean} options.development is development mode * @param {Entry} options.entry entry option * @param {boolean} options.futureDefaults is future defaults enabled * @returns {void} */ const applyOutputDefaults = ( output, { context, targetProperties: tp, isAffectedByBrowserslist, outputModule, development, entry, futureDefaults } ) => { /** * @param {Library=} library the library option * @returns {string} a readable library name */ const getLibraryName = library => { const libraryName = typeof library === "object" && library && !Array.isArray(library) && "type" in library ? library.name : /** @type {LibraryName} */ (library); if (Array.isArray(libraryName)) { return libraryName.join("."); } else if (typeof libraryName === "object") { return getLibraryName(libraryName.root); } else if (typeof libraryName === "string") { return libraryName; } return ""; }; F(output, "uniqueName", () => { const libraryName = getLibraryName(output.library).replace( /^\[(\\*[\w:]+\\*)\](\.)|(\.)\[(\\*[\w:]+\\*)\](?=\.|$)|\[(\\*[\w:]+\\*)\]/g, (m, a, d1, d2, b, c) => { const content = a || b || c; return content.startsWith("\\") && content.endsWith("\\") ? `${d2 || ""}[${content.slice(1, -1)}]${d1 || ""}` : ""; } ); if (libraryName) return libraryName; const pkgPath = path.resolve(context, "package.json"); try { const packageInfo = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, "utf-8")); return packageInfo.name || ""; } catch (e) { if (/** @type {Error & { code: string }} */ (e).code !== "ENOENT") { /** @type {Error & { code: string }} */ (e).message += `\nwhile determining default 'output.uniqueName' from 'name' in ${pkgPath}`; throw e; } return ""; } }); F(output, "module", () => !!outputModule); D(output, "filename", output.module ? "[name].mjs" : "[name].js"); F(output, "iife", () => !output.module); D(output, "importFunctionName", "import"); D(output, "importMetaName", "import.meta"); F(output, "chunkFilename", () => { const filename = /** @type {NonNullable} */ (output.filename); if (typeof filename !== "function") { const hasName = filename.includes("[name]"); const hasId = filename.includes("[id]"); const hasChunkHash = filename.includes("[chunkhash]"); const hasContentHash = filename.includes("[contenthash]"); // Anything changing depending on chunk is fine if (hasChunkHash || hasContentHash || hasName || hasId) return filename; // Otherwise prefix "[id]." in front of the basename to make it changing return filename.replace(/(^|\/)([^/]*(?:\?|$))/, "$1[id].$2"); } return output.module ? "[id].mjs" : "[id].js"; }); F(output, "cssFilename", () => { const filename = /** @type {NonNullable} */ (output.filename); if (typeof filename !== "function") { return filename.replace(/\.[mc]?js(\?|$)/, ".css$1"); } return "[id].css"; }); F(output, "cssChunkFilename", () => { const chunkFilename = /** @type {NonNullable} */ (output.chunkFilename); if (typeof chunkFilename !== "function") { return chunkFilename.replace(/\.[mc]?js(\?|$)/, ".css$1"); } return "[id].css"; }); D(output, "cssHeadDataCompression", !development); D(output, "assetModuleFilename", "[hash][ext][query]"); D(output, "webassemblyModuleFilename", "[hash].module.wasm"); D(output, "compareBeforeEmit", true); D(output, "charset", true); const uniqueNameId = Template.toIdentifier( /** @type {NonNullable} */ (output.uniqueName) ); F(output, "hotUpdateGlobal", () => "webpackHotUpdate" + uniqueNameId); F(output, "chunkLoadingGlobal", () => "webpackChunk" + uniqueNameId); F(output, "globalObject", () => { if (tp) { if (tp.global) return "global"; if (tp.globalThis) return "globalThis"; } return "self"; }); F(output, "chunkFormat", () => { if (tp) { const helpMessage = isAffectedByBrowserslist ? "Make sure that your 'browserslist' includes only platforms that support these features or select an appropriate 'target' to allow selecting a chunk format by default. Alternatively specify the 'output.chunkFormat' directly." : "Select an appropriate 'target' to allow selecting one by default, or specify the 'output.chunkFormat' directly."; if (output.module) { if (tp.dynamicImport) return "module"; if (tp.document) return "array-push"; throw new Error( "For the selected environment is no default ESM chunk format available:\n" + "ESM exports can be chosen when 'import()' is available.\n" + "JSONP Array push can be chosen when 'document' is available.\n" + helpMessage ); } else { if (tp.document) return "array-push"; if (tp.require) return "commonjs"; if (tp.nodeBuiltins) return "commonjs"; if (tp.importScripts) return "array-push"; throw new Error( "For the selected environment is no default script chunk format available:\n" + "JSONP Array push can be chosen when 'document' or 'importScripts' is available.\n" + "CommonJs exports can be chosen when 'require' or node builtins are available.\n" + helpMessage ); } } throw new Error( "Chunk format can't be selected by default when no target is specified" ); }); D(output, "asyncChunks", true); F(output, "chunkLoading", () => { if (tp) { switch (output.chunkFormat) { case "array-push": if (tp.document) return "jsonp"; if (tp.importScripts) return "import-scripts"; break; case "commonjs": if (tp.require) return "require"; if (tp.nodeBuiltins) return "async-node"; break; case "module": if (tp.dynamicImport || output.module) return "import"; break; } if ( tp.require === null || tp.nodeBuiltins === null || tp.document === null || tp.importScripts === null ) { return "universal"; } } return false; }); F(output, "workerChunkLoading", () => { if (tp) { switch (output.chunkFormat) { case "array-push": if (tp.importScriptsInWorker) return "import-scripts"; break; case "commonjs": if (tp.require) return "require"; if (tp.nodeBuiltins) return "async-node"; break; case "module": if (tp.dynamicImportInWorker || output.module) return "import"; break; } if ( tp.require === null || tp.nodeBuiltins === null || tp.importScriptsInWorker === null ) { return "universal"; } } return false; }); F(output, "wasmLoading", () => { if (tp) { if (tp.fetchWasm) return "fetch"; if (tp.nodeBuiltins) return output.module ? "async-node-module" : "async-node"; if (tp.nodeBuiltins === null || tp.fetchWasm === null) { return "universal"; } } return false; }); F(output, "workerWasmLoading", () => output.wasmLoading); F(output, "devtoolNamespace", () => output.uniqueName); if (output.library) { F(output.library, "type", () => (output.module ? "module" : "var")); } F(output, "path", () => path.join(process.cwd(), "dist")); F(output, "pathinfo", () => development); D(output, "sourceMapFilename", "[file].map[query]"); D( output, "hotUpdateChunkFilename", `[id].[fullhash].hot-update.${output.module ? "mjs" : "js"}` ); D(output, "hotUpdateMainFilename", "[runtime].[fullhash].hot-update.json"); D(output, "crossOriginLoading", false); F(output, "scriptType", () => (output.module ? "module" : false)); D( output, "publicPath", (tp && (tp.document || tp.importScripts)) || output.scriptType === "module" ? "auto" : "" ); D(output, "workerPublicPath", ""); D(output, "chunkLoadTimeout", 120000); D(output, "hashFunction", futureDefaults ? "xxhash64" : "md4"); D(output, "hashDigest", "hex"); D(output, "hashDigestLength", futureDefaults ? 16 : 20); D(output, "strictModuleErrorHandling", false); D(output, "strictModuleExceptionHandling", false); const environment = /** @type {Environment} */ (output.environment); /** * @param {boolean | undefined} v value * @returns {boolean} true, when v is truthy or undefined */ const optimistic = v => v || v === undefined; /** * @param {boolean | undefined} v value * @param {boolean | undefined} c condition * @returns {boolean | undefined} true, when v is truthy or undefined, or c is truthy */ const conditionallyOptimistic = (v, c) => (v === undefined && c) || v; F( environment, "globalThis", () => /** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (tp && tp.globalThis) ); F( environment, "bigIntLiteral", () => /** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (tp && tp.bigIntLiteral) ); F( environment, "const", () => tp && optimistic(/** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (tp.const)) ); F( environment, "arrowFunction", () => tp && optimistic(/** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (tp.arrowFunction)) ); F( environment, "asyncFunction", () => tp && optimistic(/** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (tp.asyncFunction)) ); F( environment, "forOf", () => tp && optimistic(/** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (tp.forOf)) ); F( environment, "destructuring", () => tp && optimistic(/** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (tp.destructuring)) ); F( environment, "optionalChaining", () => tp && optimistic(/** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (tp.optionalChaining)) ); F( environment, "nodePrefixForCoreModules", () => tp && optimistic( /** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (tp.nodePrefixForCoreModules) ) ); F( environment, "templateLiteral", () => tp && optimistic(/** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (tp.templateLiteral)) ); F(environment, "dynamicImport", () => conditionallyOptimistic( /** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (tp && tp.dynamicImport), output.module ) ); F(environment, "dynamicImportInWorker", () => conditionallyOptimistic( /** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (tp && tp.dynamicImportInWorker), output.module ) ); F(environment, "module", () => conditionallyOptimistic( /** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (tp && tp.module), output.module ) ); F( environment, "document", () => tp && optimistic(/** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (tp.document)) ); const { trustedTypes } = output; if (trustedTypes) { F( trustedTypes, "policyName", () => /** @type {NonNullable} */ (output.uniqueName).replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-#=_/@.%]+/g, "_") || "webpack" ); D(trustedTypes, "onPolicyCreationFailure", "stop"); } /** * @param {function(EntryDescription): void} fn iterator * @returns {void} */ const forEachEntry = fn => { for (const name of Object.keys(entry)) { fn(/** @type {{[k: string] : EntryDescription}} */ (entry)[name]); } }; A(output, "enabledLibraryTypes", () => { /** @type {LibraryType[]} */ const enabledLibraryTypes = []; if (output.library) { enabledLibraryTypes.push(output.library.type); } forEachEntry(desc => { if (desc.library) { enabledLibraryTypes.push(desc.library.type); } }); return enabledLibraryTypes; }); A(output, "enabledChunkLoadingTypes", () => { const enabledChunkLoadingTypes = new Set(); if (output.chunkLoading) { enabledChunkLoadingTypes.add(output.chunkLoading); } if (output.workerChunkLoading) { enabledChunkLoadingTypes.add(output.workerChunkLoading); } forEachEntry(desc => { if (desc.chunkLoading) { enabledChunkLoadingTypes.add(desc.chunkLoading); } }); return Array.from(enabledChunkLoadingTypes); }); A(output, "enabledWasmLoadingTypes", () => { const enabledWasmLoadingTypes = new Set(); if (output.wasmLoading) { enabledWasmLoadingTypes.add(output.wasmLoading); } if (output.workerWasmLoading) { enabledWasmLoadingTypes.add(output.workerWasmLoading); } forEachEntry(desc => { if (desc.wasmLoading) { enabledWasmLoadingTypes.add(desc.wasmLoading); } }); return Array.from(enabledWasmLoadingTypes); }); }; /** * @param {ExternalsPresets} externalsPresets options * @param {object} options options * @param {TargetProperties | false} options.targetProperties target properties * @param {boolean} options.buildHttp buildHttp experiment enabled * @returns {void} */ const applyExternalsPresetsDefaults = ( externalsPresets, { targetProperties, buildHttp } ) => { D( externalsPresets, "web", /** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (!buildHttp && targetProperties && targetProperties.web) ); D( externalsPresets, "node", /** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (targetProperties && targetProperties.node) ); D( externalsPresets, "nwjs", /** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (targetProperties && targetProperties.nwjs) ); D( externalsPresets, "electron", /** @type {boolean | undefined} */ (targetProperties && targetProperties.electron) ); D( externalsPresets, "electronMain", /** @type {boolean | undefined} */ ( targetProperties && targetProperties.electron && targetProperties.electronMain ) ); D( externalsPresets, "electronPreload", /** @type {boolean | undefined} */ ( targetProperties && targetProperties.electron && targetProperties.electronPreload ) ); D( externalsPresets, "electronRenderer", /** @type {boolean | undefined} */ ( targetProperties && targetProperties.electron && targetProperties.electronRenderer ) ); }; /** * @param {Loader} loader options * @param {object} options options * @param {TargetProperties | false} options.targetProperties target properties * @param {Environment} options.environment environment * @returns {void} */ const applyLoaderDefaults = (loader, { targetProperties, environment }) => { F(loader, "target", () => { if (targetProperties) { if (targetProperties.electron) { if (targetProperties.electronMain) return "electron-main"; if (targetProperties.electronPreload) return "electron-preload"; if (targetProperties.electronRenderer) return "electron-renderer"; return "electron"; } if (targetProperties.nwjs) return "nwjs"; if (targetProperties.node) return "node"; if (targetProperties.web) return "web"; } }); D(loader, "environment", environment); }; /** * @param {WebpackNode} node options * @param {object} options options * @param {TargetProperties | false} options.targetProperties target properties * @param {boolean} options.futureDefaults is future defaults enabled * @param {boolean} options.outputModule is output type is module * @returns {void} */ const applyNodeDefaults = ( node, { futureDefaults, outputModule, targetProperties } ) => { if (node === false) return; F(node, "global", () => { if (targetProperties && targetProperties.global) return false; // TODO webpack 6 should always default to false return futureDefaults ? "warn" : true; }); const handlerForNames = () => { if (targetProperties && targetProperties.node) return outputModule ? "node-module" : "eval-only"; // TODO webpack 6 should always default to false return futureDefaults ? "warn-mock" : "mock"; }; F(node, "__filename", handlerForNames); F(node, "__dirname", handlerForNames); }; /** * @param {Performance} performance options * @param {object} options options * @param {boolean} options.production is production * @returns {void} */ const applyPerformanceDefaults = (performance, { production }) => { if (performance === false) return; D(performance, "maxAssetSize", 250000); D(performance, "maxEntrypointSize", 250000); F(performance, "hints", () => (production ? "warning" : false)); }; /** * @param {Optimization} optimization options * @param {object} options options * @param {boolean} options.production is production * @param {boolean} options.development is development * @param {boolean} options.css is css enabled * @param {boolean} options.records using records * @returns {void} */ const applyOptimizationDefaults = ( optimization, { production, development, css, records } ) => { D(optimization, "removeAvailableModules", false); D(optimization, "removeEmptyChunks", true); D(optimization, "mergeDuplicateChunks", true); D(optimization, "flagIncludedChunks", production); F(optimization, "moduleIds", () => { if (production) return "deterministic"; if (development) return "named"; return "natural"; }); F(optimization, "chunkIds", () => { if (production) return "deterministic"; if (development) return "named"; return "natural"; }); F(optimization, "sideEffects", () => (production ? true : "flag")); D(optimization, "providedExports", true); D(optimization, "usedExports", production); D(optimization, "innerGraph", production); D(optimization, "mangleExports", production); D(optimization, "concatenateModules", production); D(optimization, "runtimeChunk", false); D(optimization, "emitOnErrors", !production); D(optimization, "checkWasmTypes", production); D(optimization, "mangleWasmImports", false); D(optimization, "portableRecords", records); D(optimization, "realContentHash", production); D(optimization, "minimize", production); A(optimization, "minimizer", () => [ { apply: compiler => { // Lazy load the Terser plugin const TerserPlugin = require("terser-webpack-plugin"); new TerserPlugin({ terserOptions: { compress: { passes: 2 } } }).apply(compiler); } } ]); F(optimization, "nodeEnv", () => { if (production) return "production"; if (development) return "development"; return false; }); const { splitChunks } = optimization; if (splitChunks) { A(splitChunks, "defaultSizeTypes", () => css ? ["javascript", "css", "unknown"] : ["javascript", "unknown"] ); D(splitChunks, "hidePathInfo", production); D(splitChunks, "chunks", "async"); D(splitChunks, "usedExports", optimization.usedExports === true); D(splitChunks, "minChunks", 1); F(splitChunks, "minSize", () => (production ? 20000 : 10000)); F(splitChunks, "minRemainingSize", () => (development ? 0 : undefined)); F(splitChunks, "enforceSizeThreshold", () => (production ? 50000 : 30000)); F(splitChunks, "maxAsyncRequests", () => (production ? 30 : Infinity)); F(splitChunks, "maxInitialRequests", () => (production ? 30 : Infinity)); D(splitChunks, "automaticNameDelimiter", "-"); const cacheGroups = /** @type {NonNullable} */ (splitChunks.cacheGroups); F(cacheGroups, "default", () => ({ idHint: "", reuseExistingChunk: true, minChunks: 2, priority: -20 })); F(cacheGroups, "defaultVendors", () => ({ idHint: "vendors", reuseExistingChunk: true, test: NODE_MODULES_REGEXP, priority: -10 })); } }; /** * @param {object} options options * @param {boolean} options.cache is cache enable * @param {string} options.context build context * @param {TargetProperties | false} options.targetProperties target properties * @param {Mode} options.mode mode * @param {boolean} options.css is css enabled * @returns {ResolveOptions} resolve options */ const getResolveDefaults = ({ cache, context, targetProperties, mode, css }) => { /** @type {string[]} */ const conditions = ["webpack"]; conditions.push(mode === "development" ? "development" : "production"); if (targetProperties) { if (targetProperties.webworker) conditions.push("worker"); if (targetProperties.node) conditions.push("node"); if (targetProperties.web) conditions.push("browser"); if (targetProperties.electron) conditions.push("electron"); if (targetProperties.nwjs) conditions.push("nwjs"); } const jsExtensions = [".js", ".json", ".wasm"]; const tp = targetProperties; const browserField = tp && tp.web && (!tp.node || (tp.electron && tp.electronRenderer)); /** @type {function(): ResolveOptions} */ const cjsDeps = () => ({ aliasFields: browserField ? ["browser"] : [], mainFields: browserField ? ["browser", "module", "..."] : ["module", "..."], conditionNames: ["require", "module", "..."], extensions: [...jsExtensions] }); /** @type {function(): ResolveOptions} */ const esmDeps = () => ({ aliasFields: browserField ? ["browser"] : [], mainFields: browserField ? ["browser", "module", "..."] : ["module", "..."], conditionNames: ["import", "module", "..."], extensions: [...jsExtensions] }); /** @type {ResolveOptions} */ const resolveOptions = { cache, modules: ["node_modules"], conditionNames: conditions, mainFiles: ["index"], extensions: [], aliasFields: [], exportsFields: ["exports"], roots: [context], mainFields: ["main"], importsFields: ["imports"], byDependency: { wasm: esmDeps(), esm: esmDeps(), loaderImport: esmDeps(), url: { preferRelative: true }, worker: { ...esmDeps(), preferRelative: true }, commonjs: cjsDeps(), amd: cjsDeps(), // for backward-compat: loadModule loader: cjsDeps(), // for backward-compat: Custom Dependency unknown: cjsDeps(), // for backward-compat: getResolve without dependencyType undefined: cjsDeps() } }; if (css) { const styleConditions = []; styleConditions.push("webpack"); styleConditions.push(mode === "development" ? "development" : "production"); styleConditions.push("style"); resolveOptions.byDependency["css-import"] = { // We avoid using any main files because we have to be consistent with CSS `@import` // and CSS `@import` does not handle `main` files in directories, // you should always specify the full URL for styles mainFiles: [], mainFields: ["style", "..."], conditionNames: styleConditions, extensions: [".css"], preferRelative: true }; } return resolveOptions; }; /** * @param {object} options options * @param {boolean} options.cache is cache enable * @returns {ResolveOptions} resolve options */ const getResolveLoaderDefaults = ({ cache }) => { /** @type {ResolveOptions} */ const resolveOptions = { cache, conditionNames: ["loader", "require", "node"], exportsFields: ["exports"], mainFields: ["loader", "main"], extensions: [".js"], mainFiles: ["index"] }; return resolveOptions; }; /** * @param {InfrastructureLogging} infrastructureLogging options * @returns {void} */ const applyInfrastructureLoggingDefaults = infrastructureLogging => { F(infrastructureLogging, "stream", () => process.stderr); const tty = /** @type {any} */ (infrastructureLogging.stream).isTTY && process.env.TERM !== "dumb"; D(infrastructureLogging, "level", "info"); D(infrastructureLogging, "debug", false); D(infrastructureLogging, "colors", tty); D(infrastructureLogging, "appendOnly", !tty); }; exports.applyWebpackOptionsBaseDefaults = applyWebpackOptionsBaseDefaults; exports.applyWebpackOptionsDefaults = applyWebpackOptionsDefaults;