/** ****************************************************************************** * @file cs43l22.h * @author MCD Application Team * @version V2.0.2 * @date 06-October-2015 * @brief This file contains all the functions prototypes for the cs43l22.c driver. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * *

© COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics

* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __CS43L22_H #define __CS43L22_H /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "../Common/audio.h" /** @addtogroup BSP * @{ */ /** @addtogroup Component * @{ */ /** @addtogroup CS43L22 * @{ */ /** @defgroup CS43L22_Exported_Types * @{ */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CS43L22_Exported_Constants * @{ */ /******************************************************************************/ /*************************** Codec User defines ******************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /* Codec output DEVICE */ #define OUTPUT_DEVICE_SPEAKER 1 #define OUTPUT_DEVICE_HEADPHONE 2 #define OUTPUT_DEVICE_BOTH 3 #define OUTPUT_DEVICE_AUTO 4 /* Volume Levels values */ #define DEFAULT_VOLMIN 0x00 #define DEFAULT_VOLMAX 0xFF #define DEFAULT_VOLSTEP 0x04 #define AUDIO_PAUSE 0 #define AUDIO_RESUME 1 /* Codec POWER DOWN modes */ #define CODEC_PDWN_HW 1 #define CODEC_PDWN_SW 2 /* MUTE commands */ #define AUDIO_MUTE_ON 1 #define AUDIO_MUTE_OFF 0 /* AUDIO FREQUENCY */ #define AUDIO_FREQUENCY_192K ((uint32_t)192000) #define AUDIO_FREQUENCY_96K ((uint32_t)96000) #define AUDIO_FREQUENCY_48K ((uint32_t)48000) #define AUDIO_FREQUENCY_44K ((uint32_t)44100) #define AUDIO_FREQUENCY_32K ((uint32_t)32000) #define AUDIO_FREQUENCY_22K ((uint32_t)22050) #define AUDIO_FREQUENCY_16K ((uint32_t)16000) #define AUDIO_FREQUENCY_11K ((uint32_t)11025) #define AUDIO_FREQUENCY_8K ((uint32_t)8000) /** CS43l22 Registers ***/ #define CS43L22_REG_ID 0x01 #define CS43L22_REG_POWER_CTL1 0x02 #define CS43L22_REG_POWER_CTL2 0x04 #define CS43L22_REG_CLOCKING_CTL 0x05 #define CS43L22_REG_INTERFACE_CTL1 0x06 #define CS43L22_REG_INTERFACE_CTL2 0x07 #define CS43L22_REG_PASSTHR_A_SELECT 0x08 #define CS43L22_REG_PASSTHR_B_SELECT 0x09 #define CS43L22_REG_ANALOG_ZC_SR_SETT 0x0A #define CS43L22_REG_PASSTHR_GANG_CTL 0x0C #define CS43L22_REG_PLAYBACK_CTL1 0x0D #define CS43L22_REG_MISC_CTL 0x0E #define CS43L22_REG_PLAYBACK_CTL2 0x0F #define CS43L22_REG_PASSTHR_A_VOL 0x14 #define CS43L22_REG_PASSTHR_B_VOL 0x15 #define CS43L22_REG_PCMA_VOL 0x1A #define CS43L22_REG_PCMB_VOL 0x1B #define CS43L22_REG_BEEP_FREQ_ON_TIME 0x1C #define CS43L22_REG_BEEP_VOL_OFF_TIME 0x1D #define CS43L22_REG_BEEP_TONE_CFG 0x1E #define CS43L22_REG_TONE_CTL 0x1F #define CS43L22_REG_MASTER_A_VOL 0x20 #define CS43L22_REG_MASTER_B_VOL 0x21 #define CS43L22_REG_HEADPHONE_A_VOL 0x22 #define CS43L22_REG_HEADPHONE_B_VOL 0x23 #define CS43L22_REG_SPEAKER_A_VOL 0x24 #define CS43L22_REG_SPEAKER_B_VOL 0x25 #define CS43L22_REG_CH_MIXER_SWAP 0x26 #define CS43L22_REG_LIMIT_CTL1 0x27 #define CS43L22_REG_LIMIT_CTL2 0x28 #define CS43L22_REG_LIMIT_ATTACK_RATE 0x29 #define CS43L22_REG_OVF_CLK_STATUS 0x2E #define CS43L22_REG_BATT_COMPENSATION 0x2F #define CS43L22_REG_VP_BATTERY_LEVEL 0x30 #define CS43L22_REG_SPEAKER_STATUS 0x31 #define CS43L22_REG_TEMPMONITOR_CTL 0x32 #define CS43L22_REG_THERMAL_FOLDBACK 0x33 #define CS43L22_REG_CHARGE_PUMP_FREQ 0x34 /******************************************************************************/ /****************************** REGISTER MAPPING ******************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /** * @brief CS43L22 ID */ #define CS43L22_ID 0xE0 #define CS43L22_ID_MASK 0xF8 /** * @brief Chip ID Register: Chip I.D. and Revision Register * Read only register * Default value: 0x01 * [7:3] CHIPID[4:0]: I.D. code for the CS43L22. * Default value: 11100b * [2:0] REVID[2:0]: CS43L22 revision level. * Default value: * 000 - Rev A0 * 001 - Rev A1 * 010 - Rev B0 * 011 - Rev B1 */ #define CS43L22_CHIPID_ADDR 0x01 /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CS43L22_Exported_Macros * @{ */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CS43L22_Exported_Functions * @{ */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Audio Codec functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* High Layer codec functions */ uint32_t cs43l22_Init(uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint16_t OutputDevice, uint8_t Volume, uint32_t AudioFreq); void cs43l22_DeInit(void); uint32_t cs43l22_ReadID(uint16_t DeviceAddr); uint32_t cs43l22_Play(uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint16_t* pBuffer, uint16_t Size); uint32_t cs43l22_Pause(uint16_t DeviceAddr); uint32_t cs43l22_Resume(uint16_t DeviceAddr); uint32_t cs43l22_Stop(uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t Cmd); uint32_t cs43l22_SetVolume(uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t Volume); uint32_t cs43l22_SetFrequency(uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t AudioFreq); uint32_t cs43l22_SetMute(uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t Cmd); uint32_t cs43l22_SetOutputMode(uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t Output); uint32_t cs43l22_Reset(uint16_t DeviceAddr); /* AUDIO IO functions */ void AUDIO_IO_Init(void); void AUDIO_IO_DeInit(void); void AUDIO_IO_Write(uint8_t Addr, uint8_t Reg, uint8_t Value); uint8_t AUDIO_IO_Read(uint8_t Addr, uint8_t Reg); /* Audio driver structure */ extern AUDIO_DrvTypeDef cs43l22_drv; #endif /* __CS43L22_H */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/