/* * THE FOLLOWING FIRMWARE IS PROVIDED: (1) "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTY; AND * (2)TO ENABLE ACCESS TO CODING INFORMATION TO GUIDE AND FACILITATE CUSTOMER. * CONSEQUENTLY, SEMTECH SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE CONTENT * OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING INFORMATION * CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. * * Copyright (C) SEMTECH S.A. */ /*! * \file sx1276-FskMisc.h * \brief SX1276 RF chip high level functions driver * * \remark Optional support functions. * These functions are defined only to easy the change of the * parameters. * For a final firmware the radio parameters will be known so * there is no need to support all possible parameters. * Removing these functions will greatly reduce the final firmware * size. * * \version 2.0.B2 * \date May 6 2013 * \author Gregory Cristian * * Last modified by Miguel Luis on Jun 19 2013 */ #ifndef __SX1276_FSK_MISC_H__ #define __SX1276_FSK_MISC_H__ /*! * \brief Writes the new RF frequency value * * \param [IN] freq New RF frequency value in [Hz] */ void SX1276FskSetRFFrequency( uint32_t freq ); /*! * \brief Reads the current RF frequency value * * \retval freq Current RF frequency value in [Hz] */ uint32_t SX1276FskGetRFFrequency( void ); /*! * \brief Calibrate RSSI and I/Q mismatch for HF * * \retval none */ void SX1276FskRxCalibrate( void ); /*! * \brief Writes the new bitrate value * * \param [IN] bitrate New bitrate value in [bps] */ void SX1276FskSetBitrate( uint32_t bitrate ); /*! * \brief Reads the current bitrate value * * \retval bitrate Current bitrate value in [bps] */ uint32_t SX1276FskGetBitrate( void ); /*! * \brief Writes the new frequency deviation value * * \param [IN] fdev New frequency deviation value in [Hz] */ void SX1276FskSetFdev( uint32_t fdev ); /*! * \brief Reads the current frequency deviation value * * \retval fdev Current frequency deviation value in [Hz] */ uint32_t SX1276FskGetFdev( void ); /*! * \brief Writes the new RF output power value * * \param [IN] power New output power value in [dBm] */ void SX1276FskSetRFPower( int8_t power ); /*! * \brief Reads the current RF output power value * * \retval power Current output power value in [dBm] */ int8_t SX1276FskGetRFPower( void ); /*! * \brief Writes the DC offset canceller and Rx bandwidth values * * \remark For SX1276 there is no DCC setting. dccValue should be 0 * ie: SX1276SetDccBw( &SX1276.RegRxBw, 0, 62500 ); * * \param [IN] reg Register pointer to either SX1231.RegRxBw or SX1231.RegAfcBw * \param [IN] dccValue New DC offset canceller value in [Hz] ( SX1231 only ) * \param [IN] rxBwValue New Rx bandwidth value in [Hz] */ void SX1276FskSetDccBw( uint8_t* reg, uint32_t dccValue, uint32_t rxBwValue ); /*! * \brief Reads the current bandwidth setting * * \param [IN] reg Register pointer to either SX1231.RegRxBw or SX1231.RegAfcBw * * \retval bandwidth Bandwidth value */ uint32_t SX1276FskGetBw( uint8_t* reg ); /*! * \brief Enables/Disables CRC * * \param [IN] enable CRC enable/disable */ void SX1276FskSetPacketCrcOn( bool enable ); /*! * \brief Reads the current CRC Enable/Disbale value * * \retval enable Current CRC Enable/Disbale value */ bool SX1276FskGetPacketCrcOn( void ); /*! * \brief Enables/Disables AFC * * \param [IN] enable AFC enable/disable */ void SX1276FskSetAfcOn( bool enable ); /*! * \brief Reads the current AFC Enable/Disbale value * * \retval enable Current AFC Enable/Disbale value */ bool SX1276FskGetAfcOn( void ); /*! * \brief Writes the new payload length value * * \param [IN] value New payload length value */ void SX1276FskSetPayloadLength( uint8_t value ); /*! * \brief Reads the current payload length value * * \retval value Current payload length value */ uint8_t SX1276FskGetPayloadLength( void ); /*! * \brief Enables/Disables the 20 dBm PA * * \param [IN] enable [true, false] */ void SX1276FskSetPa20dBm( bool enale ); /*! * \brief Gets the current 20 dBm PA status * * \retval enable [true, false] */ bool SX1276FskGetPa20dBm( void ); /*! * \brief Set the RF Output pin * * \param [IN] RF_PACONFIG_PASELECT_PABOOST or RF_PACONFIG_PASELECT_RFO */ void SX1276FskSetPAOutput( uint8_t outputPin ); /*! * \brief Gets the used RF Ouptu pin * * \retval RF_PACONFIG_PASELECT_PABOOST or RF_PACONFIG_PASELECT_RFO */ uint8_t SX1276FskGetPAOutput( void ); /*! * \brief Writes the new PA rise/fall time of ramp up/down value * * \param [IN] value New PaRamp value */ void SX1276FskSetPaRamp( uint8_t value ); /*! * \brief Reads the current PA rise/fall time of ramp up/down value * * \retval value Current PaRamp value */ uint8_t SX1276FskGetPaRamp( void ); /*! * \brief Applies an offset to the RSSI. Compensates board components * * \param [IN] offset Offset to be applied (+/-) */ void SX1276FskSetRssiOffset( int8_t offset ); /*! * \brief Gets the current RSSI offset. * * \retval offset Current offset (+/-) */ int8_t SX1276FskGetRssiOffset( void ); /*! * \brief Writes the new value for the preamble size * * \param [IN] size New value of pramble size */ void SX1276FskSetPreambleSize( uint16_t size ); /*! * Reads the raw temperature * \retval temperature New raw temperature reading in 2's complement format */ int8_t SX1276FskGetRawTemp( void ); /*! * Computes the temperature compensation factor * \param [IN] actualTemp Actual temperature measured by an external device * \retval compensationFactor Computed compensation factor */ int8_t SX1276FskCalibreateTemp( int8_t actualTemp ); /*! * Gets the actual compensated temperature * \param [IN] compensationFactor Return value of the calibration function * \retval New compensated temperature value */ int8_t SX1276FskGetTemp( int8_t compensationFactor ); #endif //__SX1276_FSK_MISC_H__