Browse Source


17755135699 1 year ago
4 changed files with 209 additions and 146 deletions
  1. 1 1
  2. 2 1
  3. 205 143
  4. 1 1

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // const BaseApi = '' //汪瑶
 // const BaseApi = '' //汪辉
-// const BaseApi = '' //李勇
+ //const BaseApi = '' //李勇
 // const BaseApi = '' //徐涛
 // const BaseApi = '' //肖添伟
 // const BaseApi = '' //朱壮波

+ 2 - 1

@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
 	export default {
 		data() {
 			return {
+				homestayId: this.$store.state.moduleHouse.homestayId,
@@ -175,7 +176,7 @@
-				this.$api.get('/merchant/hotel/home/getHotelHomeInfo/'+uni.getStorageSync('homestayId')).then(res=>{
+				this.$api.get('/merchant/hotel/home/getHotelHomeInfo/'+this.homestayId).then(res=>{
 						this.item =;
 					}else this.$showToast(;

+ 205 - 143

@@ -1,87 +1,112 @@
-	<scroll-view class="page" scroll-x="true" scroll-y="true" :style="{'height':(h-th)+'px','padding-top':mt+'px'}"
-		@scroll="scroll" id="page">
-		<c-nav-bar title="房态" :showIcon="false" :titleStyle="titleStyle"></c-nav-bar>
-		<view class="content" v-if="xdata.length!=0">
-			<view class="tj">
-				<text class="label">房间总数:</text>
-				<text>{{info.totalRooms}}</text>
-				<text class="label">在入住房间数:</text>
-				<text>{{info.checkinRooms}}</text>
-				<text class="label">待入住房间数:</text>
-				<text>{{info.bookRooms}}</text>
+	<view class="page" :style="{'padding-top':mt+'px'}">
+		<view class="leftFixed" v-if="leftData.length!=0" :style="{'top':mt+49+'px'}">
+			<view class="year">
+				<u-icon name="calendar-fill" color="#B9C2D2" size="40" style="margin-bottom:10rpx;"></u-icon>
+				<text style="font-size: 24rpx;">2024</text>
-			<view class="date"> 
-				<view class="item" :style="{'left':scrollLeft+'px'}">
-					<u-icon name="calendar-fill" color="#B9C2D2" size="40" style="margin-bottom:10rpx;"></u-icon>
-					<text style="font-size: 24rpx;">2024</text>
-				</view>
-				<view class="item" v-for="(item,keynme,index) in xdata" :key="index">
-					<text>{{item.rentDate.substring(5)}}</text>
-					<text>{{weeks[item.rentWeek]}}</text>
-					<text>剩{{item.spareRooms}}</text>
+			<view v-for="(item,key,i) in leftData" :key="i" class="fixedItem">
+				<view class="head" v-if="indexArr[i]==key.split('-')[0]">
+					<text>{{key.split('-')[0]}}F</text>
+					<view class="rightIcon" @click="open(i,key.split('-')[0],false)" v-if="opens[i]">
+						<text>收起</text>
+						<u-icon name="arrow-up-fill" size="18" style="margin-left: 10rpx;"></u-icon>
+					</view>
+					<view class="rightIcon" @click="open(i,key.split('-')[0],true)" v-else>
+						<text>展开</text>
+						<u-icon name="arrow-down-fill" size="18" style="margin-left: 10rpx;"></u-icon>
+					</view>
+				<template v-if="opens[i]">
+					<view class="roomType" :style="{'left':scrollLeft+'px'}">{{key.split('-')[1]}}</view>
+					<text v-for="(item2,index2) in item" class="roomNumber">
+						{{item2.roomNumber}}
+					</text>
+				</template>
-			<view class="floorData" v-if="leftData.length!=0">
-				<view v-for="(item,key,i) in leftData" :key="i"
-					style="margin-bottom: 16rpx;padding-top: 108rpx;position: relative;"
-					:class="indexArr[i]==key.split('-')[0]?'big':opens[i]?'small':'pd0'">
-					<view class="head" v-if="indexArr[i]==key.split('-')[0]" :style="{'left':scrollLeft+'px'}">
-						<text>{{key.split('-')[0]}}F</text>
-						<view class="rightIcon" @click="open(i,key.split('-')[0],false)" v-if="opens[i]">
-							<text>收起</text>
-							<u-icon name="arrow-up-fill" size="18" style="margin-left: 10rpx;"></u-icon>
-						</view>
-						<view class="rightIcon" @click="open(i,key.split('-')[0],true)" v-else>
-							<text>展开</text>
-							<u-icon name="arrow-down-fill" size="18" style="margin-left: 10rpx;"></u-icon>
-						</view>
+		</view>
+		<view>
+			<c-nav-bar title="房态" :showIcon="false" :titleStyle="titleStyle"></c-nav-bar>
+			<view class="content" v-if="xdata.length!=0">
+				<view class="tj" :style="{'top':mt+'px'}">
+					<text class="label">房间总数:</text>
+					<text>{{info.totalRooms}}</text>
+					<text class="label">在入住房间数:</text>
+					<text>{{info.checkinRooms}}</text>
+					<text class="label">待入住房间数:</text>
+					<text>{{info.bookRooms}}</text>
+				</view>
+				<view class="date">
+					<view class="item">
+						<u-icon name="calendar-fill" color="#B9C2D2" size="40" style="margin-bottom:10rpx;"></u-icon>
+						<text style="font-size: 24rpx;">2024</text>
-					<template v-if="opens[i]">
-						<view class="roomType" :style="{'left':scrollLeft+'px'}">{{key.split('-')[1]}}</view>
-						<view class="table">
-							<view class="tr" v-for="(item2,index2) in item" :key="index2">
-								<view class="td" :style="{'left':scrollLeft+'px'}">{{item2.roomNumber}}</view>
-								<view class="td" v-for="(roomData,ind) in xdata" :key="ind"
-									:class="'s'+delDataStatus(item2.roomNumber,item2.houseBaseId,roomData.roomDataList,'status')">
-									<!-- 空置房-->
-									<template
-										v-if="delDataStatus(item2.roomNumber,item2.houseBaseId,roomData.roomDataList,'status') == 1">
-										<view
-											@click="check(item2.roomNumber,item2.houseBaseId,roomData,i + '-'+index2+ '-'+ ind)"
-											class="cellBox">
-											{{item2.roomNumber|delDataStatus(item2.houseBaseId,roomData.roomDataList,'price')}}
-										</view>
-									</template>
-									<template v-else>
-										<view @click="tabCli(item2.roomNumber,item2.houseBaseId,roomData.roomDataList)"
-											class="tdP">
-											<text>{{item2.roomNumber|delDataStatus(item2.houseBaseId,roomData.roomDataList,'guestName')}}</text>
-											<text>{{item2.roomNumber|delDataStatus(item2.houseBaseId,roomData.roomDataList,'status')}}</text>
+					<view class="item" v-for="(item,keynme,index) in xdata" :key="index">
+						<text>{{item.rentDate.substring(5)}}</text>
+						<text>{{weeks[item.rentWeek]}}</text>
+						<text>剩{{item.spareRooms}}</text>
+					</view>
+				</view>
+				<view class="floorData" v-if="leftData.length!=0">
+					<view v-for="(item,key,i) in leftData" :key="i" style="margin-bottom: 16rpx;">
+						<view class="head" v-if="indexArr[i]==key.split('-')[0]" style="opacity: 0;">
+							<text>{{key.split('-')[0]}}F</text>
+							<view class="rightIcon" @click="open(i,key.split('-')[0],false)" v-if="opens[i]">
+								<text>收起</text>
+								<u-icon name="arrow-up-fill" size="18" style="margin-left: 10rpx;"></u-icon>
+							</view>
+							<view class="rightIcon" @click="open(i,key.split('-')[0],true)" v-else>
+								<text>展开</text>
+								<u-icon name="arrow-down-fill" size="18" style="margin-left: 10rpx;"></u-icon>
+							</view>
+						</view>
+						<template v-if="opens[i]">
+							<view class="roomType" style="opacity: 0;">{{key.split('-')[1]}}</view>
+							<view class="table">
+								<view class="tr" v-for="(item2,index2) in item" :key="index2">
+									<view class="td" :style="{'left':scrollLeft+'px'}">{{item2.roomNumber}}</view>
+									<view class="td" v-for="(roomData,ind) in xdata" :key="ind"
+										:class="'s'+delDataStatus(item2.roomNumber,item2.houseBaseId,roomData.roomDataList,'status')">
+										<!-- 空置房-->
+										<template
+											v-if="delDataStatus(item2.roomNumber,item2.houseBaseId,roomData.roomDataList,'status') == 1">
+											<view
+												@click="check(item2.roomNumber,item2.houseBaseId,roomData,i + '-'+index2+ '-'+ ind)"
+												class="cellBox">
+												{{item2.roomNumber|delDataStatus(item2.houseBaseId,roomData.roomDataList,'price')}}
+											</view>
+										</template>
+										<template v-else>
+											<view
+												@click="tabCli(item2.roomNumber,item2.houseBaseId,roomData.roomDataList)"
+												class="tdP">
+												<text>{{item2.roomNumber|delDataStatus(item2.houseBaseId,roomData.roomDataList,'guestName')}}</text>
+												<text>{{item2.roomNumber|delDataStatus(item2.houseBaseId,roomData.roomDataList,'status')}}</text>
+											</view>
+										</template>
+										<!-- 点击时状态 -->
+										<view class="cover" v-if="checkPosition.indexOf(i + '-'+index2+ '-'+ ind) > -1"
+											@click="check(item2.roomNumber,item2.houseBaseId,roomData,i + '-'+index2+ '-'+ ind)">
+											<u-icon name="checkbox-mark" size="36" color="#fff"></u-icon>
-									</template>
-									<!-- 点击时状态 -->
-									<view class="cover" v-if="checkPosition.indexOf(i + '-'+index2+ '-'+ ind) > -1"
-										@click="check(item2.roomNumber,item2.houseBaseId,roomData,i + '-'+index2+ '-'+ ind)">
-										<u-icon name="checkbox-mark" size="36" color="#fff"></u-icon>
-						</view>
-					</template>
+						</template>
+					</view>
+			<view class="opration" v-if="checkDataRoomId.length!=0">
+				<text @click="areaShow=true">关房</text>
+				<text @click="createOrder()">新增</text>
+			</view>
+			<Tabbar :tabbarIndex="1"></Tabbar>
+			<!-- 关房 -->
+			<u-picker :itemHeight="88" :immediateChange="true" :show="areaShow" :columns="areaTxt" title="房态选择"
+				:defaultIndex="passengerDefault" @cancel="areaShow=false;clearData();"
+				@confirm="passengerConfirm"></u-picker>
-		<view class="opration" v-if="checkDataRoomId.length!=0">
-			<text @click="areaShow=true">关房</text>
-			<text @click="createOrder()">新增</text>
-		</view>
-		<Tabbar :tabbarIndex="1"></Tabbar>
-		<!-- 关房 -->
-		<u-picker :itemHeight="88" :immediateChange="true" :show="areaShow" :columns="areaTxt" title="房态选择"
-			:defaultIndex="passengerDefault" @cancel="areaShow=false;clearData();"
-			@confirm="passengerConfirm"></u-picker>
-	</scroll-view>
+	</view>
@@ -377,21 +402,29 @@
 		background: #F3F4F4;
 		padding-bottom: 40rpx;
 		box-sizing: border-box;
-		overflow-y: auto;
 		overflow-x: auto;
-		.tj {
-			padding: 30rpx 0;
-			text-align: center;
-			text {
-				font-size: 28rpx;
-				color: #f44;
-				font-weight: bold;
-				margin: 0 10rpx;
-				&.label {
-					color: #333;
-					margin: 0
+		.content {
+			.tj {
+				padding: 30rpx 0;
+				text-align: center;
+				height: 98rpx;
+				box-sizing: border-box;
+				position: absolute;
+				width: 750rpx;
+				left: 0;
+				text {
+					font-size: 28rpx;
+					color: #f44;
+					font-weight: bold;
+					margin: 0 10rpx;
+					&.label {
+						color: #333;
+						margin: 0
+					}
@@ -402,7 +435,7 @@
 		position: relative;
 		border: 1rpx solid #E9F0F5;
 		margin-bottom: 30rpx;
-		padding-left: 130rpx;
+		margin-top:98rpx;
 		.item {
 			min-width: 130rpx;
@@ -420,13 +453,6 @@
 				border: 0;
-			&:first-child {
-				position: absolute;
-				left: 0;
-				top: 0;
-				width: 130rpx;
-			}
 			text {
 				&:nth-child(2) {
 					margin: 6rpx 0;
@@ -435,59 +461,61 @@
-	.floorData {
-		.head,
-		.roomType {
-			padding: 0 30rpx;
-			display: flex;
-			width: 400rpx;
-			// justify-content: space-between;
-		}
+	.head,
+	.roomType {
+		padding: 0 30rpx;
+		display: flex;
+		width: 400rpx;
+		// justify-content: space-between;
+	}
-		.head {
-			position: absolute;
-			top: 0;
-			left: 0;
+	.head {
+		// position: absolute;
+		// top: 0;
+		// left: 0;
-			&>text {
-				&:first-child {
-					font-size: 32rpx;
-					margin-right: 30rpx;
-				}
+		&>text {
+			&:first-child {
+				font-size: 32rpx;
+				margin-right: 30rpx;
+		}
-			.rightIcon {
-				display: flex;
-				align-items: center;
-				font-size: 24rpx;
-				color: #1F2425;
+		.rightIcon {
+			display: flex;
+			align-items: center;
+			font-size: 24rpx;
+			color: #1F2425;
-			}
+	}
-		.roomType {
-			position: absolute;
-			top: 40rpx;
-			left: 0;
+	.roomType {
+		// position: absolute;
+		// top: 40rpx;
+		// left: 0;
-			color: #333;
-			font-size: 24rpx;
-			// position: relative;
-			padding-left: 44rpx;
-			margin: 20rpx 0 16rpx;
+		color: #333;
+		font-size: 24rpx;
+		position: relative;
+		padding-left: 44rpx;
+		margin: 20rpx 0 16rpx;
-			&::after {
-				position: absolute;
-				content: "";
-				height: 24rpx;
-				width: 5rpx;
-				background-color: #1372FF;
-				left: 30rpx;
-				top: 4rpx;
-				z-index: 1;
-			}
+		&::after {
+			position: absolute;
+			content: "";
+			height: 24rpx;
+			width: 5rpx;
+			background-color: #1372FF;
+			left: 30rpx;
+			top: 4rpx;
+			z-index: 1;
+	}
+	.floorData {
 		.table {
 			border: 1rpx solid #E9F0F5;
@@ -500,19 +528,18 @@
 				align-items: center;
 				background-color: #fff;
 				position: relative;
-				padding-left: 130rpx;
 				&:last-child {
 					border: 0;
 				.td {
-					&:first-child {
-						position: absolute;
-						left: 0;
-						top: 0;
-						z-index: 1;
-					}
+					// &:first-child {
+					// 	position: absolute;
+					// 	left: 0;
+					// 	top: 0;
+					// 	z-index: 1;
+					// }
 					display: flex;
 					align-items: center;
@@ -628,4 +655,39 @@
 	.pd0 {
 		padding: 0 !important;
+	.leftFixed {
+		position: absolute;
+		left: 0;
+		top: 232rpx;
+		z-index: 12;
+		.year {
+			min-width: 130rpx;
+			width: 130rpx;
+			height: 136rpx;
+			display: flex;
+			flex-direction: column;
+			align-items: center;
+			justify-content: center;
+			font-size: 20rpx;
+			border-right: 1rpx solid #E9F0F5;
+			background-color: #fff;
+			margin-bottom: 35rpx;
+		}
+		.fixedItem {
+			display: flex;
+			flex-direction: column;
+			margin-bottom: 16rpx;
+			.roomNumber {
+				height: 84rpx;
+				display: inline-block;
+				width: 130rpx;
+				text-align: center;
+				background-color: #fff;
+			}
+		}
+	}

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 const state = {
-	 homestayId:'1711268640588517378',
+	 homestayId:'1744620500506251265',
 const getters = {