/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const asyncLib = require("neo-async"); const { HookMap, SyncHook, SyncBailHook, SyncWaterfallHook, AsyncSeriesHook, AsyncSeriesBailHook, AsyncParallelHook } = require("tapable"); const util = require("util"); const { CachedSource } = require("webpack-sources"); const { MultiItemCache } = require("./CacheFacade"); const Chunk = require("./Chunk"); const ChunkGraph = require("./ChunkGraph"); const ChunkGroup = require("./ChunkGroup"); const ChunkRenderError = require("./ChunkRenderError"); const ChunkTemplate = require("./ChunkTemplate"); const CodeGenerationError = require("./CodeGenerationError"); const CodeGenerationResults = require("./CodeGenerationResults"); const Dependency = require("./Dependency"); const DependencyTemplates = require("./DependencyTemplates"); const Entrypoint = require("./Entrypoint"); const ErrorHelpers = require("./ErrorHelpers"); const FileSystemInfo = require("./FileSystemInfo"); const { connectChunkGroupAndChunk, connectChunkGroupParentAndChild } = require("./GraphHelpers"); const { makeWebpackError, tryRunOrWebpackError } = require("./HookWebpackError"); const MainTemplate = require("./MainTemplate"); const Module = require("./Module"); const ModuleDependencyError = require("./ModuleDependencyError"); const ModuleDependencyWarning = require("./ModuleDependencyWarning"); const ModuleGraph = require("./ModuleGraph"); const ModuleHashingError = require("./ModuleHashingError"); const ModuleNotFoundError = require("./ModuleNotFoundError"); const ModuleProfile = require("./ModuleProfile"); const ModuleRestoreError = require("./ModuleRestoreError"); const ModuleStoreError = require("./ModuleStoreError"); const ModuleTemplate = require("./ModuleTemplate"); const { WEBPACK_MODULE_TYPE_RUNTIME } = require("./ModuleTypeConstants"); const RuntimeGlobals = require("./RuntimeGlobals"); const RuntimeTemplate = require("./RuntimeTemplate"); const Stats = require("./Stats"); const WebpackError = require("./WebpackError"); const buildChunkGraph = require("./buildChunkGraph"); const BuildCycleError = require("./errors/BuildCycleError"); const { Logger, LogType } = require("./logging/Logger"); const StatsFactory = require("./stats/StatsFactory"); const StatsPrinter = require("./stats/StatsPrinter"); const { equals: arrayEquals } = require("./util/ArrayHelpers"); const AsyncQueue = require("./util/AsyncQueue"); const LazySet = require("./util/LazySet"); const { getOrInsert } = require("./util/MapHelpers"); const WeakTupleMap = require("./util/WeakTupleMap"); const { cachedCleverMerge } = require("./util/cleverMerge"); const { compareLocations, concatComparators, compareSelect, compareIds, compareStringsNumeric, compareModulesByIdentifier } = require("./util/comparators"); const createHash = require("./util/createHash"); const { arrayToSetDeprecation, soonFrozenObjectDeprecation, createFakeHook } = require("./util/deprecation"); const processAsyncTree = require("./util/processAsyncTree"); const { getRuntimeKey } = require("./util/runtime"); const { isSourceEqual } = require("./util/source"); /** @template T @typedef {import("tapable").AsArray} AsArray */ /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").Source} Source */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").EntryDescriptionNormalized} EntryDescription */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").OutputNormalized} OutputOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").StatsOptions} StatsOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").WebpackOptionsNormalized} WebpackOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").WebpackPluginFunction} WebpackPluginFunction */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").WebpackPluginInstance} WebpackPluginInstance */ /** @typedef {import("./AsyncDependenciesBlock")} AsyncDependenciesBlock */ /** @typedef {import("./Cache")} Cache */ /** @typedef {import("./CacheFacade")} CacheFacade */ /** @typedef {import("./ChunkGroup").ChunkGroupOptions} ChunkGroupOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("./Compiler").CompilationParams} CompilationParams */ /** @typedef {import("./DependenciesBlock")} DependenciesBlock */ /** @typedef {import("./Dependency").DependencyLocation} DependencyLocation */ /** @typedef {import("./Dependency").ReferencedExport} ReferencedExport */ /** @typedef {import("./DependencyTemplate")} DependencyTemplate */ /** @typedef {import("./Entrypoint").EntryOptions} EntryOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./Module").BuildInfo} BuildInfo */ /** @typedef {import("./NormalModule").NormalModuleCompilationHooks} NormalModuleCompilationHooks */ /** @typedef {import("./Module").CodeGenerationResult} CodeGenerationResult */ /** @typedef {import("./ModuleFactory")} ModuleFactory */ /** @typedef {import("./ModuleGraphConnection")} ModuleGraphConnection */ /** @typedef {import("./ModuleFactory").ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo} ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo */ /** @typedef {import("./ModuleFactory").ModuleFactoryResult} ModuleFactoryResult */ /** @typedef {import("./RequestShortener")} RequestShortener */ /** @typedef {import("./RuntimeModule")} RuntimeModule */ /** @typedef {import("./Template").RenderManifestEntry} RenderManifestEntry */ /** @typedef {import("./Template").RenderManifestOptions} RenderManifestOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./stats/DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin").StatsAsset} StatsAsset */ /** @typedef {import("./stats/DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin").StatsError} StatsError */ /** @typedef {import("./stats/DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin").StatsModule} StatsModule */ /** @typedef {import("./util/Hash")} Hash */ /** * @template T * @typedef {import("./util/deprecation").FakeHook} FakeHook */ /** @typedef {import("./util/runtime").RuntimeSpec} RuntimeSpec */ /** @typedef {WeakMap} References */ /** @typedef {import("./util/fs").InputFileSystem} InputFileSystem */ /** * @callback Callback * @param {(WebpackError | null)=} err * @returns {void} */ /** * @callback ModuleCallback * @param {(WebpackError | null)=} err * @param {Module=} result * @returns {void} */ /** * @callback ModuleFactoryResultCallback * @param {(WebpackError | null)=} err * @param {ModuleFactoryResult=} result * @returns {void} */ /** * @callback ModuleOrFactoryResultCallback * @param {(WebpackError | null)=} err * @param {Module | ModuleFactoryResult=} result * @returns {void} */ /** * @callback ExecuteModuleCallback * @param {(WebpackError | null)=} err * @param {ExecuteModuleResult=} result * @returns {void} */ /** * @callback DepBlockVarDependenciesCallback * @param {Dependency} dependency * @returns {any} */ /** @typedef {new (...args: any[]) => Dependency} DepConstructor */ /** @typedef {Record} CompilationAssets */ /** * @typedef {object} AvailableModulesChunkGroupMapping * @property {ChunkGroup} chunkGroup * @property {Set} availableModules * @property {boolean} needCopy */ /** * @typedef {object} DependenciesBlockLike * @property {Dependency[]} dependencies * @property {AsyncDependenciesBlock[]} blocks */ /** * @typedef {object} ChunkPathData * @property {string|number} id * @property {string=} name * @property {string} hash * @property {function(number): string=} hashWithLength * @property {(Record)=} contentHash * @property {(Record string>)=} contentHashWithLength */ /** * @typedef {object} ChunkHashContext * @property {CodeGenerationResults} codeGenerationResults results of code generation * @property {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate the runtime template * @property {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph * @property {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph the chunk graph */ /** * @typedef {object} RuntimeRequirementsContext * @property {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph the chunk graph * @property {CodeGenerationResults} codeGenerationResults the code generation results */ /** * @typedef {object} ExecuteModuleOptions * @property {EntryOptions=} entryOptions */ /** * @typedef {object} ExecuteModuleResult * @property {any} exports * @property {boolean} cacheable * @property {Map} assets * @property {LazySet} fileDependencies * @property {LazySet} contextDependencies * @property {LazySet} missingDependencies * @property {LazySet} buildDependencies */ /** * @typedef {object} ExecuteModuleArgument * @property {Module} module * @property {{ id: string, exports: any, loaded: boolean }=} moduleObject * @property {any} preparedInfo * @property {CodeGenerationResult} codeGenerationResult */ /** * @typedef {object} ExecuteModuleContext * @property {Map} assets * @property {Chunk} chunk * @property {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph * @property {function(string): any=} __webpack_require__ */ /** * @typedef {object} EntryData * @property {Dependency[]} dependencies dependencies of the entrypoint that should be evaluated at startup * @property {Dependency[]} includeDependencies dependencies of the entrypoint that should be included but not evaluated * @property {EntryOptions} options options of the entrypoint */ /** * @typedef {object} LogEntry * @property {string} type * @property {any[]} args * @property {number} time * @property {string[]=} trace */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownAssetInfo * @property {boolean=} immutable true, if the asset can be long term cached forever (contains a hash) * @property {boolean=} minimized whether the asset is minimized * @property {string | string[]=} fullhash the value(s) of the full hash used for this asset * @property {string | string[]=} chunkhash the value(s) of the chunk hash used for this asset * @property {string | string[]=} modulehash the value(s) of the module hash used for this asset * @property {string | string[]=} contenthash the value(s) of the content hash used for this asset * @property {string=} sourceFilename when asset was created from a source file (potentially transformed), the original filename relative to compilation context * @property {number=} size size in bytes, only set after asset has been emitted * @property {boolean=} development true, when asset is only used for development and doesn't count towards user-facing assets * @property {boolean=} hotModuleReplacement true, when asset ships data for updating an existing application (HMR) * @property {boolean=} javascriptModule true, when asset is javascript and an ESM * @property {Record=} related object of pointers to other assets, keyed by type of relation (only points from parent to child) */ /** @typedef {KnownAssetInfo & Record} AssetInfo */ /** * @typedef {object} Asset * @property {string} name the filename of the asset * @property {Source} source source of the asset * @property {AssetInfo} info info about the asset */ /** * @typedef {object} ModulePathData * @property {string|number} id * @property {string} hash * @property {function(number): string=} hashWithLength */ /** * @typedef {object} PathData * @property {ChunkGraph=} chunkGraph * @property {string=} hash * @property {function(number): string=} hashWithLength * @property {(Chunk|ChunkPathData)=} chunk * @property {(Module|ModulePathData)=} module * @property {RuntimeSpec=} runtime * @property {string=} filename * @property {string=} basename * @property {string=} query * @property {string=} contentHashType * @property {string=} contentHash * @property {function(number): string=} contentHashWithLength * @property {boolean=} noChunkHash * @property {string=} url */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownNormalizedStatsOptions * @property {string} context * @property {RequestShortener} requestShortener * @property {string} chunksSort * @property {string} modulesSort * @property {string} chunkModulesSort * @property {string} nestedModulesSort * @property {string} assetsSort * @property {boolean} ids * @property {boolean} cachedAssets * @property {boolean} groupAssetsByEmitStatus * @property {boolean} groupAssetsByPath * @property {boolean} groupAssetsByExtension * @property {number} assetsSpace * @property {((value: string, asset: StatsAsset) => boolean)[]} excludeAssets * @property {((name: string, module: StatsModule, type: "module" | "chunk" | "root-of-chunk" | "nested") => boolean)[]} excludeModules * @property {((warning: StatsError, textValue: string) => boolean)[]} warningsFilter * @property {boolean} cachedModules * @property {boolean} orphanModules * @property {boolean} dependentModules * @property {boolean} runtimeModules * @property {boolean} groupModulesByCacheStatus * @property {boolean} groupModulesByLayer * @property {boolean} groupModulesByAttributes * @property {boolean} groupModulesByPath * @property {boolean} groupModulesByExtension * @property {boolean} groupModulesByType * @property {boolean | "auto"} entrypoints * @property {boolean} chunkGroups * @property {boolean} chunkGroupAuxiliary * @property {boolean} chunkGroupChildren * @property {number} chunkGroupMaxAssets * @property {number} modulesSpace * @property {number} chunkModulesSpace * @property {number} nestedModulesSpace * @property {false|"none"|"error"|"warn"|"info"|"log"|"verbose"} logging * @property {((value: string) => boolean)[]} loggingDebug * @property {boolean} loggingTrace * @property {any} _env */ /** @typedef {KnownNormalizedStatsOptions & Omit & Record} NormalizedStatsOptions */ /** * @typedef {object} KnownCreateStatsOptionsContext * @property {boolean=} forToString */ /** @typedef {KnownCreateStatsOptionsContext & Record} CreateStatsOptionsContext */ /** @typedef {{module: Module, hash: string, runtime: RuntimeSpec, runtimes: RuntimeSpec[]}[]} CodeGenerationJobs */ /** @typedef {{javascript: ModuleTemplate}} ModuleTemplates */ /** @typedef {Set} NotCodeGeneratedModules */ /** @type {AssetInfo} */ const EMPTY_ASSET_INFO = Object.freeze({}); const esmDependencyCategory = "esm"; // TODO webpack 6: remove const deprecatedNormalModuleLoaderHook = util.deprecate( /** * @param {Compilation} compilation compilation * @returns {NormalModuleCompilationHooks["loader"]} hooks */ compilation => { return require("./NormalModule").getCompilationHooks(compilation).loader; }, "Compilation.hooks.normalModuleLoader was moved to NormalModule.getCompilationHooks(compilation).loader", "DEP_WEBPACK_COMPILATION_NORMAL_MODULE_LOADER_HOOK" ); // TODO webpack 6: remove /** * @param {ModuleTemplates | undefined} moduleTemplates module templates */ const defineRemovedModuleTemplates = moduleTemplates => { Object.defineProperties(moduleTemplates, { asset: { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: () => { throw new WebpackError( "Compilation.moduleTemplates.asset has been removed" ); } }, webassembly: { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: () => { throw new WebpackError( "Compilation.moduleTemplates.webassembly has been removed" ); } } }); moduleTemplates = undefined; }; const byId = compareSelect(c => c.id, compareIds); const byNameOrHash = concatComparators( compareSelect(c => c.name, compareIds), compareSelect(c => c.fullHash, compareIds) ); const byMessage = compareSelect(err => `${err.message}`, compareStringsNumeric); const byModule = compareSelect( err => (err.module && err.module.identifier()) || "", compareStringsNumeric ); const byLocation = compareSelect(err => err.loc, compareLocations); const compareErrors = concatComparators(byModule, byLocation, byMessage); /** @type {WeakMap} */ const unsafeCacheDependencies = new WeakMap(); /** @type {WeakMap} */ const unsafeCacheData = new WeakMap(); class Compilation { /** * Creates an instance of Compilation. * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler which created the compilation * @param {CompilationParams} params the compilation parameters */ constructor(compiler, params) { this._backCompat = compiler._backCompat; const getNormalModuleLoader = () => deprecatedNormalModuleLoaderHook(this); /** @typedef {{ additionalAssets?: true | Function }} ProcessAssetsAdditionalOptions */ /** @type {AsyncSeriesHook<[CompilationAssets], ProcessAssetsAdditionalOptions>} */ const processAssetsHook = new AsyncSeriesHook(["assets"]); let savedAssets = new Set(); /** * @param {CompilationAssets} assets assets * @returns {CompilationAssets} new assets */ const popNewAssets = assets => { let newAssets = undefined; for (const file of Object.keys(assets)) { if (savedAssets.has(file)) continue; if (newAssets === undefined) { newAssets = Object.create(null); } newAssets[file] = assets[file]; savedAssets.add(file); } return newAssets; }; processAssetsHook.intercept({ name: "Compilation", call: () => { savedAssets = new Set(Object.keys(this.assets)); }, register: tap => { const { type, name } = tap; const { fn, additionalAssets, ...remainingTap } = tap; const additionalAssetsFn = additionalAssets === true ? fn : additionalAssets; const processedAssets = additionalAssetsFn ? new WeakSet() : undefined; switch (type) { case "sync": if (additionalAssetsFn) { this.hooks.processAdditionalAssets.tap(name, assets => { if (processedAssets.has(this.assets)) additionalAssetsFn(assets); }); } return { ...remainingTap, type: "async", fn: (assets, callback) => { try { fn(assets); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } if (processedAssets !== undefined) processedAssets.add(this.assets); const newAssets = popNewAssets(assets); if (newAssets !== undefined) { this.hooks.processAdditionalAssets.callAsync( newAssets, callback ); return; } callback(); } }; case "async": if (additionalAssetsFn) { this.hooks.processAdditionalAssets.tapAsync( name, (assets, callback) => { if (processedAssets.has(this.assets)) return additionalAssetsFn(assets, callback); callback(); } ); } return { ...remainingTap, fn: (assets, callback) => { fn(assets, err => { if (err) return callback(err); if (processedAssets !== undefined) processedAssets.add(this.assets); const newAssets = popNewAssets(assets); if (newAssets !== undefined) { this.hooks.processAdditionalAssets.callAsync( newAssets, callback ); return; } callback(); }); } }; case "promise": if (additionalAssetsFn) { this.hooks.processAdditionalAssets.tapPromise(name, assets => { if (processedAssets.has(this.assets)) return additionalAssetsFn(assets); return Promise.resolve(); }); } return { ...remainingTap, fn: assets => { const p = fn(assets); if (!p || !p.then) return p; return p.then(() => { if (processedAssets !== undefined) processedAssets.add(this.assets); const newAssets = popNewAssets(assets); if (newAssets !== undefined) { return this.hooks.processAdditionalAssets.promise( newAssets ); } }); } }; } } }); /** @type {SyncHook<[CompilationAssets]>} */ const afterProcessAssetsHook = new SyncHook(["assets"]); /** * @template T * @param {string} name name of the hook * @param {number} stage new stage * @param {function(): AsArray} getArgs get old hook function args * @param {string=} code deprecation code (not deprecated when unset) * @returns {FakeHook, "tap" | "tapAsync" | "tapPromise" | "name">>} fake hook which redirects */ const createProcessAssetsHook = (name, stage, getArgs, code) => { if (!this._backCompat && code) return undefined; const errorMessage = reason => `Can't automatically convert plugin using Compilation.hooks.${name} to Compilation.hooks.processAssets because ${reason}. BREAKING CHANGE: Asset processing hooks in Compilation has been merged into a single Compilation.hooks.processAssets hook.`; const getOptions = options => { if (typeof options === "string") options = { name: options }; if (options.stage) { throw new Error(errorMessage("it's using the 'stage' option")); } return { ...options, stage: stage }; }; return createFakeHook( { name, /** @type {AsyncSeriesHook["intercept"]} */ intercept(interceptor) { throw new Error(errorMessage("it's using 'intercept'")); }, /** @type {AsyncSeriesHook["tap"]} */ tap: (options, fn) => { processAssetsHook.tap(getOptions(options), () => fn(...getArgs())); }, /** @type {AsyncSeriesHook["tapAsync"]} */ tapAsync: (options, fn) => { processAssetsHook.tapAsync( getOptions(options), (assets, callback) => /** @type {any} */ (fn)(...getArgs(), callback) ); }, /** @type {AsyncSeriesHook["tapPromise"]} */ tapPromise: (options, fn) => { processAssetsHook.tapPromise(getOptions(options), () => fn(...getArgs()) ); } }, `${name} is deprecated (use Compilation.hooks.processAssets instead and use one of Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_* as stage option)`, code ); }; this.hooks = Object.freeze({ /** @type {SyncHook<[Module]>} */ buildModule: new SyncHook(["module"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Module]>} */ rebuildModule: new SyncHook(["module"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Module, WebpackError]>} */ failedModule: new SyncHook(["module", "error"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Module]>} */ succeedModule: new SyncHook(["module"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Module]>} */ stillValidModule: new SyncHook(["module"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Dependency, EntryOptions]>} */ addEntry: new SyncHook(["entry", "options"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Dependency, EntryOptions, Error]>} */ failedEntry: new SyncHook(["entry", "options", "error"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Dependency, EntryOptions, Module]>} */ succeedEntry: new SyncHook(["entry", "options", "module"]), /** @type {SyncWaterfallHook<[(string[] | ReferencedExport)[], Dependency, RuntimeSpec]>} */ dependencyReferencedExports: new SyncWaterfallHook([ "referencedExports", "dependency", "runtime" ]), /** @type {SyncHook<[ExecuteModuleArgument, ExecuteModuleContext]>} */ executeModule: new SyncHook(["options", "context"]), /** @type {AsyncParallelHook<[ExecuteModuleArgument, ExecuteModuleContext]>} */ prepareModuleExecution: new AsyncParallelHook(["options", "context"]), /** @type {AsyncSeriesHook<[Iterable]>} */ finishModules: new AsyncSeriesHook(["modules"]), /** @type {AsyncSeriesHook<[Module]>} */ finishRebuildingModule: new AsyncSeriesHook(["module"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ unseal: new SyncHook([]), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ seal: new SyncHook([]), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ beforeChunks: new SyncHook([]), /** * The `afterChunks` hook is called directly after the chunks and module graph have * been created and before the chunks and modules have been optimized. This hook is useful to * inspect, analyze, and/or modify the chunk graph. * @type {SyncHook<[Iterable]>} */ afterChunks: new SyncHook(["chunks"]), /** @type {SyncBailHook<[Iterable]>} */ optimizeDependencies: new SyncBailHook(["modules"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable]>} */ afterOptimizeDependencies: new SyncHook(["modules"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ optimize: new SyncHook([]), /** @type {SyncBailHook<[Iterable]>} */ optimizeModules: new SyncBailHook(["modules"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable]>} */ afterOptimizeModules: new SyncHook(["modules"]), /** @type {SyncBailHook<[Iterable, ChunkGroup[]], boolean | void>} */ optimizeChunks: new SyncBailHook(["chunks", "chunkGroups"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable, ChunkGroup[]]>} */ afterOptimizeChunks: new SyncHook(["chunks", "chunkGroups"]), /** @type {AsyncSeriesHook<[Iterable, Iterable]>} */ optimizeTree: new AsyncSeriesHook(["chunks", "modules"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable, Iterable]>} */ afterOptimizeTree: new SyncHook(["chunks", "modules"]), /** @type {AsyncSeriesBailHook<[Iterable, Iterable], void>} */ optimizeChunkModules: new AsyncSeriesBailHook(["chunks", "modules"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable, Iterable]>} */ afterOptimizeChunkModules: new SyncHook(["chunks", "modules"]), /** @type {SyncBailHook<[], boolean | undefined>} */ shouldRecord: new SyncBailHook([]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Chunk, Set, RuntimeRequirementsContext]>} */ additionalChunkRuntimeRequirements: new SyncHook([ "chunk", "runtimeRequirements", "context" ]), /** @type {HookMap, RuntimeRequirementsContext], void>>} */ runtimeRequirementInChunk: new HookMap( () => new SyncBailHook(["chunk", "runtimeRequirements", "context"]) ), /** @type {SyncHook<[Module, Set, RuntimeRequirementsContext]>} */ additionalModuleRuntimeRequirements: new SyncHook([ "module", "runtimeRequirements", "context" ]), /** @type {HookMap, RuntimeRequirementsContext]>>} */ runtimeRequirementInModule: new HookMap( () => new SyncBailHook(["module", "runtimeRequirements", "context"]) ), /** @type {SyncHook<[Chunk, Set, RuntimeRequirementsContext]>} */ additionalTreeRuntimeRequirements: new SyncHook([ "chunk", "runtimeRequirements", "context" ]), /** @type {HookMap, RuntimeRequirementsContext]>>} */ runtimeRequirementInTree: new HookMap( () => new SyncBailHook(["chunk", "runtimeRequirements", "context"]) ), /** @type {SyncHook<[RuntimeModule, Chunk]>} */ runtimeModule: new SyncHook(["module", "chunk"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable, any]>} */ reviveModules: new SyncHook(["modules", "records"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable]>} */ beforeModuleIds: new SyncHook(["modules"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable]>} */ moduleIds: new SyncHook(["modules"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable]>} */ optimizeModuleIds: new SyncHook(["modules"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable]>} */ afterOptimizeModuleIds: new SyncHook(["modules"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable, any]>} */ reviveChunks: new SyncHook(["chunks", "records"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable]>} */ beforeChunkIds: new SyncHook(["chunks"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable]>} */ chunkIds: new SyncHook(["chunks"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable]>} */ optimizeChunkIds: new SyncHook(["chunks"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable]>} */ afterOptimizeChunkIds: new SyncHook(["chunks"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable, any]>} */ recordModules: new SyncHook(["modules", "records"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable, any]>} */ recordChunks: new SyncHook(["chunks", "records"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Iterable]>} */ optimizeCodeGeneration: new SyncHook(["modules"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ beforeModuleHash: new SyncHook([]), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ afterModuleHash: new SyncHook([]), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ beforeCodeGeneration: new SyncHook([]), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ afterCodeGeneration: new SyncHook([]), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ beforeRuntimeRequirements: new SyncHook([]), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ afterRuntimeRequirements: new SyncHook([]), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ beforeHash: new SyncHook([]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Chunk]>} */ contentHash: new SyncHook(["chunk"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ afterHash: new SyncHook([]), /** @type {SyncHook<[any]>} */ recordHash: new SyncHook(["records"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Compilation, any]>} */ record: new SyncHook(["compilation", "records"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ beforeModuleAssets: new SyncHook([]), /** @type {SyncBailHook<[], boolean>} */ shouldGenerateChunkAssets: new SyncBailHook([]), /** @type {SyncHook<[]>} */ beforeChunkAssets: new SyncHook([]), // TODO webpack 6 remove /** @deprecated */ additionalChunkAssets: createProcessAssetsHook( "additionalChunkAssets", Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONAL, () => [this.chunks], "DEP_WEBPACK_COMPILATION_ADDITIONAL_CHUNK_ASSETS" ), // TODO webpack 6 deprecate /** @deprecated */ additionalAssets: createProcessAssetsHook( "additionalAssets", Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONAL, () => [] ), // TODO webpack 6 remove /** @deprecated */ optimizeChunkAssets: createProcessAssetsHook( "optimizeChunkAssets", Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE, () => [this.chunks], "DEP_WEBPACK_COMPILATION_OPTIMIZE_CHUNK_ASSETS" ), // TODO webpack 6 remove /** @deprecated */ afterOptimizeChunkAssets: createProcessAssetsHook( "afterOptimizeChunkAssets", Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE + 1, () => [this.chunks], "DEP_WEBPACK_COMPILATION_AFTER_OPTIMIZE_CHUNK_ASSETS" ), // TODO webpack 6 deprecate /** @deprecated */ optimizeAssets: processAssetsHook, // TODO webpack 6 deprecate /** @deprecated */ afterOptimizeAssets: afterProcessAssetsHook, processAssets: processAssetsHook, afterProcessAssets: afterProcessAssetsHook, /** @type {AsyncSeriesHook<[CompilationAssets]>} */ processAdditionalAssets: new AsyncSeriesHook(["assets"]), /** @type {SyncBailHook<[], boolean | undefined>} */ needAdditionalSeal: new SyncBailHook([]), /** @type {AsyncSeriesHook<[]>} */ afterSeal: new AsyncSeriesHook([]), /** @type {SyncWaterfallHook<[RenderManifestEntry[], RenderManifestOptions]>} */ renderManifest: new SyncWaterfallHook(["result", "options"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Hash]>} */ fullHash: new SyncHook(["hash"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Chunk, Hash, ChunkHashContext]>} */ chunkHash: new SyncHook(["chunk", "chunkHash", "ChunkHashContext"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Module, string]>} */ moduleAsset: new SyncHook(["module", "filename"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Chunk, string]>} */ chunkAsset: new SyncHook(["chunk", "filename"]), /** @type {SyncWaterfallHook<[string, object, AssetInfo | undefined]>} */ assetPath: new SyncWaterfallHook(["path", "options", "assetInfo"]), /** @type {SyncBailHook<[], boolean>} */ needAdditionalPass: new SyncBailHook([]), /** @type {SyncHook<[Compiler, string, number]>} */ childCompiler: new SyncHook([ "childCompiler", "compilerName", "compilerIndex" ]), /** @type {SyncBailHook<[string, LogEntry], true>} */ log: new SyncBailHook(["origin", "logEntry"]), /** @type {SyncWaterfallHook<[WebpackError[]]>} */ processWarnings: new SyncWaterfallHook(["warnings"]), /** @type {SyncWaterfallHook<[WebpackError[]]>} */ processErrors: new SyncWaterfallHook(["errors"]), /** @type {HookMap, CreateStatsOptionsContext]>>} */ statsPreset: new HookMap(() => new SyncHook(["options", "context"])), /** @type {SyncHook<[Partial, CreateStatsOptionsContext]>} */ statsNormalize: new SyncHook(["options", "context"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[StatsFactory, NormalizedStatsOptions]>} */ statsFactory: new SyncHook(["statsFactory", "options"]), /** @type {SyncHook<[StatsPrinter, NormalizedStatsOptions]>} */ statsPrinter: new SyncHook(["statsPrinter", "options"]), get normalModuleLoader() { return getNormalModuleLoader(); } }); /** @type {string=} */ this.name = undefined; /** @type {number | undefined} */ this.startTime = undefined; /** @type {number | undefined} */ this.endTime = undefined; /** @type {Compiler} */ this.compiler = compiler; this.resolverFactory = compiler.resolverFactory; /** @type {InputFileSystem} */ this.inputFileSystem = /** @type {InputFileSystem} */ (compiler.inputFileSystem); this.fileSystemInfo = new FileSystemInfo(this.inputFileSystem, { unmanagedPaths: compiler.unmanagedPaths, managedPaths: compiler.managedPaths, immutablePaths: compiler.immutablePaths, logger: this.getLogger("webpack.FileSystemInfo"), hashFunction: compiler.options.output.hashFunction }); if (compiler.fileTimestamps) { this.fileSystemInfo.addFileTimestamps(compiler.fileTimestamps, true); } if (compiler.contextTimestamps) { this.fileSystemInfo.addContextTimestamps( compiler.contextTimestamps, true ); } /** @type {Map>} */ this.valueCacheVersions = new Map(); this.requestShortener = compiler.requestShortener; this.compilerPath = compiler.compilerPath; this.logger = this.getLogger("webpack.Compilation"); const options = /** @type {WebpackOptions} */ (compiler.options); this.options = options; this.outputOptions = options && options.output; /** @type {boolean} */ this.bail = (options && options.bail) || false; /** @type {boolean} */ this.profile = (options && options.profile) || false; this.params = params; this.mainTemplate = new MainTemplate(this.outputOptions, this); this.chunkTemplate = new ChunkTemplate(this.outputOptions, this); this.runtimeTemplate = new RuntimeTemplate( this, this.outputOptions, this.requestShortener ); /** @type {ModuleTemplates} */ this.moduleTemplates = { javascript: new ModuleTemplate(this.runtimeTemplate, this) }; defineRemovedModuleTemplates(this.moduleTemplates); /** @type {Map> | undefined} */ this.moduleMemCaches = undefined; /** @type {Map> | undefined} */ this.moduleMemCaches2 = undefined; this.moduleGraph = new ModuleGraph(); /** @type {ChunkGraph} */ this.chunkGraph = undefined; /** @type {CodeGenerationResults} */ this.codeGenerationResults = undefined; /** @type {AsyncQueue} */ this.processDependenciesQueue = new AsyncQueue({ name: "processDependencies", parallelism: options.parallelism || 100, processor: this._processModuleDependencies.bind(this) }); /** @type {AsyncQueue} */ this.addModuleQueue = new AsyncQueue({ name: "addModule", parent: this.processDependenciesQueue, getKey: module => module.identifier(), processor: this._addModule.bind(this) }); /** @type {AsyncQueue} */ this.factorizeQueue = new AsyncQueue({ name: "factorize", parent: this.addModuleQueue, processor: this._factorizeModule.bind(this) }); /** @type {AsyncQueue} */ this.buildQueue = new AsyncQueue({ name: "build", parent: this.factorizeQueue, processor: this._buildModule.bind(this) }); /** @type {AsyncQueue} */ this.rebuildQueue = new AsyncQueue({ name: "rebuild", parallelism: options.parallelism || 100, processor: this._rebuildModule.bind(this) }); /** * Modules in value are building during the build of Module in key. * Means value blocking key from finishing. * Needed to detect build cycles. * @type {WeakMap>} */ this.creatingModuleDuringBuild = new WeakMap(); /** @type {Map} */ this.entries = new Map(); /** @type {EntryData} */ this.globalEntry = { dependencies: [], includeDependencies: [], options: { name: undefined } }; /** @type {Map} */ this.entrypoints = new Map(); /** @type {Entrypoint[]} */ this.asyncEntrypoints = []; /** @type {Set} */ this.chunks = new Set(); /** @type {ChunkGroup[]} */ this.chunkGroups = []; /** @type {Map} */ this.namedChunkGroups = new Map(); /** @type {Map} */ this.namedChunks = new Map(); /** @type {Set} */ this.modules = new Set(); if (this._backCompat) { arrayToSetDeprecation(this.chunks, "Compilation.chunks"); arrayToSetDeprecation(this.modules, "Compilation.modules"); } /** * @private * @type {Map} */ this._modules = new Map(); this.records = null; /** @type {string[]} */ this.additionalChunkAssets = []; /** @type {CompilationAssets} */ this.assets = {}; /** @type {Map} */ this.assetsInfo = new Map(); /** @type {Map>>} */ this._assetsRelatedIn = new Map(); /** @type {WebpackError[]} */ this.errors = []; /** @type {WebpackError[]} */ this.warnings = []; /** @type {Compilation[]} */ this.children = []; /** @type {Map} */ this.logging = new Map(); /** @type {Map} */ this.dependencyFactories = new Map(); /** @type {DependencyTemplates} */ this.dependencyTemplates = new DependencyTemplates( this.outputOptions.hashFunction ); this.childrenCounters = {}; /** @type {Set} */ this.usedChunkIds = null; /** @type {Set} */ this.usedModuleIds = null; /** @type {boolean} */ this.needAdditionalPass = false; /** @type {Set} */ this._restoredUnsafeCacheModuleEntries = new Set(); /** @type {Map} */ this._restoredUnsafeCacheEntries = new Map(); /** @type {WeakSet} */ this.builtModules = new WeakSet(); /** @type {WeakSet} */ this.codeGeneratedModules = new WeakSet(); /** @type {WeakSet} */ this.buildTimeExecutedModules = new WeakSet(); /** * @private * @type {Map} */ this._rebuildingModules = new Map(); /** @type {Set} */ this.emittedAssets = new Set(); /** @type {Set} */ this.comparedForEmitAssets = new Set(); /** @type {LazySet} */ this.fileDependencies = new LazySet(); /** @type {LazySet} */ this.contextDependencies = new LazySet(); /** @type {LazySet} */ this.missingDependencies = new LazySet(); /** @type {LazySet} */ this.buildDependencies = new LazySet(); // TODO webpack 6 remove this.compilationDependencies = { add: util.deprecate( /** * @param {string} item item * @returns {LazySet} file dependencies */ item => this.fileDependencies.add(item), "Compilation.compilationDependencies is deprecated (used Compilation.fileDependencies instead)", "DEP_WEBPACK_COMPILATION_COMPILATION_DEPENDENCIES" ) }; this._modulesCache = this.getCache("Compilation/modules"); this._assetsCache = this.getCache("Compilation/assets"); this._codeGenerationCache = this.getCache("Compilation/codeGeneration"); const unsafeCache = options.module.unsafeCache; this._unsafeCache = !!unsafeCache; this._unsafeCachePredicate = typeof unsafeCache === "function" ? unsafeCache : () => true; } getStats() { return new Stats(this); } /** * @param {string | boolean | StatsOptions | undefined} optionsOrPreset stats option value * @param {CreateStatsOptionsContext} context context * @returns {NormalizedStatsOptions} normalized options */ createStatsOptions(optionsOrPreset, context = {}) { if ( typeof optionsOrPreset === "boolean" || typeof optionsOrPreset === "string" ) { optionsOrPreset = { preset: optionsOrPreset }; } if (typeof optionsOrPreset === "object" && optionsOrPreset !== null) { // We use this method of shallow cloning this object to include // properties in the prototype chain /** @type {Partial} */ const options = {}; for (const key in optionsOrPreset) { options[key] = optionsOrPreset[key]; } if (options.preset !== undefined) { this.hooks.statsPreset.for(options.preset).call(options, context); } this.hooks.statsNormalize.call(options, context); return /** @type {NormalizedStatsOptions} */ (options); } else { /** @type {Partial} */ const options = {}; this.hooks.statsNormalize.call(options, context); return /** @type {NormalizedStatsOptions} */ (options); } } /** * @param {NormalizedStatsOptions} options options * @returns {StatsFactory} the stats factory */ createStatsFactory(options) { const statsFactory = new StatsFactory(); this.hooks.statsFactory.call(statsFactory, options); return statsFactory; } /** * @param {NormalizedStatsOptions} options options * @returns {StatsPrinter} the stats printer */ createStatsPrinter(options) { const statsPrinter = new StatsPrinter(); this.hooks.statsPrinter.call(statsPrinter, options); return statsPrinter; } /** * @param {string} name cache name * @returns {CacheFacade} the cache facade instance */ getCache(name) { return this.compiler.getCache(name); } /** * @param {string | (function(): string)} name name of the logger, or function called once to get the logger name * @returns {Logger} a logger with that name */ getLogger(name) { if (!name) { throw new TypeError("Compilation.getLogger(name) called without a name"); } /** @type {LogEntry[] | undefined} */ let logEntries; return new Logger( (type, args) => { if (typeof name === "function") { name = name(); if (!name) { throw new TypeError( "Compilation.getLogger(name) called with a function not returning a name" ); } } let trace; switch (type) { case LogType.warn: case LogType.error: case LogType.trace: trace = ErrorHelpers.cutOffLoaderExecution( /** @type {string} */ (new Error("Trace").stack) ) .split("\n") .slice(3); break; } /** @type {LogEntry} */ const logEntry = { time: Date.now(), type, args, trace }; if (this.hooks.log.call(name, logEntry) === undefined) { if (logEntry.type === LogType.profileEnd) { if (typeof console.profileEnd === "function") { console.profileEnd(`[${name}] ${logEntry.args[0]}`); } } if (logEntries === undefined) { logEntries = this.logging.get(name); if (logEntries === undefined) { logEntries = []; this.logging.set(name, logEntries); } } logEntries.push(logEntry); if (logEntry.type === LogType.profile) { if (typeof console.profile === "function") { console.profile(`[${name}] ${logEntry.args[0]}`); } } } }, childName => { if (typeof name === "function") { if (typeof childName === "function") { return this.getLogger(() => { if (typeof name === "function") { name = name(); if (!name) { throw new TypeError( "Compilation.getLogger(name) called with a function not returning a name" ); } } if (typeof childName === "function") { childName = childName(); if (!childName) { throw new TypeError( "Logger.getChildLogger(name) called with a function not returning a name" ); } } return `${name}/${childName}`; }); } else { return this.getLogger(() => { if (typeof name === "function") { name = name(); if (!name) { throw new TypeError( "Compilation.getLogger(name) called with a function not returning a name" ); } } return `${name}/${childName}`; }); } } else { if (typeof childName === "function") { return this.getLogger(() => { if (typeof childName === "function") { childName = childName(); if (!childName) { throw new TypeError( "Logger.getChildLogger(name) called with a function not returning a name" ); } } return `${name}/${childName}`; }); } else { return this.getLogger(`${name}/${childName}`); } } } ); } /** * @param {Module} module module to be added that was created * @param {ModuleCallback} callback returns the module in the compilation, * it could be the passed one (if new), or an already existing in the compilation * @returns {void} */ addModule(module, callback) { this.addModuleQueue.add(module, callback); } /** * @param {Module} module module to be added that was created * @param {ModuleCallback} callback returns the module in the compilation, * it could be the passed one (if new), or an already existing in the compilation * @returns {void} */ _addModule(module, callback) { const identifier = module.identifier(); const alreadyAddedModule = this._modules.get(identifier); if (alreadyAddedModule) { return callback(null, alreadyAddedModule); } const currentProfile = this.profile ? this.moduleGraph.getProfile(module) : undefined; if (currentProfile !== undefined) { currentProfile.markRestoringStart(); } this._modulesCache.get(identifier, null, (err, cacheModule) => { if (err) return callback(new ModuleRestoreError(module, err)); if (currentProfile !== undefined) { currentProfile.markRestoringEnd(); currentProfile.markIntegrationStart(); } if (cacheModule) { cacheModule.updateCacheModule(module); module = cacheModule; } this._modules.set(identifier, module); this.modules.add(module); if (this._backCompat) ModuleGraph.setModuleGraphForModule(module, this.moduleGraph); if (currentProfile !== undefined) { currentProfile.markIntegrationEnd(); } callback(null, module); }); } /** * Fetches a module from a compilation by its identifier * @param {Module} module the module provided * @returns {Module} the module requested */ getModule(module) { const identifier = module.identifier(); return /** @type {Module} */ (this._modules.get(identifier)); } /** * Attempts to search for a module by its identifier * @param {string} identifier identifier (usually path) for module * @returns {Module|undefined} attempt to search for module and return it, else undefined */ findModule(identifier) { return this._modules.get(identifier); } /** * Schedules a build of the module object * * @param {Module} module module to be built * @param {ModuleCallback} callback the callback * @returns {void} */ buildModule(module, callback) { this.buildQueue.add(module, callback); } /** * Builds the module object * * @param {Module} module module to be built * @param {ModuleCallback} callback the callback * @returns {void} */ _buildModule(module, callback) { const currentProfile = this.profile ? this.moduleGraph.getProfile(module) : undefined; if (currentProfile !== undefined) { currentProfile.markBuildingStart(); } module.needBuild( { compilation: this, fileSystemInfo: this.fileSystemInfo, valueCacheVersions: this.valueCacheVersions }, (err, needBuild) => { if (err) return callback(err); if (!needBuild) { if (currentProfile !== undefined) { currentProfile.markBuildingEnd(); } this.hooks.stillValidModule.call(module); return callback(); } this.hooks.buildModule.call(module); this.builtModules.add(module); module.build( this.options, this, this.resolverFactory.get("normal", module.resolveOptions), /** @type {InputFileSystem} */ (this.inputFileSystem), err => { if (currentProfile !== undefined) { currentProfile.markBuildingEnd(); } if (err) { this.hooks.failedModule.call(module, err); return callback(err); } if (currentProfile !== undefined) { currentProfile.markStoringStart(); } this._modulesCache.store(module.identifier(), null, module, err => { if (currentProfile !== undefined) { currentProfile.markStoringEnd(); } if (err) { this.hooks.failedModule.call( module, /** @type {WebpackError} */ (err) ); return callback(new ModuleStoreError(module, err)); } this.hooks.succeedModule.call(module); return callback(); }); } ); } ); } /** * @param {Module} module to be processed for deps * @param {ModuleCallback} callback callback to be triggered * @returns {void} */ processModuleDependencies(module, callback) { this.processDependenciesQueue.add(module, callback); } /** * @param {Module} module to be processed for deps * @returns {void} */ processModuleDependenciesNonRecursive(module) { /** * @param {DependenciesBlock} block block */ const processDependenciesBlock = block => { if (block.dependencies) { let i = 0; for (const dep of block.dependencies) { this.moduleGraph.setParents(dep, block, module, i++); } } if (block.blocks) { for (const b of block.blocks) processDependenciesBlock(b); } }; processDependenciesBlock(module); } /** * @param {Module} module to be processed for deps * @param {ModuleCallback} callback callback to be triggered * @returns {void} */ _processModuleDependencies(module, callback) { /** @type {Array<{factory: ModuleFactory, dependencies: Dependency[], context: string|undefined, originModule: Module|null}>} */ const sortedDependencies = []; /** @type {DependenciesBlock} */ let currentBlock; /** @type {Map>} */ let dependencies; /** @type {DepConstructor} */ let factoryCacheKey; /** @type {ModuleFactory} */ let factoryCacheKey2; /** @type {Map} */ let factoryCacheValue; /** @type {string} */ let listCacheKey1; /** @type {string} */ let listCacheKey2; /** @type {Dependency[]} */ let listCacheValue; let inProgressSorting = 1; let inProgressTransitive = 1; /** * @param {WebpackError=} err error * @returns {void} */ const onDependenciesSorted = err => { if (err) return callback(err); // early exit without changing parallelism back and forth if (sortedDependencies.length === 0 && inProgressTransitive === 1) { return callback(); } // This is nested so we need to allow one additional task this.processDependenciesQueue.increaseParallelism(); for (const item of sortedDependencies) { inProgressTransitive++; this.handleModuleCreation(item, err => { // In V8, the Error objects keep a reference to the functions on the stack. These warnings & // errors are created inside closures that keep a reference to the Compilation, so errors are // leaking the Compilation object. if (err && this.bail) { if (inProgressTransitive <= 0) return; inProgressTransitive = -1; // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign err.stack = err.stack; onTransitiveTasksFinished(err); return; } if (--inProgressTransitive === 0) onTransitiveTasksFinished(); }); } if (--inProgressTransitive === 0) onTransitiveTasksFinished(); }; /** * @param {WebpackError=} err error * @returns {void} */ const onTransitiveTasksFinished = err => { if (err) return callback(err); this.processDependenciesQueue.decreaseParallelism(); return callback(); }; /** * @param {Dependency} dep dependency * @param {number} index index in block * @returns {void} */ const processDependency = (dep, index) => { this.moduleGraph.setParents(dep, currentBlock, module, index); if (this._unsafeCache) { try { const unsafeCachedModule = unsafeCacheDependencies.get(dep); if (unsafeCachedModule === null) return; if (unsafeCachedModule !== undefined) { if ( this._restoredUnsafeCacheModuleEntries.has(unsafeCachedModule) ) { this._handleExistingModuleFromUnsafeCache( module, dep, unsafeCachedModule ); return; } const identifier = unsafeCachedModule.identifier(); const cachedModule = this._restoredUnsafeCacheEntries.get(identifier); if (cachedModule !== undefined) { // update unsafe cache to new module unsafeCacheDependencies.set(dep, cachedModule); this._handleExistingModuleFromUnsafeCache( module, dep, cachedModule ); return; } inProgressSorting++; this._modulesCache.get(identifier, null, (err, cachedModule) => { if (err) { if (inProgressSorting <= 0) return; inProgressSorting = -1; onDependenciesSorted(/** @type {WebpackError} */ (err)); return; } try { if (!this._restoredUnsafeCacheEntries.has(identifier)) { const data = unsafeCacheData.get(cachedModule); if (data === undefined) { processDependencyForResolving(dep); if (--inProgressSorting === 0) onDependenciesSorted(); return; } if (cachedModule !== unsafeCachedModule) { unsafeCacheDependencies.set(dep, cachedModule); } cachedModule.restoreFromUnsafeCache( data, this.params.normalModuleFactory, this.params ); this._restoredUnsafeCacheEntries.set( identifier, cachedModule ); this._restoredUnsafeCacheModuleEntries.add(cachedModule); if (!this.modules.has(cachedModule)) { inProgressTransitive++; this._handleNewModuleFromUnsafeCache( module, dep, cachedModule, err => { if (err) { if (inProgressTransitive <= 0) return; inProgressTransitive = -1; onTransitiveTasksFinished(err); } if (--inProgressTransitive === 0) return onTransitiveTasksFinished(); } ); if (--inProgressSorting === 0) onDependenciesSorted(); return; } } if (unsafeCachedModule !== cachedModule) { unsafeCacheDependencies.set(dep, cachedModule); } this._handleExistingModuleFromUnsafeCache( module, dep, cachedModule ); // a3 } catch (err) { if (inProgressSorting <= 0) return; inProgressSorting = -1; onDependenciesSorted(/** @type {WebpackError} */ (err)); return; } if (--inProgressSorting === 0) onDependenciesSorted(); }); return; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } processDependencyForResolving(dep); }; /** * @param {Dependency} dep dependency * @returns {void} */ const processDependencyForResolving = dep => { const resourceIdent = dep.getResourceIdentifier(); if (resourceIdent !== undefined && resourceIdent !== null) { const category = dep.category; const constructor = /** @type {DepConstructor} */ (dep.constructor); if (factoryCacheKey === constructor) { // Fast path 1: same constructor as prev item if (listCacheKey1 === category && listCacheKey2 === resourceIdent) { // Super fast path 1: also same resource listCacheValue.push(dep); return; } } else { const factory = this.dependencyFactories.get(constructor); if (factory === undefined) { throw new Error( `No module factory available for dependency type: ${constructor.name}` ); } if (factoryCacheKey2 === factory) { // Fast path 2: same factory as prev item factoryCacheKey = constructor; if (listCacheKey1 === category && listCacheKey2 === resourceIdent) { // Super fast path 2: also same resource listCacheValue.push(dep); return; } } else { // Slow path if (factoryCacheKey2 !== undefined) { // Archive last cache entry if (dependencies === undefined) dependencies = new Map(); dependencies.set(factoryCacheKey2, factoryCacheValue); factoryCacheValue = dependencies.get(factory); if (factoryCacheValue === undefined) { factoryCacheValue = new Map(); } } else { factoryCacheValue = new Map(); } factoryCacheKey = constructor; factoryCacheKey2 = factory; } } // Here webpack is using heuristic that assumes // mostly esm dependencies would be used // so we don't allocate extra string for them const cacheKey = category === esmDependencyCategory ? resourceIdent : `${category}${resourceIdent}`; let list = factoryCacheValue.get(cacheKey); if (list === undefined) { factoryCacheValue.set(cacheKey, (list = [])); sortedDependencies.push({ factory: factoryCacheKey2, dependencies: list, context: dep.getContext(), originModule: module }); } list.push(dep); listCacheKey1 = category; listCacheKey2 = resourceIdent; listCacheValue = list; } }; try { /** @type {DependenciesBlock[]} */ const queue = [module]; do { const block = /** @type {DependenciesBlock} */ (queue.pop()); if (block.dependencies) { currentBlock = block; let i = 0; for (const dep of block.dependencies) processDependency(dep, i++); } if (block.blocks) { for (const b of block.blocks) queue.push(b); } } while (queue.length !== 0); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } if (--inProgressSorting === 0) onDependenciesSorted(); } /** * @private * @param {Module} originModule original module * @param {Dependency} dependency dependency * @param {Module} module cached module * @param {Callback} callback callback */ _handleNewModuleFromUnsafeCache(originModule, dependency, module, callback) { const moduleGraph = this.moduleGraph; moduleGraph.setResolvedModule(originModule, dependency, module); moduleGraph.setIssuerIfUnset( module, originModule !== undefined ? originModule : null ); this._modules.set(module.identifier(), module); this.modules.add(module); if (this._backCompat) ModuleGraph.setModuleGraphForModule(module, this.moduleGraph); this._handleModuleBuildAndDependencies( originModule, module, true, false, callback ); } /** * @private * @param {Module} originModule original modules * @param {Dependency} dependency dependency * @param {Module} module cached module */ _handleExistingModuleFromUnsafeCache(originModule, dependency, module) { const moduleGraph = this.moduleGraph; moduleGraph.setResolvedModule(originModule, dependency, module); } /** * @typedef {object} HandleModuleCreationOptions * @property {ModuleFactory} factory * @property {Dependency[]} dependencies * @property {Module | null} originModule * @property {Partial=} contextInfo * @property {string=} context * @property {boolean=} recursive recurse into dependencies of the created module * @property {boolean=} connectOrigin connect the resolved module with the origin module * @property {boolean=} checkCycle check the cycle dependencies of the created module */ /** * @param {HandleModuleCreationOptions} options options object * @param {ModuleCallback} callback callback * @returns {void} */ handleModuleCreation( { factory, dependencies, originModule, contextInfo, context, recursive = true, connectOrigin = recursive, checkCycle = !recursive }, callback ) { const moduleGraph = this.moduleGraph; const currentProfile = this.profile ? new ModuleProfile() : undefined; this.factorizeModule( { currentProfile, factory, dependencies, factoryResult: true, originModule, contextInfo, context }, (err, factoryResult) => { const applyFactoryResultDependencies = () => { const { fileDependencies, contextDependencies, missingDependencies } = factoryResult; if (fileDependencies) { this.fileDependencies.addAll(fileDependencies); } if (contextDependencies) { this.contextDependencies.addAll(contextDependencies); } if (missingDependencies) { this.missingDependencies.addAll(missingDependencies); } }; if (err) { if (factoryResult) applyFactoryResultDependencies(); if (dependencies.every(d => d.optional)) { this.warnings.push(err); return callback(); } else { this.errors.push(err); return callback(err); } } const newModule = factoryResult.module; if (!newModule) { applyFactoryResultDependencies(); return callback(); } if (currentProfile !== undefined) { moduleGraph.setProfile(newModule, currentProfile); } this.addModule(newModule, (err, _module) => { if (err) { applyFactoryResultDependencies(); if (!err.module) { err.module = _module; } this.errors.push(err); return callback(err); } const module = /** @type {Module & { restoreFromUnsafeCache?: Function }} */ (_module); if ( this._unsafeCache && factoryResult.cacheable !== false && module.restoreFromUnsafeCache && this._unsafeCachePredicate(module) ) { const unsafeCacheableModule = /** @type {Module & { restoreFromUnsafeCache: Function }} */ (module); for (let i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { const dependency = dependencies[i]; moduleGraph.setResolvedModule( connectOrigin ? originModule : null, dependency, unsafeCacheableModule ); unsafeCacheDependencies.set(dependency, unsafeCacheableModule); } if (!unsafeCacheData.has(unsafeCacheableModule)) { unsafeCacheData.set( unsafeCacheableModule, unsafeCacheableModule.getUnsafeCacheData() ); } } else { applyFactoryResultDependencies(); for (let i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { const dependency = dependencies[i]; moduleGraph.setResolvedModule( connectOrigin ? originModule : null, dependency, module ); } } moduleGraph.setIssuerIfUnset( module, originModule !== undefined ? originModule : null ); if (module !== newModule) { if (currentProfile !== undefined) { const otherProfile = moduleGraph.getProfile(module); if (otherProfile !== undefined) { currentProfile.mergeInto(otherProfile); } else { moduleGraph.setProfile(module, currentProfile); } } } this._handleModuleBuildAndDependencies( originModule, module, recursive, checkCycle, callback ); }); } ); } /** * @private * @param {Module} originModule original module * @param {Module} module module * @param {boolean} recursive true if make it recursive, otherwise false * @param {boolean} checkCycle true if need to check cycle, otherwise false * @param {ModuleCallback} callback callback * @returns {void} */ _handleModuleBuildAndDependencies( originModule, module, recursive, checkCycle, callback ) { // Check for cycles when build is trigger inside another build let creatingModuleDuringBuildSet = undefined; if (checkCycle && this.buildQueue.isProcessing(originModule)) { // Track build dependency creatingModuleDuringBuildSet = this.creatingModuleDuringBuild.get(originModule); if (creatingModuleDuringBuildSet === undefined) { creatingModuleDuringBuildSet = new Set(); this.creatingModuleDuringBuild.set( originModule, creatingModuleDuringBuildSet ); } creatingModuleDuringBuildSet.add(module); // When building is blocked by another module // search for a cycle, cancel the cycle by throwing // an error (otherwise this would deadlock) const blockReasons = this.creatingModuleDuringBuild.get(module); if (blockReasons !== undefined) { const set = new Set(blockReasons); for (const item of set) { const blockReasons = this.creatingModuleDuringBuild.get(item); if (blockReasons !== undefined) { for (const m of blockReasons) { if (m === module) { return callback(new BuildCycleError(module)); } set.add(m); } } } } } this.buildModule(module, err => { if (creatingModuleDuringBuildSet !== undefined) { creatingModuleDuringBuildSet.delete(module); } if (err) { if (!err.module) { err.module = module; } this.errors.push(err); return callback(err); } if (!recursive) { this.processModuleDependenciesNonRecursive(module); callback(null, module); return; } // This avoids deadlocks for circular dependencies if (this.processDependenciesQueue.isProcessing(module)) { return callback(null, module); } this.processModuleDependencies(module, err => { if (err) { return callback(err); } callback(null, module); }); }); } /** * @param {FactorizeModuleOptions} options options object * @param {ModuleOrFactoryResultCallback} callback callback * @returns {void} */ _factorizeModule( { currentProfile, factory, dependencies, originModule, factoryResult, contextInfo, context }, callback ) { if (currentProfile !== undefined) { currentProfile.markFactoryStart(); } factory.create( { contextInfo: { issuer: originModule ? originModule.nameForCondition() : "", issuerLayer: originModule ? originModule.layer : null, compiler: this.compiler.name, ...contextInfo }, resolveOptions: originModule ? originModule.resolveOptions : undefined, context: context ? context : originModule ? originModule.context : this.compiler.context, dependencies: dependencies }, (err, result) => { if (result) { // TODO webpack 6: remove // For backward-compat if (result.module === undefined && result instanceof Module) { result = { module: result }; } if (!factoryResult) { const { fileDependencies, contextDependencies, missingDependencies } = result; if (fileDependencies) { this.fileDependencies.addAll(fileDependencies); } if (contextDependencies) { this.contextDependencies.addAll(contextDependencies); } if (missingDependencies) { this.missingDependencies.addAll(missingDependencies); } } } if (err) { const notFoundError = new ModuleNotFoundError( originModule, err, dependencies.map(d => d.loc).filter(Boolean)[0] ); return callback(notFoundError, factoryResult ? result : undefined); } if (!result) { return callback(); } if (currentProfile !== undefined) { currentProfile.markFactoryEnd(); } callback(null, factoryResult ? result : result.module); } ); } /** * @param {string} context context string path * @param {Dependency} dependency dependency used to create Module chain * @param {ModuleCallback} callback callback for when module chain is complete * @returns {void} will throw if dependency instance is not a valid Dependency */ addModuleChain(context, dependency, callback) { return this.addModuleTree({ context, dependency }, callback); } /** * @param {object} options options * @param {string} options.context context string path * @param {Dependency} options.dependency dependency used to create Module chain * @param {Partial=} options.contextInfo additional context info for the root module * @param {ModuleCallback} callback callback for when module chain is complete * @returns {void} will throw if dependency instance is not a valid Dependency */ addModuleTree({ context, dependency, contextInfo }, callback) { if ( typeof dependency !== "object" || dependency === null || !dependency.constructor ) { return callback( new WebpackError("Parameter 'dependency' must be a Dependency") ); } const Dep = /** @type {DepConstructor} */ (dependency.constructor); const moduleFactory = this.dependencyFactories.get(Dep); if (!moduleFactory) { return callback( new WebpackError( `No dependency factory available for this dependency type: ${dependency.constructor.name}` ) ); } this.handleModuleCreation( { factory: moduleFactory, dependencies: [dependency], originModule: null, contextInfo, context }, (err, result) => { if (err && this.bail) { callback(err); this.buildQueue.stop(); this.rebuildQueue.stop(); this.processDependenciesQueue.stop(); this.factorizeQueue.stop(); } else if (!err && result) { callback(null, result); } else { callback(); } } ); } /** * @param {string} context context path for entry * @param {Dependency} entry entry dependency that should be followed * @param {string | EntryOptions} optionsOrName options or deprecated name of entry * @param {ModuleCallback} callback callback function * @returns {void} returns */ addEntry(context, entry, optionsOrName, callback) { // TODO webpack 6 remove const options = typeof optionsOrName === "object" ? optionsOrName : { name: optionsOrName }; this._addEntryItem(context, entry, "dependencies", options, callback); } /** * @param {string} context context path for entry * @param {Dependency} dependency dependency that should be followed * @param {EntryOptions} options options * @param {ModuleCallback} callback callback function * @returns {void} returns */ addInclude(context, dependency, options, callback) { this._addEntryItem( context, dependency, "includeDependencies", options, callback ); } /** * @param {string} context context path for entry * @param {Dependency} entry entry dependency that should be followed * @param {"dependencies" | "includeDependencies"} target type of entry * @param {EntryOptions} options options * @param {ModuleCallback} callback callback function * @returns {void} returns */ _addEntryItem(context, entry, target, options, callback) { const { name } = options; let entryData = name !== undefined ? this.entries.get(name) : this.globalEntry; if (entryData === undefined) { entryData = { dependencies: [], includeDependencies: [], options: { name: undefined, ...options } }; entryData[target].push(entry); this.entries.set( /** @type {NonNullable} */ (name), entryData ); } else { entryData[target].push(entry); for (const key of Object.keys(options)) { if (options[key] === undefined) continue; if (entryData.options[key] === options[key]) continue; if ( Array.isArray(entryData.options[key]) && Array.isArray(options[key]) && arrayEquals(entryData.options[key], options[key]) ) { continue; } if (entryData.options[key] === undefined) { entryData.options[key] = options[key]; } else { return callback( new WebpackError( `Conflicting entry option ${key} = ${entryData.options[key]} vs ${options[key]}` ) ); } } } this.hooks.addEntry.call(entry, options); this.addModuleTree( { context, dependency: entry, contextInfo: entryData.options.layer ? { issuerLayer: entryData.options.layer } : undefined }, (err, module) => { if (err) { this.hooks.failedEntry.call(entry, options, err); return callback(err); } this.hooks.succeedEntry.call( entry, options, /** @type {Module} */ (module) ); return callback(null, module); } ); } /** * @param {Module} module module to be rebuilt * @param {ModuleCallback} callback callback when module finishes rebuilding * @returns {void} */ rebuildModule(module, callback) { this.rebuildQueue.add(module, callback); } /** * @param {Module} module module to be rebuilt * @param {ModuleCallback} callback callback when module finishes rebuilding * @returns {void} */ _rebuildModule(module, callback) { this.hooks.rebuildModule.call(module); const oldDependencies = module.dependencies.slice(); const oldBlocks = module.blocks.slice(); module.invalidateBuild(); this.buildQueue.invalidate(module); this.buildModule(module, err => { if (err) { return this.hooks.finishRebuildingModule.callAsync(module, err2 => { if (err2) { callback( makeWebpackError(err2, "Compilation.hooks.finishRebuildingModule") ); return; } callback(err); }); } this.processDependenciesQueue.invalidate(module); this.moduleGraph.unfreeze(); this.processModuleDependencies(module, err => { if (err) return callback(err); this.removeReasonsOfDependencyBlock(module, { dependencies: oldDependencies, blocks: oldBlocks }); this.hooks.finishRebuildingModule.callAsync(module, err2 => { if (err2) { callback( makeWebpackError(err2, "Compilation.hooks.finishRebuildingModule") ); return; } callback(null, module); }); }); }); } /** * @private * @param {Set} modules modules */ _computeAffectedModules(modules) { const moduleMemCacheCache = this.compiler.moduleMemCaches; if (!moduleMemCacheCache) return; if (!this.moduleMemCaches) { this.moduleMemCaches = new Map(); this.moduleGraph.setModuleMemCaches(this.moduleMemCaches); } const { moduleGraph, moduleMemCaches } = this; const affectedModules = new Set(); const infectedModules = new Set(); let statNew = 0; let statChanged = 0; let statUnchanged = 0; let statReferencesChanged = 0; let statWithoutBuild = 0; /** * @param {Module} module module * @returns {References | undefined} references */ const computeReferences = module => { /** @type {References | undefined} */ let references = undefined; for (const connection of moduleGraph.getOutgoingConnections(module)) { const d = connection.dependency; const m = connection.module; if (!d || !m || unsafeCacheDependencies.has(d)) continue; if (references === undefined) references = new WeakMap(); references.set(d, m); } return references; }; /** * @param {Module} module the module * @param {References | undefined} references references * @returns {boolean} true, when the references differ */ const compareReferences = (module, references) => { if (references === undefined) return true; for (const connection of moduleGraph.getOutgoingConnections(module)) { const d = connection.dependency; if (!d) continue; const entry = references.get(d); if (entry === undefined) continue; if (entry !== connection.module) return false; } return true; }; const modulesWithoutCache = new Set(modules); for (const [module, cachedMemCache] of moduleMemCacheCache) { if (modulesWithoutCache.has(module)) { const buildInfo = module.buildInfo; if (buildInfo) { if (cachedMemCache.buildInfo !== buildInfo) { // use a new one const memCache = new WeakTupleMap(); moduleMemCaches.set(module, memCache); affectedModules.add(module); cachedMemCache.buildInfo = buildInfo; cachedMemCache.references = computeReferences(module); cachedMemCache.memCache = memCache; statChanged++; } else if (!compareReferences(module, cachedMemCache.references)) { // use a new one const memCache = new WeakTupleMap(); moduleMemCaches.set(module, memCache); affectedModules.add(module); cachedMemCache.references = computeReferences(module); cachedMemCache.memCache = memCache; statReferencesChanged++; } else { // keep the old mem cache moduleMemCaches.set(module, cachedMemCache.memCache); statUnchanged++; } } else { infectedModules.add(module); moduleMemCacheCache.delete(module); statWithoutBuild++; } modulesWithoutCache.delete(module); } else { moduleMemCacheCache.delete(module); } } for (const module of modulesWithoutCache) { const buildInfo = module.buildInfo; if (buildInfo) { // create a new entry const memCache = new WeakTupleMap(); moduleMemCacheCache.set(module, { buildInfo, references: computeReferences(module), memCache }); moduleMemCaches.set(module, memCache); affectedModules.add(module); statNew++; } else { infectedModules.add(module); statWithoutBuild++; } } /** * @param {readonly ModuleGraphConnection[]} connections connections * @returns {symbol|boolean} result */ const reduceAffectType = connections => { let affected = false; for (const { dependency } of connections) { if (!dependency) continue; const type = dependency.couldAffectReferencingModule(); if (type === Dependency.TRANSITIVE) return Dependency.TRANSITIVE; if (type === false) continue; affected = true; } return affected; }; const directOnlyInfectedModules = new Set(); for (const module of infectedModules) { for (const [ referencingModule, connections ] of moduleGraph.getIncomingConnectionsByOriginModule(module)) { if (!referencingModule) continue; if (infectedModules.has(referencingModule)) continue; const type = reduceAffectType(connections); if (!type) continue; if (type === true) { directOnlyInfectedModules.add(referencingModule); } else { infectedModules.add(referencingModule); } } } for (const module of directOnlyInfectedModules) infectedModules.add(module); const directOnlyAffectModules = new Set(); for (const module of affectedModules) { for (const [ referencingModule, connections ] of moduleGraph.getIncomingConnectionsByOriginModule(module)) { if (!referencingModule) continue; if (infectedModules.has(referencingModule)) continue; if (affectedModules.has(referencingModule)) continue; const type = reduceAffectType(connections); if (!type) continue; if (type === true) { directOnlyAffectModules.add(referencingModule); } else { affectedModules.add(referencingModule); } const memCache = new WeakTupleMap(); const cache = moduleMemCacheCache.get(referencingModule); cache.memCache = memCache; moduleMemCaches.set(referencingModule, memCache); } } for (const module of directOnlyAffectModules) affectedModules.add(module); this.logger.log( `${Math.round( (100 * (affectedModules.size + infectedModules.size)) / this.modules.size )}% (${affectedModules.size} affected + ${ infectedModules.size } infected of ${ this.modules.size }) modules flagged as affected (${statNew} new modules, ${statChanged} changed, ${statReferencesChanged} references changed, ${statUnchanged} unchanged, ${statWithoutBuild} were not built)` ); } _computeAffectedModulesWithChunkGraph() { const { moduleMemCaches } = this; if (!moduleMemCaches) return; const moduleMemCaches2 = (this.moduleMemCaches2 = new Map()); const { moduleGraph, chunkGraph } = this; const key = "memCache2"; let statUnchanged = 0; let statChanged = 0; let statNew = 0; /** * @param {Module} module module * @returns {{ id: string | number, modules?: Map, blocks?: (string | number | null)[] }} references */ const computeReferences = module => { const id = chunkGraph.getModuleId(module); /** @type {Map | undefined} */ let modules = undefined; /** @type {(string | number | null)[] | undefined} */ let blocks = undefined; const outgoing = moduleGraph.getOutgoingConnectionsByModule(module); if (outgoing !== undefined) { for (const m of outgoing.keys()) { if (!m) continue; if (modules === undefined) modules = new Map(); modules.set(m, chunkGraph.getModuleId(m)); } } if (module.blocks.length > 0) { blocks = []; const queue = Array.from(module.blocks); for (const block of queue) { const chunkGroup = chunkGraph.getBlockChunkGroup(block); if (chunkGroup) { for (const chunk of chunkGroup.chunks) { blocks.push(chunk.id); } } else { blocks.push(null); } queue.push.apply(queue, block.blocks); } } return { id, modules, blocks }; }; /** * @param {Module} module module * @param {object} references references * @param {string | number} references.id id * @param {Map=} references.modules modules * @param {(string | number | null)[]=} references.blocks blocks * @returns {boolean} ok? */ const compareReferences = (module, { id, modules, blocks }) => { if (id !== chunkGraph.getModuleId(module)) return false; if (modules !== undefined) { for (const [module, id] of modules) { if (chunkGraph.getModuleId(module) !== id) return false; } } if (blocks !== undefined) { const queue = Array.from(module.blocks); let i = 0; for (const block of queue) { const chunkGroup = chunkGraph.getBlockChunkGroup(block); if (chunkGroup) { for (const chunk of chunkGroup.chunks) { if (i >= blocks.length || blocks[i++] !== chunk.id) return false; } } else { if (i >= blocks.length || blocks[i++] !== null) return false; } queue.push.apply(queue, block.blocks); } if (i !== blocks.length) return false; } return true; }; for (const [module, memCache] of moduleMemCaches) { /** @type {{ references: { id: string | number, modules?: Map, blocks?: (string | number | null)[]}, memCache: WeakTupleMap }} */ const cache = memCache.get(key); if (cache === undefined) { const memCache2 = new WeakTupleMap(); memCache.set(key, { references: computeReferences(module), memCache: memCache2 }); moduleMemCaches2.set(module, memCache2); statNew++; } else if (!compareReferences(module, cache.references)) { const memCache = new WeakTupleMap(); cache.references = computeReferences(module); cache.memCache = memCache; moduleMemCaches2.set(module, memCache); statChanged++; } else { moduleMemCaches2.set(module, cache.memCache); statUnchanged++; } } this.logger.log( `${Math.round( (100 * statChanged) / (statNew + statChanged + statUnchanged) )}% modules flagged as affected by chunk graph (${statNew} new modules, ${statChanged} changed, ${statUnchanged} unchanged)` ); } /** * @param {Callback} callback callback */ finish(callback) { this.factorizeQueue.clear(); if (this.profile) { this.logger.time("finish module profiles"); const ParallelismFactorCalculator = require("./util/ParallelismFactorCalculator"); const p = new ParallelismFactorCalculator(); const moduleGraph = this.moduleGraph; /** @type {Map} */ const modulesWithProfiles = new Map(); for (const module of this.modules) { const profile = moduleGraph.getProfile(module); if (!profile) continue; modulesWithProfiles.set(module, profile); p.range( profile.buildingStartTime, profile.buildingEndTime, f => (profile.buildingParallelismFactor = f) ); p.range( profile.factoryStartTime, profile.factoryEndTime, f => (profile.factoryParallelismFactor = f) ); p.range( profile.integrationStartTime, profile.integrationEndTime, f => (profile.integrationParallelismFactor = f) ); p.range( profile.storingStartTime, profile.storingEndTime, f => (profile.storingParallelismFactor = f) ); p.range( profile.restoringStartTime, profile.restoringEndTime, f => (profile.restoringParallelismFactor = f) ); if (profile.additionalFactoryTimes) { for (const { start, end } of profile.additionalFactoryTimes) { const influence = (end - start) / profile.additionalFactories; p.range( start, end, f => (profile.additionalFactoriesParallelismFactor += f * influence) ); } } } p.calculate(); const logger = this.getLogger("webpack.Compilation.ModuleProfile"); // Avoid coverage problems due indirect changes /* istanbul ignore next */ const logByValue = (value, msg) => { if (value > 1000) { logger.error(msg); } else if (value > 500) { logger.warn(msg); } else if (value > 200) { logger.info(msg); } else if (value > 30) { logger.log(msg); } else { logger.debug(msg); } }; /** * @param {string} category a category * @param {(profile: ModuleProfile) => number} getDuration get duration callback * @param {(profile: ModuleProfile) => number} getParallelism get parallelism callback */ const logNormalSummary = (category, getDuration, getParallelism) => { let sum = 0; let max = 0; for (const [module, profile] of modulesWithProfiles) { const p = getParallelism(profile); const d = getDuration(profile); if (d === 0 || p === 0) continue; const t = d / p; sum += t; if (t <= 10) continue; logByValue( t, ` | ${Math.round(t)} ms${ p >= 1.1 ? ` (parallelism ${Math.round(p * 10) / 10})` : "" } ${category} > ${module.readableIdentifier(this.requestShortener)}` ); max = Math.max(max, t); } if (sum <= 10) return; logByValue( Math.max(sum / 10, max), `${Math.round(sum)} ms ${category}` ); }; /** * @param {string} category a category * @param {(profile: ModuleProfile) => number} getDuration get duration callback * @param {(profile: ModuleProfile) => number} getParallelism get parallelism callback */ const logByLoadersSummary = (category, getDuration, getParallelism) => { const map = new Map(); for (const [module, profile] of modulesWithProfiles) { const list = getOrInsert( map, module.type + "!" + module.identifier().replace(/(!|^)[^!]*$/, ""), () => [] ); list.push({ module, profile }); } let sum = 0; let max = 0; for (const [key, modules] of map) { let innerSum = 0; let innerMax = 0; for (const { module, profile } of modules) { const p = getParallelism(profile); const d = getDuration(profile); if (d === 0 || p === 0) continue; const t = d / p; innerSum += t; if (t <= 10) continue; logByValue( t, ` | | ${Math.round(t)} ms${ p >= 1.1 ? ` (parallelism ${Math.round(p * 10) / 10})` : "" } ${category} > ${module.readableIdentifier( this.requestShortener )}` ); innerMax = Math.max(innerMax, t); } sum += innerSum; if (innerSum <= 10) continue; const idx = key.indexOf("!"); const loaders = key.slice(idx + 1); const moduleType = key.slice(0, idx); const t = Math.max(innerSum / 10, innerMax); logByValue( t, ` | ${Math.round(innerSum)} ms ${category} > ${ loaders ? `${ modules.length } x ${moduleType} with ${this.requestShortener.shorten( loaders )}` : `${modules.length} x ${moduleType}` }` ); max = Math.max(max, t); } if (sum <= 10) return; logByValue( Math.max(sum / 10, max), `${Math.round(sum)} ms ${category}` ); }; logNormalSummary( "resolve to new modules", p => p.factory, p => p.factoryParallelismFactor ); logNormalSummary( "resolve to existing modules", p => p.additionalFactories, p => p.additionalFactoriesParallelismFactor ); logNormalSummary( "integrate modules", p => p.restoring, p => p.restoringParallelismFactor ); logByLoadersSummary( "build modules", p => p.building, p => p.buildingParallelismFactor ); logNormalSummary( "store modules", p => p.storing, p => p.storingParallelismFactor ); logNormalSummary( "restore modules", p => p.restoring, p => p.restoringParallelismFactor ); this.logger.timeEnd("finish module profiles"); } this.logger.time("compute affected modules"); this._computeAffectedModules(this.modules); this.logger.timeEnd("compute affected modules"); this.logger.time("finish modules"); const { modules, moduleMemCaches } = this; this.hooks.finishModules.callAsync(modules, err => { this.logger.timeEnd("finish modules"); if (err) return callback(/** @type {WebpackError} */ (err)); // extract warnings and errors from modules this.moduleGraph.freeze("dependency errors"); // TODO keep a cacheToken (= {}) for each module in the graph // create a new one per compilation and flag all updated files // and parents with it this.logger.time("report dependency errors and warnings"); for (const module of modules) { // TODO only run for modules with changed cacheToken // global WeakMap> to keep modules without errors/warnings const memCache = moduleMemCaches && moduleMemCaches.get(module); if (memCache && memCache.get("noWarningsOrErrors")) continue; let hasProblems = this.reportDependencyErrorsAndWarnings(module, [ module ]); const errors = module.getErrors(); if (errors !== undefined) { for (const error of errors) { if (!error.module) { error.module = module; } this.errors.push(error); hasProblems = true; } } const warnings = module.getWarnings(); if (warnings !== undefined) { for (const warning of warnings) { if (!warning.module) { warning.module = module; } this.warnings.push(warning); hasProblems = true; } } if (!hasProblems && memCache) memCache.set("noWarningsOrErrors", true); } this.moduleGraph.unfreeze(); this.logger.timeEnd("report dependency errors and warnings"); callback(); }); } unseal() { this.hooks.unseal.call(); this.chunks.clear(); this.chunkGroups.length = 0; this.namedChunks.clear(); this.namedChunkGroups.clear(); this.entrypoints.clear(); this.additionalChunkAssets.length = 0; this.assets = {}; this.assetsInfo.clear(); this.moduleGraph.removeAllModuleAttributes(); this.moduleGraph.unfreeze(); this.moduleMemCaches2 = undefined; } /** * @param {Callback} callback signals when the call finishes * @returns {void} */ seal(callback) { const finalCallback = err => { this.factorizeQueue.clear(); this.buildQueue.clear(); this.rebuildQueue.clear(); this.processDependenciesQueue.clear(); this.addModuleQueue.clear(); return callback(err); }; const chunkGraph = new ChunkGraph( this.moduleGraph, this.outputOptions.hashFunction ); this.chunkGraph = chunkGraph; if (this._backCompat) { for (const module of this.modules) { ChunkGraph.setChunkGraphForModule(module, chunkGraph); } } this.hooks.seal.call(); this.logger.time("optimize dependencies"); while (this.hooks.optimizeDependencies.call(this.modules)) { /* empty */ } this.hooks.afterOptimizeDependencies.call(this.modules); this.logger.timeEnd("optimize dependencies"); this.logger.time("create chunks"); this.hooks.beforeChunks.call(); this.moduleGraph.freeze("seal"); /** @type {Map} */ const chunkGraphInit = new Map(); for (const [name, { dependencies, includeDependencies, options }] of this .entries) { const chunk = this.addChunk(name); if (options.filename) { chunk.filenameTemplate = options.filename; } const entrypoint = new Entrypoint(options); if (!options.dependOn && !options.runtime) { entrypoint.setRuntimeChunk(chunk); } entrypoint.setEntrypointChunk(chunk); this.namedChunkGroups.set(name, entrypoint); this.entrypoints.set(name, entrypoint); this.chunkGroups.push(entrypoint); connectChunkGroupAndChunk(entrypoint, chunk); const entryModules = new Set(); for (const dep of [...this.globalEntry.dependencies, ...dependencies]) { entrypoint.addOrigin(null, { name }, /** @type {any} */ (dep).request); const module = this.moduleGraph.getModule(dep); if (module) { chunkGraph.connectChunkAndEntryModule(chunk, module, entrypoint); entryModules.add(module); const modulesList = chunkGraphInit.get(entrypoint); if (modulesList === undefined) { chunkGraphInit.set(entrypoint, [module]); } else { modulesList.push(module); } } } this.assignDepths(entryModules); const mapAndSort = deps => deps .map(dep => this.moduleGraph.getModule(dep)) .filter(Boolean) .sort(compareModulesByIdentifier); const includedModules = [ ...mapAndSort(this.globalEntry.includeDependencies), ...mapAndSort(includeDependencies) ]; let modulesList = chunkGraphInit.get(entrypoint); if (modulesList === undefined) { chunkGraphInit.set(entrypoint, (modulesList = [])); } for (const module of includedModules) { this.assignDepth(module); modulesList.push(module); } } const runtimeChunks = new Set(); outer: for (const [ name, { options: { dependOn, runtime } } ] of this.entries) { if (dependOn && runtime) { const err = new WebpackError(`Entrypoint '${name}' has 'dependOn' and 'runtime' specified. This is not valid. Entrypoints that depend on other entrypoints do not have their own runtime. They will use the runtime(s) from referenced entrypoints instead. Remove the 'runtime' option from the entrypoint.`); const entry = /** @type {Entrypoint} */ (this.entrypoints.get(name)); err.chunk = entry.getEntrypointChunk(); this.errors.push(err); } if (dependOn) { const entry = /** @type {Entrypoint} */ (this.entrypoints.get(name)); const referencedChunks = entry .getEntrypointChunk() .getAllReferencedChunks(); const dependOnEntries = []; for (const dep of dependOn) { const dependency = this.entrypoints.get(dep); if (!dependency) { throw new Error( `Entry ${name} depends on ${dep}, but this entry was not found` ); } if (referencedChunks.has(dependency.getEntrypointChunk())) { const err = new WebpackError( `Entrypoints '${name}' and '${dep}' use 'dependOn' to depend on each other in a circular way.` ); const entryChunk = entry.getEntrypointChunk(); err.chunk = entryChunk; this.errors.push(err); entry.setRuntimeChunk(entryChunk); continue outer; } dependOnEntries.push(dependency); } for (const dependency of dependOnEntries) { connectChunkGroupParentAndChild(dependency, entry); } } else if (runtime) { const entry = /** @type {Entrypoint} */ (this.entrypoints.get(name)); let chunk = this.namedChunks.get(runtime); if (chunk) { if (!runtimeChunks.has(chunk)) { const err = new WebpackError(`Entrypoint '${name}' has a 'runtime' option which points to another entrypoint named '${runtime}'. It's not valid to use other entrypoints as runtime chunk. Did you mean to use 'dependOn: ${JSON.stringify( runtime )}' instead to allow using entrypoint '${name}' within the runtime of entrypoint '${runtime}'? For this '${runtime}' must always be loaded when '${name}' is used. Or do you want to use the entrypoints '${name}' and '${runtime}' independently on the same page with a shared runtime? In this case give them both the same value for the 'runtime' option. It must be a name not already used by an entrypoint.`); const entryChunk = /** @type {Chunk} */ (entry.getEntrypointChunk()); err.chunk = entryChunk; this.errors.push(err); entry.setRuntimeChunk(entryChunk); continue; } } else { chunk = this.addChunk(runtime); chunk.preventIntegration = true; runtimeChunks.add(chunk); } entry.unshiftChunk(chunk); chunk.addGroup(entry); entry.setRuntimeChunk(chunk); } } buildChunkGraph(this, chunkGraphInit); this.hooks.afterChunks.call(this.chunks); this.logger.timeEnd("create chunks"); this.logger.time("optimize"); this.hooks.optimize.call(); while (this.hooks.optimizeModules.call(this.modules)) { /* empty */ } this.hooks.afterOptimizeModules.call(this.modules); while (this.hooks.optimizeChunks.call(this.chunks, this.chunkGroups)) { /* empty */ } this.hooks.afterOptimizeChunks.call(this.chunks, this.chunkGroups); this.hooks.optimizeTree.callAsync(this.chunks, this.modules, err => { if (err) { return finalCallback( makeWebpackError(err, "Compilation.hooks.optimizeTree") ); } this.hooks.afterOptimizeTree.call(this.chunks, this.modules); this.hooks.optimizeChunkModules.callAsync( this.chunks, this.modules, err => { if (err) { return finalCallback( makeWebpackError(err, "Compilation.hooks.optimizeChunkModules") ); } this.hooks.afterOptimizeChunkModules.call(this.chunks, this.modules); const shouldRecord = this.hooks.shouldRecord.call() !== false; this.hooks.reviveModules.call(this.modules, this.records); this.hooks.beforeModuleIds.call(this.modules); this.hooks.moduleIds.call(this.modules); this.hooks.optimizeModuleIds.call(this.modules); this.hooks.afterOptimizeModuleIds.call(this.modules); this.hooks.reviveChunks.call(this.chunks, this.records); this.hooks.beforeChunkIds.call(this.chunks); this.hooks.chunkIds.call(this.chunks); this.hooks.optimizeChunkIds.call(this.chunks); this.hooks.afterOptimizeChunkIds.call(this.chunks); this.assignRuntimeIds(); this.logger.time("compute affected modules with chunk graph"); this._computeAffectedModulesWithChunkGraph(); this.logger.timeEnd("compute affected modules with chunk graph"); this.sortItemsWithChunkIds(); if (shouldRecord) { this.hooks.recordModules.call(this.modules, this.records); this.hooks.recordChunks.call(this.chunks, this.records); } this.hooks.optimizeCodeGeneration.call(this.modules); this.logger.timeEnd("optimize"); this.logger.time("module hashing"); this.hooks.beforeModuleHash.call(); this.createModuleHashes(); this.hooks.afterModuleHash.call(); this.logger.timeEnd("module hashing"); this.logger.time("code generation"); this.hooks.beforeCodeGeneration.call(); this.codeGeneration(err => { if (err) { return finalCallback(err); } this.hooks.afterCodeGeneration.call(); this.logger.timeEnd("code generation"); this.logger.time("runtime requirements"); this.hooks.beforeRuntimeRequirements.call(); this.processRuntimeRequirements(); this.hooks.afterRuntimeRequirements.call(); this.logger.timeEnd("runtime requirements"); this.logger.time("hashing"); this.hooks.beforeHash.call(); const codeGenerationJobs = this.createHash(); this.hooks.afterHash.call(); this.logger.timeEnd("hashing"); this._runCodeGenerationJobs(codeGenerationJobs, err => { if (err) { return finalCallback(err); } if (shouldRecord) { this.logger.time("record hash"); this.hooks.recordHash.call(this.records); this.logger.timeEnd("record hash"); } this.logger.time("module assets"); this.clearAssets(); this.hooks.beforeModuleAssets.call(); this.createModuleAssets(); this.logger.timeEnd("module assets"); const cont = () => { this.logger.time("process assets"); this.hooks.processAssets.callAsync(this.assets, err => { if (err) { return finalCallback( makeWebpackError(err, "Compilation.hooks.processAssets") ); } this.hooks.afterProcessAssets.call(this.assets); this.logger.timeEnd("process assets"); this.assets = /** @type {CompilationAssets} */ ( this._backCompat ? soonFrozenObjectDeprecation( this.assets, "Compilation.assets", "DEP_WEBPACK_COMPILATION_ASSETS", `BREAKING CHANGE: No more changes should happen to Compilation.assets after sealing the Compilation. Do changes to assets earlier, e. g. in Compilation.hooks.processAssets. Make sure to select an appropriate stage from Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_*.` ) : Object.freeze(this.assets) ); this.summarizeDependencies(); if (shouldRecord) { this.hooks.record.call(this, this.records); } if (this.hooks.needAdditionalSeal.call()) { this.unseal(); return this.seal(callback); } return this.hooks.afterSeal.callAsync(err => { if (err) { return finalCallback( makeWebpackError(err, "Compilation.hooks.afterSeal") ); } this.fileSystemInfo.logStatistics(); finalCallback(); }); }); }; this.logger.time("create chunk assets"); if (this.hooks.shouldGenerateChunkAssets.call() !== false) { this.hooks.beforeChunkAssets.call(); this.createChunkAssets(err => { this.logger.timeEnd("create chunk assets"); if (err) { return finalCallback(err); } cont(); }); } else { this.logger.timeEnd("create chunk assets"); cont(); } }); }); } ); }); } /** * @param {Module} module module to report from * @param {DependenciesBlock[]} blocks blocks to report from * @returns {boolean} true, when it has warnings or errors */ reportDependencyErrorsAndWarnings(module, blocks) { let hasProblems = false; for (let indexBlock = 0; indexBlock < blocks.length; indexBlock++) { const block = blocks[indexBlock]; const dependencies = block.dependencies; for (let indexDep = 0; indexDep < dependencies.length; indexDep++) { const d = dependencies[indexDep]; const warnings = d.getWarnings(this.moduleGraph); if (warnings) { for (let indexWar = 0; indexWar < warnings.length; indexWar++) { const w = warnings[indexWar]; const warning = new ModuleDependencyWarning(module, w, d.loc); this.warnings.push(warning); hasProblems = true; } } const errors = d.getErrors(this.moduleGraph); if (errors) { for (let indexErr = 0; indexErr < errors.length; indexErr++) { const e = errors[indexErr]; const error = new ModuleDependencyError(module, e, d.loc); this.errors.push(error); hasProblems = true; } } } if (this.reportDependencyErrorsAndWarnings(module, block.blocks)) hasProblems = true; } return hasProblems; } /** * @param {Callback} callback callback */ codeGeneration(callback) { const { chunkGraph } = this; this.codeGenerationResults = new CodeGenerationResults( this.outputOptions.hashFunction ); /** @type {CodeGenerationJobs} */ const jobs = []; for (const module of this.modules) { const runtimes = chunkGraph.getModuleRuntimes(module); if (runtimes.size === 1) { for (const runtime of runtimes) { const hash = chunkGraph.getModuleHash(module, runtime); jobs.push({ module, hash, runtime, runtimes: [runtime] }); } } else if (runtimes.size > 1) { /** @type {Map} */ const map = new Map(); for (const runtime of runtimes) { const hash = chunkGraph.getModuleHash(module, runtime); const job = map.get(hash); if (job === undefined) { const newJob = { module, hash, runtime, runtimes: [runtime] }; jobs.push(newJob); map.set(hash, newJob); } else { job.runtimes.push(runtime); } } } } this._runCodeGenerationJobs(jobs, callback); } /** * @private * @param {CodeGenerationJobs} jobs code generation jobs * @param {Callback} callback callback * @returns {void} */ _runCodeGenerationJobs(jobs, callback) { if (jobs.length === 0) { return callback(); } let statModulesFromCache = 0; let statModulesGenerated = 0; const { chunkGraph, moduleGraph, dependencyTemplates, runtimeTemplate } = this; const results = this.codeGenerationResults; /** @type {WebpackError[]} */ const errors = []; /** @type {NotCodeGeneratedModules | undefined} */ let notCodeGeneratedModules = undefined; const runIteration = () => { /** @type {CodeGenerationJobs} */ let delayedJobs = []; let delayedModules = new Set(); asyncLib.eachLimit( jobs, this.options.parallelism, (job, callback) => { const { module } = job; const { codeGenerationDependencies } = module; if (codeGenerationDependencies !== undefined) { if ( notCodeGeneratedModules === undefined || codeGenerationDependencies.some(dep => { const referencedModule = /** @type {Module} */ ( moduleGraph.getModule(dep) ); return /** @type {NotCodeGeneratedModules} */ ( notCodeGeneratedModules ).has(referencedModule); }) ) { delayedJobs.push(job); delayedModules.add(module); return callback(); } } const { hash, runtime, runtimes } = job; this._codeGenerationModule( module, runtime, runtimes, hash, dependencyTemplates, chunkGraph, moduleGraph, runtimeTemplate, errors, results, (err, codeGenerated) => { if (codeGenerated) statModulesGenerated++; else statModulesFromCache++; callback(err); } ); }, err => { if (err) return callback(err); if (delayedJobs.length > 0) { if (delayedJobs.length === jobs.length) { return callback( /** @type {WebpackError} */ ( new Error( `Unable to make progress during code generation because of circular code generation dependency: ${Array.from( delayedModules, m => m.identifier() ).join(", ")}` ) ) ); } jobs = delayedJobs; delayedJobs = []; notCodeGeneratedModules = delayedModules; delayedModules = new Set(); return runIteration(); } if (errors.length > 0) { errors.sort( compareSelect(err => err.module, compareModulesByIdentifier) ); for (const error of errors) { this.errors.push(error); } } this.logger.log( `${Math.round( (100 * statModulesGenerated) / (statModulesGenerated + statModulesFromCache) )}% code generated (${statModulesGenerated} generated, ${statModulesFromCache} from cache)` ); callback(); } ); }; runIteration(); } /** * @param {Module} module module * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime runtime * @param {RuntimeSpec[]} runtimes runtimes * @param {string} hash hash * @param {DependencyTemplates} dependencyTemplates dependencyTemplates * @param {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph chunkGraph * @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph moduleGraph * @param {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate runtimeTemplate * @param {WebpackError[]} errors errors * @param {CodeGenerationResults} results results * @param {function((WebpackError | null)=, boolean=): void} callback callback */ _codeGenerationModule( module, runtime, runtimes, hash, dependencyTemplates, chunkGraph, moduleGraph, runtimeTemplate, errors, results, callback ) { let codeGenerated = false; const cache = new MultiItemCache( runtimes.map(runtime => this._codeGenerationCache.getItemCache( `${module.identifier()}|${getRuntimeKey(runtime)}`, `${hash}|${dependencyTemplates.getHash()}` ) ) ); cache.get((err, cachedResult) => { if (err) return callback(/** @type {WebpackError} */ (err)); let result; if (!cachedResult) { try { codeGenerated = true; this.codeGeneratedModules.add(module); result = module.codeGeneration({ chunkGraph, moduleGraph, dependencyTemplates, runtimeTemplate, runtime, codeGenerationResults: results, compilation: this }); } catch (err) { errors.push( new CodeGenerationError(module, /** @type {Error} */ (err)) ); result = cachedResult = { sources: new Map(), runtimeRequirements: null }; } } else { result = cachedResult; } for (const runtime of runtimes) { results.add(module, runtime, result); } if (!cachedResult) { cache.store(result, err => callback(/** @type {WebpackError} */ (err), codeGenerated) ); } else { callback(null, codeGenerated); } }); } _getChunkGraphEntries() { /** @type {Set} */ const treeEntries = new Set(); for (const ep of this.entrypoints.values()) { const chunk = ep.getRuntimeChunk(); if (chunk) treeEntries.add(chunk); } for (const ep of this.asyncEntrypoints) { const chunk = ep.getRuntimeChunk(); if (chunk) treeEntries.add(chunk); } return treeEntries; } /** * @param {object} options options * @param {ChunkGraph=} options.chunkGraph the chunk graph * @param {Iterable=} options.modules modules * @param {Iterable=} options.chunks chunks * @param {CodeGenerationResults=} options.codeGenerationResults codeGenerationResults * @param {Iterable=} options.chunkGraphEntries chunkGraphEntries * @returns {void} */ processRuntimeRequirements({ chunkGraph = this.chunkGraph, modules = this.modules, chunks = this.chunks, codeGenerationResults = this.codeGenerationResults, chunkGraphEntries = this._getChunkGraphEntries() } = {}) { const context = { chunkGraph, codeGenerationResults }; const { moduleMemCaches2 } = this; this.logger.time("runtime requirements.modules"); const additionalModuleRuntimeRequirements = this.hooks.additionalModuleRuntimeRequirements; const runtimeRequirementInModule = this.hooks.runtimeRequirementInModule; for (const module of modules) { if (chunkGraph.getNumberOfModuleChunks(module) > 0) { const memCache = moduleMemCaches2 && moduleMemCaches2.get(module); for (const runtime of chunkGraph.getModuleRuntimes(module)) { if (memCache) { const cached = memCache.get( `moduleRuntimeRequirements-${getRuntimeKey(runtime)}` ); if (cached !== undefined) { if (cached !== null) { chunkGraph.addModuleRuntimeRequirements( module, runtime, cached, false ); } continue; } } let set; const runtimeRequirements = codeGenerationResults.getRuntimeRequirements(module, runtime); if (runtimeRequirements && runtimeRequirements.size > 0) { set = new Set(runtimeRequirements); } else if (additionalModuleRuntimeRequirements.isUsed()) { set = new Set(); } else { if (memCache) { memCache.set( `moduleRuntimeRequirements-${getRuntimeKey(runtime)}`, null ); } continue; } additionalModuleRuntimeRequirements.call(module, set, context); for (const r of set) { const hook = runtimeRequirementInModule.get(r); if (hook !== undefined) hook.call(module, set, context); } if (set.size === 0) { if (memCache) { memCache.set( `moduleRuntimeRequirements-${getRuntimeKey(runtime)}`, null ); } } else { if (memCache) { memCache.set( `moduleRuntimeRequirements-${getRuntimeKey(runtime)}`, set ); chunkGraph.addModuleRuntimeRequirements( module, runtime, set, false ); } else { chunkGraph.addModuleRuntimeRequirements(module, runtime, set); } } } } } this.logger.timeEnd("runtime requirements.modules"); this.logger.time("runtime requirements.chunks"); for (const chunk of chunks) { const set = new Set(); for (const module of chunkGraph.getChunkModulesIterable(chunk)) { const runtimeRequirements = chunkGraph.getModuleRuntimeRequirements( module, chunk.runtime ); for (const r of runtimeRequirements) set.add(r); } this.hooks.additionalChunkRuntimeRequirements.call(chunk, set, context); for (const r of set) { this.hooks.runtimeRequirementInChunk.for(r).call(chunk, set, context); } chunkGraph.addChunkRuntimeRequirements(chunk, set); } this.logger.timeEnd("runtime requirements.chunks"); this.logger.time("runtime requirements.entries"); for (const treeEntry of chunkGraphEntries) { const set = new Set(); for (const chunk of treeEntry.getAllReferencedChunks()) { const runtimeRequirements = chunkGraph.getChunkRuntimeRequirements(chunk); for (const r of runtimeRequirements) set.add(r); } this.hooks.additionalTreeRuntimeRequirements.call( treeEntry, set, context ); for (const r of set) { this.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree .for(r) .call(treeEntry, set, context); } chunkGraph.addTreeRuntimeRequirements(treeEntry, set); } this.logger.timeEnd("runtime requirements.entries"); } // TODO webpack 6 make chunkGraph argument non-optional /** * @param {Chunk} chunk target chunk * @param {RuntimeModule} module runtime module * @param {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph the chunk graph * @returns {void} */ addRuntimeModule(chunk, module, chunkGraph = this.chunkGraph) { // Deprecated ModuleGraph association if (this._backCompat) ModuleGraph.setModuleGraphForModule(module, this.moduleGraph); // add it to the list this.modules.add(module); this._modules.set(module.identifier(), module); // connect to the chunk graph chunkGraph.connectChunkAndModule(chunk, module); chunkGraph.connectChunkAndRuntimeModule(chunk, module); if (module.fullHash) { chunkGraph.addFullHashModuleToChunk(chunk, module); } else if (module.dependentHash) { chunkGraph.addDependentHashModuleToChunk(chunk, module); } // attach runtime module module.attach(this, chunk, chunkGraph); // Setup internals const exportsInfo = this.moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(module); exportsInfo.setHasProvideInfo(); if (typeof chunk.runtime === "string") { exportsInfo.setUsedForSideEffectsOnly(chunk.runtime); } else if (chunk.runtime === undefined) { exportsInfo.setUsedForSideEffectsOnly(undefined); } else { for (const runtime of chunk.runtime) { exportsInfo.setUsedForSideEffectsOnly(runtime); } } chunkGraph.addModuleRuntimeRequirements( module, chunk.runtime, new Set([RuntimeGlobals.requireScope]) ); // runtime modules don't need ids chunkGraph.setModuleId(module, ""); // Call hook this.hooks.runtimeModule.call(module, chunk); } /** * If `module` is passed, `loc` and `request` must also be passed. * @param {string | ChunkGroupOptions} groupOptions options for the chunk group * @param {Module=} module the module the references the chunk group * @param {DependencyLocation=} loc the location from with the chunk group is referenced (inside of module) * @param {string=} request the request from which the the chunk group is referenced * @returns {ChunkGroup} the new or existing chunk group */ addChunkInGroup(groupOptions, module, loc, request) { if (typeof groupOptions === "string") { groupOptions = { name: groupOptions }; } const name = groupOptions.name; if (name) { const chunkGroup = this.namedChunkGroups.get(name); if (chunkGroup !== undefined) { chunkGroup.addOptions(groupOptions); if (module) { chunkGroup.addOrigin(module, loc, request); } return chunkGroup; } } const chunkGroup = new ChunkGroup(groupOptions); if (module) chunkGroup.addOrigin(module, loc, request); const chunk = this.addChunk(name); connectChunkGroupAndChunk(chunkGroup, chunk); this.chunkGroups.push(chunkGroup); if (name) { this.namedChunkGroups.set(name, chunkGroup); } return chunkGroup; } /** * @param {EntryOptions} options options for the entrypoint * @param {Module} module the module the references the chunk group * @param {DependencyLocation} loc the location from with the chunk group is referenced (inside of module) * @param {string} request the request from which the the chunk group is referenced * @returns {Entrypoint} the new or existing entrypoint */ addAsyncEntrypoint(options, module, loc, request) { const name = options.name; if (name) { const entrypoint = this.namedChunkGroups.get(name); if (entrypoint instanceof Entrypoint) { if (entrypoint !== undefined) { if (module) { entrypoint.addOrigin(module, loc, request); } return entrypoint; } } else if (entrypoint) { throw new Error( `Cannot add an async entrypoint with the name '${name}', because there is already an chunk group with this name` ); } } const chunk = this.addChunk(name); if (options.filename) { chunk.filenameTemplate = options.filename; } const entrypoint = new Entrypoint(options, false); entrypoint.setRuntimeChunk(chunk); entrypoint.setEntrypointChunk(chunk); if (name) { this.namedChunkGroups.set(name, entrypoint); } this.chunkGroups.push(entrypoint); this.asyncEntrypoints.push(entrypoint); connectChunkGroupAndChunk(entrypoint, chunk); if (module) { entrypoint.addOrigin(module, loc, request); } return entrypoint; } /** * This method first looks to see if a name is provided for a new chunk, * and first looks to see if any named chunks already exist and reuse that chunk instead. * * @param {string=} name optional chunk name to be provided * @returns {Chunk} create a chunk (invoked during seal event) */ addChunk(name) { if (name) { const chunk = this.namedChunks.get(name); if (chunk !== undefined) { return chunk; } } const chunk = new Chunk(name, this._backCompat); this.chunks.add(chunk); if (this._backCompat) ChunkGraph.setChunkGraphForChunk(chunk, this.chunkGraph); if (name) { this.namedChunks.set(name, chunk); } return chunk; } /** * @deprecated * @param {Module} module module to assign depth * @returns {void} */ assignDepth(module) { const moduleGraph = this.moduleGraph; const queue = new Set([module]); let depth; moduleGraph.setDepth(module, 0); /** * @param {Module} module module for processing * @returns {void} */ const processModule = module => { if (!moduleGraph.setDepthIfLower(module, depth)) return; queue.add(module); }; for (module of queue) { queue.delete(module); depth = moduleGraph.getDepth(module) + 1; for (const connection of moduleGraph.getOutgoingConnections(module)) { const refModule = connection.module; if (refModule) { processModule(refModule); } } } } /** * @param {Set} modules module to assign depth * @returns {void} */ assignDepths(modules) { const moduleGraph = this.moduleGraph; /** @type {Set} */ const queue = new Set(modules); queue.add(1); let depth = 0; let i = 0; for (const module of queue) { i++; if (typeof module === "number") { depth = module; if (queue.size === i) return; queue.add(depth + 1); } else { moduleGraph.setDepth(module, depth); for (const { module: refModule } of moduleGraph.getOutgoingConnections( module )) { if (refModule) { queue.add(refModule); } } } } } /** * @param {Dependency} dependency the dependency * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime * @returns {(string[] | ReferencedExport)[]} referenced exports */ getDependencyReferencedExports(dependency, runtime) { const referencedExports = dependency.getReferencedExports( this.moduleGraph, runtime ); return this.hooks.dependencyReferencedExports.call( referencedExports, dependency, runtime ); } /** * * @param {Module} module module relationship for removal * @param {DependenciesBlockLike} block //TODO: good description * @returns {void} */ removeReasonsOfDependencyBlock(module, block) { if (block.blocks) { for (const b of block.blocks) { this.removeReasonsOfDependencyBlock(module, b); } } if (block.dependencies) { for (const dep of block.dependencies) { const originalModule = this.moduleGraph.getModule(dep); if (originalModule) { this.moduleGraph.removeConnection(dep); if (this.chunkGraph) { for (const chunk of this.chunkGraph.getModuleChunks( originalModule )) { this.patchChunksAfterReasonRemoval(originalModule, chunk); } } } } } } /** * @param {Module} module module to patch tie * @param {Chunk} chunk chunk to patch tie * @returns {void} */ patchChunksAfterReasonRemoval(module, chunk) { if (!module.hasReasons(this.moduleGraph, chunk.runtime)) { this.removeReasonsOfDependencyBlock(module, module); } if (!module.hasReasonForChunk(chunk, this.moduleGraph, this.chunkGraph)) { if (this.chunkGraph.isModuleInChunk(module, chunk)) { this.chunkGraph.disconnectChunkAndModule(chunk, module); this.removeChunkFromDependencies(module, chunk); } } } /** * * @param {DependenciesBlock} block block tie for Chunk * @param {Chunk} chunk chunk to remove from dep * @returns {void} */ removeChunkFromDependencies(block, chunk) { /** * @param {Dependency} d dependency to (maybe) patch up */ const iteratorDependency = d => { const depModule = this.moduleGraph.getModule(d); if (!depModule) { return; } this.patchChunksAfterReasonRemoval(depModule, chunk); }; const blocks = block.blocks; for (let indexBlock = 0; indexBlock < blocks.length; indexBlock++) { const asyncBlock = blocks[indexBlock]; const chunkGroup = /** @type {ChunkGroup} */ (this.chunkGraph.getBlockChunkGroup(asyncBlock)); // Grab all chunks from the first Block's AsyncDepBlock const chunks = chunkGroup.chunks; // For each chunk in chunkGroup for (let indexChunk = 0; indexChunk < chunks.length; indexChunk++) { const iteratedChunk = chunks[indexChunk]; chunkGroup.removeChunk(iteratedChunk); // Recurse this.removeChunkFromDependencies(block, iteratedChunk); } } if (block.dependencies) { for (const dep of block.dependencies) iteratorDependency(dep); } } assignRuntimeIds() { const { chunkGraph } = this; const processEntrypoint = ep => { const runtime = ep.options.runtime || ep.name; const chunk = ep.getRuntimeChunk(); chunkGraph.setRuntimeId(runtime, chunk.id); }; for (const ep of this.entrypoints.values()) { processEntrypoint(ep); } for (const ep of this.asyncEntrypoints) { processEntrypoint(ep); } } sortItemsWithChunkIds() { for (const chunkGroup of this.chunkGroups) { chunkGroup.sortItems(); } this.errors.sort(compareErrors); this.warnings.sort(compareErrors); this.children.sort(byNameOrHash); } summarizeDependencies() { for ( let indexChildren = 0; indexChildren < this.children.length; indexChildren++ ) { const child = this.children[indexChildren]; this.fileDependencies.addAll(child.fileDependencies); this.contextDependencies.addAll(child.contextDependencies); this.missingDependencies.addAll(child.missingDependencies); this.buildDependencies.addAll(child.buildDependencies); } for (const module of this.modules) { module.addCacheDependencies( this.fileDependencies, this.contextDependencies, this.missingDependencies, this.buildDependencies ); } } createModuleHashes() { let statModulesHashed = 0; let statModulesFromCache = 0; const { chunkGraph, runtimeTemplate, moduleMemCaches2 } = this; const { hashFunction, hashDigest, hashDigestLength } = this.outputOptions; /** @type {WebpackError[]} */ const errors = []; for (const module of this.modules) { const memCache = moduleMemCaches2 && moduleMemCaches2.get(module); for (const runtime of chunkGraph.getModuleRuntimes(module)) { if (memCache) { const digest = memCache.get(`moduleHash-${getRuntimeKey(runtime)}`); if (digest !== undefined) { chunkGraph.setModuleHashes( module, runtime, digest, digest.slice(0, hashDigestLength) ); statModulesFromCache++; continue; } } statModulesHashed++; const digest = this._createModuleHash( module, chunkGraph, runtime, hashFunction, runtimeTemplate, hashDigest, hashDigestLength, errors ); if (memCache) { memCache.set(`moduleHash-${getRuntimeKey(runtime)}`, digest); } } } if (errors.length > 0) { errors.sort(compareSelect(err => err.module, compareModulesByIdentifier)); for (const error of errors) { this.errors.push(error); } } this.logger.log( `${statModulesHashed} modules hashed, ${statModulesFromCache} from cache (${ Math.round( (100 * (statModulesHashed + statModulesFromCache)) / this.modules.size ) / 100 } variants per module in average)` ); } /** * @private * @param {Module} module module * @param {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph the chunk graph * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime runtime * @param {OutputOptions["hashFunction"]} hashFunction hash function * @param {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate runtime template * @param {OutputOptions["hashDigest"]} hashDigest hash digest * @param {OutputOptions["hashDigestLength"]} hashDigestLength hash digest length * @param {WebpackError[]} errors errors * @returns {string} module hash digest */ _createModuleHash( module, chunkGraph, runtime, hashFunction, runtimeTemplate, hashDigest, hashDigestLength, errors ) { let moduleHashDigest; try { const moduleHash = createHash(hashFunction); module.updateHash(moduleHash, { chunkGraph, runtime, runtimeTemplate }); moduleHashDigest = /** @type {string} */ (moduleHash.digest(hashDigest)); } catch (err) { errors.push(new ModuleHashingError(module, /** @type {Error} */ (err))); moduleHashDigest = "XXXXXX"; } chunkGraph.setModuleHashes( module, runtime, moduleHashDigest, moduleHashDigest.slice(0, hashDigestLength) ); return moduleHashDigest; } createHash() { this.logger.time("hashing: initialize hash"); const chunkGraph = /** @type {ChunkGraph} */ (this.chunkGraph); const runtimeTemplate = this.runtimeTemplate; const outputOptions = this.outputOptions; const hashFunction = outputOptions.hashFunction; const hashDigest = outputOptions.hashDigest; const hashDigestLength = outputOptions.hashDigestLength; const hash = createHash(hashFunction); if (outputOptions.hashSalt) { hash.update(outputOptions.hashSalt); } this.logger.timeEnd("hashing: initialize hash"); if (this.children.length > 0) { this.logger.time("hashing: hash child compilations"); for (const child of this.children) { hash.update(child.hash); } this.logger.timeEnd("hashing: hash child compilations"); } if (this.warnings.length > 0) { this.logger.time("hashing: hash warnings"); for (const warning of this.warnings) { hash.update(`${warning.message}`); } this.logger.timeEnd("hashing: hash warnings"); } if (this.errors.length > 0) { this.logger.time("hashing: hash errors"); for (const error of this.errors) { hash.update(`${error.message}`); } this.logger.timeEnd("hashing: hash errors"); } this.logger.time("hashing: sort chunks"); /* * all non-runtime chunks need to be hashes first, * since runtime chunk might use their hashes. * runtime chunks need to be hashed in the correct order * since they may depend on each other (for async entrypoints). * So we put all non-runtime chunks first and hash them in any order. * And order runtime chunks according to referenced between each other. * Chunks need to be in deterministic order since we add hashes to full chunk * during these hashing. */ /** @type {Chunk[]} */ const unorderedRuntimeChunks = []; /** @type {Chunk[]} */ const otherChunks = []; for (const c of this.chunks) { if (c.hasRuntime()) { unorderedRuntimeChunks.push(c); } else { otherChunks.push(c); } } unorderedRuntimeChunks.sort(byId); otherChunks.sort(byId); /** @typedef {{ chunk: Chunk, referencedBy: RuntimeChunkInfo[], remaining: number }} RuntimeChunkInfo */ /** @type {Map} */ const runtimeChunksMap = new Map(); for (const chunk of unorderedRuntimeChunks) { runtimeChunksMap.set(chunk, { chunk, referencedBy: [], remaining: 0 }); } let remaining = 0; for (const info of runtimeChunksMap.values()) { for (const other of new Set( Array.from(info.chunk.getAllReferencedAsyncEntrypoints()).map( e => e.chunks[e.chunks.length - 1] ) )) { const otherInfo = runtimeChunksMap.get(other); otherInfo.referencedBy.push(info); info.remaining++; remaining++; } } /** @type {Chunk[]} */ const runtimeChunks = []; for (const info of runtimeChunksMap.values()) { if (info.remaining === 0) { runtimeChunks.push(info.chunk); } } // If there are any references between chunks // make sure to follow these chains if (remaining > 0) { const readyChunks = []; for (const chunk of runtimeChunks) { const hasFullHashModules = chunkGraph.getNumberOfChunkFullHashModules(chunk) !== 0; const info = /** @type {RuntimeChunkInfo} */ (runtimeChunksMap.get(chunk)); for (const otherInfo of info.referencedBy) { if (hasFullHashModules) { chunkGraph.upgradeDependentToFullHashModules(otherInfo.chunk); } remaining--; if (--otherInfo.remaining === 0) { readyChunks.push(otherInfo.chunk); } } if (readyChunks.length > 0) { // This ensures deterministic ordering, since referencedBy is non-deterministic readyChunks.sort(byId); for (const c of readyChunks) runtimeChunks.push(c); readyChunks.length = 0; } } } // If there are still remaining references we have cycles and want to create a warning if (remaining > 0) { let circularRuntimeChunkInfo = []; for (const info of runtimeChunksMap.values()) { if (info.remaining !== 0) { circularRuntimeChunkInfo.push(info); } } circularRuntimeChunkInfo.sort(compareSelect(i => i.chunk, byId)); const err = new WebpackError(`Circular dependency between chunks with runtime (${Array.from( circularRuntimeChunkInfo, c => c.chunk.name || c.chunk.id ).join(", ")}) This prevents using hashes of each other and should be avoided.`); err.chunk = circularRuntimeChunkInfo[0].chunk; this.warnings.push(err); for (const i of circularRuntimeChunkInfo) runtimeChunks.push(i.chunk); } this.logger.timeEnd("hashing: sort chunks"); const fullHashChunks = new Set(); /** @type {{module: Module, hash: string, runtime: RuntimeSpec, runtimes: RuntimeSpec[]}[]} */ const codeGenerationJobs = []; /** @type {Map>} */ const codeGenerationJobsMap = new Map(); /** @type {WebpackError[]} */ const errors = []; /** * @param {Chunk} chunk chunk */ const processChunk = chunk => { // Last minute module hash generation for modules that depend on chunk hashes this.logger.time("hashing: hash runtime modules"); const runtime = chunk.runtime; for (const module of chunkGraph.getChunkModulesIterable(chunk)) { if (!chunkGraph.hasModuleHashes(module, runtime)) { const hash = this._createModuleHash( module, chunkGraph, runtime, hashFunction, runtimeTemplate, hashDigest, hashDigestLength, errors ); let hashMap = codeGenerationJobsMap.get(hash); if (hashMap) { const moduleJob = hashMap.get(module); if (moduleJob) { moduleJob.runtimes.push(runtime); continue; } } else { hashMap = new Map(); codeGenerationJobsMap.set(hash, hashMap); } const job = { module, hash, runtime, runtimes: [runtime] }; hashMap.set(module, job); codeGenerationJobs.push(job); } } this.logger.timeAggregate("hashing: hash runtime modules"); try { this.logger.time("hashing: hash chunks"); const chunkHash = createHash(hashFunction); if (outputOptions.hashSalt) { chunkHash.update(outputOptions.hashSalt); } chunk.updateHash(chunkHash, chunkGraph); this.hooks.chunkHash.call(chunk, chunkHash, { chunkGraph, codeGenerationResults: this.codeGenerationResults, moduleGraph: this.moduleGraph, runtimeTemplate: this.runtimeTemplate }); const chunkHashDigest = /** @type {string} */ ( chunkHash.digest(hashDigest) ); hash.update(chunkHashDigest); chunk.hash = chunkHashDigest; chunk.renderedHash = chunk.hash.slice(0, hashDigestLength); const fullHashModules = chunkGraph.getChunkFullHashModulesIterable(chunk); if (fullHashModules) { fullHashChunks.add(chunk); } else { this.hooks.contentHash.call(chunk); } } catch (err) { this.errors.push(new ChunkRenderError(chunk, "", err)); } this.logger.timeAggregate("hashing: hash chunks"); }; otherChunks.forEach(processChunk); for (const chunk of runtimeChunks) processChunk(chunk); if (errors.length > 0) { errors.sort(compareSelect(err => err.module, compareModulesByIdentifier)); for (const error of errors) { this.errors.push(error); } } this.logger.timeAggregateEnd("hashing: hash runtime modules"); this.logger.timeAggregateEnd("hashing: hash chunks"); this.logger.time("hashing: hash digest"); this.hooks.fullHash.call(hash); this.fullHash = /** @type {string} */ (hash.digest(hashDigest)); this.hash = this.fullHash.slice(0, hashDigestLength); this.logger.timeEnd("hashing: hash digest"); this.logger.time("hashing: process full hash modules"); for (const chunk of fullHashChunks) { for (const module of /** @type {Iterable} */ ( chunkGraph.getChunkFullHashModulesIterable(chunk) )) { const moduleHash = createHash(hashFunction); module.updateHash(moduleHash, { chunkGraph, runtime: chunk.runtime, runtimeTemplate }); const moduleHashDigest = /** @type {string} */ ( moduleHash.digest(hashDigest) ); const oldHash = chunkGraph.getModuleHash(module, chunk.runtime); chunkGraph.setModuleHashes( module, chunk.runtime, moduleHashDigest, moduleHashDigest.slice(0, hashDigestLength) ); codeGenerationJobsMap.get(oldHash).get(module).hash = moduleHashDigest; } const chunkHash = createHash(hashFunction); chunkHash.update(chunk.hash); chunkHash.update(this.hash); const chunkHashDigest = /** @type {string} */ ( chunkHash.digest(hashDigest) ); chunk.hash = chunkHashDigest; chunk.renderedHash = chunk.hash.slice(0, hashDigestLength); this.hooks.contentHash.call(chunk); } this.logger.timeEnd("hashing: process full hash modules"); return codeGenerationJobs; } /** * @param {string} file file name * @param {Source} source asset source * @param {AssetInfo} assetInfo extra asset information * @returns {void} */ emitAsset(file, source, assetInfo = {}) { if (this.assets[file]) { if (!isSourceEqual(this.assets[file], source)) { this.errors.push( new WebpackError( `Conflict: Multiple assets emit different content to the same filename ${file}${ assetInfo.sourceFilename ? `. Original source ${assetInfo.sourceFilename}` : "" }` ) ); this.assets[file] = source; this._setAssetInfo(file, assetInfo); return; } const oldInfo = this.assetsInfo.get(file); const newInfo = Object.assign({}, oldInfo, assetInfo); this._setAssetInfo(file, newInfo, oldInfo); return; } this.assets[file] = source; this._setAssetInfo(file, assetInfo, undefined); } _setAssetInfo(file, newInfo, oldInfo = this.assetsInfo.get(file)) { if (newInfo === undefined) { this.assetsInfo.delete(file); } else { this.assetsInfo.set(file, newInfo); } const oldRelated = oldInfo && oldInfo.related; const newRelated = newInfo && newInfo.related; if (oldRelated) { for (const key of Object.keys(oldRelated)) { /** * @param {string} name name */ const remove = name => { const relatedIn = this._assetsRelatedIn.get(name); if (relatedIn === undefined) return; const entry = relatedIn.get(key); if (entry === undefined) return; entry.delete(file); if (entry.size !== 0) return; relatedIn.delete(key); if (relatedIn.size === 0) this._assetsRelatedIn.delete(name); }; const entry = oldRelated[key]; if (Array.isArray(entry)) { entry.forEach(remove); } else if (entry) { remove(entry); } } } if (newRelated) { for (const key of Object.keys(newRelated)) { /** * @param {string} name name */ const add = name => { let relatedIn = this._assetsRelatedIn.get(name); if (relatedIn === undefined) { this._assetsRelatedIn.set(name, (relatedIn = new Map())); } let entry = relatedIn.get(key); if (entry === undefined) { relatedIn.set(key, (entry = new Set())); } entry.add(file); }; const entry = newRelated[key]; if (Array.isArray(entry)) { entry.forEach(add); } else if (entry) { add(entry); } } } } /** * @param {string} file file name * @param {Source | function(Source): Source} newSourceOrFunction new asset source or function converting old to new * @param {(AssetInfo | function(AssetInfo | undefined): AssetInfo) | undefined} assetInfoUpdateOrFunction new asset info or function converting old to new */ updateAsset( file, newSourceOrFunction, assetInfoUpdateOrFunction = undefined ) { if (!this.assets[file]) { throw new Error( `Called Compilation.updateAsset for not existing filename ${file}` ); } if (typeof newSourceOrFunction === "function") { this.assets[file] = newSourceOrFunction(this.assets[file]); } else { this.assets[file] = newSourceOrFunction; } if (assetInfoUpdateOrFunction !== undefined) { const oldInfo = this.assetsInfo.get(file) || EMPTY_ASSET_INFO; if (typeof assetInfoUpdateOrFunction === "function") { this._setAssetInfo(file, assetInfoUpdateOrFunction(oldInfo), oldInfo); } else { this._setAssetInfo( file, cachedCleverMerge(oldInfo, assetInfoUpdateOrFunction), oldInfo ); } } } /** * @param {string} file file name * @param {string} newFile the new name of file */ renameAsset(file, newFile) { const source = this.assets[file]; if (!source) { throw new Error( `Called Compilation.renameAsset for not existing filename ${file}` ); } if (this.assets[newFile]) { if (!isSourceEqual(this.assets[file], source)) { this.errors.push( new WebpackError( `Conflict: Called Compilation.renameAsset for already existing filename ${newFile} with different content` ) ); } } const assetInfo = this.assetsInfo.get(file); // Update related in all other assets const relatedInInfo = this._assetsRelatedIn.get(file); if (relatedInInfo) { for (const [key, assets] of relatedInInfo) { for (const name of assets) { const info = this.assetsInfo.get(name); if (!info) continue; const related = info.related; if (!related) continue; const entry = related[key]; let newEntry; if (Array.isArray(entry)) { newEntry = entry.map(x => (x === file ? newFile : x)); } else if (entry === file) { newEntry = newFile; } else continue; this.assetsInfo.set(name, { ...info, related: { ...related, [key]: newEntry } }); } } } this._setAssetInfo(file, undefined, assetInfo); this._setAssetInfo(newFile, assetInfo); delete this.assets[file]; this.assets[newFile] = source; for (const chunk of this.chunks) { { const size = chunk.files.size; chunk.files.delete(file); if (size !== chunk.files.size) { chunk.files.add(newFile); } } { const size = chunk.auxiliaryFiles.size; chunk.auxiliaryFiles.delete(file); if (size !== chunk.auxiliaryFiles.size) { chunk.auxiliaryFiles.add(newFile); } } } } /** * @param {string} file file name */ deleteAsset(file) { if (!this.assets[file]) { return; } delete this.assets[file]; const assetInfo = this.assetsInfo.get(file); this._setAssetInfo(file, undefined, assetInfo); const related = assetInfo && assetInfo.related; if (related) { for (const key of Object.keys(related)) { const checkUsedAndDelete = file => { if (!this._assetsRelatedIn.has(file)) { this.deleteAsset(file); } }; const items = related[key]; if (Array.isArray(items)) { items.forEach(checkUsedAndDelete); } else if (items) { checkUsedAndDelete(items); } } } // TODO If this becomes a performance problem // store a reverse mapping from asset to chunk for (const chunk of this.chunks) { chunk.files.delete(file); chunk.auxiliaryFiles.delete(file); } } getAssets() { /** @type {Readonly[]} */ const array = []; for (const assetName of Object.keys(this.assets)) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.assets, assetName)) { array.push({ name: assetName, source: this.assets[assetName], info: this.assetsInfo.get(assetName) || EMPTY_ASSET_INFO }); } } return array; } /** * @param {string} name the name of the asset * @returns {Readonly | undefined} the asset or undefined when not found */ getAsset(name) { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.assets, name)) return undefined; return { name, source: this.assets[name], info: this.assetsInfo.get(name) || EMPTY_ASSET_INFO }; } clearAssets() { for (const chunk of this.chunks) { chunk.files.clear(); chunk.auxiliaryFiles.clear(); } } createModuleAssets() { const { chunkGraph } = this; for (const module of this.modules) { const buildInfo = /** @type {BuildInfo} */ (module.buildInfo); if (buildInfo.assets) { const assetsInfo = buildInfo.assetsInfo; for (const assetName of Object.keys(buildInfo.assets)) { const fileName = this.getPath(assetName, { chunkGraph: this.chunkGraph, module }); for (const chunk of chunkGraph.getModuleChunksIterable(module)) { chunk.auxiliaryFiles.add(fileName); } this.emitAsset( fileName, buildInfo.assets[assetName], assetsInfo ? assetsInfo.get(assetName) : undefined ); this.hooks.moduleAsset.call(module, fileName); } } } } /** * @param {RenderManifestOptions} options options object * @returns {RenderManifestEntry[]} manifest entries */ getRenderManifest(options) { return this.hooks.renderManifest.call([], options); } /** * @param {Callback} callback signals when the call finishes * @returns {void} */ createChunkAssets(callback) { const outputOptions = this.outputOptions; const cachedSourceMap = new WeakMap(); /** @type {Map} */ const alreadyWrittenFiles = new Map(); asyncLib.forEachLimit( this.chunks, 15, (chunk, callback) => { /** @type {RenderManifestEntry[]} */ let manifest; try { manifest = this.getRenderManifest({ chunk, hash: this.hash, fullHash: this.fullHash, outputOptions, codeGenerationResults: this.codeGenerationResults, moduleTemplates: this.moduleTemplates, dependencyTemplates: this.dependencyTemplates, chunkGraph: this.chunkGraph, moduleGraph: this.moduleGraph, runtimeTemplate: this.runtimeTemplate }); } catch (err) { this.errors.push( new ChunkRenderError(chunk, "", /** @type {Error} */ (err)) ); return callback(); } asyncLib.forEach( manifest, (fileManifest, callback) => { const ident = fileManifest.identifier; const usedHash = fileManifest.hash; const assetCacheItem = this._assetsCache.getItemCache( ident, usedHash ); assetCacheItem.get((err, sourceFromCache) => { /** @type {string | function(PathData, AssetInfo=): string} */ let filenameTemplate; /** @type {string} */ let file; /** @type {AssetInfo} */ let assetInfo; let inTry = true; /** * @param {Error} err error * @returns {void} */ const errorAndCallback = err => { const filename = file || (typeof file === "string" ? file : typeof filenameTemplate === "string" ? filenameTemplate : ""); this.errors.push(new ChunkRenderError(chunk, filename, err)); inTry = false; return callback(); }; try { if ("filename" in fileManifest) { file = fileManifest.filename; assetInfo = fileManifest.info; } else { filenameTemplate = fileManifest.filenameTemplate; const pathAndInfo = this.getPathWithInfo( filenameTemplate, fileManifest.pathOptions ); file = pathAndInfo.path; assetInfo = fileManifest.info ? { ...pathAndInfo.info, ...fileManifest.info } : pathAndInfo.info; } if (err) { return errorAndCallback(err); } let source = sourceFromCache; // check if the same filename was already written by another chunk const alreadyWritten = alreadyWrittenFiles.get(file); if (alreadyWritten !== undefined) { if (alreadyWritten.hash !== usedHash) { inTry = false; return callback( new WebpackError( `Conflict: Multiple chunks emit assets to the same filename ${file}` + ` (chunks ${alreadyWritten.chunk.id} and ${chunk.id})` ) ); } else { source = alreadyWritten.source; } } else if (!source) { // render the asset source = fileManifest.render(); // Ensure that source is a cached source to avoid additional cost because of repeated access if (!(source instanceof CachedSource)) { const cacheEntry = cachedSourceMap.get(source); if (cacheEntry) { source = cacheEntry; } else { const cachedSource = new CachedSource(source); cachedSourceMap.set(source, cachedSource); source = cachedSource; } } } this.emitAsset(file, source, assetInfo); if (fileManifest.auxiliary) { chunk.auxiliaryFiles.add(file); } else { chunk.files.add(file); } this.hooks.chunkAsset.call(chunk, file); alreadyWrittenFiles.set(file, { hash: usedHash, source, chunk }); if (source !== sourceFromCache) { assetCacheItem.store(source, err => { if (err) return errorAndCallback(err); inTry = false; return callback(); }); } else { inTry = false; callback(); } } catch (err) { if (!inTry) throw err; errorAndCallback(err); } }); }, callback ); }, callback ); } /** * @param {string | function(PathData, AssetInfo=): string} filename used to get asset path with hash * @param {PathData} data context data * @returns {string} interpolated path */ getPath(filename, data = {}) { if (!data.hash) { data = { hash: this.hash, ...data }; } return this.getAssetPath(filename, data); } /** * @param {string | function(PathData, AssetInfo=): string} filename used to get asset path with hash * @param {PathData} data context data * @returns {{ path: string, info: AssetInfo }} interpolated path and asset info */ getPathWithInfo(filename, data = {}) { if (!data.hash) { data = { hash: this.hash, ...data }; } return this.getAssetPathWithInfo(filename, data); } /** * @param {string | function(PathData, AssetInfo=): string} filename used to get asset path with hash * @param {PathData} data context data * @returns {string} interpolated path */ getAssetPath(filename, data) { return this.hooks.assetPath.call( typeof filename === "function" ? filename(data) : filename, data, undefined ); } /** * @param {string | function(PathData, AssetInfo=): string} filename used to get asset path with hash * @param {PathData} data context data * @returns {{ path: string, info: AssetInfo }} interpolated path and asset info */ getAssetPathWithInfo(filename, data) { const assetInfo = {}; // TODO webpack 5: refactor assetPath hook to receive { path, info } object const newPath = this.hooks.assetPath.call( typeof filename === "function" ? filename(data, assetInfo) : filename, data, assetInfo ); return { path: newPath, info: assetInfo }; } getWarnings() { return this.hooks.processWarnings.call(this.warnings); } getErrors() { return this.hooks.processErrors.call(this.errors); } /** * This function allows you to run another instance of webpack inside of webpack however as * a child with different settings and configurations (if desired) applied. It copies all hooks, plugins * from parent (or top level compiler) and creates a child Compilation * * @param {string} name name of the child compiler * @param {OutputOptions=} outputOptions // Need to convert config schema to types for this * @param {Array=} plugins webpack plugins that will be applied * @returns {Compiler} creates a child Compiler instance */ createChildCompiler(name, outputOptions, plugins) { const idx = this.childrenCounters[name] || 0; this.childrenCounters[name] = idx + 1; return this.compiler.createChildCompiler( this, name, idx, outputOptions, plugins ); } /** * @param {Module} module the module * @param {ExecuteModuleOptions} options options * @param {ExecuteModuleCallback} callback callback */ executeModule(module, options, callback) { // Aggregate all referenced modules and ensure they are ready const modules = new Set([module]); processAsyncTree( modules, 10, /** * @param {Module} module the module * @param {function(Module): void} push push more jobs * @param {Callback} callback callback * @returns {void} */ (module, push, callback) => { this.buildQueue.waitFor(module, err => { if (err) return callback(err); this.processDependenciesQueue.waitFor(module, err => { if (err) return callback(err); for (const { module: m } of this.moduleGraph.getOutgoingConnections( module )) { const size = modules.size; modules.add(m); if (modules.size !== size) push(m); } callback(); }); }); }, err => { if (err) return callback(/** @type {WebpackError} */ (err)); // Create new chunk graph, chunk and entrypoint for the build time execution const chunkGraph = new ChunkGraph( this.moduleGraph, this.outputOptions.hashFunction ); const runtime = "build time"; const { hashFunction, hashDigest, hashDigestLength } = this.outputOptions; const runtimeTemplate = this.runtimeTemplate; const chunk = new Chunk("build time chunk", this._backCompat); chunk.id = chunk.name; chunk.ids = [chunk.id]; chunk.runtime = runtime; const entrypoint = new Entrypoint({ runtime, chunkLoading: false, ...options.entryOptions }); chunkGraph.connectChunkAndEntryModule(chunk, module, entrypoint); connectChunkGroupAndChunk(entrypoint, chunk); entrypoint.setRuntimeChunk(chunk); entrypoint.setEntrypointChunk(chunk); const chunks = new Set([chunk]); // Assign ids to modules and modules to the chunk for (const module of modules) { const id = module.identifier(); chunkGraph.setModuleId(module, id); chunkGraph.connectChunkAndModule(chunk, module); } /** @type {WebpackError[]} */ const errors = []; // Hash modules for (const module of modules) { this._createModuleHash( module, chunkGraph, runtime, hashFunction, runtimeTemplate, hashDigest, hashDigestLength, errors ); } const codeGenerationResults = new CodeGenerationResults( this.outputOptions.hashFunction ); /** * @param {Module} module the module * @param {Callback} callback callback * @returns {void} */ const codeGen = (module, callback) => { this._codeGenerationModule( module, runtime, [runtime], chunkGraph.getModuleHash(module, runtime), this.dependencyTemplates, chunkGraph, this.moduleGraph, runtimeTemplate, errors, codeGenerationResults, (err, codeGenerated) => { callback(err); } ); }; const reportErrors = () => { if (errors.length > 0) { errors.sort( compareSelect(err => err.module, compareModulesByIdentifier) ); for (const error of errors) { this.errors.push(error); } errors.length = 0; } }; // Generate code for all aggregated modules asyncLib.eachLimit(modules, 10, codeGen, err => { if (err) return callback(err); reportErrors(); // for backward-compat temporary set the chunk graph // TODO webpack 6 const old = this.chunkGraph; this.chunkGraph = chunkGraph; this.processRuntimeRequirements({ chunkGraph, modules, chunks, codeGenerationResults, chunkGraphEntries: chunks }); this.chunkGraph = old; const runtimeModules = chunkGraph.getChunkRuntimeModulesIterable(chunk); // Hash runtime modules for (const module of runtimeModules) { modules.add(module); this._createModuleHash( module, chunkGraph, runtime, hashFunction, runtimeTemplate, hashDigest, hashDigestLength, errors ); } // Generate code for all runtime modules asyncLib.eachLimit(runtimeModules, 10, codeGen, err => { if (err) return callback(err); reportErrors(); /** @type {Map} */ const moduleArgumentsMap = new Map(); /** @type {Map} */ const moduleArgumentsById = new Map(); /** @type {ExecuteModuleResult["fileDependencies"]} */ const fileDependencies = new LazySet(); /** @type {ExecuteModuleResult["contextDependencies"]} */ const contextDependencies = new LazySet(); /** @type {ExecuteModuleResult["missingDependencies"]} */ const missingDependencies = new LazySet(); /** @type {ExecuteModuleResult["buildDependencies"]} */ const buildDependencies = new LazySet(); /** @type {ExecuteModuleResult["assets"]} */ const assets = new Map(); let cacheable = true; /** @type {ExecuteModuleContext} */ const context = { assets, __webpack_require__: undefined, chunk, chunkGraph }; // Prepare execution asyncLib.eachLimit( modules, 10, (module, callback) => { const codeGenerationResult = codeGenerationResults.get( module, runtime ); /** @type {ExecuteModuleArgument} */ const moduleArgument = { module, codeGenerationResult, preparedInfo: undefined, moduleObject: undefined }; moduleArgumentsMap.set(module, moduleArgument); moduleArgumentsById.set(module.identifier(), moduleArgument); module.addCacheDependencies( fileDependencies, contextDependencies, missingDependencies, buildDependencies ); if ( /** @type {BuildInfo} */ (module.buildInfo).cacheable === false ) { cacheable = false; } if (module.buildInfo && module.buildInfo.assets) { const { assets: moduleAssets, assetsInfo } = module.buildInfo; for (const assetName of Object.keys(moduleAssets)) { assets.set(assetName, { source: moduleAssets[assetName], info: assetsInfo ? assetsInfo.get(assetName) : undefined }); } } this.hooks.prepareModuleExecution.callAsync( moduleArgument, context, callback ); }, err => { if (err) return callback(err); let exports; try { const { strictModuleErrorHandling, strictModuleExceptionHandling } = this.outputOptions; const __webpack_require__ = id => { const cached = moduleCache[id]; if (cached !== undefined) { if (cached.error) throw cached.error; return cached.exports; } const moduleArgument = moduleArgumentsById.get(id); return __webpack_require_module__(moduleArgument, id); }; const interceptModuleExecution = (__webpack_require__[ RuntimeGlobals.interceptModuleExecution.replace( `${RuntimeGlobals.require}.`, "" ) ] = []); const moduleCache = (__webpack_require__[ RuntimeGlobals.moduleCache.replace( `${RuntimeGlobals.require}.`, "" ) ] = {}); context.__webpack_require__ = __webpack_require__; /** * @param {ExecuteModuleArgument} moduleArgument the module argument * @param {string=} id id * @returns {any} exports */ const __webpack_require_module__ = (moduleArgument, id) => { var execOptions = { id, module: { id, exports: {}, loaded: false, error: undefined }, require: __webpack_require__ }; interceptModuleExecution.forEach(handler => handler(execOptions) ); const module = moduleArgument.module; this.buildTimeExecutedModules.add(module); const moduleObject = execOptions.module; moduleArgument.moduleObject = moduleObject; try { if (id) moduleCache[id] = moduleObject; tryRunOrWebpackError( () => this.hooks.executeModule.call( moduleArgument, context ), "Compilation.hooks.executeModule" ); moduleObject.loaded = true; return moduleObject.exports; } catch (e) { if (strictModuleExceptionHandling) { if (id) delete moduleCache[id]; } else if (strictModuleErrorHandling) { moduleObject.error = e; } if (!e.module) e.module = module; throw e; } }; for (const runtimeModule of chunkGraph.getChunkRuntimeModulesInOrder( chunk )) { __webpack_require_module__( /** @type {ExecuteModuleArgument} */ (moduleArgumentsMap.get(runtimeModule)) ); } exports = __webpack_require__(module.identifier()); } catch (e) { const err = new WebpackError( `Execution of module code from module graph (${module.readableIdentifier( this.requestShortener )}) failed: ${e.message}` ); err.stack = e.stack; err.module = e.module; return callback(err); } callback(null, { exports, assets, cacheable, fileDependencies, contextDependencies, missingDependencies, buildDependencies }); } ); }); }); } ); } checkConstraints() { const chunkGraph = this.chunkGraph; /** @type {Set} */ const usedIds = new Set(); for (const module of this.modules) { if (module.type === WEBPACK_MODULE_TYPE_RUNTIME) continue; const moduleId = chunkGraph.getModuleId(module); if (moduleId === null) continue; if (usedIds.has(moduleId)) { throw new Error(`checkConstraints: duplicate module id ${moduleId}`); } usedIds.add(moduleId); } for (const chunk of this.chunks) { for (const module of chunkGraph.getChunkModulesIterable(chunk)) { if (!this.modules.has(module)) { throw new Error( "checkConstraints: module in chunk but not in compilation " + ` ${chunk.debugId} ${module.debugId}` ); } } for (const module of chunkGraph.getChunkEntryModulesIterable(chunk)) { if (!this.modules.has(module)) { throw new Error( "checkConstraints: entry module in chunk but not in compilation " + ` ${chunk.debugId} ${module.debugId}` ); } } } for (const chunkGroup of this.chunkGroups) { chunkGroup.checkConstraints(); } } } /** * @typedef {object} FactorizeModuleOptions * @property {ModuleProfile} currentProfile * @property {ModuleFactory} factory * @property {Dependency[]} dependencies * @property {boolean=} factoryResult return full ModuleFactoryResult instead of only module * @property {Module | null} originModule * @property {Partial=} contextInfo * @property {string=} context */ /** * @param {FactorizeModuleOptions} options options object * @param {ModuleCallback | ModuleFactoryResultCallback} callback callback * @returns {void} */ // Workaround for typescript as it doesn't support function overloading in jsdoc within a class Compilation.prototype.factorizeModule = /** @type {{ (options: FactorizeModuleOptions & { factoryResult?: false }, callback: ModuleCallback): void; (options: FactorizeModuleOptions & { factoryResult: true }, callback: ModuleFactoryResultCallback): void; }} */ ( function (options, callback) { this.factorizeQueue.add(options, callback); } ); // Hide from typescript const compilationPrototype = Compilation.prototype; // TODO webpack 6 remove Object.defineProperty(compilationPrototype, "modifyHash", { writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: () => { throw new Error( "Compilation.modifyHash was removed in favor of Compilation.hooks.fullHash" ); } }); // TODO webpack 6 remove Object.defineProperty(compilationPrototype, "cache", { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: util.deprecate( /** * @this {Compilation} the compilation * @returns {Cache} the cache */ function () { return this.compiler.cache; }, "Compilation.cache was removed in favor of Compilation.getCache()", "DEP_WEBPACK_COMPILATION_CACHE" ), set: util.deprecate( /** * @param {any} v value */ v => {}, "Compilation.cache was removed in favor of Compilation.getCache()", "DEP_WEBPACK_COMPILATION_CACHE" ) }); /** * Add additional assets to the compilation. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONAL = -2000; /** * Basic preprocessing of assets. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_PRE_PROCESS = -1000; /** * Derive new assets from existing assets. * Existing assets should not be treated as complete. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_DERIVED = -200; /** * Add additional sections to existing assets, like a banner or initialization code. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONS = -100; /** * Optimize existing assets in a general way. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE = 100; /** * Optimize the count of existing assets, e. g. by merging them. * Only assets of the same type should be merged. * For assets of different types see PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_INLINE. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_COUNT = 200; /** * Optimize the compatibility of existing assets, e. g. add polyfills or vendor-prefixes. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_COMPATIBILITY = 300; /** * Optimize the size of existing assets, e. g. by minimizing or omitting whitespace. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_SIZE = 400; /** * Add development tooling to assets, e. g. by extracting a SourceMap. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_DEV_TOOLING = 500; /** * Optimize the count of existing assets, e. g. by inlining assets of into other assets. * Only assets of different types should be inlined. * For assets of the same type see PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_COUNT. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_INLINE = 700; /** * Summarize the list of existing assets * e. g. creating an assets manifest of Service Workers. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_SUMMARIZE = 1000; /** * Optimize the hashes of the assets, e. g. by generating real hashes of the asset content. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_HASH = 2500; /** * Optimize the transfer of existing assets, e. g. by preparing a compressed (gzip) file as separate asset. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_TRANSFER = 3000; /** * Analyse existing assets. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ANALYSE = 4000; /** * Creating assets for reporting purposes. */ Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_REPORT = 5000; module.exports = Compilation;