/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const SortableSet = require("./SortableSet"); /** @typedef {import("../Compilation")} Compilation */ /** @typedef {import("../Entrypoint").EntryOptions} EntryOptions */ /** @typedef {string | SortableSet | undefined} RuntimeSpec */ /** @typedef {RuntimeSpec | boolean} RuntimeCondition */ /** * @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation * @param {string} name name of the entry * @param {EntryOptions=} options optionally already received entry options * @returns {RuntimeSpec} runtime */ exports.getEntryRuntime = (compilation, name, options) => { let dependOn; let runtime; if (options) { ({ dependOn, runtime } = options); } else { const entry = compilation.entries.get(name); if (!entry) return name; ({ dependOn, runtime } = entry.options); } if (dependOn) { /** @type {RuntimeSpec} */ let result = undefined; const queue = new Set(dependOn); for (const name of queue) { const dep = compilation.entries.get(name); if (!dep) continue; const { dependOn, runtime } = dep.options; if (dependOn) { for (const name of dependOn) { queue.add(name); } } else { result = mergeRuntimeOwned(result, runtime || name); } } return result || name; } else { return runtime || name; } }; /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime runtime * @param {function(string | undefined): void} fn functor * @param {boolean} deterministicOrder enforce a deterministic order * @returns {void} */ const forEachRuntime = (runtime, fn, deterministicOrder = false) => { if (runtime === undefined) { fn(undefined); } else if (typeof runtime === "string") { fn(runtime); } else { if (deterministicOrder) runtime.sort(); for (const r of runtime) { fn(r); } } }; exports.forEachRuntime = forEachRuntime; /** * @template T * @param {SortableSet} set set * @returns {string} runtime key */ const getRuntimesKey = set => { set.sort(); return Array.from(set).join("\n"); }; /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime runtime(s) * @returns {string} key of runtimes */ const getRuntimeKey = runtime => { if (runtime === undefined) return "*"; if (typeof runtime === "string") return runtime; return runtime.getFromUnorderedCache(getRuntimesKey); }; exports.getRuntimeKey = getRuntimeKey; /** * @param {string} key key of runtimes * @returns {RuntimeSpec} runtime(s) */ const keyToRuntime = key => { if (key === "*") return undefined; const items = key.split("\n"); if (items.length === 1) return items[0]; return new SortableSet(items); }; exports.keyToRuntime = keyToRuntime; /** * @template T * @param {SortableSet} set set * @returns {string} runtime string */ const getRuntimesString = set => { set.sort(); return Array.from(set).join("+"); }; /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime runtime(s) * @returns {string} readable version */ const runtimeToString = runtime => { if (runtime === undefined) return "*"; if (typeof runtime === "string") return runtime; return runtime.getFromUnorderedCache(getRuntimesString); }; exports.runtimeToString = runtimeToString; /** * @param {RuntimeCondition} runtimeCondition runtime condition * @returns {string} readable version */ exports.runtimeConditionToString = runtimeCondition => { if (runtimeCondition === true) return "true"; if (runtimeCondition === false) return "false"; return runtimeToString(runtimeCondition); }; /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} a first * @param {RuntimeSpec} b second * @returns {boolean} true, when they are equal */ const runtimeEqual = (a, b) => { if (a === b) { return true; } else if ( a === undefined || b === undefined || typeof a === "string" || typeof b === "string" ) { return false; } else if (a.size !== b.size) { return false; } else { a.sort(); b.sort(); const aIt = a[Symbol.iterator](); const bIt = b[Symbol.iterator](); for (;;) { const aV = aIt.next(); if (aV.done) return true; const bV = bIt.next(); if (aV.value !== bV.value) return false; } } }; exports.runtimeEqual = runtimeEqual; /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} a first * @param {RuntimeSpec} b second * @returns {-1|0|1} compare */ exports.compareRuntime = (a, b) => { if (a === b) { return 0; } else if (a === undefined) { return -1; } else if (b === undefined) { return 1; } else { const aKey = getRuntimeKey(a); const bKey = getRuntimeKey(b); if (aKey < bKey) return -1; if (aKey > bKey) return 1; return 0; } }; /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} a first * @param {RuntimeSpec} b second * @returns {RuntimeSpec} merged */ const mergeRuntime = (a, b) => { if (a === undefined) { return b; } else if (b === undefined) { return a; } else if (a === b) { return a; } else if (typeof a === "string") { if (typeof b === "string") { const set = new SortableSet(); set.add(a); set.add(b); return set; } else if (b.has(a)) { return b; } else { const set = new SortableSet(b); set.add(a); return set; } } else { if (typeof b === "string") { if (a.has(b)) return a; const set = new SortableSet(a); set.add(b); return set; } else { const set = new SortableSet(a); for (const item of b) set.add(item); if (set.size === a.size) return a; return set; } } }; exports.mergeRuntime = mergeRuntime; /** * @param {RuntimeCondition} a first * @param {RuntimeCondition} b second * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime full runtime * @returns {RuntimeCondition} result */ exports.mergeRuntimeCondition = (a, b, runtime) => { if (a === false) return b; if (b === false) return a; if (a === true || b === true) return true; const merged = mergeRuntime(a, b); if (merged === undefined) return undefined; if (typeof merged === "string") { if (typeof runtime === "string" && merged === runtime) return true; return merged; } if (typeof runtime === "string" || runtime === undefined) return merged; if (merged.size === runtime.size) return true; return merged; }; /** * @param {RuntimeSpec | true} a first * @param {RuntimeSpec | true} b second * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime full runtime * @returns {RuntimeSpec | true} result */ exports.mergeRuntimeConditionNonFalse = (a, b, runtime) => { if (a === true || b === true) return true; const merged = mergeRuntime(a, b); if (merged === undefined) return undefined; if (typeof merged === "string") { if (typeof runtime === "string" && merged === runtime) return true; return merged; } if (typeof runtime === "string" || runtime === undefined) return merged; if (merged.size === runtime.size) return true; return merged; }; /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} a first (may be modified) * @param {RuntimeSpec} b second * @returns {RuntimeSpec} merged */ const mergeRuntimeOwned = (a, b) => { if (b === undefined) { return a; } else if (a === b) { return a; } else if (a === undefined) { if (typeof b === "string") { return b; } else { return new SortableSet(b); } } else if (typeof a === "string") { if (typeof b === "string") { const set = new SortableSet(); set.add(a); set.add(b); return set; } else { const set = new SortableSet(b); set.add(a); return set; } } else { if (typeof b === "string") { a.add(b); return a; } else { for (const item of b) a.add(item); return a; } } }; exports.mergeRuntimeOwned = mergeRuntimeOwned; /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} a first * @param {RuntimeSpec} b second * @returns {RuntimeSpec} merged */ exports.intersectRuntime = (a, b) => { if (a === undefined) { return b; } else if (b === undefined) { return a; } else if (a === b) { return a; } else if (typeof a === "string") { if (typeof b === "string") { return undefined; } else if (b.has(a)) { return a; } else { return undefined; } } else { if (typeof b === "string") { if (a.has(b)) return b; return undefined; } else { const set = new SortableSet(); for (const item of b) { if (a.has(item)) set.add(item); } if (set.size === 0) return undefined; if (set.size === 1) for (const item of set) return item; return set; } } }; /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} a first * @param {RuntimeSpec} b second * @returns {RuntimeSpec} result */ const subtractRuntime = (a, b) => { if (a === undefined) { return undefined; } else if (b === undefined) { return a; } else if (a === b) { return undefined; } else if (typeof a === "string") { if (typeof b === "string") { return a; } else if (b.has(a)) { return undefined; } else { return a; } } else { if (typeof b === "string") { if (!a.has(b)) return a; if (a.size === 2) { for (const item of a) { if (item !== b) return item; } } const set = new SortableSet(a); set.delete(b); return set; } else { const set = new SortableSet(); for (const item of a) { if (!b.has(item)) set.add(item); } if (set.size === 0) return undefined; if (set.size === 1) for (const item of set) return item; return set; } } }; exports.subtractRuntime = subtractRuntime; /** * @param {RuntimeCondition} a first * @param {RuntimeCondition} b second * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime runtime * @returns {RuntimeCondition} result */ exports.subtractRuntimeCondition = (a, b, runtime) => { if (b === true) return false; if (b === false) return a; if (a === false) return false; const result = subtractRuntime(a === true ? runtime : a, b); return result === undefined ? false : result; }; /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime runtime * @param {function(RuntimeSpec): boolean} filter filter function * @returns {boolean | RuntimeSpec} true/false if filter is constant for all runtimes, otherwise runtimes that are active */ exports.filterRuntime = (runtime, filter) => { if (runtime === undefined) return filter(undefined); if (typeof runtime === "string") return filter(runtime); let some = false; let every = true; let result = undefined; for (const r of runtime) { const v = filter(r); if (v) { some = true; result = mergeRuntimeOwned(result, r); } else { every = false; } } if (!some) return false; if (every) return true; return result; }; /** * @template T * @typedef {Map} RuntimeSpecMapInnerMap */ /** * @template T */ class RuntimeSpecMap { /** * @param {RuntimeSpecMap=} clone copy form this */ constructor(clone) { this._mode = clone ? clone._mode : 0; // 0 = empty, 1 = single entry, 2 = map /** @type {RuntimeSpec} */ this._singleRuntime = clone ? clone._singleRuntime : undefined; /** @type {T | undefined} */ this._singleValue = clone ? clone._singleValue : undefined; /** @type {RuntimeSpecMapInnerMap | undefined} */ this._map = clone && clone._map ? new Map(clone._map) : undefined; } /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtimes * @returns {T | undefined} value */ get(runtime) { switch (this._mode) { case 0: return undefined; case 1: return runtimeEqual(this._singleRuntime, runtime) ? this._singleValue : undefined; default: return /** @type {RuntimeSpecMapInnerMap} */ (this._map).get( getRuntimeKey(runtime) ); } } /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtimes * @returns {boolean} true, when the runtime is stored */ has(runtime) { switch (this._mode) { case 0: return false; case 1: return runtimeEqual(this._singleRuntime, runtime); default: return /** @type {RuntimeSpecMapInnerMap} */ (this._map).has( getRuntimeKey(runtime) ); } } /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtimes * @param {T} value the value */ set(runtime, value) { switch (this._mode) { case 0: this._mode = 1; this._singleRuntime = runtime; this._singleValue = value; break; case 1: if (runtimeEqual(this._singleRuntime, runtime)) { this._singleValue = value; break; } this._mode = 2; this._map = new Map(); this._map.set( getRuntimeKey(this._singleRuntime), /** @type {T} */ (this._singleValue) ); this._singleRuntime = undefined; this._singleValue = undefined; /* falls through */ default: /** @type {RuntimeSpecMapInnerMap} */ (this._map).set(getRuntimeKey(runtime), value); } } /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtimes * @param {() => TODO} computer function to compute the value * @returns {TODO} true, when the runtime was deleted */ provide(runtime, computer) { switch (this._mode) { case 0: this._mode = 1; this._singleRuntime = runtime; return (this._singleValue = computer()); case 1: { if (runtimeEqual(this._singleRuntime, runtime)) { return /** @type {T} */ (this._singleValue); } this._mode = 2; this._map = new Map(); this._map.set( getRuntimeKey(this._singleRuntime), /** @type {T} */ (this._singleValue) ); this._singleRuntime = undefined; this._singleValue = undefined; const newValue = computer(); this._map.set(getRuntimeKey(runtime), newValue); return newValue; } default: { const key = getRuntimeKey(runtime); const value = /** @type {Map} */ (this._map).get(key); if (value !== undefined) return value; const newValue = computer(); /** @type {Map} */ (this._map).set(key, newValue); return newValue; } } } /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtimes */ delete(runtime) { switch (this._mode) { case 0: return; case 1: if (runtimeEqual(this._singleRuntime, runtime)) { this._mode = 0; this._singleRuntime = undefined; this._singleValue = undefined; } return; default: /** @type {RuntimeSpecMapInnerMap} */ (this._map).delete(getRuntimeKey(runtime)); } } /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtimes * @param {function(T | undefined): T} fn function to update the value */ update(runtime, fn) { switch (this._mode) { case 0: throw new Error("runtime passed to update must exist"); case 1: { if (runtimeEqual(this._singleRuntime, runtime)) { this._singleValue = fn(this._singleValue); break; } const newValue = fn(undefined); if (newValue !== undefined) { this._mode = 2; this._map = new Map(); this._map.set( getRuntimeKey(this._singleRuntime), /** @type {T} */ (this._singleValue) ); this._singleRuntime = undefined; this._singleValue = undefined; this._map.set(getRuntimeKey(runtime), newValue); } break; } default: { const key = getRuntimeKey(runtime); const oldValue = /** @type {Map} */ (this._map).get(key); const newValue = fn(oldValue); if (newValue !== oldValue) /** @type {RuntimeSpecMapInnerMap} */ (this._map).set(key, newValue); } } } keys() { switch (this._mode) { case 0: return []; case 1: return [this._singleRuntime]; default: return Array.from( /** @type {RuntimeSpecMapInnerMap} */ (this._map).keys(), keyToRuntime ); } } values() { switch (this._mode) { case 0: return [][Symbol.iterator](); case 1: return [/** @type {T} */ (this._singleValue)][Symbol.iterator](); default: return /** @type {Map} */ (this._map).values(); } } get size() { if (/** @type {number} */ (this._mode) <= 1) return this._mode; return /** @type {Map} */ (this._map).size; } } exports.RuntimeSpecMap = RuntimeSpecMap; class RuntimeSpecSet { /** * @param {Iterable=} iterable iterable */ constructor(iterable) { /** @type {Map} */ this._map = new Map(); if (iterable) { for (const item of iterable) { this.add(item); } } } /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime runtime */ add(runtime) { this._map.set(getRuntimeKey(runtime), runtime); } /** * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime runtime * @returns {boolean} true, when the runtime exists */ has(runtime) { return this._map.has(getRuntimeKey(runtime)); } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this._map.values(); } get size() { return this._map.size; } } exports.RuntimeSpecSet = RuntimeSpecSet;