/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /** * AUTO-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MODIFY. */ /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import LRU from 'zrender/lib/core/LRU.js'; import { extend, indexOf, isArrayLike, isObject, keys, isArray, each, isString, isGradientObject, map } from 'zrender/lib/core/util.js'; import { getECData } from './innerStore.js'; import * as colorTool from 'zrender/lib/tool/color.js'; import { queryDataIndex, makeInner } from './model.js'; import Path from 'zrender/lib/graphic/Path.js'; import { error } from './log.js'; // Reserve 0 as default. var _highlightNextDigit = 1; var _highlightKeyMap = {}; var getSavedStates = makeInner(); var getComponentStates = makeInner(); export var HOVER_STATE_NORMAL = 0; export var HOVER_STATE_BLUR = 1; export var HOVER_STATE_EMPHASIS = 2; export var SPECIAL_STATES = ['emphasis', 'blur', 'select']; export var DISPLAY_STATES = ['normal', 'emphasis', 'blur', 'select']; export var Z2_EMPHASIS_LIFT = 10; export var Z2_SELECT_LIFT = 9; export var HIGHLIGHT_ACTION_TYPE = 'highlight'; export var DOWNPLAY_ACTION_TYPE = 'downplay'; export var SELECT_ACTION_TYPE = 'select'; export var UNSELECT_ACTION_TYPE = 'unselect'; export var TOGGLE_SELECT_ACTION_TYPE = 'toggleSelect'; function hasFillOrStroke(fillOrStroke) { return fillOrStroke != null && fillOrStroke !== 'none'; } // Most lifted color are duplicated. var liftedColorCache = new LRU(100); function liftColor(color) { if (isString(color)) { var liftedColor = liftedColorCache.get(color); if (!liftedColor) { liftedColor = colorTool.lift(color, -0.1); liftedColorCache.put(color, liftedColor); } return liftedColor; } else if (isGradientObject(color)) { var ret = extend({}, color); ret.colorStops = map(color.colorStops, function (stop) { return { offset: stop.offset, color: colorTool.lift(stop.color, -0.1) }; }); return ret; } // Change nothing. return color; } function doChangeHoverState(el, stateName, hoverStateEnum) { if (el.onHoverStateChange && (el.hoverState || 0) !== hoverStateEnum) { el.onHoverStateChange(stateName); } el.hoverState = hoverStateEnum; } function singleEnterEmphasis(el) { // Only mark the flag. // States will be applied in the echarts.ts in next frame. doChangeHoverState(el, 'emphasis', HOVER_STATE_EMPHASIS); } function singleLeaveEmphasis(el) { // Only mark the flag. // States will be applied in the echarts.ts in next frame. if (el.hoverState === HOVER_STATE_EMPHASIS) { doChangeHoverState(el, 'normal', HOVER_STATE_NORMAL); } } function singleEnterBlur(el) { doChangeHoverState(el, 'blur', HOVER_STATE_BLUR); } function singleLeaveBlur(el) { if (el.hoverState === HOVER_STATE_BLUR) { doChangeHoverState(el, 'normal', HOVER_STATE_NORMAL); } } function singleEnterSelect(el) { el.selected = true; } function singleLeaveSelect(el) { el.selected = false; } function updateElementState(el, updater, commonParam) { updater(el, commonParam); } function traverseUpdateState(el, updater, commonParam) { updateElementState(el, updater, commonParam); el.isGroup && el.traverse(function (child) { updateElementState(child, updater, commonParam); }); } export function setStatesFlag(el, stateName) { switch (stateName) { case 'emphasis': el.hoverState = HOVER_STATE_EMPHASIS; break; case 'normal': el.hoverState = HOVER_STATE_NORMAL; break; case 'blur': el.hoverState = HOVER_STATE_BLUR; break; case 'select': el.selected = true; } } /** * If we reuse elements when rerender. * DON'T forget to clearStates before we update the style and shape. * Or we may update on the wrong state instead of normal state. */ export function clearStates(el) { if (el.isGroup) { el.traverse(function (child) { child.clearStates(); }); } else { el.clearStates(); } } function getFromStateStyle(el, props, toStateName, defaultValue) { var style = el.style; var fromState = {}; for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var propName = props[i]; var val = style[propName]; fromState[propName] = val == null ? defaultValue && defaultValue[propName] : val; } for (var i = 0; i < el.animators.length; i++) { var animator = el.animators[i]; if (animator.__fromStateTransition // Don't consider the animation to emphasis state. && animator.__fromStateTransition.indexOf(toStateName) < 0 && animator.targetName === 'style') { animator.saveTo(fromState, props); } } return fromState; } function createEmphasisDefaultState(el, stateName, targetStates, state) { var hasSelect = targetStates && indexOf(targetStates, 'select') >= 0; var cloned = false; if (el instanceof Path) { var store = getSavedStates(el); var fromFill = hasSelect ? store.selectFill || store.normalFill : store.normalFill; var fromStroke = hasSelect ? store.selectStroke || store.normalStroke : store.normalStroke; if (hasFillOrStroke(fromFill) || hasFillOrStroke(fromStroke)) { state = state || {}; var emphasisStyle = state.style || {}; // inherit case if (emphasisStyle.fill === 'inherit') { cloned = true; state = extend({}, state); emphasisStyle = extend({}, emphasisStyle); emphasisStyle.fill = fromFill; } // Apply default color lift else if (!hasFillOrStroke(emphasisStyle.fill) && hasFillOrStroke(fromFill)) { cloned = true; // Not modify the original value. state = extend({}, state); emphasisStyle = extend({}, emphasisStyle); // Already being applied 'emphasis'. DON'T lift color multiple times. emphasisStyle.fill = liftColor(fromFill); } // Not highlight stroke if fill has been highlighted. else if (!hasFillOrStroke(emphasisStyle.stroke) && hasFillOrStroke(fromStroke)) { if (!cloned) { state = extend({}, state); emphasisStyle = extend({}, emphasisStyle); } emphasisStyle.stroke = liftColor(fromStroke); } state.style = emphasisStyle; } } if (state) { // TODO Share with textContent? if (state.z2 == null) { if (!cloned) { state = extend({}, state); } var z2EmphasisLift = el.z2EmphasisLift; state.z2 = el.z2 + (z2EmphasisLift != null ? z2EmphasisLift : Z2_EMPHASIS_LIFT); } } return state; } function createSelectDefaultState(el, stateName, state) { // const hasSelect = indexOf(el.currentStates, stateName) >= 0; if (state) { // TODO Share with textContent? if (state.z2 == null) { state = extend({}, state); var z2SelectLift = el.z2SelectLift; state.z2 = el.z2 + (z2SelectLift != null ? z2SelectLift : Z2_SELECT_LIFT); } } return state; } function createBlurDefaultState(el, stateName, state) { var hasBlur = indexOf(el.currentStates, stateName) >= 0; var currentOpacity = el.style.opacity; var fromState = !hasBlur ? getFromStateStyle(el, ['opacity'], stateName, { opacity: 1 }) : null; state = state || {}; var blurStyle = state.style || {}; if (blurStyle.opacity == null) { // clone state state = extend({}, state); blurStyle = extend({ // Already being applied 'emphasis'. DON'T mul opacity multiple times. opacity: hasBlur ? currentOpacity : fromState.opacity * 0.1 }, blurStyle); state.style = blurStyle; } return state; } function elementStateProxy(stateName, targetStates) { var state = this.states[stateName]; if (this.style) { if (stateName === 'emphasis') { return createEmphasisDefaultState(this, stateName, targetStates, state); } else if (stateName === 'blur') { return createBlurDefaultState(this, stateName, state); } else if (stateName === 'select') { return createSelectDefaultState(this, stateName, state); } } return state; } /** * Set hover style (namely "emphasis style") of element. * @param el Should not be `zrender/graphic/Group`. * @param focus 'self' | 'selfInSeries' | 'series' */ export function setDefaultStateProxy(el) { el.stateProxy = elementStateProxy; var textContent = el.getTextContent(); var textGuide = el.getTextGuideLine(); if (textContent) { textContent.stateProxy = elementStateProxy; } if (textGuide) { textGuide.stateProxy = elementStateProxy; } } export function enterEmphasisWhenMouseOver(el, e) { !shouldSilent(el, e) // "emphasis" event highlight has higher priority than mouse highlight. && !el.__highByOuter && traverseUpdateState(el, singleEnterEmphasis); } export function leaveEmphasisWhenMouseOut(el, e) { !shouldSilent(el, e) // "emphasis" event highlight has higher priority than mouse highlight. && !el.__highByOuter && traverseUpdateState(el, singleLeaveEmphasis); } export function enterEmphasis(el, highlightDigit) { el.__highByOuter |= 1 << (highlightDigit || 0); traverseUpdateState(el, singleEnterEmphasis); } export function leaveEmphasis(el, highlightDigit) { !(el.__highByOuter &= ~(1 << (highlightDigit || 0))) && traverseUpdateState(el, singleLeaveEmphasis); } export function enterBlur(el) { traverseUpdateState(el, singleEnterBlur); } export function leaveBlur(el) { traverseUpdateState(el, singleLeaveBlur); } export function enterSelect(el) { traverseUpdateState(el, singleEnterSelect); } export function leaveSelect(el) { traverseUpdateState(el, singleLeaveSelect); } function shouldSilent(el, e) { return el.__highDownSilentOnTouch && e.zrByTouch; } export function allLeaveBlur(api) { var model = api.getModel(); var leaveBlurredSeries = []; var allComponentViews = []; model.eachComponent(function (componentType, componentModel) { var componentStates = getComponentStates(componentModel); var isSeries = componentType === 'series'; var view = isSeries ? api.getViewOfSeriesModel(componentModel) : api.getViewOfComponentModel(componentModel); !isSeries && allComponentViews.push(view); if (componentStates.isBlured) { // Leave blur anyway view.group.traverse(function (child) { singleLeaveBlur(child); }); isSeries && leaveBlurredSeries.push(componentModel); } componentStates.isBlured = false; }); each(allComponentViews, function (view) { if (view && view.toggleBlurSeries) { view.toggleBlurSeries(leaveBlurredSeries, false, model); } }); } export function blurSeries(targetSeriesIndex, focus, blurScope, api) { var ecModel = api.getModel(); blurScope = blurScope || 'coordinateSystem'; function leaveBlurOfIndices(data, dataIndices) { for (var i = 0; i < dataIndices.length; i++) { var itemEl = data.getItemGraphicEl(dataIndices[i]); itemEl && leaveBlur(itemEl); } } if (targetSeriesIndex == null) { return; } if (!focus || focus === 'none') { return; } var targetSeriesModel = ecModel.getSeriesByIndex(targetSeriesIndex); var targetCoordSys = targetSeriesModel.coordinateSystem; if (targetCoordSys && targetCoordSys.master) { targetCoordSys = targetCoordSys.master; } var blurredSeries = []; ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel) { var sameSeries = targetSeriesModel === seriesModel; var coordSys = seriesModel.coordinateSystem; if (coordSys && coordSys.master) { coordSys = coordSys.master; } var sameCoordSys = coordSys && targetCoordSys ? coordSys === targetCoordSys : sameSeries; // If there is no coordinate system. use sameSeries instead. if (!( // Not blur other series if blurScope series blurScope === 'series' && !sameSeries // Not blur other coordinate system if blurScope is coordinateSystem || blurScope === 'coordinateSystem' && !sameCoordSys // Not blur self series if focus is series. || focus === 'series' && sameSeries // TODO blurScope: coordinate system )) { var view = api.getViewOfSeriesModel(seriesModel); view.group.traverse(function (child) { singleEnterBlur(child); }); if (isArrayLike(focus)) { leaveBlurOfIndices(seriesModel.getData(), focus); } else if (isObject(focus)) { var dataTypes = keys(focus); for (var d = 0; d < dataTypes.length; d++) { leaveBlurOfIndices(seriesModel.getData(dataTypes[d]), focus[dataTypes[d]]); } } blurredSeries.push(seriesModel); getComponentStates(seriesModel).isBlured = true; } }); ecModel.eachComponent(function (componentType, componentModel) { if (componentType === 'series') { return; } var view = api.getViewOfComponentModel(componentModel); if (view && view.toggleBlurSeries) { view.toggleBlurSeries(blurredSeries, true, ecModel); } }); } export function blurComponent(componentMainType, componentIndex, api) { if (componentMainType == null || componentIndex == null) { return; } var componentModel = api.getModel().getComponent(componentMainType, componentIndex); if (!componentModel) { return; } getComponentStates(componentModel).isBlured = true; var view = api.getViewOfComponentModel(componentModel); if (!view || !view.focusBlurEnabled) { return; } view.group.traverse(function (child) { singleEnterBlur(child); }); } export function blurSeriesFromHighlightPayload(seriesModel, payload, api) { var seriesIndex = seriesModel.seriesIndex; var data = seriesModel.getData(payload.dataType); if (!data) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { error("Unknown dataType " + payload.dataType); } return; } var dataIndex = queryDataIndex(data, payload); // Pick the first one if there is multiple/none exists. dataIndex = (isArray(dataIndex) ? dataIndex[0] : dataIndex) || 0; var el = data.getItemGraphicEl(dataIndex); if (!el) { var count = data.count(); var current = 0; // If data on dataIndex is NaN. while (!el && current < count) { el = data.getItemGraphicEl(current++); } } if (el) { var ecData = getECData(el); blurSeries(seriesIndex, ecData.focus, ecData.blurScope, api); } else { // If there is no element put on the data. Try getting it from raw option // TODO Should put it on seriesModel? var focus_1 = seriesModel.get(['emphasis', 'focus']); var blurScope = seriesModel.get(['emphasis', 'blurScope']); if (focus_1 != null) { blurSeries(seriesIndex, focus_1, blurScope, api); } } } export function findComponentHighDownDispatchers(componentMainType, componentIndex, name, api) { var ret = { focusSelf: false, dispatchers: null }; if (componentMainType == null || componentMainType === 'series' || componentIndex == null || name == null) { return ret; } var componentModel = api.getModel().getComponent(componentMainType, componentIndex); if (!componentModel) { return ret; } var view = api.getViewOfComponentModel(componentModel); if (!view || !view.findHighDownDispatchers) { return ret; } var dispatchers = view.findHighDownDispatchers(name); // At presnet, the component (like Geo) only blur inside itself. // So we do not use `blurScope` in component. var focusSelf; for (var i = 0; i < dispatchers.length; i++) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && !isHighDownDispatcher(dispatchers[i])) { error('param should be highDownDispatcher'); } if (getECData(dispatchers[i]).focus === 'self') { focusSelf = true; break; } } return { focusSelf: focusSelf, dispatchers: dispatchers }; } export function handleGlobalMouseOverForHighDown(dispatcher, e, api) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && !isHighDownDispatcher(dispatcher)) { error('param should be highDownDispatcher'); } var ecData = getECData(dispatcher); var _a = findComponentHighDownDispatchers(ecData.componentMainType, ecData.componentIndex, ecData.componentHighDownName, api), dispatchers = _a.dispatchers, focusSelf = _a.focusSelf; // If `findHighDownDispatchers` is supported on the component, // highlight/downplay elements with the same name. if (dispatchers) { if (focusSelf) { blurComponent(ecData.componentMainType, ecData.componentIndex, api); } each(dispatchers, function (dispatcher) { return enterEmphasisWhenMouseOver(dispatcher, e); }); } else { // Try blur all in the related series. Then emphasis the hoverred. // TODO. progressive mode. blurSeries(ecData.seriesIndex, ecData.focus, ecData.blurScope, api); if (ecData.focus === 'self') { blurComponent(ecData.componentMainType, ecData.componentIndex, api); } // Other than series, component that not support `findHighDownDispatcher` will // also use it. But in this case, highlight/downplay are only supported in // mouse hover but not in dispatchAction. enterEmphasisWhenMouseOver(dispatcher, e); } } export function handleGlobalMouseOutForHighDown(dispatcher, e, api) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && !isHighDownDispatcher(dispatcher)) { error('param should be highDownDispatcher'); } allLeaveBlur(api); var ecData = getECData(dispatcher); var dispatchers = findComponentHighDownDispatchers(ecData.componentMainType, ecData.componentIndex, ecData.componentHighDownName, api).dispatchers; if (dispatchers) { each(dispatchers, function (dispatcher) { return leaveEmphasisWhenMouseOut(dispatcher, e); }); } else { leaveEmphasisWhenMouseOut(dispatcher, e); } } export function toggleSelectionFromPayload(seriesModel, payload, api) { if (!isSelectChangePayload(payload)) { return; } var dataType = payload.dataType; var data = seriesModel.getData(dataType); var dataIndex = queryDataIndex(data, payload); if (!isArray(dataIndex)) { dataIndex = [dataIndex]; } seriesModel[payload.type === TOGGLE_SELECT_ACTION_TYPE ? 'toggleSelect' : payload.type === SELECT_ACTION_TYPE ? 'select' : 'unselect'](dataIndex, dataType); } export function updateSeriesElementSelection(seriesModel) { var allData = seriesModel.getAllData(); each(allData, function (_a) { var data = _a.data, type = _a.type; data.eachItemGraphicEl(function (el, idx) { seriesModel.isSelected(idx, type) ? enterSelect(el) : leaveSelect(el); }); }); } export function getAllSelectedIndices(ecModel) { var ret = []; ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel) { var allData = seriesModel.getAllData(); each(allData, function (_a) { var data = _a.data, type = _a.type; var dataIndices = seriesModel.getSelectedDataIndices(); if (dataIndices.length > 0) { var item = { dataIndex: dataIndices, seriesIndex: seriesModel.seriesIndex }; if (type != null) { item.dataType = type; } ret.push(item); } }); }); return ret; } /** * Enable the function that mouseover will trigger the emphasis state. * * NOTE: * This function should be used on the element with dataIndex, seriesIndex. * */ export function enableHoverEmphasis(el, focus, blurScope) { setAsHighDownDispatcher(el, true); traverseUpdateState(el, setDefaultStateProxy); enableHoverFocus(el, focus, blurScope); } export function disableHoverEmphasis(el) { setAsHighDownDispatcher(el, false); } export function toggleHoverEmphasis(el, focus, blurScope, isDisabled) { isDisabled ? disableHoverEmphasis(el) : enableHoverEmphasis(el, focus, blurScope); } export function enableHoverFocus(el, focus, blurScope) { var ecData = getECData(el); if (focus != null) { // TODO dataIndex may be set after this function. This check is not useful. // if (ecData.dataIndex == null) { // if (__DEV__) { // console.warn('focus can only been set on element with dataIndex'); // } // } // else { ecData.focus = focus; ecData.blurScope = blurScope; // } } else if (ecData.focus) { ecData.focus = null; } } var OTHER_STATES = ['emphasis', 'blur', 'select']; var defaultStyleGetterMap = { itemStyle: 'getItemStyle', lineStyle: 'getLineStyle', areaStyle: 'getAreaStyle' }; /** * Set emphasis/blur/selected states of element. */ export function setStatesStylesFromModel(el, itemModel, styleType, // default itemStyle getter) { styleType = styleType || 'itemStyle'; for (var i = 0; i < OTHER_STATES.length; i++) { var stateName = OTHER_STATES[i]; var model = itemModel.getModel([stateName, styleType]); var state = el.ensureState(stateName); // Let it throw error if getterType is not found. state.style = getter ? getter(model) : model[defaultStyleGetterMap[styleType]](); } } /** * * Set element as highlight / downplay dispatcher. * It will be checked when element received mouseover event or from highlight action. * It's in change of all highlight/downplay behavior of it's children. * * @param el * @param el.highDownSilentOnTouch * In touch device, mouseover event will be trigger on touchstart event * (see module:zrender/dom/HandlerProxy). By this mechanism, we can * conveniently use hoverStyle when tap on touch screen without additional * code for compatibility. * But if the chart/component has select feature, which usually also use * hoverStyle, there might be conflict between 'select-highlight' and * 'hover-highlight' especially when roam is enabled (see geo for example). * In this case, `highDownSilentOnTouch` should be used to disable * hover-highlight on touch device. * @param asDispatcher If `false`, do not set as "highDownDispatcher". */ export function setAsHighDownDispatcher(el, asDispatcher) { var disable = asDispatcher === false; var extendedEl = el; // Make `highDownSilentOnTouch` and `onStateChange` only work after // `setAsHighDownDispatcher` called. Avoid it is modified by user unexpectedly. if (el.highDownSilentOnTouch) { extendedEl.__highDownSilentOnTouch = el.highDownSilentOnTouch; } // Simple optimize, since this method might be // called for each elements of a group in some cases. if (!disable || extendedEl.__highDownDispatcher) { // Emphasis, normal can be triggered manually by API or other components like hover link. // el[method]('emphasis', onElementEmphasisEvent)[method]('normal', onElementNormalEvent); // Also keep previous record. extendedEl.__highByOuter = extendedEl.__highByOuter || 0; extendedEl.__highDownDispatcher = !disable; } } export function isHighDownDispatcher(el) { return !!(el && el.__highDownDispatcher); } /** * Enable component highlight/downplay features: * + hover link (within the same name) * + focus blur in component */ export function enableComponentHighDownFeatures(el, componentModel, componentHighDownName) { var ecData = getECData(el); ecData.componentMainType = componentModel.mainType; ecData.componentIndex = componentModel.componentIndex; ecData.componentHighDownName = componentHighDownName; } /** * Support highlight/downplay record on each elements. * For the case: hover highlight/downplay (legend, visualMap, ...) and * user triggered highlight/downplay should not conflict. * Only all of the highlightDigit cleared, return to normal. * @param {string} highlightKey * @return {number} highlightDigit */ export function getHighlightDigit(highlightKey) { var highlightDigit = _highlightKeyMap[highlightKey]; if (highlightDigit == null && _highlightNextDigit <= 32) { highlightDigit = _highlightKeyMap[highlightKey] = _highlightNextDigit++; } return highlightDigit; } export function isSelectChangePayload(payload) { var payloadType = payload.type; return payloadType === SELECT_ACTION_TYPE || payloadType === UNSELECT_ACTION_TYPE || payloadType === TOGGLE_SELECT_ACTION_TYPE; } export function isHighDownPayload(payload) { var payloadType = payload.type; return payloadType === HIGHLIGHT_ACTION_TYPE || payloadType === DOWNPLAY_ACTION_TYPE; } export function savePathStates(el) { var store = getSavedStates(el); store.normalFill = el.style.fill; store.normalStroke = el.style.stroke; var selectState = el.states.select || {}; store.selectFill = selectState.style && selectState.style.fill || null; store.selectStroke = selectState.style && selectState.style.stroke || null; }