#!/usr/bin/env node /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ const fs = require('fs'); const config = require('./config.js'); const commander = require('commander'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const rollup = require('rollup'); const prePublish = require('./pre-publish'); const transformDEV = require('./transform-dev'); async function run() { /** * Tips for `commander`: * (1) If arg xxx not specified, `commander.xxx` is undefined. * Otherwise: * If '-x, --xxx', `commander.xxx` can only be true/false, even if '--xxx yyy' input. * If '-x, --xxx ', the 'some' string is required, or otherwise error will be thrown. * If '-x, --xxx [some]', the 'some' string is optional, that is, `commander.xxx` can be boolean or string. * (2) `node ./build/build.js --help` will print helper info and exit. */ let descIndent = ' '; let egIndent = ' '; commander .usage('[options]') .description([ 'Build echarts and generate result files in directory `echarts/dist`.', '', ' For example:', '', egIndent + 'node build/build.js --prepublish' + '\n' + descIndent + '# Only prepublish.', egIndent + 'node build/build.js --type ""' + '\n' + descIndent + '# Only generate `dist/echarts.js`.', egIndent + 'node build/build.js --type common --min' + '\n' + descIndent + '# Only generate `dist/echarts.common.min.js`.', egIndent + 'node build/build.js --type simple --min' + '\n' + descIndent + '# Only generate `dist/echarts-en.simple.min.js`.', ].join('\n')) .option( '--prepublish', 'Build all for release' ) .option( '--min', 'Whether to compress the output file, and remove error-log-print code.' ) .option( '--type ', [ 'Can be "simple" or "common" or "all" (default). Or can be simple,common,all to build multiple. For example,', descIndent + '`--type ""` or `--type "common"`.' ].join('\n')) .option( '--format ', 'The format of output bundle. Can be "umd", "amd", "iife", "cjs", "esm".' ) .parse(process.argv); let isPrePublish = !!commander.prepublish; let buildType = commander.type || 'all'; let opt = { min: commander.min, format: commander.format || 'umd' }; validateIO(opt.input, opt.output); if (isPrePublish) { await prePublish(); } else if (buildType === 'extension') { const cfgs = [ config.createBMap(opt), config.createDataTool(opt) ]; await build(cfgs); } else if (buildType === 'myTransform') { const cfgs = [ config.createMyTransform(opt) ]; await build(cfgs); } else { const types = buildType.split(',').map(a => a.trim()); const cfgs = types.map(type => config.createECharts({ ...opt, type }) ); await build(cfgs); } } function checkBundleCode(cfg) { // Make sure process.env.NODE_ENV is eliminated. for (let output of cfg.output) { let code = fs.readFileSync(output.file, {encoding: 'utf-8'}); if (!code) { throw new Error(`${output.file} is empty`); } transformDEV.recheckDEV(code); console.log(chalk.green.dim('Check code: correct.')); } } function validateIO(input, output) { if ((input != null && output == null) || (input == null && output != null) ) { throw new Error('`input` and `output` must be both set.'); } } /** * @param {Array.} configs A list of rollup configs: * See: * For example: * [ * { * ...inputOptions, * output: [outputOptions], * }, * ... * ] */ async function build(configs) { console.log(chalk.yellow(` NOTICE: If you are using 'npm run build'. Run 'npm run prepublish' before build !!! `)); console.log(chalk.yellow(` NOTICE: If you are using syslink on zrender. Run 'npm run prepublish' in zrender first !! `)); for (let singleConfig of configs) { console.log( chalk.cyan.dim('\Bundling '), chalk.cyan(singleConfig.input) ); console.time('rollup build'); const bundle = await rollup.rollup(singleConfig); for (let output of singleConfig.output) { console.log( chalk.green.dim('Created '), chalk.green(output.file), chalk.green.dim(' successfully.') ); await bundle.write(output); }; console.timeEnd('rollup build'); checkBundleCode(singleConfig); } } async function main() { try { await run(); } catch (err) { console.log(chalk.red('BUILD ERROR!')); // rollup parse error. if (err) { if (err.loc) { console.warn(chalk.red(`${err.loc.file} (${err.loc.line}:${err.loc.column})`)); console.warn(chalk.red(err.message)); } if (err.frame) { console.warn(chalk.red(err.frame)); } console.log(chalk.red(err ? err.stack : err)); err.id != null && console.warn(chalk.red(`id: ${err.id}`)); err.hook != null && console.warn(chalk.red(`hook: ${err.hook}`)); err.code != null && console.warn(chalk.red(`code: ${err.code}`)); err.plugin != null && console.warn(chalk.red(`plugin: ${err.plugin}`)); } // console.log(err); } } main();