/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /** * AUTO-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MODIFY. */ /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import { __extends } from "tslib"; import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/lib/core/util.js'; import * as textContain from 'zrender/lib/contain/text.js'; import * as graphic from '../../util/graphic.js'; import { enterEmphasis, leaveEmphasis } from '../../util/states.js'; import Model from '../../model/Model.js'; import DataDiffer from '../../data/DataDiffer.js'; import * as listComponentHelper from '../helper/listComponent.js'; import ComponentView from '../../view/Component.js'; import { ToolboxFeature, getFeature } from './featureManager.js'; import { getUID } from '../../util/component.js'; import ZRText from 'zrender/lib/graphic/Text.js'; var ToolboxView = /** @class */ function (_super) { __extends(ToolboxView, _super); function ToolboxView() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } ToolboxView.prototype.render = function (toolboxModel, ecModel, api, payload) { var group = this.group; group.removeAll(); if (!toolboxModel.get('show')) { return; } var itemSize = +toolboxModel.get('itemSize'); var isVertical = toolboxModel.get('orient') === 'vertical'; var featureOpts = toolboxModel.get('feature') || {}; var features = this._features || (this._features = {}); var featureNames = []; zrUtil.each(featureOpts, function (opt, name) { featureNames.push(name); }); new DataDiffer(this._featureNames || [], featureNames).add(processFeature).update(processFeature).remove(zrUtil.curry(processFeature, null)).execute(); // Keep for diff. this._featureNames = featureNames; function processFeature(newIndex, oldIndex) { var featureName = featureNames[newIndex]; var oldName = featureNames[oldIndex]; var featureOpt = featureOpts[featureName]; var featureModel = new Model(featureOpt, toolboxModel, toolboxModel.ecModel); var feature; // FIX#11236, merge feature title from MagicType newOption. TODO: consider seriesIndex ? if (payload && payload.newTitle != null && payload.featureName === featureName) { featureOpt.title = payload.newTitle; } if (featureName && !oldName) { // Create if (isUserFeatureName(featureName)) { feature = { onclick: featureModel.option.onclick, featureName: featureName }; } else { var Feature = getFeature(featureName); if (!Feature) { return; } feature = new Feature(); } features[featureName] = feature; } else { feature = features[oldName]; // If feature does not exist. if (!feature) { return; } } feature.uid = getUID('toolbox-feature'); feature.model = featureModel; feature.ecModel = ecModel; feature.api = api; var isToolboxFeature = feature instanceof ToolboxFeature; if (!featureName && oldName) { isToolboxFeature && feature.dispose && feature.dispose(ecModel, api); return; } if (!featureModel.get('show') || isToolboxFeature && feature.unusable) { isToolboxFeature && feature.remove && feature.remove(ecModel, api); return; } createIconPaths(featureModel, feature, featureName); featureModel.setIconStatus = function (iconName, status) { var option = this.option; var iconPaths = this.iconPaths; option.iconStatus = option.iconStatus || {}; option.iconStatus[iconName] = status; if (iconPaths[iconName]) { (status === 'emphasis' ? enterEmphasis : leaveEmphasis)(iconPaths[iconName]); } }; if (feature instanceof ToolboxFeature) { if (feature.render) { feature.render(featureModel, ecModel, api, payload); } } } function createIconPaths(featureModel, feature, featureName) { var iconStyleModel = featureModel.getModel('iconStyle'); var iconStyleEmphasisModel = featureModel.getModel(['emphasis', 'iconStyle']); // If one feature has multiple icons, they are organized as // { // icon: { // foo: '', // bar: '' // }, // title: { // foo: '', // bar: '' // } // } var icons = feature instanceof ToolboxFeature && feature.getIcons ? feature.getIcons() : featureModel.get('icon'); var titles = featureModel.get('title') || {}; var iconsMap; var titlesMap; if (zrUtil.isString(icons)) { iconsMap = {}; iconsMap[featureName] = icons; } else { iconsMap = icons; } if (zrUtil.isString(titles)) { titlesMap = {}; titlesMap[featureName] = titles; } else { titlesMap = titles; } var iconPaths = featureModel.iconPaths = {}; zrUtil.each(iconsMap, function (iconStr, iconName) { var path = graphic.createIcon(iconStr, {}, { x: -itemSize / 2, y: -itemSize / 2, width: itemSize, height: itemSize }); // TODO handling image path.setStyle(iconStyleModel.getItemStyle()); var pathEmphasisState = path.ensureState('emphasis'); pathEmphasisState.style = iconStyleEmphasisModel.getItemStyle(); // Text position calculation var textContent = new ZRText({ style: { text: titlesMap[iconName], align: iconStyleEmphasisModel.get('textAlign'), borderRadius: iconStyleEmphasisModel.get('textBorderRadius'), padding: iconStyleEmphasisModel.get('textPadding'), fill: null }, ignore: true }); path.setTextContent(textContent); graphic.setTooltipConfig({ el: path, componentModel: toolboxModel, itemName: iconName, formatterParamsExtra: { title: titlesMap[iconName] } }); path.__title = titlesMap[iconName]; path.on('mouseover', function () { // Should not reuse above hoverStyle, which might be modified. var hoverStyle = iconStyleEmphasisModel.getItemStyle(); var defaultTextPosition = isVertical ? toolboxModel.get('right') == null && toolboxModel.get('left') !== 'right' ? 'right' : 'left' : toolboxModel.get('bottom') == null && toolboxModel.get('top') !== 'bottom' ? 'bottom' : 'top'; textContent.setStyle({ fill: iconStyleEmphasisModel.get('textFill') || hoverStyle.fill || hoverStyle.stroke || '#000', backgroundColor: iconStyleEmphasisModel.get('textBackgroundColor') }); path.setTextConfig({ position: iconStyleEmphasisModel.get('textPosition') || defaultTextPosition }); textContent.ignore = !toolboxModel.get('showTitle'); // Use enterEmphasis and leaveEmphasis provide by ec. // There are flags managed by the echarts. api.enterEmphasis(this); }).on('mouseout', function () { if (featureModel.get(['iconStatus', iconName]) !== 'emphasis') { api.leaveEmphasis(this); } textContent.hide(); }); (featureModel.get(['iconStatus', iconName]) === 'emphasis' ? enterEmphasis : leaveEmphasis)(path); group.add(path); path.on('click', zrUtil.bind(feature.onclick, feature, ecModel, api, iconName)); iconPaths[iconName] = path; }); } listComponentHelper.layout(group, toolboxModel, api); // Render background after group is layout // FIXME group.add(listComponentHelper.makeBackground(group.getBoundingRect(), toolboxModel)); // Adjust icon title positions to avoid them out of screen isVertical || group.eachChild(function (icon) { var titleText = icon.__title; // const hoverStyle = icon.hoverStyle; // TODO simplify code? var emphasisState = icon.ensureState('emphasis'); var emphasisTextConfig = emphasisState.textConfig || (emphasisState.textConfig = {}); var textContent = icon.getTextContent(); var emphasisTextState = textContent && textContent.ensureState('emphasis'); // May be background element if (emphasisTextState && !zrUtil.isFunction(emphasisTextState) && titleText) { var emphasisTextStyle = emphasisTextState.style || (emphasisTextState.style = {}); var rect = textContain.getBoundingRect(titleText, ZRText.makeFont(emphasisTextStyle)); var offsetX = icon.x + group.x; var offsetY = icon.y + group.y + itemSize; var needPutOnTop = false; if (offsetY + rect.height > api.getHeight()) { emphasisTextConfig.position = 'top'; needPutOnTop = true; } var topOffset = needPutOnTop ? -5 - rect.height : itemSize + 10; if (offsetX + rect.width / 2 > api.getWidth()) { emphasisTextConfig.position = ['100%', topOffset]; emphasisTextStyle.align = 'right'; } else if (offsetX - rect.width / 2 < 0) { emphasisTextConfig.position = [0, topOffset]; emphasisTextStyle.align = 'left'; } } }); }; ToolboxView.prototype.updateView = function (toolboxModel, ecModel, api, payload) { zrUtil.each(this._features, function (feature) { feature instanceof ToolboxFeature && feature.updateView && feature.updateView(feature.model, ecModel, api, payload); }); }; // updateLayout(toolboxModel, ecModel, api, payload) { // zrUtil.each(this._features, function (feature) { // feature.updateLayout && feature.updateLayout(feature.model, ecModel, api, payload); // }); // }, ToolboxView.prototype.remove = function (ecModel, api) { zrUtil.each(this._features, function (feature) { feature instanceof ToolboxFeature && feature.remove && feature.remove(ecModel, api); }); this.group.removeAll(); }; ToolboxView.prototype.dispose = function (ecModel, api) { zrUtil.each(this._features, function (feature) { feature instanceof ToolboxFeature && feature.dispose && feature.dispose(ecModel, api); }); }; ToolboxView.type = 'toolbox'; return ToolboxView; }(ComponentView); function isUserFeatureName(featureName) { return featureName.indexOf('my') === 0; } export default ToolboxView;