@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+ <view class="page" :style="{'min-height':(h)+'px','padding-top':mt+'px'}">
+ <c-nav-bar title="核销" @goBack="back()"></c-nav-bar>
+ <view class="types">
+ <view class="item bg2" @tap="scanCode(0)">
+ <view class="n">扫码核销</view>
+ <u-icon name="arrow-right" color="#fff" size="26" label="点击扫描" label-color="#fff" label-size="28" cu
+ label-pos="left"></u-icon>
+ </view>
+ <view class="item bg1" @tap="scanCode(1)">
+ <view class="n">扫身份证</view>
+ <u-icon name="arrow-right" color="#fff" size="26" label="点击扫描" label-color="#fff" label-size="28"
+ label-pos="left"></u-icon>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="orderInfo">
+ <view class="tit">
+ 订单详情
+ </view>
+ <view class="time">{{orderInfo.playDate}} {{orderInfo.playTime}}出发</view>
+ <view class="bottom">
+ <text>{{orderInfo.num}}人</text>
+ <text>出游·{{orderInfo.playLength||0}}小时</text>
+ <text>¥{{orderInfo.realPrice}}</text>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="list">
+ <view class="tit">{{boatNo}} 共({{data.length}})人</view>
+ <view class="item" v-for="(i,index) in data" :key="index">
+ <text class="type" :class="i.remark=='book'?'t1':'t2'">{{i.remark=='book'?'预订单':'现场单'}}</text>
+ <view class="personInfo">
+ <view class="name">{{i.touristName|handle(1)}}</view>
+ <view class="code">
+ 身份证 {{i.touristCode|handle(3)}}
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <u-icon name="minus-circle" size="36" color="#FEA400" @tap="jian(index)"
+ v-if="i.remark!='book'"></u-icon>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="list">
+ <view class="tit">选择渔船</view>
+ <view class="typeItem">
+ <view class="txt" v-for="(t,i) in types" :key="i" @click="typeIndex=i" :class="typeIndex==i?'on':''">
+ {{t.boatNo}}
+ <image v-if="typeIndex==i"
+ src="https://i.ringzle.com/file/20240320/b458b03f8f654a51a921656b8aa955de.png"></image>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="btn">
+ <text @click="hexiao">开始发船</text>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ import {
+ encrypt,
+ decrypt,
+ tuomin
+ } from '../../utils/aes.js'
+ var that;
+ const lcReader = uni.requireNativePlugin('LcReader');
+ const modal = uni.requireNativePlugin('modal');
+ var globalEvent = uni.requireNativePlugin('globalEvent');
+ // 依赖引入
+ const Intent = plus.android.importClass('android.content.Intent')
+ const IntentFilter = plus.android.importClass('android.content.IntentFilter')
+ const main = plus.android.runtimeMainActivity()
+ // pda广播名称
+ const SCANACTION = "scan.rcv.message"//扫描名称
+ export default {
+ data() {
+ return {
+ typeIndex: null,
+ types: [],
+ date: new Date().Format('yyyy-MM-dd'),
+ show: false,
+ data: [],
+ merchantId: uni.getStorageSync('merchantId'),
+ playTime: '',
+ boatNo: '',
+ type: '',
+ orderInfo: {},
+ keyName: ''
+ }
+ },
+ onLoad(opt) {
+ that = this;
+ this.playTime = opt.playTime || '';
+ this.boatNo = opt.boatNo || '';
+ this.getOrderInfo();
+ this.getTypes();
+ this.initSDK();
+ globalEvent.addEventListener('readInfo', function(e) {
+ if(e.Id&&e.Name) that.handleScanResult(e.Id,1,e.Name);
+ });
+ },
+ filters: {
+ handle(val, type) {
+ return tuomin(val, type);
+ }
+ },
+ destroyed() {
+ this.keyName = this.orderInfo.playDate + this.orderInfo.playTime + this.boatNo;
+ uni.setStorageSync(this.keyName, JSON.stringify(this.data));
+ },
+ methods: {
+ initSDK() {
+ // 调用异步方法
+ lcReader.initSDK({
+ 'name': 'unimp',
+ 'age': 1
+ });
+ },
+ getTypes() {
+ this.$api.get('/scenic/api/boat/page', {
+ page: -1
+ }).then(res => {
+ if (res.data.code == 0) {
+ this.types = res.data.data.list;
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ getOrderInfo() {
+ this.$api.post('/scenic/api/order/queryStartOrderInfo', {
+ merchantId: this.merchantId,
+ boatNo: this.boatNo
+ }).then(res => {
+ if (res.data.code == 0) {
+ this.orderInfo = res.data.data;
+ this.keyName = this.orderInfo.playDate + this.orderInfo.playTime + this.boatNo;
+ if (uni.getStorageSync(this.keyName)) {
+ this.data = JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync(this.keyName)) || [];
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ scanCode(type) {
+ let mg = '请按下按钮进行二维码扫描';
+ if(type==1) mg = '请放置身份证进行读取';
+ this.$showToast(mg);
+ if(type==0) this.scanCodeByEwm();
+ else if(type==1){
+ // lcReader.sigleRead();//单次读卡
+ lcReader.cycleReadCard();//循环读卡
+ }
+ },
+ //扫二维码或条形码
+ scanCodeByEwm(){
+ var filter = new IntentFilter();
+ filter.addAction(SCANACTION);
+ // 接收
+ let that = this;
+ var receiver = plus.android.implements('io.dcloud.feature.internal.reflect.BroadcastReceiver', {
+ onReceive: (context, intent)=>{
+ if (intent.getAction() === SCANACTION) {
+ // 扫描信息处理
+ let scanCode = intent.getStringExtra("barcodeData");
+ // 接收信息处理
+ if(scanCode) that.handleScanResult(scanCode,0,'');
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ main.registerReceiver(receiver, filter);
+ },
+ // 处理扫码结果的函数,可以根据实际需求进行扩展
+ handleScanResult(result, type, name) {
+ // 例如:导航到某个页面,或者处理其他业务逻辑
+ let sendData = {};
+ sendData.playDate = this.orderInfo.playDate;
+ sendData.playTime = this.orderInfo.playTime;
+ sendData.playLength = this.orderInfo.playLength || 1;
+ sendData.merchantId = this.orderInfo.merchantId;
+ sendData.orderType = this.orderInfo.orderType;
+ sendData.type = type;
+ sendData.boatNo = this.boatNo;
+ if(type==0) sendData.writeOffCode = result;
+ else if(type==1){
+ sendData.touristCode = encrypt(result);
+ sendData.touristName = encrypt(name);
+ }
+ this.$api.post('/scenic/api/order/scanCode', sendData).then(res => {
+ if (res.data.code == 0) {
+ if (this.data.findIndex((item) => {
+ return item.touristCode == res.data.data.touristCode
+ }) > -1) {
+ let mg = '该核验码已扫';
+ if(type==1) mg = '该身份证已扫';
+ this.$showToast(mg);
+ } else {
+ this.data.push(res.data.data);
+ }
+ if(type==1) lcReader.cancelCycle();//关闭循环读卡
+ } else {
+ this.$showToast(res.data.msg)
+ if(type==1) lcReader.cancelCycle();//关闭循环读卡
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ check() {
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pagesHouse/Verification/check'
+ })
+ },
+ hexiao() {
+ if (this.data.length == 0) {
+ return this.$showToast('请选择核销人')
+ }
+ if (this.typeIndex == null) {
+ return this.$showToast('请选择渔船')
+ }
+ let boatCode = this.types[this.typeIndex].boatNo;
+ let newData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.data));
+ newData.forEach(d=>{
+ d.touristCode = encrypt(d.touristCode);
+ d.touristName = encrypt(d.touristName);
+ })
+ this.$api.post('/scenic/api/order/sailWriteOff', {
+ playDate:this.orderInfo.playDate,
+ playTime:this.orderInfo.playTime,
+ playLength:this.orderInfo.playLength,
+ orderType: this.orderInfo.orderType,
+ touristList: newData,
+ boatCode: boatCode
+ }).then(res => {
+ if (res.data.code == 0) {
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: "/pagesHouse/Verification/success?boatNo=" + this.boatNo + '&price=' +
+ this.orderInfo.realPrice
+ })
+ }else this.$showToast(res.data.msg)
+ })
+ uni.removeStorageSync(this.keyName);
+ },
+ jian(index){
+ if(this.data.length>index) this.data.splice(index,1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ display: flex;
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+ .n {
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+ color: #fff;
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+ .bg1 {
+ background: url('https://i.ringzle.com/file/20240316/8a927d5d4da84728b6bb0896541baccf.png') no-repeat center;
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+ .item {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ padding: 24rpx 0;
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+ .type {
+ width: 110rpx;
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+ text-align: center;
+ display: inline-block;
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+ color: #111;
+ margin-right: 16rpx;
+ }
+ .t1 {
+ background-color: #F0F8F6;
+ color: #007A69;
+ }
+ .t2 {
+ background-color: #E8EFFD;
+ color: #326EE0;
+ }
+ .personInfo {
+ flex: 1;
+ .name {
+ font-size: 30rpx;
+ color: #111;
+ margin-bottom: 16rpx;
+ }
+ .code {
+ color: #666;
+ font-size: 28rpx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }