/* ********************************************************************************************************* * * ģ������ : NAND Flash����ģ�� * �ļ����� : bsp_nand.c * �� �� : V1.3 * ˵ �� : �ṩNAND Flash (HY27UF081G2A�� 8bit 128K�ֽ� ��ҳ)�ĵײ�ӿں�������������ԭ���� * * �ļ�¼ : * �汾�� ���� ���� ˵�� * V1.0 2013-02-01 armfly ��ʽ���� * V1.1 2014-05-02 armfly ����512MB�ͺ�: H27U4G8F2DTR, * (1) ���� NAND_ReadONFI() ����; * (2) ���� NAND_ReadParamPage() ����; * (3) ��� NAND_IsFreeBlock(uint32_t _ulBlockNo) ������BUG�� * (4) ��� FSMC_NAND_PageCopyBack() �� FSMC_NAND_PageCopyBackEx()�� A18������ͬ��BUG * (5) �� NAND_FindFreeBlock(), �����βΣ�����������ż����� * (6) �� ��ӡ����ĺ��������ӱ�ʶ 1 ��ʾ���ÿ� 0 ��ʾ���п� * (7) NAND_MarkUsedBlock() ���õĵط������ββ��ԡ� ulPhyPageNo / NAND_BLOCK_SIZE * V1.2 2015-07-23 armfly ���Ӻ��� uint8_t NAND_GetBlockInfo(void); ����LCD��ʾ�� * V1.3 2015-08-04 armfly ���Ӷ� H27U1G8F2BTR оƬ��֧�֡� * * Copyright (C), 2015-2016, ���������� www.armfly.com * ********************************************************************************************************* */ #include "nandflash.h" #include "string.h" #include "stdio.h" /* ������Դ�ӡ��䣬�����Ŵ� */ #define printf_err printf //#define printf_err(...) //#define printf_ok printf #define printf_ok(...) #define flag #define WRITE_PAGE_VERIFY_EN /* д page ����ʱУ�� */ /* �����IAR��KEIL�ı༭�����Ķ����뽫�༭������������Ϊ�����壨9��/��ţ���������TAB����Ϊ4�� �������ֲ���������⡣ �������Ƶĵط��� ��1���ڲ���NAND Flashʱ�����������һ����ѭ�������Ӳ�������쳣���������������� while( GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_6) == 0 ) ��2��û������ECCУ�鹦�ܡ�ECC���Լ��1����2��bit�������ֻ��1��bit��������������bit����� ����2��bit��������ܼ�ⲻ���� ��3������д�ļ�����ʱ���ᵼ���ؽ�LUT��Ŀǰ���ؽ�LUT�Ĵ���ִ��Ч�ʻ������ߣ��д����ơ� ��Ӳ��˵���� ���������������õ�NAND FlahsΪ����ʿ��HY27UF081G2A, 439�������Ϊ H27U4G8F2DTR ��1��NAND Flash��Ƭѡ�ź����ӵ�CPU��FSMC_NCE2���������NAND Flash�ĵ�ַ�ռ�Ϊ 0x70000000����CPU������ �ֲ��FSMC�½�) 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����LSN0����LSN1����LSN2����RESER ����RESER ����RESER ����ECC0����ECC1����ECC2����ECC0����S-ECC1����S-ECC0����RESER ����RESER ����RESER �� �� ���� VED ���� ���� ���� ���� VED ���� VED ���� VED ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� VED ���� VED ���� VED �� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ K9F1G08U0A �� HY27UF081G2A �Ǽ��ݵġ�оƬ����ʱ�����̱�֤оƬ�ĵ�1�����Ǻÿ顣����ǻ��飬���ڸÿ�ĵ�1��PAGE�ĵ�1���ֽ� ���ߵ�2��PAGE������1��PAGE���������Ϊ0xFFʱ���ĵ�1���ֽ�д���0xFFֵ��������ֵ������ģ�����ֱ���ж��Ƿ����0xFF���ɡ� ע�⣺������Щ����˵NAND Flash���̵�Ĭ�������ǽ������Ƕ��ڵ�1��PAGE�ĵ�6���ֽڴ������˵���Ǵ��������ڵ�6���ֽڽ���Բ���С������512�ֽڣ���NAND Flash ���������е�NAND Flash���������������ڸ���NAND Flashʱ������ϸ�Ķ�оƬ�������ֲᡣ Ϊ�˱�����NAND Flash ����ֲFat�ļ�ϵͳ�����Ƕ�16B�ı������������·��䷽��: 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��ʽ��ʱ����98%�ĺÿ����������ݴ洢��ʣ���2%���ڱ������������滻���� (3) д������512B)ʱ�������������Ϊ�գ���ֱ��д�룬���ٲ���Ҫ�Ŀ������������Ч���NAND Flash�������Ͷ�д���ܡ� (4) д����ʱ������������ݲ�Ϊ�գ����ĩβ��ʼ����һ�����п��滻���ɿ飬�滻����д������ɺ��ɿ����������עΪ���У�֮���ؽ�LUT�� (5) �鸴��ʱ���������NAND FlashӲ����Copy-Back���ܣ������Դҳ���ڴ���д��Ŀ��ҳ��������������߶�дЧ�ʡ� (6) ĥ��ƽ�����ȱ�ݣ�Ч�����á�ECCУ����δʵ�֡� */ /* ����NAND Flash��������ַ���������Ӳ�������� */ #define Bank2_NAND_ADDR ((uint32_t)0x70000000) #define Bank_NAND_ADDR Bank2_NAND_ADDR /* �������NAND Flash�õ�3���� */ #define NAND_CMD_AREA *(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) #define NAND_ADDR_AREA *(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) #define NAND_DATA_AREA *(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | DATA_AREA) /* �����ӳ������ÿ�������2%���ڱ��������������ά������1024�� LUT = Look Up Table */ static uint16_t s_usLUT[NAND_BLOCK_COUNT]; static uint16_t s_usValidDataBlockCount; /* ��Ч�����ݿ���� */ static uint8_t s_ucTempBuf[NAND_PAGE_TOTAL_SIZE]; /* ������2112�ֽ�. ���ڶ����Ƚ� */ static uint8_t NAND_BuildLUT(void); static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_GetStatus(void); static uint16_t NAND_FindFreeBlock (uint32_t _ulSrcPageNo); static uint8_t NAND_MarkUsedBlock(uint32_t _ulBlockNo); static uint16_t NAND_AddrToPhyBlockNo(uint32_t _ulMemAddr); static uint8_t NAND_IsBufOk(uint8_t *_pBuf, uint32_t _ulLen, uint8_t _ucValue); uint8_t NAND_WriteToNewBlock(uint32_t _ulPhyPageNo, uint8_t *_pWriteBuf, uint16_t _usOffset, uint16_t _usSize); static uint8_t NAND_IsFreeBlock(uint32_t _ulBlockNo); static uint16_t NAND_LBNtoPBN(uint32_t _uiLBN); static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_ReadPage(uint8_t *_pBuffer, uint32_t _ulPageNo, uint16_t _usAddrInPage, uint16_t _usByteCount); static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_WritePage(uint8_t *_pBuffer, uint32_t _ulPageNo, uint16_t _usAddrInPage, uint16_t _usByteCount); static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_CompPage(uint8_t *_pBuffer, uint32_t _ulPageNo, uint16_t _usAddrInPage, uint16_t _usByteCount); static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock(uint32_t _ulBlockNo); /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: FSMC_NAND_Init * ����˵��: ����FSMC��GPIO����NAND Flash�ӿڡ�������������ڶ�дnand flashǰ������һ�Ρ� * �� ��: �� * �� �� ֵ: �� ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* FSMC_NWAIT PD6 FSMC_NOE PD4 FSMC_NCE2 PD7 FSMC_A16 PD11 FSMC_A17 PD12 FSMC_NWE PD5 FSMC_D0 PD14 FSMC_D1 PD15 FSMC_D2 PD0 FSMC_D3 PD1 FSMC_D4 PE7 FSMC_D5 PE8 FSMC_D6 PE9 FSMC_D7 PE10 */ static void FSMC_NAND_Init(void) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; FSMC_NANDInitTypeDef FSMC_NANDInitStructure; FSMC_NAND_PCCARDTimingInitTypeDef FSMC_NANDTimingInitStructure; // ʹ��FSMCʱ�� RCC_AHB3PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB3Periph_FSMC, ENABLE); RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOD | RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOE, ENABLE); // ����PD��PE�ĸ��ù��� GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOD, GPIO_PinSource0, GPIO_AF_FSMC); GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOD, GPIO_PinSource1, GPIO_AF_FSMC); GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOD, GPIO_PinSource4, GPIO_AF_FSMC); GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOD, GPIO_PinSource5, GPIO_AF_FSMC); GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOD, GPIO_PinSource6, GPIO_AF_FSMC); GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOD, GPIO_PinSource7, GPIO_AF_FSMC); GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOD, GPIO_PinSource11, GPIO_AF_FSMC); GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOD, GPIO_PinSource12, GPIO_AF_FSMC); GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOE, GPIO_PinSource7, GPIO_AF_FSMC); GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOE, GPIO_PinSource8, GPIO_AF_FSMC); GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOE, GPIO_PinSource9, GPIO_AF_FSMC); GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOE, GPIO_PinSource10, GPIO_AF_FSMC); /* GPIO ���� */ /* ������CLE, ALE, D0-D3, NOE, NWE �� NCE2 NAND ��������Ϊ���ù��ܣ�������FSMC) */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_11 | GPIO_Pin_12 | GPIO_Pin_14 | GPIO_Pin_15 | GPIO_Pin_0 | GPIO_Pin_1 | GPIO_Pin_4 | GPIO_Pin_5 | GPIO_Pin_7; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL; GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure); /* ������ D4-D7 ��������Ϊ���ù��� */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_7 | GPIO_Pin_8 | GPIO_Pin_9 | GPIO_Pin_10; GPIO_Init(GPIOE, &GPIO_InitStructure); /* NWAIT ��������*/ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_6; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_UP; GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure); // ����FSMC NAND Flash��ʱ����� FSMC_NANDTimingInitStructure.FSMC_SetupTime = 0x1; FSMC_NANDTimingInitStructure.FSMC_WaitSetupTime = 0x2; FSMC_NANDTimingInitStructure.FSMC_HoldSetupTime = 0x2; FSMC_NANDTimingInitStructure.FSMC_HiZSetupTime = 0x2; // ����FSMC NAND Flash�Ŀ��Ʋ��� FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_Bank = FSMC_Bank2_NAND; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_Waitfeature = FSMC_Waitfeature_Disable; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_MemoryDataWidth = FSMC_MemoryDataWidth_8b; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_ECC = FSMC_ECC_Enable; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_ECCPageSize = FSMC_ECCPageSize_1024Bytes; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_TCLRSetupTime = 0x0; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_TARSetupTime = 0x0; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct = &FSMC_NANDTimingInitStructure; FSMC_NANDInitStructure.FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct = &FSMC_NANDTimingInitStructure; // ��ʼ��FSMC NAND Flash FSMC_NANDInit(&FSMC_NANDInitStructure); // ʹ��FSMC NAND Flash FSMC_NANDCmd(FSMC_Bank2_NAND, ENABLE); } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_ReadID * ����˵��: ��NAND Flash��ID��ID�洢���β�ָ���Ľṹ������С� * �� ��: �� * �� �� ֵ: 32bit��NAND Flash ID ********************************************************************************************************* */ uint32_t NAND_ReadID(void) { uint32_t data = 0; /* �������� Command to the command area */ NAND_CMD_AREA = 0x90; NAND_ADDR_AREA = 0x00; /* ˳���ȡNAND Flash��ID */ data = *(__IO uint32_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | DATA_AREA); data = ((data << 24) & 0xFF000000) | ((data << 8 ) & 0x00FF0000) | ((data >> 8 ) & 0x0000FF00) | ((data >> 24) & 0x000000FF) ; return data; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: FSMC_NAND_PageCopyBack * ����˵��: ��һҳ���ݸ��Ƶ�����һ��ҳ��Դҳ��Ŀ��ҳ���ڵ�block����ͬΪż����ͬΪ��������A18������ͬ�� * �� ��: - _ulSrcPageNo: Դҳ�� * - _ulTarPageNo: Ŀ��ҳ�� * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ� * * ˵ ���������ֲ��Ƽ�����ҳ����֮ǰ����У��Դҳ��λУ�飬������ܻ����λ��������δʵ�֡� * ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_PageCopyBack(uint32_t _ulSrcPageNo, uint32_t _ulTarPageNo) { uint8_t i; if ((_ulSrcPageNo & 0x40) != (_ulTarPageNo & 0x40)) { printf_err("Error : FSMC_NAND_PageCopyBackEx(src=%d, tar=%d) \r\n", _ulSrcPageNo, _ulTarPageNo); return NAND_FAIL; } NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_COPYBACK_A; /* ����Դҳ��ַ �� ���� HY27UF081G2A Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 H27U4G8F2DTR (512MB) Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 ��5�ֽڣ� A28 A29 A30 A31 0 0 0 0 */ NAND_ADDR_AREA = 0; NAND_ADDR_AREA = 0; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _ulSrcPageNo; NAND_ADDR_AREA = (_ulSrcPageNo & 0xFF00) >> 8; #if NAND_ADDR_5 == 1 NAND_ADDR_AREA = (_ulSrcPageNo & 0xFF0000) >> 16; #endif NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_COPYBACK_B; /* ����ȴ���������������쳣, �˴�Ӧ���жϳ�ʱ */ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++); while( GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_6) == 0 ); NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_COPYBACK_C; /* ����Ŀ��ҳ��ַ �� ���� HY27UF081G2A Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 H27U4G8F2DTR (512MB) Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 --- A18 ��plane��ַ ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 ��5�ֽڣ� A28 A29 A30 A31 0 0 0 0 Source and Destination page in the copy back program sequence must belong to the same device plane ��A18�� Դ��ַ��Ŀ���ַ�� A18������ͬ */ NAND_ADDR_AREA = 0; NAND_ADDR_AREA = 0; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _ulTarPageNo; NAND_ADDR_AREA = (_ulTarPageNo & 0xFF00) >> 8; #if NAND_ADDR_5 == 1 NAND_ADDR_AREA = (_ulTarPageNo & 0xFF0000) >> 16; #endif NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_COPYBACK_D; /* ������״̬ */ if (FSMC_NAND_GetStatus() == NAND_READY) { return NAND_OK; } printf_err("Error: FSMC_NAND_PageCopyBack(%d, %d)\r\n", _ulSrcPageNo, _ulTarPageNo); return NAND_FAIL; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: FSMC_NAND_PageCopyBackEx * ����˵��: ��һҳ���ݸ��Ƶ�����һ��ҳ,������Ŀ��ҳ�еIJ������ݡ�Դҳ��Ŀ��ҳ���ڵ�BLOCK����ͬΪż����ͬΪ������ * �� ��: - _ulSrcPageNo: Դҳ�� * - _ulTarPageNo: Ŀ��ҳ�� * - _usOffset: ҳ��ƫ�Ƶ�ַ��pBuf�����ݽ�д�������ַ��ʼ��Ԫ * - _pBuf: ���ݻ����� * - _usSize: ���ݴ�С * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ� * * ˵ ���������ֲ��Ƽ�����ҳ����֮ǰ����У��Դҳ��λУ�飬������ܻ����λ��������δʵ�֡� * ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_PageCopyBackEx(uint32_t _ulSrcPageNo, uint32_t _ulTarPageNo, uint8_t *_pBuf, uint16_t _usOffset, uint16_t _usSize) { uint16_t i; if ((_ulSrcPageNo & 0x40) != (_ulTarPageNo & 0x40)) { printf_err("Error A18 not same: FSMC_NAND_PageCopyBackEx(src=%d, tar=%d) \r\n", _ulSrcPageNo, _ulTarPageNo); return NAND_FAIL; } NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_COPYBACK_A; /* ����Դҳ��ַ �� ���� HY27UF081G2A Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 H27U4G8F2DTR (512MB) Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 ��5�ֽڣ� A28 A29 A30 A31 0 0 0 0 */ NAND_ADDR_AREA = 0; NAND_ADDR_AREA = 0; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _ulSrcPageNo; NAND_ADDR_AREA = (_ulSrcPageNo & 0xFF00) >> 8; #if NAND_ADDR_5 == 1 NAND_ADDR_AREA = (_ulSrcPageNo & 0xFF0000) >> 16; #endif NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_COPYBACK_B; /* ����ȴ���������������쳣, �˴�Ӧ���жϳ�ʱ */ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++); while( GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_6) == 0 ); NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_COPYBACK_C; /* ����Ŀ��ҳ��ַ �� ���� HY27UF081G2A Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 H27U4G8F2DTR (512MB) Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 ��5�ֽڣ� A28 A29 A30 A31 0 0 0 0 */ NAND_ADDR_AREA = 0; NAND_ADDR_AREA = 0; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _ulTarPageNo; NAND_ADDR_AREA = (_ulTarPageNo & 0xFF00) >> 8; #if NAND_ADDR_5 == 1 NAND_ADDR_AREA = (_ulTarPageNo & 0xFF0000) >> 16; #endif /* �м����������, Ҳ����ȴ� */ NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_COPYBACK_C; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _usOffset; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _usOffset >> 8; /* �������� */ for(i = 0; i < _usSize; i++) { NAND_DATA_AREA = _pBuf[i]; } NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_COPYBACK_D; /* ������״̬ */ if (FSMC_NAND_GetStatus() == NAND_READY) { return NAND_OK; } printf_err("Error: FSMC_NAND_PageCopyBackEx(src=%d, tar=%d, offset=%d, size=%d)\r\n", _ulSrcPageNo, _ulTarPageNo, _usOffset, _usSize); return NAND_FAIL; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: FSMC_NAND_WritePage * ����˵��: дһ��������NandFlashָ��ҳ���ָ��λ�ã�д������ݳ��Ȳ�����һҳ�Ĵ�С�� * �� ��: - _pBuffer: ָ�������д���ݵĻ����� * - _ulPageNo: ҳ�ţ����е�ҳͳһ���룬��ΧΪ��0 - 65535 * - _usAddrInPage : ҳ�ڵ�ַ����ΧΪ��0-2111 * - _usByteCount: д����ֽڸ��� * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_WritePage(uint8_t *_pBuffer, uint32_t _ulPageNo, uint16_t _usAddrInPage, uint16_t _usByteCount) { uint16_t i; /* ����ҳд���� */ NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_WRITE0; /* ����ҳ�ڵ�ַ �� ���� HY27UF081G2A Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 H27U4G8F2DTR (512MB) Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 ��5�ֽڣ� A28 A29 A30 A31 0 0 0 0 */ NAND_ADDR_AREA = _usAddrInPage; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _usAddrInPage >> 8; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _ulPageNo; NAND_ADDR_AREA = (_ulPageNo & 0xFF00) >> 8; #if NAND_ADDR_5 == 1 NAND_ADDR_AREA = (_ulPageNo & 0xFF0000) >> 16; #endif /* tADL = 100ns, Address to Data Loading */ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++); /* ��Ҫ���� 100ns */ /* д���� */ for(i = 0; i < _usByteCount; i++) { NAND_DATA_AREA = _pBuffer[i]; } NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_WRITE_TRUE1; /* WE High to Busy , 100ns */ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++); /* ��Ҫ���� 100ns */ while( GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_6) == 0 ); /* ������״̬ */ if (FSMC_NAND_GetStatus() == NAND_READY) { /* �������ݽ���У�� */ #ifdef WRITE_PAGE_VERIFY_EN FSMC_NAND_ReadPage (s_ucTempBuf, _ulPageNo, _usAddrInPage, _usByteCount); if (memcmp(s_ucTempBuf, _pBuffer, _usByteCount) != 0) { printf_err("Error1: FSMC_NAND_WritePage(page=%d, addr=%d, count=%d)\r\n", _ulPageNo, _usAddrInPage, _usByteCount); return NAND_FAIL; } #endif return NAND_OK; } printf_err("Error2: FSMC_NAND_WritePage(page=%d, addr=%d, count=%d)\r\n", _ulPageNo, _usAddrInPage, _usByteCount); return NAND_FAIL; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: FSMC_NAND_ReadPage * ����˵��: ��NandFlashָ��ҳ���ָ��λ�ö�һ�����ݣ����������ݳ��Ȳ�����һҳ�Ĵ�С�� * �� ��: - _pBuffer: ָ�������д���ݵĻ����� * - _ulPageNo: ҳ�ţ����е�ҳͳһ���룬��ΧΪ��0 - 65535 * - _usAddrInPage : ҳ�ڵ�ַ����ΧΪ��0-2111 * - _usByteCount: �ֽڸ����� ����� 2048 + 64�� * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_ReadPage(uint8_t *_pBuffer, uint32_t _ulPageNo, uint16_t _usAddrInPage, uint16_t _usByteCount) { uint16_t i; /* ����ҳ������� */ NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_AREA_A; /* ����ҳ�ڵ�ַ �� ���� HY27UF081G2A (128MB) Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 H27U4G8F2DTR (512MB) Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 ��5�ֽڣ� A28 A29 A30 A31 0 0 0 0 */ NAND_ADDR_AREA = _usAddrInPage; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _usAddrInPage >> 8; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _ulPageNo; NAND_ADDR_AREA = (_ulPageNo & 0xFF00) >> 8; #if NAND_ADDR_5 == 1 NAND_ADDR_AREA = (_ulPageNo & 0xFF0000) >> 16; #endif NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_AREA_TRUE1; /* ����ȴ���������������쳣, �˴�Ӧ���жϳ�ʱ */ for (i = 0; i < 50; i++); while( GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_6) == 0); /* �����ݵ�������pBuffer */ for(i = 0; i < _usByteCount; i++) { _pBuffer[i] = NAND_DATA_AREA; } return NAND_OK; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: FSMC_NAND_CompPage * ����˵��: �Ƚ����� * �� ��: - _pBuffer: ָ��������Ƚϵ����ݻ����� * - _ulPageNo: ҳ�ţ����е�ҳͳһ���룬��ΧΪ��0 - 65535 * - _usAddrInPage : ҳ�ڵ�ַ����ΧΪ��0-2111 * - _usByteCount: �ֽڸ����� ����� 2048 + 64�� * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ��� ��� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_CompPage(uint8_t *_pBuffer, uint32_t _ulPageNo, uint16_t _usAddrInPage, uint16_t _usByteCount) { uint16_t i; /* ����ҳ������� */ NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_AREA_A; /* ����ҳ�ڵ�ַ �� ���� HY27UF081G2A (128MB) Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 H27U4G8F2DTR (512MB) Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 ��5�ֽڣ� A28 A29 A30 A31 0 0 0 0 */ NAND_ADDR_AREA = _usAddrInPage; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _usAddrInPage >> 8; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _ulPageNo; NAND_ADDR_AREA = (_ulPageNo & 0xFF00) >> 8; #if NAND_ADDR_5 == 1 NAND_ADDR_AREA = (_ulPageNo & 0xFF0000) >> 16; #endif NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_AREA_TRUE1; /* ����ȴ���������������쳣, �˴�Ӧ���жϳ�ʱ */ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++); while( GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_6) == 0); /* �����ݵ�������pBuffer */ for(i = 0; i < _usByteCount; i++) { if (_pBuffer[i] != NAND_DATA_AREA) { return NAND_FAIL; } } return NAND_OK; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: FSMC_NAND_WriteSpare * ����˵��: ��1��PAGE��Spare��д������ * �� ��: - _pBuffer: ָ�������д���ݵĻ����� * - _ulPageNo: ҳ�ţ����е�ҳͳһ���룬��ΧΪ��0 - 65535 * - _usAddrInSpare : ҳ�ڱ�������ƫ�Ƶ�ַ����ΧΪ��0-63 * - _usByteCount: д����ֽڸ��� * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_WriteSpare(uint8_t *_pBuffer, uint32_t _ulPageNo, uint16_t _usAddrInSpare, uint16_t _usByteCount) { if (_usByteCount > NAND_SPARE_AREA_SIZE) { printf_err("Error: FSMC_NAND_WriteSpare() %d\r\n",_usByteCount); return NAND_FAIL; } return FSMC_NAND_WritePage(_pBuffer, _ulPageNo, NAND_PAGE_SIZE + _usAddrInSpare, _usByteCount); } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: FSMC_NAND_ReadSpare * ����˵��: ��1��PAGE��Spare�������� * �� ��: - _pBuffer: ָ�������д���ݵĻ����� * - _ulPageNo: ҳ�ţ����е�ҳͳһ���룬��ΧΪ��0 - 65535 * - _usAddrInSpare : ҳ�ڱ�������ƫ�Ƶ�ַ����ΧΪ��0-63 * - _usByteCount: д����ֽڸ��� * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_ReadSpare(uint8_t *_pBuffer, uint32_t _ulPageNo, uint16_t _usAddrInSpare, uint16_t _usByteCount) { if (_usByteCount > NAND_SPARE_AREA_SIZE) { printf_err("Error: FSMC_NAND_ReadSpare() %d\r\n",_usByteCount); return NAND_FAIL; } return FSMC_NAND_ReadPage(_pBuffer, _ulPageNo, NAND_PAGE_SIZE + _usAddrInSpare, _usByteCount); } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: FSMC_NAND_WriteData * ����˵��: ��1��PAGE����������д������ * �� ��: - _pBuffer: ָ�������д���ݵĻ����� * - _ulPageNo: ҳ�ţ����е�ҳͳһ���룬��ΧΪ��0 - 65535 * - _usAddrInPage : ҳ����������ƫ�Ƶ�ַ����ΧΪ��0-2047 * - _usByteCount: д����ֽڸ��� * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_WriteData(uint8_t *_pBuffer, uint32_t _ulPageNo, uint16_t _usAddrInPage, uint16_t _usByteCount) { if (_usByteCount > NAND_PAGE_SIZE) { printf_err("Error: FSMC_NAND_WriteData() %d\r\n",_usByteCount); return NAND_FAIL; } return FSMC_NAND_WritePage(_pBuffer, _ulPageNo, _usAddrInPage, _usByteCount); } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: FSMC_NAND_ReadData * ����˵��: ��1��PAGE�������ݵ����� * �� ��: - _pBuffer: ָ�������д���ݵĻ����� * - _ulPageNo: ҳ�ţ����е�ҳͳһ���룬��ΧΪ��0 - 65535 * - _usAddrInPage : ҳ����������ƫ�Ƶ�ַ����ΧΪ��0-2047 * - _usByteCount: д����ֽڸ��� * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_ReadData(uint8_t *_pBuffer, uint32_t _ulPageNo, uint16_t _usAddrInPage, uint16_t _usByteCount) { if (_usByteCount > NAND_PAGE_SIZE) { printf_err("Error: FSMC_NAND_ReadData() %d\r\n",_usByteCount); return NAND_FAIL; } return FSMC_NAND_ReadPage(_pBuffer, _ulPageNo, _usAddrInPage, _usByteCount); } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock * ����˵��: ����NAND Flashһ���飨block�� * �� ��: - _ulBlockNo: ��ţ���ΧΪ��0 - 1023, 0-4095 * �� �� ֵ: NAND����״̬�������¼���ֵ�� * - NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR : ��ʱ���� * - NAND_READY : �����ɹ� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock(uint32_t _ulBlockNo) { /* HY27UF081G2A (128MB) Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A18�����ǿ�� ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 H27U4G8F2DTR (512MB) Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 ��1�ֽڣ� A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (_usPageAddr ��bit7 - bit0) ��2�ֽڣ� 0 0 0 0 A11 A10 A9 A8 (_usPageAddr ��bit11 - bit8, ��4bit������0) ��3�ֽڣ� A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A18�����ǿ�� ��4�ֽڣ� A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 ��5�ֽڣ� A28 A29 A30 A31 0 0 0 0 */ /* ���Ͳ������� */ NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_ERASE0; _ulBlockNo <<= 6; /* ���ת��Ϊҳ��� */ #if NAND_ADDR_5 == 0 /* 128MB�� */ NAND_ADDR_AREA = _ulBlockNo; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _ulBlockNo >> 8; #else /* 512MB�� */ NAND_ADDR_AREA = _ulBlockNo; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _ulBlockNo >> 8; NAND_ADDR_AREA = _ulBlockNo >> 16; #endif NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_ERASE1; return (FSMC_NAND_GetStatus()); } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: FSMC_NAND_Reset * ����˵��: ��λNAND Flash * �� ��: �� * �� �� ֵ: �� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_Reset(void) { NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_RESET; /* ������״̬ */ if (FSMC_NAND_GetStatus() == NAND_READY) { return NAND_OK; } return NAND_FAIL; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: FSMC_NAND_ReadStatus * ����˵��: ʹ��Read statuc �����NAND Flash�ڲ�״̬ * �� ��: - Address: �������Ŀ��������ַ * �� �� ֵ: NAND����״̬�������¼���ֵ�� * - NAND_BUSY: �ڲ���æ * - NAND_READY: �ڲ����У����Խ����²����� * - NAND_ERROR: ��ǰ������ִ��ʧ�� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_ReadStatus(void) { uint8_t ucData; uint8_t ucStatus = NAND_BUSY; /* ��״̬���� */ NAND_CMD_AREA = NAND_CMD_STATUS; ucData = *(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR); if((ucData & NAND_ERROR) == NAND_ERROR) { ucStatus = NAND_ERROR; } else if((ucData & NAND_READY) == NAND_READY) { ucStatus = NAND_READY; } else { ucStatus = NAND_BUSY; } return (ucStatus); } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: FSMC_NAND_GetStatus * ����˵��: ��ȡNAND Flash����״̬ * �� ��: - Address: �������Ŀ��������ַ * �� �� ֵ: NAND����״̬�������¼���ֵ�� * - NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR : ��ʱ���� * - NAND_READY : �����ɹ� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t FSMC_NAND_GetStatus(void) { uint32_t ulTimeout = 0x10000; uint8_t ucStatus = NAND_READY; ucStatus = FSMC_NAND_ReadStatus(); /* �ȴ�NAND������������ʱ����˳� */ while ((ucStatus != NAND_READY) &&( ulTimeout != 0x00)) { ucStatus = FSMC_NAND_ReadStatus(); ulTimeout--; } if(ulTimeout == 0x00) { ucStatus = NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR; } /* ���ز���״̬ */ return (ucStatus); } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_Init * ����˵��: ��ʼ��NAND Flash�ӿ� * �� ��: �� * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ� ********************************************************************************************************* */ uint8_t NAND_Init(void) { uint8_t Status; FSMC_NAND_Init(); /* ����FSMC��GPIO����NAND Flash�ӿ� */ FSMC_NAND_Reset(); /* ͨ����λ���λNAND Flash����״̬ */ Status = NAND_BuildLUT(); /* ����������� LUT = Look up table */ return Status; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_WriteToNewBlock * ����˵��: ���ɿ�����ݸ��Ƶ��¿飬�����µ����ݶ�д������¿�. * �� ��: _ulPhyPageNo : Դҳ�� * _pWriteBuf �� ���ݻ����� * _usOffset �� ҳ��ƫ�Ƶ�ַ * _usSize �����ݳ��ȣ�������4�ֽڵ������� * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ� ********************************************************************************************************* */ uint8_t NAND_WriteToNewBlock(uint32_t _ulPhyPageNo, uint8_t *_pWriteBuf, uint16_t _usOffset, uint16_t _usSize) { uint16_t n, i; uint16_t usNewBlock; uint16_t ulSrcBlock; uint16_t usOffsetPageNo; ulSrcBlock = _ulPhyPageNo / NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; /* ��������ҳ�ŷ��ƿ�� */ usOffsetPageNo = _ulPhyPageNo % NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; /* ��������ҳ�ż�������ҳ���ڿ���ƫ��ҳ�� */ /* ����ѭ����Ŀ���Ǵ���Ŀ���Ϊ�������� */ for (n = 0; n < 10; n++) { /* �������ȫ0xFF�� ����ҪѰ��һ�����п��ÿ飬����ҳ�ڵ�����ȫ���Ƶ��¿��У�Ȼ���������� */ usNewBlock = NAND_FindFreeBlock(_ulPhyPageNo); /* �����һ��Block��ʼ����Ѱһ�����ÿ�. */ if (usNewBlock >= NAND_BLOCK_COUNT) { printf_err("Error1: NAND_WriteToNewBlock() %d\r\n", usNewBlock); return NAND_FAIL; /* ���ҿ��п�ʧ�� */ } printf_ok("NAND_WriteToNewBlock(%d -> %d)\r\n", ulSrcBlock, usNewBlock); /* ʹ��page-copy���ܣ�����ǰ�飨usPBN��������ȫ�����Ƶ��¿飨usNewBlock�� */ for (i = 0; i < NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) { if (i == usOffsetPageNo) { /* ���д��������ڵ�ǰҳ������Ҫʹ�ô�������ݵ�Copy-Back���� */ if (FSMC_NAND_PageCopyBackEx(ulSrcBlock * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE + i, usNewBlock * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE + i, _pWriteBuf, _usOffset, _usSize) == NAND_FAIL) { printf_err("Error2: NAND_WriteToNewBlock() %d\r\n", ulSrcBlock); NAND_MarkBadBlock(usNewBlock); /* ���¿���Ϊ���� */ NAND_BuildLUT(); /* �ؽ�LUT�� */ break; } } else { /* ʹ��NAND Flash �ṩ����ҳCopy-Back���ܣ�����������߲���Ч�� */ if (FSMC_NAND_PageCopyBack(ulSrcBlock * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE + i, usNewBlock * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE + i) == NAND_FAIL) { printf_err("Error3: NAND_WriteToNewBlock() %d\r\n", ulSrcBlock); NAND_MarkBadBlock(usNewBlock); /* ���¿���Ϊ���� */ NAND_BuildLUT(); /* �ؽ�LUT�� */ break; } } } /* Ŀ�����³ɹ� */ if (i == NAND_BLOCK_SIZE) { /* ����¿�Ϊ���ÿ� */ if (NAND_MarkUsedBlock(usNewBlock) == NAND_FAIL) { NAND_MarkBadBlock(usNewBlock); /* ���¿���Ϊ���� */ NAND_BuildLUT(); /* �ؽ�LUT�� */ continue; } /* ����ԴBLOCK (���Դ��дʧ�ܣ�������������) */ if (FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock(ulSrcBlock) != NAND_READY) { printf_err("Error4: FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock(), %d\r\n", ulSrcBlock); NAND_MarkBadBlock(ulSrcBlock); /* ��Դ����Ϊ���� */ NAND_BuildLUT(); /* �ؽ�LUT�� */ continue; } NAND_BuildLUT(); /* �ؽ�LUT�� */ break; } } if (n == 10) { printf_err("Error5: FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock() n=%d\r\n", n); return NAND_FAIL; } return NAND_OK; /* д��ɹ� */ } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_Write * ����˵��: дһ������ * �� ��: _MemAddr : �ڴ浥Ԫƫ�Ƶ�ַ * _pReadbuff ����Ŵ�д���ݵĻ�������ָ�� * _usSize �����ݳ��ȣ�������4�ֽڵ������� * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ� ******************************************s*************************************************************** */ uint8_t NAND_Write(uint32_t _ulMemAddr, uint32_t *_pWriteBuf, uint16_t _usSize) { uint16_t usPBN; /* ������� */ uint32_t ulPhyPageNo; /* ����ҳ�� */ uint16_t usAddrInPage; /* ҳ��ƫ�Ƶ�ַ */ uint32_t ulTemp; /* ���ݳ��ȱ�����4�ֽ������� */ if ((_usSize % 4) != 0) { printf_err("Error:1 NAND_Write() %d\r\n",_usSize); return NAND_FAIL; } /* ���ݳ��Ȳ��ܳ���512�ֽ�(��ѭ Fat��ʽ) */ if (_usSize > 512) { printf_err("Error:2 NAND_Write() %d\r\n",_usSize); //return NAND_FAIL; } usPBN = NAND_AddrToPhyBlockNo(_ulMemAddr); /* ��ѯLUT������������ */ ulTemp = _ulMemAddr % (NAND_BLOCK_SIZE * NAND_PAGE_SIZE); ulPhyPageNo = usPBN * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE + ulTemp / NAND_PAGE_SIZE; /* ��������ҳ�� */ usAddrInPage = ulTemp % NAND_PAGE_SIZE; /* ����ҳ��ƫ�Ƶ�ַ */ /* �������������ݣ��ж��Ƿ�ȫFF */ if (FSMC_NAND_ReadData(s_ucTempBuf, ulPhyPageNo, usAddrInPage, _usSize) == NAND_FAIL) { return NAND_FAIL; /* ��NAND Flashʧ�� */ } /*�������ȫ0xFF, �����ֱ��д�룬������� */ if (NAND_IsBufOk(s_ucTempBuf, _usSize, 0xFF) == 1) { if (FSMC_NAND_WriteData((uint8_t *)_pWriteBuf, ulPhyPageNo, usAddrInPage, _usSize) == NAND_FAIL) { /* ������д�뵽����һ���飨���п飩 */ return NAND_WriteToNewBlock(ulPhyPageNo, (uint8_t *)_pWriteBuf, usAddrInPage, _usSize); } /* ��Ǹÿ����� */ if (NAND_MarkUsedBlock(ulPhyPageNo / NAND_BLOCK_SIZE) == NAND_FAIL) { /* ���ʧ�ܣ�������д�뵽����һ���飨���п飩 */ return NAND_WriteToNewBlock(ulPhyPageNo, (uint8_t *)_pWriteBuf, usAddrInPage, _usSize); } return NAND_OK; /* д��ɹ� */ } /* ������д�뵽����һ���飨���п飩 */ return NAND_WriteToNewBlock(ulPhyPageNo, (uint8_t *)_pWriteBuf, usAddrInPage, _usSize); } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_Read * ����˵��: ��һ������ * �� ��: _MemAddr : �ڴ浥Ԫƫ�Ƶ�ַ * _pReadbuff ����Ŷ������ݵĻ�������ָ�� * _usSize �����ݳ��ȣ�������4�ֽڵ������� * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ� ********************************************************************************************************* */ uint8_t NAND_Read(uint32_t _ulMemAddr, uint32_t *_pReadBuf, uint16_t _usSize) { uint16_t usPBN; /* ������� */ uint32_t ulPhyPageNo; /* ����ҳ�� */ uint16_t usAddrInPage; /* ҳ��ƫ�Ƶ�ַ */ uint32_t ulTemp; /* ���ݳ��ȱ�����4�ֽ������� */ if ((_usSize % 4) != 0) { printf_err("Error:1 NAND_Read(_usSize) %d\r\n",_usSize); return NAND_FAIL; } usPBN = NAND_AddrToPhyBlockNo(_ulMemAddr); /* ��ѯLUT������������ */ if (usPBN >= NAND_BLOCK_COUNT) { /* û�и�ʽ����usPBN = 0xFFFF */ printf_err("Error:1 NAND_Write() usPBN %d\r\n",usPBN); return NAND_FAIL; } ulTemp = _ulMemAddr % (NAND_BLOCK_SIZE * NAND_PAGE_SIZE); ulPhyPageNo = usPBN * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE + ulTemp / NAND_PAGE_SIZE; /* ��������ҳ�� */ usAddrInPage = ulTemp % NAND_PAGE_SIZE; /* ����ҳ��ƫ�Ƶ�ַ */ if (FSMC_NAND_ReadData((uint8_t *)_pReadBuf, ulPhyPageNo, usAddrInPage, _usSize) == NAND_FAIL) { return NAND_FAIL; /* ��NAND Flashʧ�� */ } /* �ɹ� */ return NAND_OK; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_WriteMultiSectors * ����˵��: �ú��������ļ�ϵͳ������д����������ݡ�������С������512�ֽڻ�2048�ֽ� * �� ��: _pBuf : ������ݵĻ�������ָ�� * _SectorNo �������� * _SectorSize ��ÿ�������Ĵ�С ��һ���� 512�ֽڣ� * _SectorCount : �������� * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ� ********************************************************************************************************* */ uint8_t NAND_WriteMultiSectors(uint8_t *_pBuf, uint32_t _SectorNo, uint16_t _SectorSize, uint32_t _SectorCount) { uint32_t i; uint32_t usLBN; /* ����� */ uint32_t usPBN; /* ������� */ uint32_t uiPhyPageNo; /* ����ҳ�� */ uint16_t usAddrInPage; /* ҳ��ƫ�Ƶ�ַ */ uint32_t ulTemp; uint8_t ucReturn; /* HY27UF081G2A = 128M Flash. �� 1024��BLOCK, ÿ��BLOCK����64��PAGE�� ÿ��PAGE����2048+64�ֽڣ� ������С��λ��BLOCK�� �����С��λ���ֽڡ� ÿ��PAGE�����Ͽ��Է�Ϊ4��512�ֽ������� */ for (i = 0; i < _SectorCount; i++) { /* �����������ź�������С��������� */ //usLBN = (_SectorNo * _SectorSize) / (NAND_BLOCK_SIZE * NAND_PAGE_SIZE); /* (_SectorNo * _SectorSize) �˻����ܴ���32λ����˻���������д�� */ usLBN = (_SectorNo + i) / (NAND_BLOCK_SIZE * (NAND_PAGE_SIZE / _SectorSize)); usPBN = NAND_LBNtoPBN(usLBN); /* ��ѯLUT������������ */ if (usPBN >= NAND_BLOCK_COUNT) { printf_err("Error1: NAND_WriteMultiSectors(), no format. usLBN=%d, usPBN=%d\r\n", usLBN, usPBN); /* û�и�ʽ����usPBN = 0xFFFF */ return NAND_FAIL; } //ulTemp = ((uint64_t)(_SectorNo + i) * _SectorSize) % (NAND_BLOCK_SIZE * NAND_PAGE_SIZE); ulTemp = ((_SectorNo + i) % (NAND_BLOCK_SIZE * (NAND_PAGE_SIZE / _SectorSize))) * _SectorSize; uiPhyPageNo = usPBN * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE + ulTemp / NAND_PAGE_SIZE; /* ��������ҳ�� */ usAddrInPage = ulTemp % NAND_PAGE_SIZE; /* ����ҳ��ƫ�Ƶ�ַ */ /* ��� _SectorCount > 0, ������ҳ����ַ������Խ����Ż� */ if (usAddrInPage == 0) { /* ��δ���� */ } memset(s_ucTempBuf, 0xFF, _SectorSize); /*�������ȫ0xFF, �����ֱ��д�룬������� */ //if (NAND_IsBufOk(s_ucTempBuf, _SectorSize, 0xFF) == 1) if (FSMC_NAND_CompPage(s_ucTempBuf, uiPhyPageNo, usAddrInPage, _SectorSize) == NAND_OK) { if (FSMC_NAND_WriteData(&_pBuf[i * _SectorSize], uiPhyPageNo, usAddrInPage, _SectorSize) == NAND_FAIL) { printf_err("Error3: NAND_WriteMultiSectors(), Write Faile\r\n"); /* ������д�뵽����һ���飨���п飩 */ ucReturn = NAND_WriteToNewBlock(uiPhyPageNo, &_pBuf[i * _SectorSize], usAddrInPage, _SectorSize); if (ucReturn != NAND_OK) { printf_err("Error4: NAND_WriteMultiSectors(), Write Faile\r\n"); return NAND_FAIL; /* ʧ�� */ } /* ���Դ��Ϊ���� */ NAND_MarkBadBlock(uiPhyPageNo / NAND_BLOCK_SIZE); /* ��Դ����Ϊ���� */ continue; } /* ��Ǹÿ����� */ if (NAND_MarkUsedBlock(uiPhyPageNo / NAND_BLOCK_SIZE) == NAND_FAIL) { /* ���ʧ�ܣ�������д�뵽����һ���飨���п飩 */ ucReturn = NAND_WriteToNewBlock(uiPhyPageNo, &_pBuf[i * _SectorSize], usAddrInPage, _SectorSize); if (ucReturn != NAND_OK) { return NAND_FAIL; /* ʧ�� */ } continue; } } else /* Ŀ�������Ѿ������ݣ�����ȫFF, ��ֱ�ӽ�����д������һ�����п� */ { /* ������д�뵽����һ���飨���п飩 */ ucReturn = NAND_WriteToNewBlock(uiPhyPageNo, &_pBuf[i * _SectorSize], usAddrInPage, _SectorSize); if (ucReturn != NAND_OK) { printf_err("Error5: NAND_WriteMultiSectors(), Write Faile\r\n"); return NAND_FAIL; /* ʧ�� */ } continue; } } return NAND_OK; /* �ɹ� */ } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_ReadMultiSectors * ����˵��: �ú��������ļ�ϵͳ�������������ݡ���1������������������С������512�ֽڻ�2048�ֽ� * �� ��: _pBuf : ��Ŷ������ݵĻ�������ָ�� * _SectorNo �������� * _SectorSize ��ÿ�������Ĵ�С * _SectorCount : �������� * �� �� ֵ: ִ�н���� * - NAND_FAIL ��ʾʧ�� * - NAND_OK ��ʾ�ɹ� ********************************************************************************************************* */ uint8_t NAND_ReadMultiSectors(uint8_t *_pBuf, uint32_t _SectorNo, uint16_t _SectorSize, uint32_t _SectorCount) { uint32_t i; uint32_t usLBN; /* ����� */ uint32_t usPBN; /* ������� */ uint32_t uiPhyPageNo; /* ����ҳ�� */ uint16_t usAddrInPage; /* ҳ��ƫ�Ƶ�ַ */ uint32_t ulTemp; /* HY27UF081G2A = 128M Flash. �� 1024��BLOCK, ÿ��BLOCK����64��PAGE�� ÿ��PAGE����2048+64�ֽڣ� ������С��λ��BLOCK�� �����С��λ���ֽڡ� ÿ��PAGE�����Ͽ��Է�Ϊ4��512�ֽ������� */ for (i = 0; i < _SectorCount; i++) { /* �����������ź�������С��������� */ //usLBN = (_SectorNo * _SectorSize) / (NAND_BLOCK_SIZE * NAND_PAGE_SIZE); /* (_SectorNo * _SectorSize) �˻����ܴ���32λ����˻���������д�� */ usLBN = (_SectorNo + i) / (NAND_BLOCK_SIZE * (NAND_PAGE_SIZE / _SectorSize)); usPBN = NAND_LBNtoPBN(usLBN); /* ��ѯLUT������������ */ if (usPBN >= NAND_BLOCK_COUNT) { printf_err("Error: NAND_ReadMultiSectors(), not format, usPBN = %d\r\n", usPBN); /* û�и�ʽ����usPBN = 0xFFFF */ return NAND_FAIL; } ulTemp = ((uint64_t)(_SectorNo + i) * _SectorSize) % (NAND_BLOCK_SIZE * NAND_PAGE_SIZE); uiPhyPageNo = usPBN * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE + ulTemp / NAND_PAGE_SIZE; /* ��������ҳ�� */ usAddrInPage = ulTemp % NAND_PAGE_SIZE; /* ����ҳ��ƫ�Ƶ�ַ */ if (FSMC_NAND_ReadData((uint8_t *)&_pBuf[i * _SectorSize], uiPhyPageNo, usAddrInPage, _SectorSize) == NAND_FAIL) { printf_err("Error: NAND_ReadMultiSectors(), ReadData(page = %d, addr = %d)\r\n", uiPhyPageNo, usAddrInPage); return NAND_FAIL; /* ��NAND Flashʧ�� */ } } /* �ɹ� */ return NAND_OK; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_BuildLUT * ����˵��: ���ڴ��д������������ * �� ��: ZoneNbr ������ * �� �� ֵ: NAND_OK�� �ɹ��� NAND_FAIL��ʧ�� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t NAND_BuildLUT(void) { uint16_t i; uint8_t buf[VALID_SPARE_SIZE]; uint16_t usLBN; /* ����� */ /* */ for (i = 0; i < NAND_BLOCK_COUNT; i++) { s_usLUT[i] = 0xFFFF; /* �����Чֵ�������ؽ�LUT���ж�LUT�Ƿ���� */ } for (i = 0; i < NAND_BLOCK_COUNT; i++) { /* ��ÿ����ĵ�1��PAGE��ƫ�Ƶ�ַΪLBN0_OFFSET������ */ FSMC_NAND_ReadSpare(buf, i * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE, 0, VALID_SPARE_SIZE); /* ����Ǻÿ飬���¼LBN0 LBN1 */ if (buf[BI_OFFSET] == 0xFF) { usLBN = buf[LBN0_OFFSET] + buf[LBN1_OFFSET] * 256; /* �������������� */ if (usLBN < NAND_BLOCK_COUNT) { /* ����Ѿ��Ǽǹ��ˣ����ж�Ϊ�쳣 */ if (s_usLUT[usLBN] != 0xFFFF) { return NAND_FAIL; } s_usLUT[usLBN] = i; /* ����LUT�� */ } } } /* LUT������ϣ�����Ƿ���� */ for (i = 0; i < NAND_BLOCK_COUNT; i++) { if (s_usLUT[i] >= NAND_BLOCK_COUNT) { s_usValidDataBlockCount = i; break; } } if (s_usValidDataBlockCount < 100) { /* ���� ������Ч�����С��100��������û�и�ʽ�� */ return NAND_FAIL; } for (; i < s_usValidDataBlockCount; i++) { if (s_usLUT[i] != 0xFFFF) { return NAND_FAIL; /* ����LUT������Ŵ�����Ծ��������û�и�ʽ�� */ } } /* �ؽ�LUT���� */ return NAND_OK; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_AddrToPhyBlockNo * ����˵��: �ڴ�����ַת��Ϊ������� * �� ��: _ulMemAddr�����ڴ��ַ * �� �� ֵ: ����ҳ�ţ� ����� 0xFFFFFFFF ���ʾ���� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint16_t NAND_AddrToPhyBlockNo(uint32_t _ulMemAddr) { uint16_t usLBN; /* ����� */ uint16_t usPBN; /* ������� */ usLBN = _ulMemAddr / (NAND_BLOCK_SIZE * NAND_PAGE_SIZE); /* ��������� */ /* �������Ŵ�����Ч�����ݿ������̶�����0xFFFF, ���øú����Ĵ���Ӧ�ü������ִ��� */ if (usLBN >= s_usValidDataBlockCount) { return 0xFFFF; } /* ��ѯLUT�������������� */ usPBN = s_usLUT[usLBN]; return usPBN; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_LBNtoPBN * ����˵��: �����ת��Ϊ������� * �� ��: _uiLBN : ����� Logic Block No * �� �� ֵ: ������ţ� ����� 0xFFFFFFFF ���ʾ���� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint16_t NAND_LBNtoPBN(uint32_t _uiLBN) { uint16_t usPBN; /* ������� */ /* �������Ŵ�����Ч�����ݿ������̶�����0xFFFF, ���øú����Ĵ���Ӧ�ü������ִ��� */ if (_uiLBN >= s_usValidDataBlockCount) { return 0xFFFF; } /* ��ѯLUT�������������� */ usPBN = s_usLUT[_uiLBN]; return usPBN; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_FindFreeBlock * ����˵��: �����һ���鿪ʼ������һ�����õĿ顣A18������ͬ * �� ��: _ulSrcPageNo : Դҳ�� * �� �� ֵ: ��ţ������0xFFFF��ʾʧ�� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint16_t NAND_FindFreeBlock (uint32_t _ulSrcPageNo) { uint16_t n; n = NAND_BLOCK_COUNT - 1; if (_ulSrcPageNo & 0x40) /* ��Ҫ������ */ { if ((n & 0x01) == 0) { n--; } } else /* ��Ҫż���� */ { if (n & 0x01) { n--; } } while (1) { if (NAND_IsFreeBlock(n)) /* �ǿ��п� */ { return n; } if (n < 2) { return 0xFFFF; /* û���ҵ����еĿ� */ } n -= 2; } } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_IsBufOk * ����˵��: �ж��ڴ滺�����������Ƿ�ȫ��Ϊָ��ֵ * �� ��: - _pBuf : ���뻺���� * - _ulLen : ���������� * - __ucValue : ������ÿ����Ԫ����ȷ��ֵ * �� �� ֵ: 1 ��ȫ����ȷ�� 0 ������ȷ ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t NAND_IsBufOk(uint8_t *_pBuf, uint32_t _ulLen, uint8_t _ucValue) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < _ulLen; i++) { if (_pBuf[i] != _ucValue) { return 0; } } return 1; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_IsBadBlock * ����˵��: ���ݻ����Ǽ��NAND Flashָ���Ŀ��Ƿ� * �� ��: _ulBlockNo ����� 0 - 1023 ������128M�ֽڣ�2K Page��NAND Flash����1024���飩 * �� �� ֵ: 0 ���ÿ���ã� 1 ���ÿ��ǻ��� ********************************************************************************************************* */ uint8_t NAND_IsBadBlock(uint32_t _ulBlockNo) { uint8_t ucFlag; /* ���NAND Flash����ǰ�Ѿ���עΪ�����ˣ������Ϊ�ǻ��� */ FSMC_NAND_ReadSpare(&ucFlag, _ulBlockNo * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE, BI_OFFSET, 1); if (ucFlag != 0xFF) { return 1; } FSMC_NAND_ReadSpare(&ucFlag, _ulBlockNo * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE + 1, BI_OFFSET, 1); if (ucFlag != 0xFF) { return 1; } return 0; /* �Ǻÿ� */ } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_IsFreeBlock * ����˵��: ���ݻ����Ǻ�USED��־����Ƿ���ÿ� * �� ��: _ulBlockNo ����� 0 - 1023 ������128M�ֽڣ�2K Page��NAND Flash����1024���飩 * �� �� ֵ: 1 ���ÿ���ã� 0 ���ÿ��ǻ��������ռ�� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t NAND_IsFreeBlock(uint32_t _ulBlockNo) { uint8_t ucFlag; /* ���NAND Flash����ǰ�Ѿ���עΪ�����ˣ������Ϊ�ǻ��� */ if (NAND_IsBadBlock(_ulBlockNo)) { return 0; } //FSMC_NAND_ReadPage(&ucFlag, _ulBlockNo * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE, USED_OFFSET, 1); 2014-05-03 bug FSMC_NAND_ReadSpare(&ucFlag, _ulBlockNo * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE, USED_OFFSET, 1); if (ucFlag == 0xFF) { return 1; } return 0; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_ScanBlock * ����˵��: ɨ�����NAND Flashָ���Ŀ� * ��ɨ������㷨�� * 1) ��1���飨�������������ͱ����������������������Ƿ�ȫ0xFF, ��ȷ�Ļ��������ԸĿ飬����ÿ� �ǻ���,�������� * 2) ��ǰ��д��ȫ 0x00��Ȼ���ȡ��⣬��ȷ�Ļ��������ԸĿ飬�����˳� * 3) �ظ��ڣ�2���������ѭ��������50�ζ�û�з���������ô�ÿ�����,�������أ�����ÿ��ǻ��飬 * �������� * ��ע�⡿ * 1) �ú���������Ϻ�ɾ�������������ݣ�����Ϊȫ0xFF; * 2) �ú������˲������������⣬Ҳ�Ա������������в��ԡ� * 3) ��д����ѭ���������Ժ�ָ����#define BAD_BALOK_TEST_CYCLE 50 * �� ��: _ulPageNo ��ҳ�� 0 - 65535 ������128M�ֽڣ�2K Page��NAND Flash����1024���飩 * �� �� ֵ: NAND_OK ���ÿ���ã� NAND_FAIL ���ÿ��ǻ��� ********************************************************************************************************* */ uint8_t NAND_ScanBlock(uint32_t _ulBlockNo) { uint32_t i, k; uint32_t ulPageNo; #if 0 /* ���NAND Flash����ǰ�Ѿ���עΪ�����ˣ������Ϊ�ǻ��� */ if (NAND_IsBadBlock(_ulBlockNo)) { return NAND_FAIL; } #endif /* ����Ĵ��뽫ͨ��������������̵ķ�ʽ������NAND Flashÿ����Ŀɿ��� */ memset(s_ucTempBuf, 0x00, NAND_PAGE_TOTAL_SIZE); for (i = 0; i < BAD_BALOK_TEST_CYCLE; i++) { /* ��1������������� */ if (FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock(_ulBlockNo) != NAND_READY) { return NAND_FAIL; } /* ��2������������ÿ��page�����ݣ����ж��Ƿ�ȫ0xFF */ ulPageNo = _ulBlockNo * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; /* ����ÿ��1��ҳ��ҳ�� */ for (k = 0; k < NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; k++) { /* ������ҳ���� */ FSMC_NAND_ReadPage(s_ucTempBuf, ulPageNo, 0, NAND_PAGE_TOTAL_SIZE); /* �жϴ洢��Ԫ�Dz���ȫ0xFF */ if (NAND_IsBufOk(s_ucTempBuf, NAND_PAGE_TOTAL_SIZE, 0xFF) == 0) { return NAND_FAIL; } ulPageNo++; /* ����д��һ��ҳ */ } /* ��2����дȫ0���������ж��Ƿ�ȫ0 */ ulPageNo = _ulBlockNo * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; /* ����ÿ��1��ҳ��ҳ�� */ for (k = 0; k < NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; k++) { /* ���buf[]������Ϊȫ0,��д��NAND Flash */ memset(s_ucTempBuf, 0x00, NAND_PAGE_TOTAL_SIZE); if (FSMC_NAND_WritePage(s_ucTempBuf, ulPageNo, 0, NAND_PAGE_TOTAL_SIZE) != NAND_OK) { return NAND_FAIL; } /* ������ҳ����, �жϴ洢��Ԫ�Dz���ȫ0x00 */ FSMC_NAND_ReadPage(s_ucTempBuf, ulPageNo, 0, NAND_PAGE_TOTAL_SIZE); if (NAND_IsBufOk(s_ucTempBuf, NAND_PAGE_TOTAL_SIZE, 0x00) == 0) { return NAND_FAIL; } ulPageNo++; /* ����һ��ҳ */ } } /* ���һ�������������� */ if (FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock(_ulBlockNo) != NAND_READY) { return NAND_FAIL; } ulPageNo = _ulBlockNo * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; /* ����ÿ��1��ҳ��ҳ�� */ for (k = 0; k < NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; k++) { /* ������ҳ���� */ FSMC_NAND_ReadPage(s_ucTempBuf, ulPageNo, 0, NAND_PAGE_TOTAL_SIZE); /* �жϴ洢��Ԫ�Dz���ȫ0xFF */ if (NAND_IsBufOk(s_ucTempBuf, NAND_PAGE_TOTAL_SIZE, 0xFF) == 0) { return NAND_FAIL; } ulPageNo++; /* ����д��һ��ҳ */ } return NAND_OK; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_MarkUsedBlock * ����˵��: ���NAND Flashָ���Ŀ�Ϊ���ÿ� * �� ��: _ulBlockNo ����� 0 - 1023 ������128M�ֽڣ�2K Page��NAND Flash����1024���飩 * �� �� ֵ: NAND_OK:��dzɹ��� NAND_FAIL�����ʧ�ܣ��ϼ�����Ӧ�ý��л��鴦���� ********************************************************************************************************* */ static uint8_t NAND_MarkUsedBlock(uint32_t _ulBlockNo) { uint32_t ulPageNo; uint8_t ucFlag; /* �����ĵ�1��ҳ�� */ ulPageNo = _ulBlockNo * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; /* ����ÿ��1��ҳ��ҳ�� */ /* ���ڵ�1��page�������ĵ�USED_OFFSET���ֽ�д���0xFF���ݱ�ʾ���ÿ� */ ucFlag = NAND_USED_BLOCK_FLAG; if (FSMC_NAND_WriteSpare(&ucFlag, ulPageNo, USED_OFFSET, 1) == NAND_FAIL) { /* ������ʧ�ܣ�����Ҫ��ע�����Ϊ���� */ return NAND_FAIL; } return NAND_OK; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_MarkBadBlock * ����˵��: ���NAND Flashָ���Ŀ�Ϊ���� * �� ��: _ulBlockNo ����� 0 - 1023 ������128M�ֽڣ�2K Page��NAND Flash����1024���飩 * �� �� ֵ: �̶�NAND_OK ********************************************************************************************************* */ void NAND_MarkBadBlock(uint32_t _ulBlockNo) { uint32_t ulPageNo; uint8_t ucFlag; printf_err("NAND_MarkBadBlock(%d)\r\n", _ulBlockNo); /* �����ĵ�1��ҳ�� */ ulPageNo = _ulBlockNo * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; /* ����ÿ��1��ҳ��ҳ�� */ /* ���ڵ�1��page�������ĵ�BI_OFFSET���ֽ�д���0xFF���ݱ�ʾ���� */ ucFlag = NAND_BAD_BLOCK_FLAG; if (FSMC_NAND_WriteSpare(&ucFlag, ulPageNo, BI_OFFSET, 1) == NAND_FAIL) { /* �����1��ҳ���ʧ�ܣ����ڵ�2��ҳ��� */ FSMC_NAND_WriteSpare(&ucFlag, ulPageNo + 1, BI_OFFSET, 1); } } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_ScanAllBadBlock * ����˵��: ɨ��������е�BLOCK, ����ǻ��飬���������� * �� ��: _ulBlockNo ����� 0 - 1023 ������128M�ֽڣ�2K Page��NAND Flash����1024���飩 * �� �� ֵ: �̶�NAND_OK ********************************************************************************************************* */ void NAND_ScanAllBadBlock(void) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < NAND_BLOCK_COUNT; i++) { if (NAND_ScanBlock(i) == NAND_OK) { printf("Scan Block %d (%d%%), Ok\r\n", i, i * 100 / NAND_BLOCK_COUNT); } else { printf("Scan Block %d (%d%%), Err\r\n", i, i * 100 / NAND_BLOCK_COUNT); NAND_MarkBadBlock(i); } } } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_Format * ����˵��: NAND Flash��ʽ�����������е����ݣ��ؽ�LUT * �� ��: �� * �� �� ֵ: NAND_OK : �ɹ��� NAND_Fail ��ʧ�ܣ�һ���ǻ����������ർ�£� ********************************************************************************************************* */ uint8_t NAND_Format(void) { uint16_t i, n; uint16_t usGoodBlockCount; /* ����ÿ���� */ usGoodBlockCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < NAND_BLOCK_COUNT; i++) { FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock(i); /* ����Ǻÿ飬����� */ if (!NAND_IsBadBlock(i)) { FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock(i); usGoodBlockCount++; } } /* ����ÿ����������100����NAND Flash���� */ if (usGoodBlockCount < 100) { return NAND_FAIL; } usGoodBlockCount = (usGoodBlockCount * 98) / 100; /* 98%�ĺÿ����ڴ洢���� */ /* ��������һ�� */ n = 0; /* ͳ���ѱ�ע�ĺÿ� */ for (i = 0; i < NAND_BLOCK_COUNT; i++) { if (!NAND_IsBadBlock(i)) { /* ����Ǻÿ飬���ڸÿ�ĵ�1��PAGE��LBN0 LBN1��д��nֵ (ǰ���Ѿ�ִ���˿������ */ if (FSMC_NAND_WriteSpare((uint8_t *)&n, i * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE, LBN0_OFFSET, 2) != NAND_OK) { return NAND_FAIL; } n++; /* ���㲢д��ÿ��������ECCֵ ����ʱδ����*/ if (n == usGoodBlockCount) { break; } } } NAND_BuildLUT(); /* ��ʼ��LUT�� */ return NAND_OK; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_FormatCapacity * ����˵��: NAND Flash��ʽ�������Ч����. (���֧��4G) * �� ��: �� * �� �� ֵ: NAND_OK : �ɹ��� NAND_Fail ��ʧ�ܣ�һ���ǻ����������ർ�£� ********************************************************************************************************* */ uint32_t NAND_FormatCapacity(void) { uint16_t usCount; /* �������ڴ洢���ݵ����ݿ��������������Ч������98%������ */ usCount = (s_usValidDataBlockCount * DATA_BLOCK_PERCENT) / 100; return (usCount * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE * NAND_PAGE_SIZE); } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_DispBadBlockInfo * ����˵��: ͨ�����ڴ�ӡ��NAND Flash�Ļ�����Ϣ * �� ��: �� * �� �� ֵ: �� ********************************************************************************************************* */ void NAND_DispBadBlockInfo(void) { uint32_t id; uint32_t i; uint32_t n; uint32_t used = 0; uint16_t bad_no[128]; FSMC_NAND_Init(); /* ��ʼ��FSMC */ id = NAND_ReadID(); printf("NAND Flash ID = 0x%04X, Type = ", id); if (id == HY27UF081G2A) { printf("HY27UF081G2A\r\n 1024 Blocks, 64 pages per block, 2048 + 64 bytes per page\r\n"); } else if (id == K9F1G08U0A) { printf("K9F1G08U0A\r\n 1024 Blocks, 64 pages per block, 2048 + 64 bytes per page\r\n"); } else if (id == K9F1G08U0B) { printf("K9F1G08U0B\r\n 1024 Blocks, 64 pages per block, 2048 + 64 bytes per page\r\n"); } else if (id == H27U4G8F2DTR) { printf("H27U4G8F2DTR\r\n 4096 Blocks, 64 pages per block, 2048 + 64 bytes per page\r\n"); } else if (id == H27U1G8F2BTR) { printf("H27U1G8F2BTR\r\n 1024 Blocks, 64 pages per block, 2048 + 64 bytes per page\r\n"); } else { printf("unkonow\r\n"); return; } FSMC_NAND_Reset(); printf("Block Info : 0 is OK, * is Bad, - is Used\r\n"); n = 0; /* ����ͳ�� */ used = 0; /* ���ÿ�ͳ�� */ for (i = 0; i < NAND_BLOCK_COUNT; i++) { if (NAND_IsBadBlock(i)) { if (n < sizeof(bad_no) / 2) { bad_no[n] = i; /* ��¼����� */ } printf("*"); n++; } else { if (NAND_IsFreeBlock(i)) { printf("0"); } else { printf("-"); /* ���ÿ� */ used++; } } if (((i + 1) % 8) == 0) { printf(" "); } if (((i + 1) % 64) == 0) { printf("\r\n"); } } if (id == H27U4G8F2DTR) { printf("Bad Block Count = %d ( < 80 is OK), Used = %d \r\n", n, used); } else { printf("Bad Block Count = %d\r\n", n); } /* ��ӡ������� */ if (n > 0) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("%4d ", bad_no[i]); } printf("\r\n\r\n"); } } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_GetBlockInfo * ����˵��: ���NAND ���顢���ÿ���Ϣ * �� ��: �� * �� �� ֵ: 1 ��ʾ�ɹ�ʶ�� 0 ��ʾʶ��ʧ�� ********************************************************************************************************* */ uint8_t NAND_GetBlockInfo(NAND_BLOCK_INFO_T *_pInfo) { uint32_t id; uint32_t i; uint32_t n; uint32_t used = 0; uint32_t free = 0; FSMC_NAND_Init(); /* ��ʼ��FSMC */ id = NAND_ReadID(); _pInfo->ChipID = id; if (id == HY27UF081G2A) { _pInfo->ChipID = HY27UF081G2A; strcpy(_pInfo->ChipName, "HY27UF081G2A"); } else if (id == K9F1G08U0A) { _pInfo->ChipID = K9F1G08U0A; strcpy(_pInfo->ChipName, "K9F1G08U0A"); } else if (id == K9F1G08U0B) { _pInfo->ChipID = K9F1G08U0B; strcpy(_pInfo->ChipName, "K9F1G08U0B"); } else if (id == H27U4G8F2DTR) { _pInfo->ChipID = H27U4G8F2DTR; strcpy(_pInfo->ChipName, "H27U4G8F2DTR"); } else if (id == H27U1G8F2BTR) { _pInfo->ChipID = H27U1G8F2BTR; strcpy(_pInfo->ChipName, "H27U1G8F2BTR"); } else { return 0; } FSMC_NAND_Reset(); n = 0; /* ����ͳ�� */ used = 0; /* ���ÿ�ͳ�� */ free = 0; /* δ�õĺÿ� */ for (i = 0; i < NAND_BLOCK_COUNT; i++) { if (NAND_IsBadBlock(i)) { n++; /* ��¼���� */ } else { if (NAND_IsFreeBlock(i)) { free++; } else { used++; /* ���ÿ� */ } } } _pInfo->Bad = n; _pInfo->Used = used; _pInfo->Free = free; return 1; } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_DispPhyPageData * ����˵��: ͨ�����ڴ�ӡ��ָ��ҳ�����ݣ�2048+64�� * �� ��: _uiPhyPageNo �� ����ҳ�� * �� �� ֵ: �� ********************************************************************************************************* */ void NAND_DispPhyPageData(uint32_t _uiPhyPageNo) { uint32_t i, n; uint32_t ulBlockNo; uint16_t usOffsetPageNo; ulBlockNo = _uiPhyPageNo / NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; /* ��������ҳ�ŷ��ƿ�� */ usOffsetPageNo = _uiPhyPageNo % NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; /* ��������ҳ�ż�������ҳ���ڿ���ƫ��ҳ�� */ if (NAND_OK != FSMC_NAND_ReadPage(s_ucTempBuf, _uiPhyPageNo, 0, NAND_PAGE_TOTAL_SIZE)) { printf("FSMC_NAND_ReadPage Failed() \r\n"); return; } printf("Block = %d, Page = %d\r\n", ulBlockNo, usOffsetPageNo); /* ��ӡǰ�� 2048�ֽ����ݣ�ÿ512�ֽڿ�һ�� */ for (n = 0; n < 4; n++) { for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) { printf(" %02X", s_ucTempBuf[i + n * 512]); if ((i & 31) == 31) { printf("\r\n"); /* ÿ����ʾ32�ֽ����� */ } else if ((i & 31) == 15) { printf(" - "); } } printf("\r\n"); } /* ��ӡǰ�� 2048�ֽ����ݣ�ÿ512�ֽڿ�һ�� */ for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { printf(" %02X", s_ucTempBuf[i + 2048]); if ((i & 15) == 15) { printf("\r\n"); /* ÿ����ʾ32�ֽ����� */ } } } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_DispLogicPageData * ����˵��: ͨ�����ڴ�ӡ��ָ��ҳ�����ݣ�2048+64�� * �� ��: _uiLogicPageNo �� ��ҳ�� * �� �� ֵ: �� ********************************************************************************************************* */ void NAND_DispLogicPageData(uint32_t _uiLogicPageNo) { uint32_t uiPhyPageNo; uint16_t usLBN; /* ����� */ uint16_t usPBN; /* ������� */ usLBN = _uiLogicPageNo / NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; usPBN = NAND_LBNtoPBN(usLBN); /* ��ѯLUT������������ */ if (usPBN >= NAND_BLOCK_COUNT) { /* û�и�ʽ����usPBN = 0xFFFF */ return; } printf("LogicBlock = %d, PhyBlock = %d\r\n", _uiLogicPageNo, usPBN); /* ��������ҳ�� */ uiPhyPageNo = usPBN * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE + _uiLogicPageNo % NAND_BLOCK_SIZE; NAND_DispPhyPageData(uiPhyPageNo); /* ��ʾָ��ҳ���� */ } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_ReadONFI * ����˵��: ��NAND Flash��ONFI��Ϣ, ��� H27U4G8F2DTR * �� ��: _pBuf ��Ž���Ļ�����, ��С4�ֽڡ�Ӧ�ù̶����� "ONFI" �ַ��� * �� �� ֵ: �� ********************************************************************************************************* */ void NAND_ReadONFI(uint8_t *_pBuf) { uint16_t i; /* �������� Command to the command area */ NAND_CMD_AREA = 0x90; NAND_ADDR_AREA = 0x20; /* �����ݵ�������pBuffer */ for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { _pBuf[i] = NAND_DATA_AREA; } } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_ReadParamPage * ����˵��: Read Parameter Page, ��� H27U4G8F2DTR * �� ��: _pData ��Ž���Ļ������� * �� �� ֵ: �� ********************************************************************************************************* */ void NAND_ReadParamPage(PARAM_PAGE_T *_pData) { uint16_t i; uint8_t *_pBuf = (uint8_t *)_pData; /* �������� Command to the command area */ NAND_CMD_AREA = 0xEC; NAND_ADDR_AREA = 0x00; /* ����ȴ���������������쳣, �˴�Ӧ���жϳ�ʱ */ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++); while( GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_6) == 0); /* �����ݵ�������pBuffer */ for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { _pBuf[i] = NAND_DATA_AREA; } } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * �� �� ��: NAND_DispParamPage * ����˵��: ͨ�����ڴ�ӡ Parameter Page Data Structure Definition (����ҳ���ݽṹ) ��� H27U4G8F2DTR * �� ��: �� * �� �� ֵ: �� ********************************************************************************************************* */ void NAND_DispParamPage(void) { PARAM_PAGE_T tPage; char buf[32]; FSMC_NAND_Reset(); NAND_ReadParamPage(&tPage); #if 0 uint8_t Sign[4]; /* = "ONFI" */ uint16_t Revision; /* Bit1 = 1 ��ʾ֧�� ONFI Ver 1.0 */ uint16_t Features; /* */ uint16_t OptionalCommands; #endif printf("\r\n"); printf("Read Parameter Page Data :\r\n"); printf("Sign = %c%c%c%c\r\n", tPage.Sign[0], tPage.Sign[1], tPage.Sign[2], tPage.Sign[3]); printf("Revision = %04X\r\n", tPage.Revision); printf("Features = %04X\r\n", tPage.Features); printf("OptionalCommands = %04X\r\n", tPage.OptionalCommands); /* Manufacturer information block */ memcpy(buf, tPage.Manufacturer, 12); buf[12] = 0; printf("Manufacturer = %s\r\n", buf); /* ������ */ memcpy(buf, tPage.Model, 20); buf[20] = 0; printf("Model = %s\r\n", buf); /* �ͺ� */ printf("JEDEC_ID = %02X\r\n", tPage.JEDEC_ID); /* AD */ printf("DateCode = %04X\r\n", tPage.DateCode); #if 0 /* Memory organization block */ uint32_t PageDataSize; uint16_t PageSpareSize; uint32_t PartialPageDataSize; uint16_t PartialPageSpareSize; uint32_t BlockSize; uint32_t LogicalUnitSize; uint8_t LogicalUnitNumber; uint8_t AddressCycles; uint8_t CellBits; uint16_t BadBlockMax; uint16_t BlockEndurance; uint8_t ValidBlocksBegin; /* ��ǰ�汣֤��Ч�Ŀ���� */ uint16_t BlockEndurance2; /* Block endurance for guaranteed valid blocks */ uint8_t ProgramsPerPage; /* Number of programs per page */ uint8_t PartialProgram; uint8_t ECCcorrectBits; uint8_t InterleavedAddrBits; /* �����ĵ�ַλ */ uint8_t InterleavedOperaton; uint8_t Rsv3[13]; #endif printf("\r\n"); } /***************************** ���������� www.armfly.com (END OF FILE) *********************************/