/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /** * AUTO-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MODIFY. */ /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import { __extends } from "tslib"; import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/lib/core/util.js'; import * as graphic from '../../util/graphic.js'; import { toggleHoverEmphasis } from '../../util/states.js'; import { createSymbol, normalizeSymbolOffset } from '../../util/symbol.js'; import { parsePercent, isNumeric } from '../../util/number.js'; import ChartView from '../../view/Chart.js'; import { getDefaultLabel } from '../helper/labelHelper.js'; import { setLabelStyle, getLabelStatesModels } from '../../label/labelStyle.js'; import ZRImage from 'zrender/lib/graphic/Image.js'; import { getECData } from '../../util/innerStore.js'; var BAR_BORDER_WIDTH_QUERY = ['itemStyle', 'borderWidth']; // index: +isHorizontal var LAYOUT_ATTRS = [{ xy: 'x', wh: 'width', index: 0, posDesc: ['left', 'right'] }, { xy: 'y', wh: 'height', index: 1, posDesc: ['top', 'bottom'] }]; var pathForLineWidth = new graphic.Circle(); var PictorialBarView = /** @class */ function (_super) { __extends(PictorialBarView, _super); function PictorialBarView() { var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; _this.type = PictorialBarView.type; return _this; } PictorialBarView.prototype.render = function (seriesModel, ecModel, api) { var group = this.group; var data = seriesModel.getData(); var oldData = this._data; var cartesian = seriesModel.coordinateSystem; var baseAxis = cartesian.getBaseAxis(); var isHorizontal = baseAxis.isHorizontal(); var coordSysRect = cartesian.master.getRect(); var opt = { ecSize: { width: api.getWidth(), height: api.getHeight() }, seriesModel: seriesModel, coordSys: cartesian, coordSysExtent: [[coordSysRect.x, coordSysRect.x + coordSysRect.width], [coordSysRect.y, coordSysRect.y + coordSysRect.height]], isHorizontal: isHorizontal, valueDim: LAYOUT_ATTRS[+isHorizontal], categoryDim: LAYOUT_ATTRS[1 - +isHorizontal] }; data.diff(oldData).add(function (dataIndex) { if (!data.hasValue(dataIndex)) { return; } var itemModel = getItemModel(data, dataIndex); var symbolMeta = getSymbolMeta(data, dataIndex, itemModel, opt); var bar = createBar(data, opt, symbolMeta); data.setItemGraphicEl(dataIndex, bar); group.add(bar); updateCommon(bar, opt, symbolMeta); }).update(function (newIndex, oldIndex) { var bar = oldData.getItemGraphicEl(oldIndex); if (!data.hasValue(newIndex)) { group.remove(bar); return; } var itemModel = getItemModel(data, newIndex); var symbolMeta = getSymbolMeta(data, newIndex, itemModel, opt); var pictorialShapeStr = getShapeStr(data, symbolMeta); if (bar && pictorialShapeStr !== bar.__pictorialShapeStr) { group.remove(bar); data.setItemGraphicEl(newIndex, null); bar = null; } if (bar) { updateBar(bar, opt, symbolMeta); } else { bar = createBar(data, opt, symbolMeta, true); } data.setItemGraphicEl(newIndex, bar); bar.__pictorialSymbolMeta = symbolMeta; // Add back group.add(bar); updateCommon(bar, opt, symbolMeta); }).remove(function (dataIndex) { var bar = oldData.getItemGraphicEl(dataIndex); bar && removeBar(oldData, dataIndex, bar.__pictorialSymbolMeta.animationModel, bar); }).execute(); this._data = data; return this.group; }; PictorialBarView.prototype.remove = function (ecModel, api) { var group = this.group; var data = this._data; if (ecModel.get('animation')) { if (data) { data.eachItemGraphicEl(function (bar) { removeBar(data, getECData(bar).dataIndex, ecModel, bar); }); } } else { group.removeAll(); } }; PictorialBarView.type = 'pictorialBar'; return PictorialBarView; }(ChartView); // Set or calculate default value about symbol, and calculate layout info. function getSymbolMeta(data, dataIndex, itemModel, opt) { var layout = data.getItemLayout(dataIndex); var symbolRepeat = itemModel.get('symbolRepeat'); var symbolClip = itemModel.get('symbolClip'); var symbolPosition = itemModel.get('symbolPosition') || 'start'; var symbolRotate = itemModel.get('symbolRotate'); var rotation = (symbolRotate || 0) * Math.PI / 180 || 0; var symbolPatternSize = itemModel.get('symbolPatternSize') || 2; var isAnimationEnabled = itemModel.isAnimationEnabled(); var symbolMeta = { dataIndex: dataIndex, layout: layout, itemModel: itemModel, symbolType: data.getItemVisual(dataIndex, 'symbol') || 'circle', style: data.getItemVisual(dataIndex, 'style'), symbolClip: symbolClip, symbolRepeat: symbolRepeat, symbolRepeatDirection: itemModel.get('symbolRepeatDirection'), symbolPatternSize: symbolPatternSize, rotation: rotation, animationModel: isAnimationEnabled ? itemModel : null, hoverScale: isAnimationEnabled && itemModel.get(['emphasis', 'scale']), z2: itemModel.getShallow('z', true) || 0 }; prepareBarLength(itemModel, symbolRepeat, layout, opt, symbolMeta); prepareSymbolSize(data, dataIndex, layout, symbolRepeat, symbolClip, symbolMeta.boundingLength, symbolMeta.pxSign, symbolPatternSize, opt, symbolMeta); prepareLineWidth(itemModel, symbolMeta.symbolScale, rotation, opt, symbolMeta); var symbolSize = symbolMeta.symbolSize; var symbolOffset = normalizeSymbolOffset(itemModel.get('symbolOffset'), symbolSize); prepareLayoutInfo(itemModel, symbolSize, layout, symbolRepeat, symbolClip, symbolOffset, symbolPosition, symbolMeta.valueLineWidth, symbolMeta.boundingLength, symbolMeta.repeatCutLength, opt, symbolMeta); return symbolMeta; } // bar length can be negative. function prepareBarLength(itemModel, symbolRepeat, layout, opt, outputSymbolMeta) { var valueDim = opt.valueDim; var symbolBoundingData = itemModel.get('symbolBoundingData'); var valueAxis = opt.coordSys.getOtherAxis(opt.coordSys.getBaseAxis()); var zeroPx = valueAxis.toGlobalCoord(valueAxis.dataToCoord(0)); var pxSignIdx = 1 - +(layout[valueDim.wh] <= 0); var boundingLength; if (zrUtil.isArray(symbolBoundingData)) { var symbolBoundingExtent = [convertToCoordOnAxis(valueAxis, symbolBoundingData[0]) - zeroPx, convertToCoordOnAxis(valueAxis, symbolBoundingData[1]) - zeroPx]; symbolBoundingExtent[1] < symbolBoundingExtent[0] && symbolBoundingExtent.reverse(); boundingLength = symbolBoundingExtent[pxSignIdx]; } else if (symbolBoundingData != null) { boundingLength = convertToCoordOnAxis(valueAxis, symbolBoundingData) - zeroPx; } else if (symbolRepeat) { boundingLength = opt.coordSysExtent[valueDim.index][pxSignIdx] - zeroPx; } else { boundingLength = layout[valueDim.wh]; } outputSymbolMeta.boundingLength = boundingLength; if (symbolRepeat) { outputSymbolMeta.repeatCutLength = layout[valueDim.wh]; } // if 'pxSign' means sign of pixel, it can't be zero, or symbolScale will be zero // and when borderWidth be settled, the actual linewidth will be NaN outputSymbolMeta.pxSign = boundingLength > 0 ? 1 : -1; } function convertToCoordOnAxis(axis, value) { return axis.toGlobalCoord(axis.dataToCoord(axis.scale.parse(value))); } // Support ['100%', '100%'] function prepareSymbolSize(data, dataIndex, layout, symbolRepeat, symbolClip, boundingLength, pxSign, symbolPatternSize, opt, outputSymbolMeta) { var valueDim = opt.valueDim; var categoryDim = opt.categoryDim; var categorySize = Math.abs(layout[categoryDim.wh]); var symbolSize = data.getItemVisual(dataIndex, 'symbolSize'); var parsedSymbolSize; if (zrUtil.isArray(symbolSize)) { parsedSymbolSize = symbolSize.slice(); } else { if (symbolSize == null) { // will parse to number below parsedSymbolSize = ['100%', '100%']; } else { parsedSymbolSize = [symbolSize, symbolSize]; } } // Note: percentage symbolSize (like '100%') do not consider lineWidth, because it is // to complicated to calculate real percent value if considering scaled lineWidth. // So the actual size will bigger than layout size if lineWidth is bigger than zero, // which can be tolerated in pictorial chart. parsedSymbolSize[categoryDim.index] = parsePercent(parsedSymbolSize[categoryDim.index], categorySize); parsedSymbolSize[valueDim.index] = parsePercent(parsedSymbolSize[valueDim.index], symbolRepeat ? categorySize : Math.abs(boundingLength)); outputSymbolMeta.symbolSize = parsedSymbolSize; // If x or y is less than zero, show reversed shape. var symbolScale = outputSymbolMeta.symbolScale = [parsedSymbolSize[0] / symbolPatternSize, parsedSymbolSize[1] / symbolPatternSize]; // Follow convention, 'right' and 'top' is the normal scale. symbolScale[valueDim.index] *= (opt.isHorizontal ? -1 : 1) * pxSign; } function prepareLineWidth(itemModel, symbolScale, rotation, opt, outputSymbolMeta) { // In symbols are drawn with scale, so do not need to care about the case that width // or height are too small. But symbol use strokeNoScale, where acture lineWidth should // be calculated. var valueLineWidth = itemModel.get(BAR_BORDER_WIDTH_QUERY) || 0; if (valueLineWidth) { pathForLineWidth.attr({ scaleX: symbolScale[0], scaleY: symbolScale[1], rotation: rotation }); pathForLineWidth.updateTransform(); valueLineWidth /= pathForLineWidth.getLineScale(); valueLineWidth *= symbolScale[opt.valueDim.index]; } outputSymbolMeta.valueLineWidth = valueLineWidth || 0; } function prepareLayoutInfo(itemModel, symbolSize, layout, symbolRepeat, symbolClip, symbolOffset, symbolPosition, valueLineWidth, boundingLength, repeatCutLength, opt, outputSymbolMeta) { var categoryDim = opt.categoryDim; var valueDim = opt.valueDim; var pxSign = outputSymbolMeta.pxSign; var unitLength = Math.max(symbolSize[valueDim.index] + valueLineWidth, 0); var pathLen = unitLength; // Note: rotation will not effect the layout of symbols, because user may // want symbols to rotate on its center, which should not be translated // when rotating. if (symbolRepeat) { var absBoundingLength = Math.abs(boundingLength); var symbolMargin = zrUtil.retrieve(itemModel.get('symbolMargin'), '15%') + ''; var hasEndGap = false; if (symbolMargin.lastIndexOf('!') === symbolMargin.length - 1) { hasEndGap = true; symbolMargin = symbolMargin.slice(0, symbolMargin.length - 1); } var symbolMarginNumeric = parsePercent(symbolMargin, symbolSize[valueDim.index]); var uLenWithMargin = Math.max(unitLength + symbolMarginNumeric * 2, 0); // When symbol margin is less than 0, margin at both ends will be subtracted // to ensure that all of the symbols will not be overflow the given area. var endFix = hasEndGap ? 0 : symbolMarginNumeric * 2; // Both final repeatTimes and final symbolMarginNumeric area calculated based on // boundingLength. var repeatSpecified = isNumeric(symbolRepeat); var repeatTimes = repeatSpecified ? symbolRepeat : toIntTimes((absBoundingLength + endFix) / uLenWithMargin); // Adjust calculate margin, to ensure each symbol is displayed // entirely in the given layout area. var mDiff = absBoundingLength - repeatTimes * unitLength; symbolMarginNumeric = mDiff / 2 / (hasEndGap ? repeatTimes : Math.max(repeatTimes - 1, 1)); uLenWithMargin = unitLength + symbolMarginNumeric * 2; endFix = hasEndGap ? 0 : symbolMarginNumeric * 2; // Update repeatTimes when not all symbol will be shown. if (!repeatSpecified && symbolRepeat !== 'fixed') { repeatTimes = repeatCutLength ? toIntTimes((Math.abs(repeatCutLength) + endFix) / uLenWithMargin) : 0; } pathLen = repeatTimes * uLenWithMargin - endFix; outputSymbolMeta.repeatTimes = repeatTimes; outputSymbolMeta.symbolMargin = symbolMarginNumeric; } var sizeFix = pxSign * (pathLen / 2); var pathPosition = outputSymbolMeta.pathPosition = []; pathPosition[categoryDim.index] = layout[categoryDim.wh] / 2; pathPosition[valueDim.index] = symbolPosition === 'start' ? sizeFix : symbolPosition === 'end' ? boundingLength - sizeFix : boundingLength / 2; // 'center' if (symbolOffset) { pathPosition[0] += symbolOffset[0]; pathPosition[1] += symbolOffset[1]; } var bundlePosition = outputSymbolMeta.bundlePosition = []; bundlePosition[categoryDim.index] = layout[categoryDim.xy]; bundlePosition[valueDim.index] = layout[valueDim.xy]; var barRectShape = outputSymbolMeta.barRectShape = zrUtil.extend({}, layout); barRectShape[valueDim.wh] = pxSign * Math.max(Math.abs(layout[valueDim.wh]), Math.abs(pathPosition[valueDim.index] + sizeFix)); barRectShape[categoryDim.wh] = layout[categoryDim.wh]; var clipShape = outputSymbolMeta.clipShape = {}; // Consider that symbol may be overflow layout rect. clipShape[categoryDim.xy] = -layout[categoryDim.xy]; clipShape[categoryDim.wh] = opt.ecSize[categoryDim.wh]; clipShape[valueDim.xy] = 0; clipShape[valueDim.wh] = layout[valueDim.wh]; } function createPath(symbolMeta) { var symbolPatternSize = symbolMeta.symbolPatternSize; var path = createSymbol( // Consider texture img, make a big size. symbolMeta.symbolType, -symbolPatternSize / 2, -symbolPatternSize / 2, symbolPatternSize, symbolPatternSize); path.attr({ culling: true }); path.type !== 'image' && path.setStyle({ strokeNoScale: true }); return path; } function createOrUpdateRepeatSymbols(bar, opt, symbolMeta, isUpdate) { var bundle = bar.__pictorialBundle; var symbolSize = symbolMeta.symbolSize; var valueLineWidth = symbolMeta.valueLineWidth; var pathPosition = symbolMeta.pathPosition; var valueDim = opt.valueDim; var repeatTimes = symbolMeta.repeatTimes || 0; var index = 0; var unit = symbolSize[opt.valueDim.index] + valueLineWidth + symbolMeta.symbolMargin * 2; eachPath(bar, function (path) { path.__pictorialAnimationIndex = index; path.__pictorialRepeatTimes = repeatTimes; if (index < repeatTimes) { updateAttr(path, null, makeTarget(index), symbolMeta, isUpdate); } else { updateAttr(path, null, { scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0 }, symbolMeta, isUpdate, function () { bundle.remove(path); }); } // updateHoverAnimation(path, symbolMeta); index++; }); for (; index < repeatTimes; index++) { var path = createPath(symbolMeta); path.__pictorialAnimationIndex = index; path.__pictorialRepeatTimes = repeatTimes; bundle.add(path); var target = makeTarget(index); updateAttr(path, { x: target.x, y: target.y, scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0 }, { scaleX: target.scaleX, scaleY: target.scaleY, rotation: target.rotation }, symbolMeta, isUpdate); } function makeTarget(index) { var position = pathPosition.slice(); // (start && pxSign > 0) || (end && pxSign < 0): i = repeatTimes - index // Otherwise: i = index; var pxSign = symbolMeta.pxSign; var i = index; if (symbolMeta.symbolRepeatDirection === 'start' ? pxSign > 0 : pxSign < 0) { i = repeatTimes - 1 - index; } position[valueDim.index] = unit * (i - repeatTimes / 2 + 0.5) + pathPosition[valueDim.index]; return { x: position[0], y: position[1], scaleX: symbolMeta.symbolScale[0], scaleY: symbolMeta.symbolScale[1], rotation: symbolMeta.rotation }; } } function createOrUpdateSingleSymbol(bar, opt, symbolMeta, isUpdate) { var bundle = bar.__pictorialBundle; var mainPath = bar.__pictorialMainPath; if (!mainPath) { mainPath = bar.__pictorialMainPath = createPath(symbolMeta); bundle.add(mainPath); updateAttr(mainPath, { x: symbolMeta.pathPosition[0], y: symbolMeta.pathPosition[1], scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, rotation: symbolMeta.rotation }, { scaleX: symbolMeta.symbolScale[0], scaleY: symbolMeta.symbolScale[1] }, symbolMeta, isUpdate); } else { updateAttr(mainPath, null, { x: symbolMeta.pathPosition[0], y: symbolMeta.pathPosition[1], scaleX: symbolMeta.symbolScale[0], scaleY: symbolMeta.symbolScale[1], rotation: symbolMeta.rotation }, symbolMeta, isUpdate); } } // bar rect is used for label. function createOrUpdateBarRect(bar, symbolMeta, isUpdate) { var rectShape = zrUtil.extend({}, symbolMeta.barRectShape); var barRect = bar.__pictorialBarRect; if (!barRect) { barRect = bar.__pictorialBarRect = new graphic.Rect({ z2: 2, shape: rectShape, silent: true, style: { stroke: 'transparent', fill: 'transparent', lineWidth: 0 } }); barRect.disableMorphing = true; bar.add(barRect); } else { updateAttr(barRect, null, { shape: rectShape }, symbolMeta, isUpdate); } } function createOrUpdateClip(bar, opt, symbolMeta, isUpdate) { // If not clip, symbol will be remove and rebuilt. if (symbolMeta.symbolClip) { var clipPath = bar.__pictorialClipPath; var clipShape = zrUtil.extend({}, symbolMeta.clipShape); var valueDim = opt.valueDim; var animationModel = symbolMeta.animationModel; var dataIndex = symbolMeta.dataIndex; if (clipPath) { graphic.updateProps(clipPath, { shape: clipShape }, animationModel, dataIndex); } else { clipShape[valueDim.wh] = 0; clipPath = new graphic.Rect({ shape: clipShape }); bar.__pictorialBundle.setClipPath(clipPath); bar.__pictorialClipPath = clipPath; var target = {}; target[valueDim.wh] = symbolMeta.clipShape[valueDim.wh]; graphic[isUpdate ? 'updateProps' : 'initProps'](clipPath, { shape: target }, animationModel, dataIndex); } } } function getItemModel(data, dataIndex) { var itemModel = data.getItemModel(dataIndex); itemModel.getAnimationDelayParams = getAnimationDelayParams; itemModel.isAnimationEnabled = isAnimationEnabled; return itemModel; } function getAnimationDelayParams(path) { // The order is the same as the z-order, see `symbolRepeatDiretion`. return { index: path.__pictorialAnimationIndex, count: path.__pictorialRepeatTimes }; } function isAnimationEnabled() { // `animation` prop can be set on itemModel in pictorial bar chart. return this.parentModel.isAnimationEnabled() && !!this.getShallow('animation'); } function createBar(data, opt, symbolMeta, isUpdate) { // bar is the main element for each data. var bar = new graphic.Group(); // bundle is used for location and clip. var bundle = new graphic.Group(); bar.add(bundle); bar.__pictorialBundle = bundle; bundle.x = symbolMeta.bundlePosition[0]; bundle.y = symbolMeta.bundlePosition[1]; if (symbolMeta.symbolRepeat) { createOrUpdateRepeatSymbols(bar, opt, symbolMeta); } else { createOrUpdateSingleSymbol(bar, opt, symbolMeta); } createOrUpdateBarRect(bar, symbolMeta, isUpdate); createOrUpdateClip(bar, opt, symbolMeta, isUpdate); bar.__pictorialShapeStr = getShapeStr(data, symbolMeta); bar.__pictorialSymbolMeta = symbolMeta; return bar; } function updateBar(bar, opt, symbolMeta) { var animationModel = symbolMeta.animationModel; var dataIndex = symbolMeta.dataIndex; var bundle = bar.__pictorialBundle; graphic.updateProps(bundle, { x: symbolMeta.bundlePosition[0], y: symbolMeta.bundlePosition[1] }, animationModel, dataIndex); if (symbolMeta.symbolRepeat) { createOrUpdateRepeatSymbols(bar, opt, symbolMeta, true); } else { createOrUpdateSingleSymbol(bar, opt, symbolMeta, true); } createOrUpdateBarRect(bar, symbolMeta, true); createOrUpdateClip(bar, opt, symbolMeta, true); } function removeBar(data, dataIndex, animationModel, bar) { // Not show text when animating var labelRect = bar.__pictorialBarRect; labelRect && labelRect.removeTextContent(); var paths = []; eachPath(bar, function (path) { paths.push(path); }); bar.__pictorialMainPath && paths.push(bar.__pictorialMainPath); // I do not find proper remove animation for clip yet. bar.__pictorialClipPath && (animationModel = null); zrUtil.each(paths, function (path) { graphic.removeElement(path, { scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0 }, animationModel, dataIndex, function () { bar.parent && bar.parent.remove(bar); }); }); data.setItemGraphicEl(dataIndex, null); } function getShapeStr(data, symbolMeta) { return [data.getItemVisual(symbolMeta.dataIndex, 'symbol') || 'none', !!symbolMeta.symbolRepeat, !!symbolMeta.symbolClip].join(':'); } function eachPath(bar, cb, context) { // Do not use Group#eachChild, because it do not support remove. zrUtil.each(bar.__pictorialBundle.children(), function (el) { el !== bar.__pictorialBarRect && cb.call(context, el); }); } function updateAttr(el, immediateAttrs, animationAttrs, symbolMeta, isUpdate, cb) { immediateAttrs && el.attr(immediateAttrs); // when symbolCip used, only clip path has init animation, otherwise it would be weird effect. if (symbolMeta.symbolClip && !isUpdate) { animationAttrs && el.attr(animationAttrs); } else { animationAttrs && graphic[isUpdate ? 'updateProps' : 'initProps'](el, animationAttrs, symbolMeta.animationModel, symbolMeta.dataIndex, cb); } } function updateCommon(bar, opt, symbolMeta) { var dataIndex = symbolMeta.dataIndex; var itemModel = symbolMeta.itemModel; // Color must be excluded. // Because symbol provide setColor individually to set fill and stroke var emphasisModel = itemModel.getModel('emphasis'); var emphasisStyle = emphasisModel.getModel('itemStyle').getItemStyle(); var blurStyle = itemModel.getModel(['blur', 'itemStyle']).getItemStyle(); var selectStyle = itemModel.getModel(['select', 'itemStyle']).getItemStyle(); var cursorStyle = itemModel.getShallow('cursor'); var focus = emphasisModel.get('focus'); var blurScope = emphasisModel.get('blurScope'); var hoverScale = emphasisModel.get('scale'); eachPath(bar, function (path) { if (path instanceof ZRImage) { var pathStyle = path.style; path.useStyle(zrUtil.extend({ // TODO other properties like dx, dy ? image: pathStyle.image, x: pathStyle.x, y: pathStyle.y, width: pathStyle.width, height: pathStyle.height }, symbolMeta.style)); } else { path.useStyle(symbolMeta.style); } var emphasisState = path.ensureState('emphasis'); emphasisState.style = emphasisStyle; if (hoverScale) { // NOTE: Must after scale is set after updateAttr emphasisState.scaleX = path.scaleX * 1.1; emphasisState.scaleY = path.scaleY * 1.1; } path.ensureState('blur').style = blurStyle; path.ensureState('select').style = selectStyle; cursorStyle && (path.cursor = cursorStyle); path.z2 = symbolMeta.z2; }); var barPositionOutside = opt.valueDim.posDesc[+(symbolMeta.boundingLength > 0)]; var barRect = bar.__pictorialBarRect; setLabelStyle(barRect, getLabelStatesModels(itemModel), { labelFetcher: opt.seriesModel, labelDataIndex: dataIndex, defaultText: getDefaultLabel(opt.seriesModel.getData(), dataIndex), inheritColor: symbolMeta.style.fill, defaultOpacity: symbolMeta.style.opacity, defaultOutsidePosition: barPositionOutside }); toggleHoverEmphasis(bar, focus, blurScope, emphasisModel.get('disabled')); } function toIntTimes(times) { var roundedTimes = Math.round(times); // Escapse accurate error return Math.abs(times - roundedTimes) < 1e-4 ? roundedTimes : Math.ceil(times); } export default PictorialBarView;